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Prof. dr. L.F.M. (Leonard) Besselink

Constitutioneel recht
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
Staats- en bestuursrecht
Fotograaf: Jeroen Oerlemans

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15557
    1001 NB Amsterdam
  • Introduction

    Leonard Besselink held the chair of Constitutional Law in the Faculty Law from 2012 to 2022, and is affilliated to the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance, ACELG. Although emeritus since September 2021, he still teaches and is engaged in research. Since 2021 he teaches at the School of Law of LUISS Guido Carli in Rome, where he has also been teaching in the School of Government since 2015.

    He is a member of the Royal Netherlands Society of Sciences and Humanities.

    He obtained a doctorate in social and political sciences at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy.

    His research focuses on issues of European, comparative and national constitutional law. In particular the constitutional nexus between EU and national constitutional law is one of his main research themes as well as issues of fundamental rights protection in Europe.

    For a cv, key publications and full list of publications (with links to digital versions in the UvA repository) see the other tabs on this page.

  • Curriculum vitae (samenvatting)

    CV Summary

    Leonard F.M. Besselink

    e-mail: l.besselink@uva.nl

    work:    +31 20 525 3966 (secretariat)

    Leonard F.M. Besselink has been Professor of Constitutional Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Amsterdam from 2012 to 2022, and is affilliated to the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance, ACELG, and is emeritus since September 2021. Prior to his position in Amsterdam he held the chair of European Constitutional Law at the University of Utrecht.

    He holds a degree from the University of Leiden (Netherlands) and the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Internatio­nal Studies (Bologna Center), and a doctorate in social and political sciences of the European University Institute, Florence (Italy).

    He is a member of the Royal Dutch Society of Sciences and Humanities, and was a member of the Royal Committee on the Constitution (Staatscommissie Grondwet 2008-2010) tendering advise to the Netherlands government on amending the NL Constitution to bring it up to date in various respects.

    He has participated in many research consortia and has published mainly in the fields of national constitutional law, European constitutional law and comparative constitutional law, with a particular thematic focus on the nexus between public international, European Union and national law, as well as issues of the rule of law and fundamental rights protection in Europe.

    He has taught at the Universities of Amsterdam, Utrecht, as well as LUISS (Rome), and has given countless guest lectures as well as invited speeches at many academic institutions, international conferences and colloquia.

    He has supervised a variety of doctoral dissertations and been an external examiner of doctoral dissertations in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, Finland and Ethiopia (Addis Ababa University).

  • Key publications and full list of publications

    Key publications [thematically]

    Leonard F.M. Besselink

    On ‘constitutional relations’

    Constitutional conflict between EU and national law and its resolution: The rule of law, ultra vires review, constitutional identity review and primacy. In: Studies in Honour of Judge Manuel Dacosta Andrade, Lisbon 2023

    A Composite European Constitution/ Een samengestelde Europese constitutie. [Inaugural Address Jean Monnet Chair European Constitutional Law, University of Utrecht, 10 January 2007.] Groningen, Europa Law Publishing, 2007, 22 + 22 pp.

    The Notion and Nature of the European Constitution after the Lisbon Treaty. In: European Constitutionalism beyond Lisbon, Jan Wouters (ed.), Luc Verhey (ed.), Philipp Kiiver (ed.), Uitgeverij Intersentia, 2009, pp. 261-281.

    [With Monica Claes, Šejla Imamović, Jan Herman Reestman] National Constitutional Avenues for Further EU Integration, Study, European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, Policy Department C: Citizens' Rights And Constitutional Affairs, Legal Affairs Committee, Constitutional Affairs Committee, PE 493.046 EN, Brussels March 2014, 277 pp. [common responsibility for main, synthetic part of the report; responsibility for the chapters on Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Portugal, Malta, Bulgaria]

    Does EU Law Recognize Legal Limits to Integration? Accommodating diversity and its limits. In: The EU Between 'an Ever Closer Union' and Inalienable Policy Domains of Member States,  Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Thomas Giegerich, LL.M. (Virginia), Oskar Josef Gstrein, LL.M., Sebastian Zeitzmann, LL.M. 2014, 557 S., Broschiert, ISBN 978-3-8487-0995-3 pp. 59-78.

    Parameters of Constitutional Development: The Fiscal Compact in between EU and Member State Constitutions. In: The EU after Lisbon: Amending or Coping with the Existing Treaties? Rossi, Lucia Serena, Casolari, Federico (Eds.) Springer Verlag 2014, X, 334 p. 2 illus., 1 illus. in color, ISBN 978-3-319-04590-0 , pp. 21-35


    On constitutional democracy and the rule of law

    The primacy of the rule of law and member states’ constitutional identities [Reflections on divergence and convergence, and solving constitutional conflict]. In: The Rule of Law's Anatomy in the EU: Foundations and Protections (Oxford, Hart, 2023)

    The Bite, the Bark and the Howl: Article 7 TEU and the Rule of Law Initiatives, in: The enforcement of EU law and values: ensuring Member States' compliance. Jakab, A. & Kochenov, D. (eds.). Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 128-144, 17 pp., Chapter 8 [April 2017]. Pre-publication in a longer version as Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance Research Paper No. 2016-01.

    Talking about European Democracy. (2017). European Constitutional Law Review, 13(2), 207-220. doi:10.1017/S1574019617000128. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-constitutional-law-review/article/talking-about-european-democracy/C1B1E92CE91F11EFC0B0765A264B5AF0#

    On Some of the Pre-Conditions for Democracy under the Rule Of LawΠεριμένοντας τους Bαρβάρους. Law in the days of Constitutional Crisis. Studies offered to Mirosław Wyrzykowski. CH Beck/Nomos 2021.


    On ‘constitutional identity’

    National and constitutional identity before and after Lisbon, In: 3 Utrecht Law Review (2010), November 2010, pp. 36-49. at http://www.utrechtlawreview.org/

    Respecting Constitutional Identity in the EU.  In: 49 CMLRev (2012) nr 2 pp. 671–693

    The Persistence of a Contested Concept: Reflections on 10 years Constitutional Identity in EU law. In European Public Law, volume 27, issue 3, 597-612


    On fundamental rights

    The Protection of Fundamental Rights Post-Lisbon: The Interaction between the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the European Convention on Human Rights and National Constitutions. Questionnaire and General Report. In: Reports of the XXV FIDE Congress Tallinn 2012, Volume 1: The Protection of Fundamental Rights Post-Lisbon, Tallinn 2012, Tartu University Press. Pp. 1-139.

    Parameters of Constitutional Conflict after Melloni. In: European Law Review 2014,39( 4), 531-552.

    Should the European Union Ratify the European Convention for Human Rights: Some Remarks on the Relations between the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice. In: Constituting Europe: the European Court of Human Rights in a national, European and global context. Andreas Føllesdal/ Geir Ulfstein/ Birgit Peters (eds.) Cambridge Studies on Human Rights Conventions, Cambridge University Press, ISBN-13: 978110702444,  2013 , pp. 301-333

    The European Union and The European Convention On Human Rights: From Sovereign Immunity in Bosphorus to Full Scrutiny under the Reform Treaty? In: Changing Perceptions of Sovereignty and Human Rights: Essays in Honour of Cees Flinterman, Intersentia Antwerpen 2008, pp. 295-309

    Multiple Political Identities: Revisiting the ‘Maximum Standard’. In: Citizenship and Solidarity in the European Union – from the Charter of Fundamental Rights to the Crisis, the state of the art. Alessandra Silveira (ed.), [Euroclio Series] Peter Lang, (Bern/Bruxelles) 2013.

    Entrapped by the Maximum Standard. On Fundamental Rights, Pluralism, Subsidiarity in the European Union. In: Common Market Law Review, vol 35 (1998), no. 3, pp 629-680

    Grenzen aan grenzenloosheid - algemene leerstukken van grondrechtenbescherming en de EU, L.F.M. Besselink en H.R.B.M. Kummeling (red.), WEJ Tjeenk Willink Deventer 1998, XIII + 287 pp.


    On EU and national parliaments

    National Parliaments in the EU’s Composite Constitution: a Plea for a Shift in Paradigm. In: Ph. Kiiver (ed.), National and Regional Parliaments in the European Constitutional Order, Groningen: Europa Law Publishing, 2006. ISBN: 9076871639, pp. 117-131


    On constitutional adjudication

    The Proliferation of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Adjudication, or How American Judicial Review Came to Europe After All. Utrecht Law Review. Volume 9, Issue 2, March 2013, pp. 19-35.

    Ius Publicum Europaeum: Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in den Niederlanden. In: Handbuch IUS PUBLICUM EUROPAEUM, Band VI: Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit, Prof. Dr. Armin von Bogdandy, Prof. Dr. Peter M. Huber (hersg.), C. F. Mueller Verlag, Heidelberg 2015, pp. 357-411. ISBN 978-3-8114-6006-5; updated and in English as Constitutional Adjudication in the Netherlands. In: The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public Law. Volume III: Constitutional Adjudication : Institutions. Edited by Armin von Bogdandy, Peter Huber, and Christoph Grabenwarter. Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780198726418. 2020. Lxvi +906 pp (also as e-book), at pp. 565-618. DOI:10.1093/oso/9780198726418.003.001

    Being A Constitutional Court In A Post-Sovereign Inter-Constitutional Order. In: 35.o Aniversário Tribunal Constitucional. Conferência Internacional. Lisboa – Centro Cultural de Belém. 24 e 25 de maio, 2018. [Commemorative Conference of the 35th Anniversary of the Constitutional Court, Lisbon  2018], pp. 95-107, Lisbon 2022. OA: https://www.tribunalconstitucional.pt/tc/content/files/tc_ebook_35anos/94/


    Country studies in National constitutional law

    Constitutional Law of the EU Member States, Leonard Besselink, Paul Bovend’eert, Hansko Broeksteeg, Roel de Lange, Wim Voermans (eds),  Kluwer Deventer, 2014, VI + 1765 pp. ISBN 978-90-13-09176-2 [and (co-)author of the chapters on The Italian Republic and on The Kingdom of the Netherlands]

    Ius Publicum Europaeum: § 6 Grundstrukturen staatlichen Verfassungsrechts. In: Handbuch IUS PUBLICUM EUROPAEUM, Band I: Nationales Verfassungsrecht, Prof. Dr. Armin von Bogdandy, Prof. Dr. Pedro Cruz Villalón, Prof. Dr. Peter M. Huber (hersg.), C. F. Mueller Verlag, Heidelberg 2007, pp. 327-388; English version as   The Evolution and Gestalt of the Netherlands Constitution. In: The Max Planck Handbooks in European Public  Law. Volume II: Constitutional Foundations: Evolution and Gestalt of European Constitutions. Editors: Armin von Bogdandy (Heidelberg), Peter M. Huber (München), Pedro Cruz Villalón. Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780198726425, Hardback, 2023.

    The Constitutional Duty to Promote the Development of the International Legal Order: the Significance and Meaning of Article 90 of the Netherlands Constitution. In: Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, Volume XXXIV, 2003, pp. 89-138

    De Nederlandse Grondwet en de Europese Unie. [The Netherlands Constitution and the European Union, with H.R.B.M. Kummeling (Introduction and Chapter 1), R. de Lange (chapter 5 on decentralization), P. Mendelts (draft chapter 3 on parliament) and S. Prechal (Introduction and concluding chapter)] Europa Law Publishing, Groningen 2002. xii + 279 pp. NUR 823; ISBN 90-76871-10-8

  • Publicaties


    • Besselink, L. (2024). Constitutionele beginselen van parlementsrecht: Over naamgeving van fracties, democratie, vrij mandaat en neutraliteit, en het ordelijk functioneren van de Kamers. In H. Broeksteeg, M. van Emmerik, R. de Jong, & B. Vermeulen (Eds.), Rechter & Politiek: Bovend'Eert-bundel (pp. 111-122). Wolters Kluwer. https://www.inview.nl/document/id8f679d1d3b3e4eb1bc327f319a34d0a0?ctx=WKNL_CSL_3206 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2024). The Netherlands. In M. Morabito, & G. Tusseau (Eds.), Comparative Excecutive Power in Europe: Perspectives on Accountability from the Law, History and Political Science (pp. 103-127). (Routledge Research in Constitutional Law). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003281542-8 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2024). The curious case of the Netherlands - reflections on the question whether the dismantling of democracy and the rule of law can be stopped by courts of law. In M. Granat (Ed.), Constitutionality of Law Without a Constitutional Court: A View from Europe (pp. 203-218). (Comparative Constitutional Change). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003355793-15 [details]



    • Besselink, L. (2022). Artikelen 93 en 94: Doorwerking en voorrang internationaal recht. In A. Ellian, & B. Rijpkema (Eds.), Een Nieuw Commentaar op de Grondwet (pp. 406-420, 622-625). Boom. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2022). Het geweldsmonopolie en de constitutionele identiteit van EU-lidstaten: naar aanleiding van twee Franse constitutioneelrechtelijke uitspraken. TvCR: tijdschrift voor constitutioneel recht, 13(1), 64-78. https://doi.org/10.5553/TvCR/187966642022013001006 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2022). The National and EU Targets for Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Infringe the ECHR: The Judicial Review of General Policy Objectives. Case note on: HR, 20/12/19, ECLI:NL:HR:2019:2007 (Urgenda v The State of the Netherlands). European Constitutional Law Review, 18(1), 155-182. [details]



    • Besselink, L. (2020). Introduction: A Directly Elected European Parliament. In T. Marguery , S. Platon, & H. van Eijken (Eds.), Les élections européennes 40 ans après = The European Elections, 40 years after: Bilans, enjeux et perspectives = Assessment, Issues and Prospects (pp. 9-16). (Études parlementaires). Emile Bruylant.
    • Besselink, L. (2020). Tijd, verandering en grondwetswijziging: Over Artikel 0 en Artikel 1 van de Grondwet. In N. S. Efthymiou, P. W. A. Huisman, & L. van Kalken (Eds.), De vele facetten van het staatsrecht: opstellen aangeboden aan prof. dr. R. de Lange (pp. 195-199). Wolf Legal Publishers. [details]
    • Besselink, L. (2020). Waarom staatsrechtsgeleerden het moeten hebben over de economische constitutie. In L. F. M. Besselink (Ed.), De economische constitutie = The Economic Constitution: Beginselen van de democratische rechtsstaat tussen globalisering en Europeanisering = The principles of the democratic state under the rule of law between globalisation and Europeanisation : Staatsrechtconferentie 2019, Universiteit van Amsterdam (pp. 3-10). (Publikaties van de Staatsrechtkring). Wolf Legal Publishers (WLP). [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2020). Being a Constitutional Court in a post-sovereign interconstitutional order. In 35.o Aniversário Tribunal Constitucional : conferência Internacional: Lisboa – Centro Cultural de Belém : 24 e 25 de maio, 2018 (pp. 95-107). Tribunal Constitucional. https://www.tribunalconstitucional.pt/tc/content/files/tc_ebook_35anos/94/ [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2020). Rechter en politiek: Machtenscheiding in de Urgenda-zaak. TvCR: tijdschrift voor constitutioneel recht, 11(2), 128-151. Article 8. https://doi.org/10.5553/TvCR/187966642020011002001 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (Ed.) (2020). De Economische Constitutie = The Economic Constitution: Beginselen van de Democratische Rechtsstaat tussen Globalisering en Europeanisering = The Principles of Constitutional Democracy between Globalisation and Europeanisation : Staatsrechtconferentie 2019, Universiteit van Amsterdam. (Publikaties van de Staatsrechtkring). Wolf Legal Publishers (WLP). [details]



    • Besselink, L. (2018). De constitutioneel meer legitieme manier van toetsing: Urgenda voor het Hof Den Haag. Nederlands Juristenblad, 93(41), 3078-3082. Article 2154. http://deeplinking.kluwer.nl/?param=00D105EF&cpid=WKNL-LTR-Nav2 [details]
    • Besselink, L., & Bonelli, M. (2018). Back and Forth Between Sovereignty and Constitutionalism: The Court of Justice’s Constitutional Case Law. European Constitutional Law Review, 14(4), 665-674. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1574019618000445 [details]
    • Hirsch Ballin, E. M. H., & Besselink, L. F. M. (2018). De Italiaanse Republiek. In L. F. M. Besselink, P. P. T. Bovend'Eert, J. L. W. Broeksteeg, & R. de Lange (Eds.), Het staatsrecht van 7 Europese landen : België, Bondsrepubliek Duitsland, Frankrijk, Italie, Polen, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Zweden (9e ed., pp. 191-255). Wolters Kluwer. [details]



    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2016). The Place of National Parliaments within the European Constitutional Order. In N. Lupo, & C. Fasone (Eds.), Interparliamentary cooperation in the composite European Constitution (pp. 23-38). (Parliamentary Democracy in Europe ; Vol. 1). Hart Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781782257004.ch-001 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2016). Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in den Niederlanden. In A. von Bogdandy, C. Grabenwarther, P. M. Huber, & C. Antpöhler (Eds.), Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in Europa: Institutionen (pp. 357-411). (Handbuch Ius Publicum Europaeum; No. 6). C.F. Müller. [details]


    • Besselink, L. (2015). Wat nu? Enkele constitutionele overwegingen. NJCM-Bulletin, 40(2), 219-224. Article 15. [details]
    • Besselink, L., Claes, M., & Reestman, J. H. (2015). A Constitutional Moment: Acceding to the ECHR (or not). European Constitutional Law Review, 11(1), 2-12. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1574019615000024 [details]


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2014). Does EU law recognize legal limits to integration? Accommodating diversity and its limits. In T. Giegerich, O. J. Gstrein, & S. Zeitzmann (Eds.), The EU between 'an ever closer union' and inalienable policy domains of member states (pp. 59-78). (Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V.; No. 80). Nomos. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2343751 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2014). Parameters of constitutional development: The fiscal compact in between EU and member state constitutions. In L. S. Rossi, & F. Casolari (Eds.), The EU after Lisbon: amending or coping with the existing treaties? (pp. 21-35). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-04591-7_2 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2014). The Kingdom of the Netherlands. In L. Besselink, P. Bovend’Eert, H. Broeksteeg, R. de Lange, & W. Voermans (Eds.), Constitutional law of the EU member states (pp. 1187-1241). Kluwer. [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2014). The parameters of constitutional conflict after Melloni. European Law Review, 39(4), 531-552. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2345143 [details]
    • Hirsch Ballin, E., & Besselink, L. F. M. (2014). The Italian Republic. In L. Besselink, P. Bovend’Eert, H. Broeksteeg, R. de Lange, & W. Voermans (Eds.), Constitutional law of the EU member states (pp. 903-966). Kluwer. [details]


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2013). Multiple political identities: revisiting the 'maximum standard'. In A. Silveira, M. Canotilho, & P. Madeira Froufe (Eds.), Citizenship and solidarity in the European Union: from the charter of fundamental rights to the crisis, the state of the art (pp. 235-252). (Euroclio; No. 77). Peter Lang. http://ssrn.com/abstract=2244383 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2013). Should the European Union Ratify the European Convention for Human Rights? Some Remarks on the Relations between the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice. In A. Føllesdal, B. Peters, & G. Ulfstein (Eds.), Constituting Europe: the European Court of Human Rights in a national, European and global context (pp. 301-333). (Studies in human rights conventions; No. 2). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9781139169295.009 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2013). The Proliferation of Constitutional Law and Constitutional Adjudication, or How American Judicial Review Came to Europe After All. Utrecht Law Review, 9(2), 19-35. https://doi.org/10.18352/ulr.223 [details]


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2012). Constitutional adjudication in the era of globalization: The Netherlands in comparative perspective. European Public Law, 18(2), 231-245. http://www.kluwerlawonline.com/document.php?id=EURO2012013 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2012). General report. In J. Laffranque (Ed.), Reports of the FIDE Congress Tallinn 2012. - Vol. 1: The protection of fundamental rights post-Lisbon: the interaction between the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the European Convention on Human Rights and national constitutions = Põhiõiguste kaitse pärast Lissaboni lepingu jõustumist: Euroopa Liidu põhiõiguste harta, Euroopa inimõiguste konventsiooni ja liikmesriikide põhiseaduste vastasmõju (pp. 63-139). Tartu University Press. http://www.fide2012.eu/index.php?doc_id=94 [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2012). Informal international lawmaking: elaboration and implementation in The Netherlands. In A. Berman, S. Duquet, J. Pauwelyn, R. A. Wessel, & J. Wouters (Eds.), Informal international lawmaking: case studies (pp. 97-139). (Law of the future series; No. 3). Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher. http://www.fichl.org/fileadmin/fichl/documents/LOTFS/LOTFS_3_Web.pdf [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2012). Questionnaire: The protection of fundamental rights post-Lisbon: the interaction between the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and national constitutions = Questionnaire: la protection des droits fondamentaux après Lisbonne: l’interaction entre la Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne, la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) et les constitutions nationales. In J. Laffranque (Ed.), Reports of the FIDE Congress Tallinn 2012. - Vol. 1: The protection of fundamental rights post-Lisbon: the interaction between the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the European Convention on Human Rights and national constitutions = Põhiõiguste kaitse pärast Lissaboni lepingu jõustumist: Euroopa Liidu põhiõiguste harta, Euroopa inimõiguste konventsiooni ja liikmesriikide põhiseaduste vastasmõju (pp. 1-62). Tartu University Press. http://www.fide2012.eu/Questionnaires/id/159/ [details]
    • Besselink, L. F. M., & van Mourik, B. (2012). The parliamentary legitimacy of the European Union: the role of the States General within the European Union. Utrecht Law Review, 8(1), 28-50. https://doi.org/10.18352/ulr.179 [details]
    • Hirsch Ballin, E. M. H., & Besselink, L. F. M. (2012). De Italiaanse Republiek. In L. F. M. Besselink, P. Bovend'Eert, H. Broeksteeg, & R. de Lange (Eds.), Het staatsrecht van landen van de Europese Unie: België, Bondsrepubliek Duitsland, Frankrijk, Italië, Polen, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Zweden. - 8e, geheel herz. dr. (pp. 191-255). Kluwer. [details]


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2010). Treaty And Constitution: Interpreting Constitutional Relations In Europe. In S. Baroncelli (Ed.), Europa: Costituzione o Trattato per suo Fondamento: Sul Trattato di Lisbona e I suoi svillupi (pp. 117-134). Edizioni scientifiche italiane.



    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2008). Inburgering van Nederlanders: de administratieve verwerking van een ongrondwettige maatregel. In G. H. Addink, G. T. J. M. Jurgens, P. M. Langbroek, & R. J. G. M. Widdershoven (Eds.), Grensverleggend Bestuursrecht 2008, 137-158: Opstellen voor prof mr JBJM ten Berge ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als hoogleraar (pp. 137-158). Kluwer.
    • Besselink, L. M., & Reestman, J. H. (2008). The Relative Autonomy of the EU Human Rights Standard. European Constitutional Law Review, 4(2), 199–204. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1574019608001995 [details]


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2005). Ongrondwettige grondwetswijzigingen. In Met Recht en Reede: Opstellen aangeboden aan mr. J.L. de Reede (pp. 9-18). Kluwer.


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2003). Constitutionele toetsing in internationaal perspectief. Ars Aequi, 52 (2003)(2), 89-95.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2003). Tweeërlei Constitutie. In Op het snijvlak van recht en politiek : Opstellen aangeboden aan prof. mr. L. Prakke (pp. 13-26). Kluwer.


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2000). The protection of human rights in federal systems: the case of Ethiopia. In Ethiopian Studies at the End of the Second Millenium: Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference for Ethiopian Studies: Law and Politics Panel (Vol. 3, pp. 1359-1387). Institute for Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa University.


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (Ed.), Kummeling, H. R. B. M. (Ed.), Duijkersloot, A. P. W., Leenders, M. A. J., Van Schagen , J. A., Viering, Viering, M. L. W. M., Zwart, T., & Besselink, L. F. M. (1998). Grenzen aan Grenzenloosheid: Algemene Leerstukken van Grondrechtenbescherming en de Europese Unie. (G.J. Wiarda Instituut). WEJ Tjeenk Willink.


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (1994). Goed en kwaad in de samenleving: Vindplaatsen van publieke moraal. (Annalen van het Thijmgenootschap; Vol. 82, No. 1). Ambo.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (1994). Op zoek naar de Staat: Enkele opmerkingen over de publieke zaak. In L. FM. Besselink, & L. B. M. Wüst (Eds.), Goed en kwaad in de samenleving: Vindplaatsen van publieke moraal (pp. 100). (Annalen van het Thijmgenootschap; Vol. 82, No. 1). Ambo.


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (1990). Menschenrechte, subjektive Rechte? Die Bedeutung völkerrechtlicher Bestimmungen. In K. Bönninger, I. Wagner, & G. van Wissen (Eds.), Menschenrechte in unserer Zeit (pp. 1-22). (Wissenschaftliche Serie Universität von Amsterdam Juristische Fakultät), (Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig Sektion Rechtswissenschaft). Kluwer, Gouda Quint.


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (1989). Een kwestie van mondigheid: burgerschap voor minderjarigen? In M. de Langen, C. de Graaf, & F. Kunneman (Eds.), Kinderen en Recht : opstellen over de positie van minderjarigen in het recht (pp. 100-114). (Wetenschappelijke reeks Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid Universiteit van Amsterdam). Gouda Quint/Kluwer.


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (1988). The Impious Hypothesis Revisited. Grotiana, 9(1), 3-63.


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (1986). Ideologie, staatsrecht en staatsrechtswetenschap. In PWC. Akkermans, LTA. Rutges, GTM. van der Tang, & ORV. (Eds.), Staatsrecht: geleerdheid, wetenschap?: Staatsrechtsconferentie l985 (Vol. 39, pp. 59-75). (Mededelingen van het Juridisch Intituut van de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam; Vol. 39). Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam.


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (1984). De ziel van de Leviathan: Plaatsing van kruisraketten en de paradox van de soevereiniteit. Internationale Spectator, 38(6), 364-371.



    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2023). Constitutional conflict between EU and national law and its resolution: The rule of law, ultra vires review, constitutional identity review and primacy. In P. Machete, G. Almeida Ribeiro, M. Canotilho, & C. de Moura Alves Saavedra Pinto (Eds.), Estudos em Homenagem ao Conselheiro Presidente Manuel Da Costa Andrade (Vol. I, pp. 491). Almedina.
    • Bulterman, M., Uzman, J., van Ahee, V., Besselink, L., Claes, M., Filius, E., Hillary, L., de Lange, R., Langer, J., Lindeboom, J., Ouwerkerk, J., Schenk, B., & Stremler, M. (2023). The Netherlands. In A. Kornezov (Ed.), Mutual Trust, Mutual Recognition and the Rule of Law = Confiance mutuelle, reconnaissance mutuelle et état de droit = Gegenseitiges Vertrauen, gegenseitige Anerkennung und Rechtsstaatlichkeit (pp. 456-474). (The XXX FIDE Congress in Sofia, 2023 congress publications; Vol. 1). Ciela Norma. https://evropeiskipravenpregled.eu/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/fide-publications-vol-1.pdf [details]


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2022). Hoe een pensioengerechtigde die door bleef werken een constitutioneel conflict tussen de nationale rechter en het Hof van Justitie van de EU veroorzaakte; en hoe dit bewijst dat het EU-recht noodzaakt tot afwijken van Nederlandse Grondwet. In (L)AW MATTERS: Blogs and Essays in Honour of Prof. Dr. Aalt Willem Heringa (pp. 11-15). Universiteit Maastricht.




    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2018). Europese democratie: uitdaging en opdracht. In A. Ellian, G. Molier, & B. Rijpkema (Eds.), De strijd om de democratie: Essays over democratische zelfverdediging (pp. 199-216). Boom. [details]



    • Călin, D., & Besselink, L. (2015). Leonard Besselink. In D. Călin (Ed.), Dreptul Uniunii Europene şi tribunalele constituţionale ale statelor membre: interviuri = European Union law and the constitutional courts of the member states: interviews (pp. 34-47). (Biblioteca de drept european). Editura Universitară. https://doi.org/10.5682/9786062803353 [details]


    • Besselink, L., Bovend’Eert, P., Broeksteeg, H., de Lange, R., & Voermans, W. (Eds.) (2014). Constitutional law of the EU member states. Kluwer. [details]





    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2002). Grondrechtenbescherming in het federale Koninkrijk.


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (Ed.) (2001). Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices: National Experiences throughout the World. Kluwer Law International.
    • Volker, E. L. M., Hossain, K., Selassie gebre Selassie, H., & Besselink, L. F. M. (Eds.) (2001). Human Rights Commissions and Ombudsman Offices National Experiences throughout the world. Kluwer Law International. [details]


    • Eijsbouts, W. T., Albers, H. S. J., & Besselink, L. F. M. (1994). Subsidiarity in non federal contexts: The Netherlands and the European Union. Sociaal-economische Wetgeving : Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 275-321. [details]
    • Eijsbouts, W. T., Albers, H. S. J., & Besselink, L. F. M. (1994). Subsidiarity in non federal contexts: The Netherlands and the European Union. In FIDE XVIe Congres I, Le principe de subsidiarite (pp. 363-411). FIDE. [details]


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (1982). Democratie en de Wil van de wetgever. Nederlands Juristenblad, 1982(4), 106-107.







    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2012). CJEU (Case C-208/09: Ilonka Sayn-Wittgenstein v Landeshauptmann von Wien: respecting constitutional identity in the EU). Case note on: CJEU, 22/12/10 Common Market Law Review, 2012(2), 671-693. [details]



    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2007). A Composite European Constitution / Een samengestelde Europese constitutie: [Inaugurele rede 10 januari 2007 Jean Monnet Leerstoel Universiteit Utrecht/ Inaugural address 10 January 2007 Jean Monnet Chair University of Utrecht]. Europa Law Publishing.


    • Eijsbouts, W. T., & Besselink, L. F. M. (2005). A Constitution for Europe and Other Constitutions. European Constitutional Law Review, 1, 335-337. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1574019605003354 [details]
    • Eijsbouts, W. T., Besselink, L. F. M., Reestman, J. H., & Sap, J. W. (2005). Preface. European Constitutional Law Review, 1-3. [details]


    • Besselink, L. F. M. (1995). Beantwoording rechtsvraag Staatsrecht. Ars Aequi, 44(1), 74-79.



    • Besselink, L. F. M. (1978). De Soevereiniteit van de Staat: Een volkenrechtelijke scriptie.

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Besselink, L. (1981). Cornelis van Vollenhoven Prijs 1981.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Besselink, L. F. M. (2011-2015). Lid, Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij van Wetenschappen.


    • Reestman, J. H. (editor), Besselink, L. F. M. (editor) & Claes, M. (editor) (2015). European Constitutional Law Review (Journal).
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (editor), Claes, M. (editor) & Reestman, J. H. (editor) (2013-2016). European Constitutional Law Review (Journal).
    • Besselink, L. (reviewer) (2004-2023). European Constitutional Law Review (Journal). https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/european-constitutional-law-review


    • Besselink, L. (speaker) (5-4-2023). The Law is not for the Poor: How the Law Fails to Recognize Poverty, Dare to Be Aware, Amsterdam.
    • Besselink, L. (speaker) (3-2-2023). Over Betsy and Minny Cats/ About Betsy and Minny Cats, Onthulling struikelstenen februari 2023, Haarlem.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (2-11-2015). The Rule of Law and Article 7 TEU, The Rule of Law in the EU Definition, function and protection 1-3 November 2015, Dragsholm Castle, Denmark.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (29-6-2015). Constituent Power and the European Court of Justice, Leiden Law Exchange: Roundtable Discussion on Opinion 2/13 on EU Accession to the ECHR- Reflections on the Way Forward, University of Leiden.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (4-6-2015). Margin of Appreciation in the ECJ and the Vertical Division of Powers, Conference "Subsidiarity and the Margin of Appreciation", University of Oslo, Oslo.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (10-4-2015). Resilience or Resignation? National Parliaments and the EU, Lecture, London School of Economics, London.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (26-3-2015). Lecture, "Review of the Review", University of Liverpool.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (22-1-2015). Comparative Aspects of the Early Warning Mechanism and the Scrutiny of the Principle of Subsidiarity by National Parliaments, University of Stockholm, Stockholm.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (21-1-2015). Comparative Aspects of the Early Warning Mechanism and the Scrutiny of the Principle of Subsidiarity by National Parliaments: the Netherlands, Conference on Subsidiarity, Swedish Riksdag Committee.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (7-1-2015). Wat nu?, Roundtable advies Europees Hof van Justitie over toetreding EU tot het EVRM, RENFORCE, SIM, Netherlands Institute of Human Rights.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (11-12-2014). Internationalization and Europeanization: monism, dualism, pluralism?, Keynote speech and opening lecture, Symposium "Legal Pluralism as Legal Culture", University of Lapland, Lapin Ilyopisto.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (28-8-2014). Constitutionalism between ECJ and national constitutional courts after Melloni, ERC Conference "Assessing the EU’s Responsiveness to Constitutional Rights", University of Kent, Canterbury.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (21-7-2014). National parliaments within the composite European constitutional order, Summer School on Parliamentary Democracy in Europe, The Europeanisation of national parliaments, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, opening lecture.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (speaker) (3-7-2014). Commentator on 3 papers in Master Class, Ius Commune PhD School, Amsterdam.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (speaker) (22-5-2014). Commentator to Adriaan Bedner, 'The Indonesian Ombudsman: Fitting a New Institution into an Old Tradition', NIAS Workshop "Law and Justice in Asia: Transitions and Challenges", Wassenaar.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (speaker) (14-5-2014). Inleiding van debat met Ulli Jessurun, Wim Voermans, Drie-in-de-pan: EU-soevereiniteit-monarchieën, Amsterdam, Spui25.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (speaker) (5-5-2014). Commentator on 6 papers in Master Class, EUI Law PhD Workshop, European University Institute, Florence.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (12-2-2014). Comparing Italy and the Netherlands: some remarks on constitutional orders in Europe, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (speaker) (22-11-2013). Discussant of paper Colliding visions of representation and participation, Beate Kohler-Koch, ACELG Third Annual Conference ‘Postnational Democracy: Beyond Representation in the EU’, UvA Amsterdam.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (speaker) (14-10-2013). Discussing Gianluigi Palombella's The Rule of Law as an Institutional Ideal, Paul Scholten Instituut, UvA Amsterdam.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (7-10-2013). Why Constitutional Identity?, Faculty Seminar, Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Oslo, Oslo.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (3-10-2013). Should the European Union Ratify the European Convention for Human Rights? the Relations between the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice, Seminar The European Court of Human Rights in a National, European and Global Context, Middle Temple - London.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (3-7-2013). The Odd One Out? Constitutional Review in the Netherlands, The Society of Legal Scholars Annual Seminar 2013, Changing Landscape – Comparative Reflections on Rights-Based Constitutional Review, Dublin.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (22-5-2013). The Composite Constitutional Order of Europe: a new Paradigm?, Dottorato Di Ricerca In Diritto Pubblico (Coordinatore Prof. Paolo Ridola) Lezioni 2012 – 2013 “L’organizzazione Dei Pubblici Poteri”, Universitá La Sapienza.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (17-4-2013). Constitutional identity: the meaning of Art 4(2) EU and its varying impact in Europe's constitutional traditions, conference, Constitutional Identity – Nordic Concerns., Turku Finland.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (8-4-2013). Democracy in the Composite European Constitutional Order: Some Reflections from the Perspective of Comparative Constitutional Law, Faculty Seminar, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (21-3-2013). Does EU law recognize legal limits to integration?, The EU between “an ever closer union” and inalienable policy domains of Member States. International Symposium, University of Saarland/European Academy, Otzenhausen.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (20-2-2013). The conceptualisation of Europe’s composite Constitution: what it does and does not explain, European and National Constitutional Law Project- EuNaCon. Closing Conference, 20-21 Febr 2013, Maastricht.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (14-11-2012). ‘Parameters of Constitutional Development’, Presentation at Roundtable conference: 'The European Union and the crisis: Amending or just completing the Lisbon Treaty?' [with Miguel Poiares Maduro, Francis Jacobs and A.M. McDonnell], International Conference 'The Lisbon Treaty: A quasi-constitutional framework to be revised?', Faculty of Law, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italië.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (14-9-2012). The influence of globalization on the role of courts in constitutional adjudication, Workshop ‘From Constitutional Dialogue to Constitutional Regulation: 'Staatsrecht in a globalizing world’, University of Tilburg, Tilburg.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (31-5-2012). Rapporteur général, Protection of Fundamental Rights post-Lisbon: Interaction between the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights and National Constitutions (Introductions, Discussant, and Report on group sessions), Fédération Internationale de Droit Européen, Tallin, Estonia.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (31-5-2012). Respecting constitutional identity in the composite European constitutional order, Elsa Estonia, Tallin, Estonia.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (speaker) (24-5-2012). De toetreding EU tot EVRM: een burgerperspectief, Onderzoeksmiddag Departement Rechten, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (10-5-2012). Multiple Political Identities: the Maximum Standard Revisited, Conference “Citizenship and Solidarity in the European Union: from the Charter of Fundamental Rights to the Crisis, the state of the art”, Law School, Universidad do Minho, Braga, Portugal.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (speaker) (8-5-2012). Constitutional relations in Europe: some recent case law, Lezing ACELG, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (24-3-2012). Diversifying Europe's democracy: An interdisciplinary approach to the post-Lisbon functions of national parliaments. Introduction, chair and discussant., Conference of European Studies, Boston (Mass.).
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (30-1-2012). The ECHR as a part of EU law: how will the EU legal system change after the accession?, EU Accession to the European Convention of Human Rights - Latest Developments, ERA Academy of European Law, Brussels.
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (invited speaker) (30-1-2012). Will EU citizens’ rights be better protected after the accession?, EU Accession to the European Convention of Human Rights - Latest Developments, Brussels.


    • van Leeuwen, C. W. (organiser), Besselink, L. F. M. (organiser) & Rasmussen, M. (organiser) (26-6-2014). Settling the supremacy of European law? Interdisciplinary perspectives on 50 years Costa/ENEL, Amsterdam, Trippenhuis, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (other) (2014). Lid visitatiecommissie Mid-term Review, University of Maastricht (other).
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (other) (2014). Redactieraad, Nederlands Tijschrift voor Kerk en Recht (other).
    • Besselink, L. F. M. (organiser) (28-11-2013 - 29-11-2013). Ius Commune Conference 2013, Maastricht. Workshop Constitutional Processes: the Interaction between the National and European Dimension (organising a conference, workshop, ...).



    • Walkila, S. (2015). Horizontal Effect of Fundamental Rights in the EU Law: Contributing To 'The Primacy, Unity and Effectiveness of European Union Law. Europa Law Publishing.


    • van Mourik, B. (2012). Parlementaire controle op Europese besluitvorming: Een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar mandaatsystemen en parlementaire behandelsvoorbehouden. Wolf Legal Publishers (WLP).


    • Jancic, D. (2011). National Parliaments and European Constitutionalism: Accountability Beyond Borders.


    • Tappeiner, I. (2009). Orde in de Unie: Informatie-uitwisseling en bescherming van de privacy bij grensoverschrijdende openbare-ordehandhaving in de Europese Unie. Box Press.


    • Negussie, S. (2006). Fiscal federalism in the Ethiopian ethnic-baes federal system. Wolf Legal Publishers.


    • Fiseha, A. (2005). Federalism and the accommodation of diversity in Ethiopia.


    • Mendelts, P. (2002). Interpretatie van grondrechten: grondrechtenclaims en verschuivingen in de reikwijdte van grondrechten.


    • Bosma, H. (2000). Freedom of Expression in England and under the ECHR: in Search of a Common Ground.


    • Besselink, L. (2016). The Bite, the Bark and Howl: Article 7 TEU and The Rule of Law Initiatives. (Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance research paper; No. 2016-01). Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance, University of Amsterdam. http://ssrn.com/abstract=2715943 [details]
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