Ted M. de Boer (1943), LL.M. (Utrecht University 1969); LL.M. (New York University 1971), J.S.D. (University of Amsterdam 1987 cum laude), is emeritus professor of private international law and comparative law at the University of Amsterdam, member of the Royal Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands, part-time judge at the District Court of Alkmaar, and a member of the Dutch Standing Committee on Private International Law. In 2009, the University of Amsterdam granted him the title of 'distinguished professor', in acknowledgement of his academic achievement and his commitment to the cause of international legal studies.
Principal publications:
- Beyond Lex Loci Delicti, Conflicts methodology and multistate torts in American case law, Deventer/Antwerp/London/Frankfurt/Boston/New- York, 1987
- Facultative Choice of Law, The Procedural Status of Choice-of-Law Rules and Foreign Law, Recueil des Cours, vol. 257 (1996), p. 223-427
- 'Een zoo doeltreffend en rechtvaardig mogelijke ordening', Vragen rond de bestaansgrond van het internationaal privaatrecht, Medelingen van de Afdeling Letterkunde van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschap-pen, Nieuwe Reeks, Deel 59 (jaargang 1996), nr. 1, p. 3-58
- Living Apart Together: The Relationship between Public and Private International Law, Netherlands International Law Review, issue 2, 2010, p. 183-207
- Th.M. de Boer & F. Ibili, Nederlands internationaal personen- en familierecht ‒ Wegwijzer voor de rechtspraktijk, Serie Recht en praktijk - Personen en familierecht PFR3, Kluwer: Deventer, 2012