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Beukers, T. (2023). Withdrawing from the European Union: Constitutional Law and Practice of Article 50 TEU. Rassegna di diritto pubblico europeo, 22(2), 333-357.
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Beukers, T. (2020). Brexit bezien vanuit het recht en de praktijk van de externe betrekkingen van de Europese Unie. In T. Beukers, L. A Campo, M. Bulterman, M. Gijzen, J. Langer, & L. Van Spronsen (Eds.), Loyale Samenwerking binnen de EU: Liber Amicorum voor Ivo van der Steen (pp. 283-290)
Beukers, T. (2017). The Eurozone Crisis and the Autonomy of Member States in Economic Union: Changes and Challenges. In P. Koutrakos, & J. Snell (Eds.), Research Handbook on the Law of the EU’s Internal Market (pp. 263-288). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Beukers, T., & Van der Sluis, M. (2017). Differentiated Integration from the Perspective of Non-Euro Area Member States. In T. Beukers, B. De Witte, & C. Kilpatrick (Eds.), Constitutional Change through Euro-Crisis Law (pp. 143-176). Cambridge University Press.
Beukers, T., de Witte, B., & Kilpatrick, C. (2017). Constitutional Change through Euro-Crisis Law: Taking Stock, New Perspectives and Looking Ahead. In Constitutional Change through Euro-Crisis Law (pp. 1-24). Cambridge University Press.
Beukers, T., de Witte, B., & Kilpatrick, C. (Eds.) (2017). Constitutional Change Through Euro Crisis Law. Cambridge University Press.
Beukers, T. (2016). Constitutionele Conventies in de Europese Unie en de Benoeming van de Europese Commissie: Kans of Bedreiging? In L. Verhey, & G.-J. Geertjes (Eds.), De Constitutionele Conventie: Kwal op het Strand of Baken in Zee? (pp. 81-98). Boom Juridisch.
Beukers, T. (2015). Constitutional Changes in Euro Government and the Relationship Between the ECB and the Executive Power in the Union. In F. Fabbrini, E. Hirsch Ballin, & H. Somsen (Eds.), What Form of Government for the European Union and the Eurozone? (pp. 95-110). Hart Publishing.
Beukers, T. (2014). The Bundesverfassungsgericht Preliminary Reference on the OMT Programme: “In the ECB We Do Not Trust. What About You?". German Law Journal, 15(2), 343-368.
Beukers, T. (2013). The New ECB and its Relationship with the Eurozone Member States: Between Central Bank Independence and Central Bank Intervention. Common Market Law Review, 50(6), 1579-1620.
Beukers, T., & de Witte, B. (2013). The Court of Justice approves the creation of the European Stability Mechanism: Pringle. Common Market Law Review, 50(3), 805-848.
Beukers, T., & Eijsbouts, W. T. (2011). Editorial. The eurocrisis: Storm, meet structure. European Constitutional Law Review, 2011(3), 349-354.
Beukers, T. W. B., van Harten, H. J., & Prechal, S. (Eds.) (2010). Het recht van de Europese Unie in 50 klassieke arresten. (Boom jurisprudentie en documentatie). Boom Juridische uitgevers. [details]
Beukers, T. W. B. (2009). Het Verdrag van Lissabon en besluitvorming in de (Europese) Raad: differentiatie, flexibiliteit en complexiteit. In R. H. van Ooik, & R. A. Wessel (Eds.), De Europese Unia na het Verdrag van Lissabon (pp. 39-48). (Europa in beeld; No. 6). Kluwer. [details]
Beukers, T. W. B. (2008). Het Verdrag van Lissabon en besluitvorming in de (Europese) Raad: differentiatie, flexibiliteit en complexiteit. Sociaal-economische Wetgeving : Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 56(6), 236-241. [details]
Beukers, T. W. B. (2007). Interface between the European Union and Its Member States in Union Public Finances. In D. Obradovic, & N. Lavranos (Eds.), Interface between EU Law and National Law (pp. 89-101). Groningen: Europa Law Publishing. [details]
Beukers, T. W. B. (2006). Enhancing Parliamentary Control over the European Commission and the Member States. Constitutional Development Through Practice. European Constitutional Law Review, 1, 21-53.[details]
Beukers, T. W. B., van Harten, H. J., & Frese, M. J. (2011). Recent Verschenen. Sociaal-economische Wetgeving : Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 2011(1-12).
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Beukers, T. W. B. (editor) (2004). European Constitutional Law Review (Journal).
Beukers, T. (2011). Law, practice and convention in the constitution of the European Union. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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