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Dr. J. (Johannes) von Engelhardt

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15575
    1001 NB Amsterdam
Social media
  • Info

    I work as a lecturer at the interdiscipinary BA programme Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (PPLE college). My main teaching focus is on social science research methods and statistical analysis.  Within PPLE, I am principal lecturer for Introduction Statistical Analysis

    Previously, I taught within the International Bachelor's Programme in Communication and Media at Erasmus University Rotterdam (IBCoM) where I also completed a PhD dissertation on western media representations of humanitarian disaster. 

    Outside of academia, I work as a freelance researcher / evaluation consultant in the international development sector for different NGOs and the World Bank.


    • Jones, L., Ballon, P., von Engelhardt, J. (2018). How does resilience change over time? Tracking post-disaster recovery using mobile phone surveys. ODI Working Paper. download
    • Dabalen, A., Etang, A., Hoogeveen, J., Mushi, E., Schipper, Y., von Engelhardt, J. (2016). Mobile Phone Panel Surveys in Developing Countries. World Bank Series: Directions in Development. Washington, DC: World Bank. download
    • von Engelhardt, J. (2015). Studying western audiences vis-à-vis mediated distant suffering. A call to venture beyond media studies. International Communication Gazette, Special Issue on Distant Suffering, guest edited and introduced by Stijn Joye & Johannes von Engelhardt.
    • von Engelhardt, J. & Koopman E. (2015). De psychologie van het geven. De Correspondent.
    • von Engelhardt, J. & Jansz, J (2015). Distant suffering: the mediation of humanitarian disaster. In: Anderson, R. (editor). World Suffering and Quality of Life, Springer Social Science Indicators Research Series, 75-87.
    • von Engelhardt, J. (2015). Leid und Mitleid: Mediendarstellungen humanitärer Katastrophen und deren Wirkung. Das In-Mind Magazin, 5.
    • von Engelhardt, J. (2015). Review of ‘Media and Development’ by Martin Scott (2014). Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, 40(2), 257-259.
    • von Engelhardt. J. (2015). Wat werkt: zielige slachtoffers of sterke mensen? OneWorld.
    • von Engelhardt, J. & Jansz, J. (2014). Challenging humanitarian communication. An empirical exploration of Kony 2012. International Communication Gazette, 76(6), 464-484.
    • Golčevski, N., von Engelhardt, J. & Boomgaarden, N. (2013). Facing the Past: Media Framing of War Crimes in Post-Conflict Serbia. Media, War & Conflict, 6, 117-133.
    • Verdonschot, I. & von Engelhardt J. (2013). Representaties van leed tussen ‘adventure’ en ‘emergency’. Een ‘critical discourse analysis’ naar de representatie van de watersnoodramp in Pakistan (2010) op de Nederlandse televisie. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 41(1), 62-81.


  • Nevenwerkzaamheden

    I work for different NGOs and development organizations as an independent researcher and evaluation freelancer.

  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • various (freelance)
      independent researcher / evaluation consultant