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Dr. S. (Sruti) Bala

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Fotograaf: Christiaan Krop

  • Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16-18
  • Postbus 93065
    1090 BB Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Sruti Bala is Associate Professor at the Dept. of Theatre Studies of the University of Amsterdam, where she currently co-ordinates the MA Theatre Studies programme. She is affiliated to the  Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis and is a member of the ASCA advisory board.

    Sruti's research interests are at the intersections of performance and politics, which has taken shape in specific research projects on nonviolent protest, participatory art, artistic activism, feminist and postcolonial/decolonial theories and translation.

    She is an active member of the collectives International Solidarity for Academic Freedom in India (InSAF India) and Amsterdam-based Other Indias.

    Sruti studies Indian percussion (Tabla) with Niti Ranjan Biswas.

  • News

    New publication

    Handbook of Gender Studies in the Dutch Caribbean (co-edited with Rose Mary Allen), Brill Publishers, 2024

    Rose Mary Allen and Sruti Bala, 'Editors' introduction' (open access)  


    Teach-in series Israel/Palestine


    Palestinian Performing Arts and Cultural Resistance

    03 May 2024, 16:00-18:00 hrs, University Theatre, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16, 1012 CP Amsterdam 

    Speakers: Alaa Shehadeh (Palestine Comedy Club), Huda Odeh (Cultural policy professional), Jackie Lubeck and Jan Willems (Theatre Day Productions, Gaza)

    Moderators: Nan van Houte and Sruti Bala


    Waste Siege and Material Practices of Resistance

    07 May 2024, 17:00-20:00hrs, workshop (online)

    Led by Sakeb (Mariam Saleh and Raghad Saqfalhait) and Sophia Stamatopoulou-Robbins (Associate Professor of Anthropology, Bard College)

    17 May, 16.00 - 18.00, public lecture (online)

    Speakers: Sakeb (Mariam Saleh and Raghad Saqfalhait); Sophia Stamatopoulou-Robbins (Associate Professor of Anthropology, Bard College). Moderator: A. George Bajalia (Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Wesleyan University).

    Register via https://tinyurl.com/mpjacmbx)

    Water Justice in Palestine

    31 May 2024, 13.30 - 15.30, REC A.207 (Roeterseiland Amsterdam)

    Speakers: Muna Dajani (London School of Economics), Lamis Q'demat (Climate and Water Diplomacy professional), Michelle Rudolph (ISS/EUR, The Hague)

    Moderator: Margreet van Zwarteveen (UvA/IHE Delft)


  • Teaching

    Courses taught in 2023-24

    Key Concepts and Methodologies in Theatre and Performance Studies (MA)

    Culture Wars: Introducing Culture and Social Justice (BA)

  • PhD supervisions

    Current PhD supervisions

    Florence Evans: Art, Activism, and Memory in Buenos Aires, 1995-2003 (co-promoter: Dr. Boris Noordenbos)

    Emily Shin-Jie Lee: Artist-in-Residencies: Dwelling Spaces of Art and Politics (promoter: Prof. Dr. Margriet Schavemaker)

    Ariane Gros: From the 19th Century August to the Contemporary Joker: The Cultural Figure of the Clown and its Political Significance in Arts, Media and Public Space(s) (co-promoters: Prof. Dr. Peter Marx and Prof. Dr. Stephen Packard, University of Cologne)

    Julia Mullié: at this moment stanley brouwn is at the distance of x feet from this point (promoter: Prof. Dr. Margriet Schavemaker)

  • Publicaties


    • Bala, S. (2023). Das Theater verlassen auf der Suche nach dem Theater. In M. M. Castro Varela, & L. Haghighat (Eds.), Double Bind postkolonial : Kritische Perspektiven auf Kunst und Kulturelle Bildung (pp. 247-266). (Postcolonial Studies; Vol. 38). transcript. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783839449868-013 [details]
    • Bala, S. (2023). The thorny entanglements of theater and colonial historiography in the Netherlands: Anti-colonial critique and imperial nostalgia in J. Slauerhoff’s play 'Jan Pieterszoon Coen' (1931). In E. Fischer-Lichte, M. Sugiera, T. Jost, H. Hartung, & O. Sultani (Eds.), Entangled Performance Histories: New Approaches to Theater Historiography (pp. 145-164). (Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies). Routledge. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003353461 [details]


    • Bala, S. (2021). Interruption and Interpellation: Leaving the Theater in Search of the Theater. In S. Rai, M. Gluhovic, S. Jestrovic, & M. Saward (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Performance and Politics (pp. 455–470). (Oxford Handbooks). Oxford University Press. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190863456.013.51 [details]


    • Bala, S. (2020). Necessary misapplications: the work of translation in performance in an era of global asymmetries. South African Theatre Journal, 33(1), 5-13. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/10137548.2020.1760126 [details]
    • Bala, S. (2020). Theatre and the risk of fire. Biblioteca Teatrale, 133, 99-111. [details]
    • Bala, S. (2020). ‘Een kolonie moeten wij planten’: Over Jan Pietersz. Coen (1931) van J. Slauerhoff. In R. van der Zalm, A. Krans, B. Ramakers, & V. Zangl (Eds.), In Reprise: Tweeëntwintig Nederlandse en Vlaamse toneelstukken om opnieuw te bekijken (pp. 63-75). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Reznek, J., & Bala, S. (2020). ‘And while I am falling, I listen’: on translation processes in I turned away and she was gone (2014) Jennie Reznek in conversation with Sruti Bala. South African Theatre Journal, 33(1), 52-66. https://doi.org/10.1080/10137548.2020.1754896 [details]



    • Bala, S. (2018). The Gestures of Participatory Art. Manchester University Press. [details]


    • Bala, S. (2017). Decolonising Theatre and Performance Studies: Tales from the classroom. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 20(3), 333-345. https://doi.org/10.5117/TVGN2017.3.BALA [details]
    • Bala, S. (2017). Scattered Speculations on the 'Internationalization' of Performance Research. In S. Bala, M. Gluhovic, H. Korsberg, & K. Röttger (Eds.), International Performance Research Pedagogies: Towards an Unconditional Discipline? (pp. 55-65). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-53943-0_4 [details]
    • Bala, S. (2017). The Art of Unsolicited Participation. In T. Fisher, & E. Katsouraki (Eds.), Performing Antagonism: Theatre, Performance & Radical Democracy (pp. 273-287). (Performance Philosophy). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/978-1-349-95100-0_14 [details]
    • Bala, S., Korsberg, H., Gluhovic, M., & Röttger, K. E. (2017). International Performance Research Pedagogies: Towards an Unconditional Discipline? In S. Bala, M. Gluhovic, H. Korsberg, & K. Röttger (Eds.), International Performance Research Pedagogies: Towards an Unconditional Discipline? (pp. 1-19). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-53943-0_1 [details]
    • Lakshmi, C. S., & Bala, S. (2017). No more sewing machines! The challenge of a women's archive in India. In N. Willems, S. Holla, E. Buchheim, S. Bultman, M. Groot, E. Walhout, & I. de Zwarte (Eds.), Gender and archiving: Past, present, future (pp. 103-106). (Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis; Vol. 37). Verloren. [details]


    • Bala, S. (2016). Applied Theatre und die Frage der Institutionskritik. In M. Warstat, F. Evers, K. Flade, F. Lempa, & L. Seuberling (Eds.), Applied Theatre: Rahmen und Positionen (pp. 274-288). (Recherchen; Vol. 129). Theater der Zeit. [details]





    • Bala, S. (2012). Performance anxieties in Elfriede Jelinek’s online private novel, 'Envy'. In K. Röttger, E. Buchheim, M. Groot, E. Jonker, A. Müller-Schirmer, M. de Vos, E. Walhout, & H. van der Zande (Eds.), Gender & performance (pp. 31-44). (Jaarboek voor Vrouwengeschiedenis; No. 32). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Bala, S. (2012). Vectors of participation in contemporary theatre and performance. Theatre Research International, 37(3), 236-248. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0307883312000892 [details]


    • Bala, S. (2011). 'Unsere Waffe ist die Beharrlichkeit': Auftreten, Konzept und Aktivitäten der gewaltfreien paschtunischen Armee der Khudai Khidmatgar (1929-1948). In R. Steinweg, & U. Laubenthal (Eds.), Gewaltfreie Aktion: Erfahrungen und Analysen (pp. 119-125). Brandes & Apsel. [details]



    • Bala, S. (2007). Embodying autonomy: Gandhi's fasts as a form of nonviolent protest. In F. E. Boucher, S. David, & J. Przychodzen (Eds.), La paix: esthétique d'une éthique (pp. 37-50). Peter Lang. [details]




    • Bala, S. (2023). Can translation do justice? In A. Ganguly, & K. Gotman (Eds.), Performance and Translation in a Global Age (pp. 244-247). (Theatre and Performance Theory). Cambridge University Press. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781009296786.015 [details]


    • Bala, S. (2022). Dekolonisierung der Theaterwissenschaft und Performance Studies: Geschichten aus dem Seminarraum. In A. Sharifi, & L. Skwirblies (Eds.), Theaterwissenschaft (post)kolonial, Theaterwissenschaft dekolonial : Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme (pp. 61-76). (Theater; Vol. 142). Transcript . https://doi.org/10.1515/9783839455531-004 [details]




    • Bala, S. (2015). Rashomon: Diversifying Perspectives on Spectatorship in the Theatre of the Oppressed. Zbornik radova Fakulteta Dramskih Umetnosti, 27, 31-42. [details]
    • Bala, S., & Zangl, V. (2015). Humor's Opponents: Artistic Activism and the Ludic Aesthetic. In P. Weibel (Ed.), Global activism: art and conflict in the 21st century (pp. 449-454). MIT Press. [details]
    • Tellis, A., & Bala, S. (Eds.) (2015). The Global Trajectories of Queerness: Re-thinking Same-Sex Politics in the Global South . (Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race; Vol. 30). Brill Rodopi. https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004217942 [details]
    • Zangl, V. (Guest ed.), & Bala, S. (Guest ed.) (2015). Special issue on humour in art and activism. European Journal of Humour Research, 3(2/3), 1-169. https://europeanjournalofhumour.org/index.php/ejhr/issue/view/11/showToc


    • Bala, S. (2014). Losse speculaties over de internationalisering van performance onderzoek. In S. Alting van Geusau, P. Eversmann, & R. van der Zalm (Eds.), Theaterwetenschap aan de Amstel: vijftig jaar onderzoek en onderwijs aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (pp. 121-135). Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Bala, S. (2012). De-stultifying spectatorship in the theatre of the oppressed. In A. Klöck (Ed.), The politics of being on stage (pp. 229-246). (Schriften / Hochschule für Musik und Theater "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" Leipzig; No. 4). Olms. [details]


    • Bala, S. (2009). Khuda-i Khidmatgar: Pashtun non-violent resistance force (1929-1948). In I. Ness (Ed.), The international encyclopaedia of revolution and protest: 1500 to the present (pp. 1965-1970). Wiley-Blackwell. [details]
    • Reich, H., & Bala, S. (2009). Theaterräume als Methode der Wissensgenerierung in der Friedensarbeit: das Unsagbare zeigen. In M. M. Baumann, H. M. Birkenbach, V. Brandes, S. Dieterich, U. Gundermann, & U. Suhr (Eds.), Friedensforschung und Friedenspraxis: Ermutigung zur Arbeit an der Utopie: Festschrift für Reiner Steinweg zum 70. Geburtstag (pp. 193-205). Brandes & Apsel. [details]


    • Bala, S. (2008). Mirar algo a la luz de las candilejas: consideraciones teóricas acerca de la performance. Apuntes de Teatro, 130, 140-147. [details]
    • Bala, S. (2008). The dramaturgy of fasting in Gandhian nonviolent action. In M. Wagner, & W. D. Ernst (Eds.), Performing the matrix: mediating cultural performances (pp. 289-306). ePODIUM. [details]




    • Bala, S. (2021). Uitdagingen voor het kunstonderwijs: Een Keynote voor Need for Legacy. Theaterkrant magazine, 142(2), 48-52. [details]


    • Bala, S. (2020). 'Een kolonie moeten wij planten': Over Jan Pietersz. Coen (1931) van J.J. Slauerhoff. TheaterMaker, 141(4), 73-78. [details]









    • Bala, S. (2011). [Review of: P. Anderson, J. Menon (2009) Violence performed: local roots and global routes of conflict; J. Thompson, et al. (2009) Performance in place of war]. Theatre Survey, 52(1), 209-211. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0040557411000329 [details]
    • Bala, S. (2011). [Review of: P.A. Ybarra (2009) Performing conquest : five centuries of theater, history, and identity in Tlaxcala, Mexico]. Theatre Research International, 36(3), 303-304. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0307883311000368 [details]



    • Bala, S. (2009). Von den Chancen der Intervention in Krisen. Impuls (Internationales Theaterinstitut Zentrum Bundesrepublik Deutschland), 2009(2), 23-25. [details]

    Prijs / subsidie


    • Bala, S. (speaker) (9-6-2021). Verdiepende dialoog over participatieve kunst, Nieuwe Makers Festival , Rotterdam. https://www.rotterdamswijktheater.nl/productie/gesprekken-tijdens/
    • Bala, S. (speaker) (26-3-2021). Leaving the theatre in search of the theatre, University of Arts London . http://youtu.be/QJuAmjZV530
    • Bala, S. (speaker) & Allen, R. (speaker) (8-3-2021). Gender and Citizenship in the Dutch Caribbean, Spui 25.
    • Bala, S. (speaker) (7-12-2020). Participation, translation and the institution, Beyond participation, Aarhus.
    • Bala, S. (speaker) (20-11-2020). Embodied practices: looking from small places, Minor Constellations in Conversation Lecture Series, Potsdam.
    • Bala, S. (speaker) (30-9-2020). Thoughts on inviting community participation, Seminar on Community Arts , Helsinki.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (13-11-2019). Kritiek op eurocentrisme in het kunstonderwijs, Art Education Lecture Series, Arnhem.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (28-9-2019). Was wir von den Kritikern Gandhis in Indien lernen können, Etwas tun aber wie? , Linz.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (6-9-2019). Netherlands and the Black Atlantic Roundtable, The Netherlands and the Black Atlantic, Amsterdam.
    • Bala, S. (keynote speaker) (5-9-2019). The Need for Legacy, Netherlands Theatre Festival 2019, Amsterdam. https://www.academia.edu/40296434/Keynote_The_Need_for_Legacy
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (11-6-2019). Welcome Table: Colonialism on Stage, Holland Festival, Amsterdam.
    • Bala, S. (keynote speaker) (24-5-2019). Can the European translate?, There's No Going Back!, Rotterdam.
    • Bala, S. (speaker) (14-3-2019). The gestures of institutional critique, Performance Philosophy, Amsterdam.
    • Bala, S. (keynote speaker) (9-10-2018). Artistic Approaches to Colonial Legacies, Afrovibes Festival, Amsterdam.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (3-10-2018). Postcolonial Theory and Globalisation, Erasmus University College.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (24-9-2018). Sensing Race in the Theatre, Race and the Senses, Amsterdam.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (8-9-2018). Een blik op de onzichtbare canon, Panel Discussion: The Need for Legacy, Amsterdam.
    • Bala, S. (speaker) & Cremers, F. (speaker) (19-6-2018). Introductory talk for performance 'Legacy' by Nadia Beugre, Holland Festival , Amsterdam.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (12-6-2018). The theatrical scramble for "Africa" in 'Reverse Colonialism' (2017), Theatre as an Enriched Environment, Rome.
    • Bala, S. (speaker) (1-6-2018). Artistic representations of colonialism, Verschuivende perspectieven, Amsterdam.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (7-5-2018). Research and the task of epistemic diversity, ISS The Hague. https://www.iss.nl/en/events/research-and-task-epistemic-diversity-2018-05-07
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (2-5-2018). Gayatri Spivak's critique of the sovereign subject in 'Can the Subaltern Speak?', Erasmus University College.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (22-3-2018). Representatie, Stereotypering en Typecasting in het theater, Representatie, Stereotypering en Typecasting, Utrecht.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (23-1-2018). Artistic Critiques of Sovereignty: Perspectives from the Dutch Caribbean, Freie Universität Berlin.
    • Bala, S. (keynote speaker) (13-10-2017). Notes on the Theatre Workshop, Back to the Senses, Helsinki.
    • Bala, S. (speaker) (4-10-2017). Colonial Conversations: Panel discussion with Jay Pather, Katlego Disemelo and Sruti Bala, Afrovibes Festival, Amsterdam.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (14-7-2017). The translator's note, Translation and Performance, Pondicherry.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (24-5-2017). Theatre and Participation, Texte.Zeichen.Medien, Erfurt.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (8-5-2017). Translation in/and Performance, Translation and Performance, Cape Town.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (4-5-2017). Cultural Analysis and the Making of Intended Mistakes, Studies in Performing Arts and Media Lecture Series, Ghent.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (22-3-2017). Desiring the stage: Female Theatre Artists in India, Dissident Desires , Amsterdam.
    • Bala, S. (keynote speaker) (18-11-2016). The Gestures of Participatory Performance, Research Seminar, Finnish Society for Theatre Research, Helsinki, Finland.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (16-9-2016). Female Theatre Artists in India and their Solitary Struggles On and Off-Stage, Sexing the City, Leiden. http://www.hera-single.de/sexing-the-city-hera-single-final-conference/
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (16-9-2016). Three Female Theatre Artists in India and their Solitary Struggles On and Off-Stage, HERA Final conference 'Sexing the City', Leiden, Netherlands.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (19-8-2016). The Gestures of Participatory Art, Sarojini Naidu School of Arts and Communication: UGC Special Assistance Programme on Visual Culture, University of Hyderabad, India.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (20-4-2016). After Performance, After Performance, London.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (20-4-2016). On the necessity of working with inadequate concepts, After Performance: Symposium (King's College, London and National University of Singapore), London, UK.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (16-7-2015). Postdramatic theatre, Dept. of Comparative Literature Lecture Series, Kasargod, Central University of Kerala.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (10-7-2015). Unsolicited gestures of participation in performance and public life, Annual Conference of the International Federation of Theatre Research, Hyderabad, India.
    • Bala, S. (speaker) (3-2-2015). The Micropolitics of Participatory Art, Weekly Colloquium, Freie Universität Berlin, International Research Centre "Interweaving Performance Cultures".
    • Bala, S. (speaker) (29-7-2014). The task of reparative translation in Elfriede Jelinek's 'Kein Licht', International Federation of Theatre Research Annual Conference, Feminist Working Group Presentation, University of Warwick.
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) (31-1-2014). The Art of Unsolicited Participation, Conference: Politics of the Applied. Theatre and Art as Intervention, Free University of Berlin, Research Programme Aesthetics of Applied Theatre. http://www.applied-theatre.org/de/dates/konferenz-politics-applied-theater-und-kunst-als-intervention
    • Bala, S. (invited speaker) & Zangl, V. (invited speaker) (25-1-2014). Humour, Art and Activism in the Global Moment, Global Activism Symposium, ZKM, Karlsruhe. http://www.global-activism.de/content/global-activism-symposium-0


    • Nadkarni, D. (participant), Saraf, A. (participant), Vijayan, S. (participant) & Bala, S. (organiser) (14-12-2023). ‘How long can the moon be caged?', Amsterdam. Book Presentation and Seminar: ‘How long can the moon be caged? Voices of Indian political prisoners’ by Suchitra Vijayan and Francesca Recchia, (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (participant), Bonilla , Y. (participant) & Allen, R. (organiser) (8-4-2021). Non-Sovereign Citizens: Puerto Rico, USA and the Aporias of Empire, Curaçao. Guest Lecture by Prof. Dr. Yarimar Bonilla, Rutgers University (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (organiser) & Mazadiego, E. (organiser) (2-2021 - 6-2021). Politics and Performance Speakers Series. Organized by Sruti Bala (Theatre) and Elize Mazadiego (Art History)A 5-part online speaker series that runs complementary to our jointly taught MA (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://asca.uva.nl/programme/seminars/politics-and-performance/politics-and-performance.html
    • Bala, S. (participant) (20-1-2021). Dahlem Humanities Centre Annual Lecture, Berlin. Respondent to lecture by Prof. Dr. Sabelo Ndlovu-Gatsheni: The Politics of Knowledge in Africa and African Scholarship on Decolonization (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (organiser), Allen, R. (organiser) & Kamugisha, A. (participant) (26-11-2020). Caribbean Thought against Neocolonial Citizenship: Towards a Future Beyond Coloniality, Curaçao. Guest Lecture by Prof. Aaron Kamugisha, University of the West Indies (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://www.dutch-caribbean-citizenship.info/events/2020/11/26/caribbean-thought-against-neocolonial-citizenship-towards-a-future-beyond-coloniality
    • Bala, S. (other) (11-10-2020). Black History Month (other).
    • Bala, S. (participant) (18-5-2019). Other Radicals, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (participant) (14-11-2018). Het boek gaat op! Nieuwe publicaties van Amsterdamse theaterwetenschappers (other).
    • Bala, S. (participant) (30-10-2018). Stuart Hall's Voice, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (participant) (12-7-2018). International Federation for Theatre Research World Congress, Belgrade. Can the European translate?

      Can the European translate? (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (participant) (21-6-2018 - 24-6-2018). Dynamics of Interweaving Performance Cultures, Berlin (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (organiser) (6-6-2018 - 7-6-2018). Decolonial Desires, Amsterdam. Talk and seminar with Dr. Vanessa Agard-Jones, Columbia University (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (organiser) & Isenia, W. G. S. J. (organiser) (3-4-2018 - 6-4-2018). Critical Thinking in Curaçao and the Construction of Forgetting, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (organiser) & Allen, R. (organiser) (21-11-2017). Gender and Culture in the Dutch Caribbean, Curaçao (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (organiser) & Isenia, W. G. S. J. (organiser) (27-3-2017 - 28-3-2017). Sexual Politics in Colonial Curaçao, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (organiser) (13-10-2016). Dramaturgies of Whiteness, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (organiser) (11-10-2016). Symposium: Dramaturgies of Cultural Translation, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (organiser) & Zangl, V. (organiser) (10-3-2014 - 15-12-2014). Art and Activism - Lecture and Discussion Series, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Bala, S. (other) (2014 - 2015). Research Fellow, International Research Centre "Interweaving Performance Cultures" (other). http://www.geisteswissenschaften.fu-berlin.de/en/v/interweaving-performance-cultures/about-us/index.html
    • Bala, S. (organiser) & Zangl, V. (organiser) (18-9-2013 - 20-9-2013). Exploratory Workshop, Wassenaar. Humorous Approaches to Art and Activism in Conflict (organising a conference, workshop, ...).




    • Deng, L. (2020). “Be water, my friend”: Non-oppositional criticalities of socially engaged art in urbanising China. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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