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Dr. D. (Dingmar) van Eck

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Capaciteitsgroep Philosophical Tradition in Context

  • Oude Turfmarkt 141
  • Postbus 94201
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Russo, F., & van Eck, D. (in press). Charting the explanatory potential of network modeling in psychopathology. In Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry VI: Causal Concepts in Psychopathology: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Oxford University Press.
    • van Eck, D., & Barman, K. (in press). Technology-driven causal inference: prospects and challenges. In Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Causality and Causal Methods Routledge.



    • Weber, E., van Eck, D., & Mennes, J. (2019). On the structure and epistemic value of function ascriptions in biology and engineering sciences. Foundations of Science, 24, 559-581.
    • van Eck, D. (2019). Constitutive relevance in cognitive science: the case of eye movements and cognitive mechanisms. Studies in history and philosophy of science, 73, 44-53.


    • Wright, C., & van Eck, D. (2018). Ontic explanation is either ontic or explanatory, but not both. Ergo, 38, 997-1029.
    • van Eck, D. (2018). A comprehensive guide to the New Mechanistic Philosophy. Review Of Stuart Glennan (2017). The New Mechanical Philosophy. Metascience, 461-464.
    • van Eck, D. (2018). On testing engineering design methods: explanation, reverse engineering, and constitutive relevance. In Advancements in the Philosophy of Design (pp. 369-387). Springer.
    • van Eck, D. (2018). Rethinking the explanatory status of dynamical models in cognitive science. Philosophical Psychology, 31, 1131-1161.
    • van Eck, D., & Mennes, J. (2018). Mechanism discovery and design explanation: where role function meets biological advantage function. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, 49, 413-434.


    • van Eck, D. (2017). Mechanisms and engineering science. In The Routledge Handbook of Mechanisms and Mechanical Philosophy (pp. 447-461). Routledge.
    • van Eck, D., & Weber, E. (2017). In defense of co-existing engineering meanings of function. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing (AIEDAM), 55-68. .


    • van Eck, D. (2016). Philosophy of science and engineering design. Springer.
    • van Eck, D., & Gervais, R. (2016). Difference making, explanatory relevance, and mechanistic models. Theoria, 125-134.
    • van Eck, D., & Looren de Jong, H. (2016). Mechanistic explanation, cognitive systems demarcation, and extended cognition. Studies in history and philosophy of science, 11-21.
    • van Eck, D., & Mennes, J. (2016). Design explanation and idealization. Erkenntnis, 81, 1051-1071.


    • van Eck, D. (2015). Dissolving the ‘problem of the absent artifact’: design representations as means for counterfactual understanding and knowledge generalization. Design Studies, 39, 1-18. .
    • van Eck, D. (2015). Mechanistic explanation in engineering science. European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 5, 349-375.
    • van Eck, D. (2015). Reconciling ontic and epistemic constraints on mechanistic explanation, epistemically. Axiomathes, 25, 5-22.
    • van Eck, D. (2015). Validating function-based design methods: an explanationist perspective. Philosophy and Technology, 28, 511-531.


    • van Eck, D. (2014). Review of Gijsbert Kuijpers (2014), Wetenschap en doelbegrip. Nieuw onderscheid als bron van inspiratie. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 347-349.
    • van Eck, D., & Weber, E. (2014). Function ascription and explanation: elaborating an explanatory utility desideratum for ascriptions of technical functions. Erkenntnis, 79, 1367-1389.


    • van Eck, D., Vermaas, P., & Kroes, P. (2013). The conceptual elusiveness of engineering functions: a philosophical analysis. Philosophy and Technology, 26, 159-185.



    • van Eck, D. (2010). Explaining and relating different engineering models of functional decomposition. In Proceedings Design Research Society (DRS) International Conference. (pp. 122.1-122.11)
    • van Eck, D. (2010). On the conversion of functional models: bridging differences between functional taxonomies in the modeling of user actions. Research in Engineering Design, 21, 99-111.
    • van Eck, D. (2010). Supporting functional knowledge exchange between functional taxonomies by establishing function-behaviour links. In Proceedings of the eight international symposium on tools and methods of competitive engineering-TMCE 2010. (pp. 1583-1595)


    • van Eck, D. (2009). On relating functional modeling approaches: abstracting functional models from behavioral models. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED 09) (pp. 2.89- 2.100)
    • van Eck, D. (2009). Translation failures, truth-value status gaps and methodological incommensurability. In Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science. (pp. 455-459)


    • van Eck, D., McAdams, D., & Vermaas, P. (2007). Functional decomposition in engineering: a survey. In Proceedings of the ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE). (pp. 1-10)


    • van Eck, D., Looren de Jong, H., & Schouten, M. (2006). Evaluating New Wave Reductionism: the case of vision. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 57, 167-196. .


    • van Eck, D. (2005). Review of William. R. Uttal, Psychomythics: sources of artifacts and misconceptions in scientific psychology. Philosophical Psychology, 18, 788-793.



    • van Eck, D., & Weber, E. (2018). Conference report: The 7th biennial conference of the Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice. The Reasoner, 12(9), 72-73.
    • van Eck, D., Weber, E., & de Regt, H. (2018). Conference report: Workshop Explanation and Understanding, Ghent, 23-25 May 2018. The Reasoner, 12(7), 56-57.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • van Eck, D. (2020). NWO (Dutch Research Council) panel Philosophy and Theology Open Competition 2020 .


    • van Eck, D. (invited speaker) (13-9-2022). Comments on What is a complex system? J. Ladyman K. Wiesner, Workshop what is a complex system?.
    • van Eck, D. (speaker) (1-7-2022). Regimenting the explanatory potential of network models in psychopathology., SPSP (Society for Philosophy of Science in practice) 2022 conference, July 1-4, 2022, Ghent University.
    • van Eck, D. (invited speaker) (22-4-2022). Explanation and idealization in systems biology, Logic and Interactive Rationality (LIRA) seminar of the Amsterdam Dynamics Group, University of Amsterdam.
    • van Eck, D. (invited speaker) (1-11-2021). Mechanist idealization in systems biology, Perspectives on Science seminar, TINT (Centre for philosophy of social science), University of Helsinki..
    • van Eck, D. (speaker) (11-9-2019). On the structure and epistemic value of function ascriptions in biology and engineering sciences., European Society for Philosophy of Science (EPSA) conference. September 11-14, 2019, Geneva, Switzerland..
    • van Eck, D. (speaker), Glennan, S. (speaker), Kästner, L. (speaker), Krickel, B. (speaker) & Craver, C. (speaker) (12-7-2019). Symposium on The New Mechanical Philosophy, International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) conference. July 07-12, 2019, Oslo, Norway..
    • van Eck, D. (speaker) (9-5-2019). Design explanation through mechanist idealization, Workshop non-causal explanations, May 9-10, 2019, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium..
    • van Eck, D. (invited speaker) (12-4-2019). Mechanist idealization in systems biology, Idealizations across the sciences, Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Prague, Czech Republic, June 12-14, 2019..
    • van Eck, D. (invited speaker) (23-3-2019). Mechanisms in engineering science and technology, mechanisms in Indiana: reaping and sowing”, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, March 2019..
    • van Eck, D. (speaker) (24-10-2018). Two tales of idealization and mechanistic explanation in (systems) biology, Model Based Reasoning in Science and Technology conference (MBR18). October 2018, Seville, Spain..
    • van Eck, D. (speaker) & Gervais, R. (speaker) (19-9-2018). Causal and evidential pluralism in the cognitive sciences., Causality in the Neuro- and Psychological Sciences (CiNaPS) conference, September 2018, Antwerp, Belgium..
    • van Eck, D. (speaker) (30-6-2018). Rethinking the explanatory status of dynamical models in cognitive science, Society for Philosophy in Scientific Practice (SPSP) Conference, June-July 2018, Ghent, Belgium. .
    • van Eck, D. (invited speaker) (10-9-2012). Adding precision to norms of mechanistic explanation: disambiguating functional reasoning in mechanistic explanation., Invited lecture at Ghent University., Ghent, Belgium.


    • van Eck, D. (organiser) (23-5-2023). Techno-Scientific Practices: An Informational Approach. book launch (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Eck, D. (chair) (18-9-2018). pre-conference workshop “What, if anything, can philosophers and empirical scientists learn from each other?”. Causality in the Neuro- and Psychological Sciences (CiNaPS) conference, September 2018, Antwerp, Belgium.. I acted as one of the co-chairs/moderators of this event (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Eck, D. (organiser), Weber, E. (organiser) & de Regt, H. (organiser) (23-5-2018 - 25-5-2018). Scientific explanation and understanding (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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