van Daalen, O. L. (2024). Developing a human rights compatible governance framework for quantum computing. Research Directions: Quantum Technologies.
van Daalen, O. L. (2023). The right to encryption: Privacy as preventing unlawful access. Computer Law & Security Review, 49, Article 105804. Advance online publication.[details]
van Daalen, O. L., van Hoboken, J. V. J., & Rucz, M. (2023). Export control of cybersurveillance items in the new dual-use regulation: The challenges of applying human rights logic to export control. Computer Law & Security Review, 48, Article 105789. Advance online publication.[details]
van Daalen, O. (2022). In defense of offense: information security research under the right to science. Computer Law and Security Review, 46, Article 105706. Advance online publication.[details]
Müller, A., Helberger, N., & workshop Regulating Generative AI in the AI Act (2023). The AI Act and General Purpose AI: Charting a path forward: Recommendations by academics and activists. AlgorithmWatch.[details]
van Daalen, O. L., van Hoboken, J. V. J., Koot, M., & Rucz, M. (2021). The new rules for export control of cyber-surveillance items in the EU. Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam. [details]
Eskens, S., van Daalen, O., & van Eijk, N. (2015). Ten standards for oversight and transparency of national intelligence services. Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam.[details]
van Daalen, O. (19-03-2024). De opkomst van de slimme deurbel: heel handig voor de politie, maar niet voor je privacy [Television] AT5. De opkomst van de slimme deurbel: heel handig voor de politie, maar niet voor je privacy.
van Daalen, O. (05-10-2023). Privacy, vrijheid en IoT: een interview met Ot van Daalen [Web] De IoT gesprekken. Privacy, vrijheid en IoT: interview met Ot van Daalen.
van Daalen, O. (19-07-2023). Steeds meer campings met gezichtsherkenning: handig, maar mag dit zomaar? [Television] RTL Z. Steeds meer campings met gezichtsherkenning: handig, maar mag dit zomaar?.
van Daalen, O. (09-10-2022). Supporters in Qatar nauwlettend gevolgd: 'dit is echt massasurveillance' [Web] AD. Supporters in Qatar nauwlettend gevolgd: 'dit is echt massasurveillance'.
van Daalen, O. (18-03-2021). Interview on encryption policy in Cyberhelden podcast [Web] Cyberhelden. Cyberhelden interview with Ot van Daalen.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (23-1-2024). Quantum computing and human rights law, QISS meeting.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (1-12-2023). De concept-Vo SKM en mensenrechten, Bijeenkomst Vereniging voor Media- en Communicatierecht, Amsterdam.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (21-11-2023). ACM kennisbijeenkomst mobiliteitsdata, Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM).
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (20-6-2023). Encryptie en quantumcomputers, VPR-A seminar privacy, Leiden.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (14-6-2023). Quantum computing and human rights law, CEPS Task Force on Quantum Technologies and Cybersecurity.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (21-3-2023). Legal Aspects of Generative AI, Legal aspects of Generative AI.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (20-12-2022). Quantum governance and human rights, Quantum and Society Colloqium, Amsterdam.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (13-10-2022). Presentation of thesis to international researchers on right to science, International meeting of scholars on right to science.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (31-5-2022). Security in the Quantum Age, Security in the Quantum Age, Jena.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (12-1-2022). Technische briefing - export van cybersurveillancetechnologie, Technische briefing Nederlands parlement.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) & van Hoboken, J. (speaker) (12-1-2022). Technical briefing on export control of surveillance technologies for Committee on Weapons Policy in Dutch parliament, Dutch Parliament.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (25-10-2021). Presentation of report on export control of cybersurveillance technologies for European Dual Use Working Party, European Dual Use Working Party.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (8-11-2019). Nationale Privacycongres 2019, Nationale Privacycongres, Amsterdam.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (1-7-2019). Lecture on principles of data protection, Annual IViR Summer Course on Privacy Law and Policy (2019), Amsterdam.
van Daalen, O. (speaker) (29-6-2018). VMC Studiemiddag - AVG en third party cookies: een onwerkbare situatie?, Studiemiddag VMC: AVG en third party cookies: een onwerkbare situatie?’.
van Daalen, O. (participant) (25-5-2023). CPDP 2023. PREPARING CRYPTOGRAPHY FOR THE QUANTUM AGE.Quantum computing promises to break public key encryption. If you’d have access to a quantum computer, you (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Naudts, L. (organiser), Helberger, N. (organiser), Piasecki, S. (organiser), Spaargaren , S. (organiser), Viktorija , M. (participant), Senftleben, M. (participant), van Daalen, O. (participant), Appelman, N. (participant) & Hacker, P. (participant) (31-3-2023). The Impact We Generate #1. In this panel discussion, organised by the AI, Media & Democracy Lab, we will dive into legal and governance aspects regarding the technology’s (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Daalen, O. (participant) (15-11-2022). Denksessie over nieuwe Cyberwet (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Daalen, O. (organiser) & van Hoboken, J. (chair) (26-10-2022). Workshop on the right to science and export control, Amsterdam. The Institute of Information Law (IViR) on 26 October 2022, as a member of the legaland societal sounding board of the Quantum Software Consortium, (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Daalen, O. (participant) (26-5-2021). Workshop on export control of surveillance technologies under the new Dual-Use Regulation. Work (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Daalen, O. (participant) (16-4-2021). Ivirtual. Presentation of research on export control of surveillance technology (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Daalen, O. (participant) & van Hoboken, J. (chair) (4-12-2019). Panel on societal aspects of quantum computing, Amsterdam. Panel on societal aspects of quantum computing (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Hoboken, J. (chair) & van Daalen, O. (organiser) (28-11-2019). Exploring encryption policy and quantum technologies, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Daalen, O. (participant) & van Hoboken, J. (participant) (28-11-2019). Workshop on regulatory aspects of quantum computing and encryption, Amsterdam. Workshop (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Gompel, S. (organiser), van Daalen, O. (organiser) & Hugenholtz, B. (organiser) (20-5-2019). Launch event of the Glushko & Samuelson Information Law and Policy Lab, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Daalen, O. (2022). Making and breaking with science and conscience: The human rights-compatibility of information security governance in the context of quantum computing and encryption. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Helberger, N., Naudts, L. P. A., Piasecki, S., Aszodi, N., Berendt, B., Brown, I., van Daalen, O. L., Diakopoulos, N. A., de Jonge, T., Elmer, C., Helming, C., Iwanska, K., Keller, P., Kreuter, F., Obrecht, L., Mueller, A., Pannatier, E., Oberski, D., Quintais, J. P., ... Zuiderveen Borgesius, F. J. (2024). The Amsterdam Paper: Recommendations for the technical finalisation of the regulation of GPAI in the AI Act by the participants of the joint Media & Democracy Lab and Algorithm Watch legal design workshop.
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