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Dr. L. (Lennie) Donné PhD

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Persuasive Communication
Fotograaf: PopUpPortraits

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Social media
  • Profile

    Im a lecturer in the programme group Persuasive Communication at the department of Communication Science. In that capacity, I'm also part of the Amsterdam Center for Health Communication. 

    In my work, I can combine my background in humanities (I studied Dutch Language and Culture & Communication and Information Studies at the Radboud University in Nijmegen) with communication science.

    Before joining the Persuasive Communication Group in 2022, I combined research and teaching in several places. After obtaining my PhD on the role of interpersonal health communication in health campaign effectiveness (specifically on the topic of safe sex) at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Groningen, I worked for 6 years as a lecturer and post doc researcher at the HU University of Applied Science. Here, I was involved in a variety of research projects and in teaching and co-ordinating courses in the field of innovations in pharmaceutical patient care.  

    Expertise & research fields

    • Health communication
    • Interpersonal communication
    • (pharmaceutical) Patient care
    • Qualitative research


    Administrative role

    • Review committee Communication Science

    Visit the website of the Amsterdam Center for Health Communication

  • Teaching

    In my teaching, I focus on a variety of topics, both in the field of persuasive communication and research methodology. In the Bachelor program, I teach the following courses:

    • Persuasive Communication (DWC3)
    • Qualitative Research
    • Seminar Academic and Research Skills
    • Communication Ethics

    Furthermore, I supervise 2nd and 3rd year Bachelor students during their Graduation Project in Persuasive Communication, and during their Internship. 

    In the Master program, I mainly supervise theses in Persuasive Communication.

  • Publicaties


    • on behalf of FRIEND Research Group (2023). Engaging community-dwelling older adults in fall prevention programs: A qualitative study on strategies promoting participation in fall prevention programs among community-dwelling older adults. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, Article 1150659. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1150659
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