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Prof. dr. R. (Raquel) Fernández Rovira

Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica

  • Science Park 900
  • Kamernummer: L6.46
  • Postbus 94242
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Homepage

    For full information, please refer to my personal website.

  • Publicaties


    • Takmaz, E., Pezzelle, S., & Fernández, R. (2024). Describing Images Fast and Slow: Quantifying and Predicting the Variation in Human Signals during Visuo-Linguistic Processes. In Y. Graham, & M. Purver (Eds.), EACL 2024 - 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Conference (Vol. 1, pp. 2072-2087). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).


    • Chen, X., Fernández, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2023). The BLA Benchmark: Investigating Basic Language Abilities of Pre-Trained Multimodal Models. In H. Bouamar, J. Pino, & K. Bali (Eds.), The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2023 : Proceedings of the Conference : December 6-10, 2023 (pp. 5817–5830). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.356 [details]
    • Giulianelli, M., Baan, J., Aziz, W., Fernández, R., & Plank, B. (2023). What Comes Next? Evaluating Uncertainty in Neural Text Generators Against Human Production Variability. In H. Bouamar, J. Pino, & K. Bali (Eds.), The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2023 : Proceedings of the Conference : December 6-10, 2023 (pp. 14349–14371). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.887 [details]
    • Giulianelli, M., Luden, I., Fernández, R., & Kutuzov, A. (2023). Interpretable Word Sense Representations via Definition Generation: The Case of Semantic Change Analysis. In A. Rogers, J. Boyd-Graber, & N. Okazaki (Eds.), The 61st Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Proceedings of the Conference : ACL 2023 : July 9-14, 2023 (Vol. 1, pp. 3130-3148). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.176 [details]
    • Giulianelli, M., Wallbridge, S., & Fernández, R. (2023). Information Value: Measuring Utterance Predictability as Distance from Plausible Alternatives. In H. Bouamar, J. Pino, & K. Bali (Eds.), The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2023 : Proceedings of the Conference : December 6-10, 2023 (pp. 5633-5653). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.343 [details]
    • Pezzelle, S., & Fernández, R. (2023). Semantic Adaptation to the Interpretation of Gradable Adjectives via Active Linguistic Interaction. Cognitive Science, 47(2), Article e13248. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.13248 [details]
    • Qi, J., Fernández, R., & Bisazza, A. (2023). Cross-Lingual Consistency of Factual Knowledge in Multilingual Language Models. In H. Bouamar, J. Pino, & K. Bali (Eds.), The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2023 : Proceedings of the Conference : December 6-10, 2023 (pp. 10650-10666). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.658 [details]
    • Sinclair, A. J., & Fernández, R. (2023). Alignment of code switching varies with proficiency in second language learning dialogue. System, 113, Article 102952. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2022.102952 [details]
    • Surikuchi, A., Pezzelle, S., & Fernández, R. (2023). GROOViST: A Metric for Grounding Objects in Visual Storytelling. In H. Bouamor, J. Pino, & K. Bali (Eds.), The 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2023 : Proceedings of the Conference : December 6-10, 2023 (pp. 3331-3339). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.202 [details]
    • Takmaz, E., Brandizzi, N., Giulianelli, M., Pezzelle, S., & Fernández, R. (2023). Speaking the Language of Your Listener: Audience-Aware Adaptation via Plug-and-Play Theory of Mind. In A. Rogers, J. Boyd-Graber, & N. Okazaki (Eds.), Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023: July 9-14, 2023 (pp. 4198-4217). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2023.findings-acl.258 [details]


    • Baan, J., Aziz, W., Plank, B., & Fernández, R. (2022). Stop Measuring Calibration When Humans Disagree. In Y. Goldberg, Z. Kozareva, & Y. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: December 7-11, 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (pp. 1892–1915). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2022.emnlp-main.124 [details]
    • Fernández, R. (2022). Dialogue. In R. Mitkov (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics (2nd ed., pp. 179–204 ). Oxford University Press. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199573691.013.25 [details]
    • Jansen, L., Laichter, Š. L., Sinclair, A., van der Goot, M. J., Fernández, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2022). Controllable Text Generation for All Ages: Evaluating a Plug-and-Play Approach to Age-Adapted Dialogue. In A. Bosselut, K. Chandu, K. Dhole, V. Gangal, S. Gehrmann, Y. Jernite, J. Novikova, & L. Perez-Beltrachini (Eds.), 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Evaluation and Metrics: GEM 2022 : proceedings of the workshop : December 7, 2022 (pp. 172-188). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/https://aclanthology.org/2022.gem-1.14 [details]
    • Ryb, S., Giulianelli, M., Sinclair, A., & Fernández, R. (2022). AnaLog: Testing Analytical and Deductive Logic Learnability in Language Models. In V. Nastase, E. Pavlick, M. T. Pilehvar, J. Camacho-Collados, & A. Raganato (Eds.), The 11th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics: *SEM 2022 : proceedings of the conference : July 14-15, 2022 (pp. 55-68). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2022.starsem-1.5 [details]
    • Sinclair, A., Jumelet, J., Zuidema, W., & Fernández, R. (2022). Structural Persistence in Language Models: Priming as a Window into Abstract Language Representations. Transactions of the Association of Computational Linguistics, 10, 1031–1050. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1162/tacl_a_00504 [details]
    • Takmaz, E., Pezzelle, S., & Fernández, R. (2022). Less Descriptive yet Discriminative: Quantifying the Properties of Multimodal Referring Utterances via CLIP. In E. Chersoni, N. Hollenstein, C. Jacobs, Y. Oseki, L. Prévot, & E. Santus (Eds.), Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics: CMCL 2022 : proceedings of the workshop : May 26, 2022 (pp. 36-42). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2022.cmcl-1.4 [details]


    • Giulianelli, M., & Fernández, R. (2021). Analysing Human Strategies of Information Transmission as a Function of Discourse Context. In A. Bisazza, & O. Abend (Eds.), The 25th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning: CoNLL 2021 : proceedings of the conference : November 10-11, 2021, online (pp. 647–660). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2021.conll-1.50 [details]
    • Giulianelli, M., Sinclair, A., & Fernández, R. (2021). Is Information Density Uniform in Task-Oriented Dialogues? In M-C. Moens, X. Huang, L. Specia, & S. W. Yih (Eds.), 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2021 : proceedings of the conference : November 7-11, 2021 (pp. 8271–8283). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2021.emnlp-main.652 [details]
    • Jansen, L., Sinclair, A., van der Goot, M. J., Fernández, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2021). Detecting age-related linguistic patterns in dialogue: Toward adaptive conversational systems. In Proceedings of the Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CliC-it 2021 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 3033). CEUR-WS.
    • Noble, B., Sayeed, A., Fernández, R., & Larsson, S. (2021). Semantic shift in social networks. In L-W. Ku, V. Nastase, & I. Vulić (Eds.), The 10th Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics: *SEM 2021 : proceedings of the conference : August 5-6, 2021, Bangkok, Thailand (online) (pp. 26-37). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2021.starsem-1.3 [details]
    • Parfenova, I., Elliott, D., Fernández, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2021). Probing Cross-Modal Representations in Multi-Step Relational Reasoning. In A. Rogers, I. Calixto, I. Vulić, N. Saphra, N. Kassner, O-M. Camburu, T. Bansal, & V. Shwartz (Eds.), The 6th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP: RepL4NLP 2021 : proceedings of the workshop : August 6, 2021, Bangkok, Thailand (online) (pp. 152–162). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2021.repl4nlp-1.16 [details]
    • Pezzelle, S., Takmaz, E., & Fernández, R. (2021). Word Representation Learning in Multimodal Pre-Trained Transformers: An Intrinsic Evaluation. Transactions of the Association of Computational Linguistics, 9, 1563–1579. https://doi.org/10.1162/tacl_a_00443 [details]
    • Sinclair, A. J., & Fernández, R. (2021). Construction Coordination in First and Second Language Acquisition. In E. Breitholz, K. Georgila, & D. Schlangen (Eds.), PotsDial : Proceedings of the 25th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue: Potsdam & The Internet, 20-22 September 2021 (pp. 150-161). (Proceedings SemDial; Vol. 2021). Universität Potsdam. http://semdial.org/anthology/papers/Z/Z21/Z21-3018/ [details]


    • Del Tredici, M., & Fernández, R. (2020). Words are the Window to the Soul: Language-based User Representations for Fake News Detection. In D. Scott, N. Bel, & C. Zong (Eds.), The 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: COLING 2020 : Proceedings of the Conference : December 8-13, 2020, Barcelona, Spain (Online) (pp. 5467-5479). International Committee on Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2020.coling-main.477 [details]
    • Fernández, R., & Linzen, T. (Eds.) (2020). The 24th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNNL): CoNNL 2020 : proceedings of the conference : November 19-20, 2020, Online. The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/https://aclanthology.org/2020.conll-1.0 [details]
    • Giulianelli, M., Del Tredici, M., & Fernández, R. (2020). Analysing Lexical Semantic Change with Contextualised Word Representations. In D. Jurafsky, J. Chai, N. Schluter, & J. Tetreault (Eds.), The 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2020 : Proceedings of the Conference : July 5-10, 2020 (pp. 3960–3973). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.365 [details]
    • Gualdoni, E., Bernardi, R., Fernández, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2020). Grounded and Ungrounded Referring Expressions in Human Dialogues: Language Mirrors Different Grounding Conditions. In J. Monti, F. Dell'Orletta, & F. Tamburini (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics: Bologna, Italy, March 1-3, 2021 Article 38 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2769). CEUR-WS. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2769/paper_38.pdf [details]
    • Takmaz, E., Giulianelli, M., Pezzelle, S., Sinclair, A., & Fernández, R. (2020). Refer, Reuse, Reduce: Generating Subsequent References in Visual and Conversational Contexts. In B. Webber, T. Cohn, Y. He, & Y. Liu (Eds.), 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2020 : proceedings of the conference : November 16-20, 2020 (pp. 4350-4368). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.353 [details]
    • Takmaz, E., Pezzelle, S., Beinborn, L., & Fernández, R. (2020). Generating Image Descriptions via Sequential Cross-Modal Alignment Guided by Human Gaze. In B. Webber, T. Cohn, Y. He, & Y. Liu (Eds.), 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: EMNLP 2020 : proceedings of the conference : November 16-20, 2020 (pp. 4664–4677). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/2020.emnlp-main.377 [details]


    • Aina, L., Bernardi, R., & Fernández, R. (2019). Negated Adjectives and Antonyms in Distributional Semantics: not similar? Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, 5(1), 57-71. http://www.ai-lc.it/IJCoL/v5n1/IJCOL_5_1_3___aina_et_al.pdf [details]
    • Bani, G., Belli, D., Dagan, G., Geenen, A., Skliar, A., Venkatesh, A., Baumgärtner, T., Bruni, E., & Fernández, R. (2019). Adding object detection skills to visual dialogue agents. In L. Leal-Taixé, & S. Roth (Eds.), Computer Vision – ECCV 2018 Workshops: Munich, Germany, September 8-14, 2018 : proceedings (Vol. IV, pp. 180-187). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 11132). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-11018-5_17 [details]
    • Del Tredici, M., Fernández, R., & Boleda, G. (2019). Short-Term Meaning Shift: A Distributional Exploration. In J. Burstein, C. Doran, & T. Solorio (Eds.), The 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: NAACL HLT 2019 : proceedings of the conference : June 2-June 7, 2019 (Vol. 1, pp. 2069-2075). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/N19-1210 [details]
    • Del Tredici, M., Marcheggiani, D., Schulte im Walde, S., & Fernández, R. (2019). You Shall Know a User by the Company It Keeps: Dynamic Representations for Social Media Users in NLP. In K. Inui, J. Jiang, V. Ng, & X. Wan (Eds.), 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 : proceedings of the conference : November 3-7, 2019, Hong Kong, China (pp. 4707-4717). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/D19-1477 [details]
    • Greco, C., Plank, B., Fernández, R., & Bernardi, R. (2019). Psycholinguistics meets Continual Learning: Measuring Catastrophic Forgetting in Visual Question Answering. In A. Korhonen, D. Traum, & L. Màrquez (Eds.), The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2019 : proceedings of the conference : July 28-August 2, 2019, Florence, Italy (pp. 3601-3605). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/P19-1350 [details]
    • Haber, J., Baumgärtner, T., Takmaz, E., Gelderloos, L., Bruni, E., & Fernández, R. (2019). The PhotoBook Dataset: Building Common Ground through Visually Grounded Dialogue. In A. Korhonen, D. Traum, & L. Màrquez (Eds.), The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2019 : proceedings of the conference : July 28-August 2, 2019, Florence, Italy (pp. 1895-1910). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/P19-1184 [details]
    • Pezzelle, S., & Fernández, R. (2019). Big Generalizations with Small Data: Exploring the Role of Training Samples in Learning Adjectives of Size. In A. Mogadala, D. Klakow, S. Pezzelle, & M-F. Moens (Eds.), Beyond Vision and LANguage: inTEgrating Real-world kNowledge (LANTERN): EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 : proceedings of the workshop : November 3, 2019, Hong Kong, China (pp. 18-23). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/D19-6403 [details]
    • Pezzelle, S., & Fernández, R. (2019). Is the Red Square Big? MALeViC: Modeling Adjectives Leveraging Visual Contexts. In K. Inui, J. Jiang, V. Ng, & X. Wan (Eds.), 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: EMNLP-IJCNLP 2019 : proceedings of the conference : November 3-7, 2019, Hong Kong, China (pp. 2865-2876). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/D19-1285 [details]
    • Schlöder, J. J., & Fernández, R. (2019). How to Reject What in Dialogue. In C. Howes, J. Hough, & C. Kennington (Eds.), LondonLogue : Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue: London, 4-6-September 2019 (pp. 99-108). (Proceedings SemDial; Vol. 2019). SEMDIAL. http://semdial.org/anthology/papers/Z/Z19/Z19-3014/ [details]
    • Shekhar, R., Takmaz, E., Fernández, R., & Bernardi, R. (2019). Evaluating the Representational Hub of Language and Vision Models. In S. Dobnik, S. Chatzikyriakidis, & V. Demberg (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics - Long Papers: IWCS 2019 : 23-27 May, 2019, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden (pp. 211-222). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/W19-0418 [details]
    • Shekhar, R., Venkatesh, A., Baumgärtner, T., Bruni, E., Plank, B., Bernardi, R., & Fernández, R. (2019). Beyond Task Success: A Closer Look at Jointly Learning to See, Ask, and GuessWhat. In J. Burstein, C. Doran, & T. Solorio (Eds.), The 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: NAACL HLT 2019 : proceedings of the conference : June 2-June 7, 2019 (Vol. 1, pp. 2578-2587). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/N19-1265 [details]
    • Testoni, A., Shekhar, R., Fernández, R., & Bernardi, R. (2019). The Devil is in the Details: A Magnifying Glass for the GuessWhich Visual Dialogue Game. In C. Howes, J. Hough, & C. Kennington (Eds.), LondonLogue : Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue: London, 4-6-September 2019 (pp. 15-24). (Proceedings SemDial; Vol. 2019). SEMDIAL. http://semdial.org/anthology/papers/Z/Z19/Z19-3005/ [details]


    • Aina, L., Bernardi, R., & Fernández, R. (2018). A distributional study of negated adjectives and antonyms. In E. Cabrio, A. Mazzei, & F. Tamburini (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2018): Torino, Italy, December 10-12, 2018 (CEUR Workshop Proceedings; Vol. 2253). CEUR-WS. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2253/paper03.pdf [details]
    • Del Tredici, M., & Fernández, R. (2018). The Road to Success: Assessing the Fate of Linguistic Innovations in Online Communities. In E. M. Bender, L. Derczynski, & P. Isabelle (Eds.), The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: COLING 2018 : proceedings of the conference : August 20-26, 2018, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA (pp. 1591-1603). Association for Computational Linguistics. http://aclweb.org/anthology/C18-1135 [details]
    • Hupkes, D., Bouwmeester, S., & Fernández, R. (2018). Analysing the potential of seq-to-seq models for incremental interpretation in task-oriented dialogue. In T. Linzen, G. Chrupała, & A. Alishahi (Eds.), The 2018 EMNLP Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP: EMNLP 2018 : proceedings of the First Workshop : November 1, 2018, Brussels, Belgium (pp. 165–174). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/W18-5419 [details]
    • Klubička, F., & Fernández, R. (2018). Examining a hate speech corpus for hate speech detection and popularity prediction. In A. Branco, N. Calzolari, & K. Choukri (Eds.), 4REAL 2018 : Workshop on Replicability and Reproducibility of Research Results in Science and Technology of Language: LREC 2018 Workshop : proceedings (pp. 16-23). European Language Resources Association (ELRA). https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04661 [details]
    • Shekhar, R., Baumgärtner, T., Venkatesh, A., Bruni, E., Bernardi, R., & Fernandez, R. (2018). Ask No More: Deciding when to guess in referential visual dialogue. In E. M. Bender, L. Derczynski, & P. Isabelle (Eds.), The 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: COLING 2018 : proceedings of the conference : August 20-26, 2018, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA (pp. 1218-1233). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://aclweb.org/anthology/C18-1104/ [details]
    • Xing, Y., & Fernández, R. (2018). Automatic Evaluation of Neural Personality-based Chatbots. In E. Krahmer, A. Gatt, & M. Goudbeek (Eds.), INLG 20018 : The 11th International Natural Language Generation Conference: proceedings of the conference : November 5-8, 2018, Tilburg, The Netherlands (pp. 189-194). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/W18-6524 [details]


    • Aina, L., Philippova, N., Vogelmann, V., & Fernández, R. (2017). Referring Expressions and Communicative Success in Task-oriented Dialogues. In V. Petukhova, & Y. Tian (Eds.), SEMDIAL 2017 : SaarDial: proceedings of the 21st Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue : Saarbrücken, 15-17 August 2017 (pp. 8-16). (Proceedings SemDial; Vol. 2017). Saarland University. http://www.isca-speech.org/archive/Semdial_2017/pdfs/SemDial_2017_SaarDial_paper_20.pdf [details]
    • Bruni, E., & Fernández, R. (2017). Adversarial Evaluation for Open-Domain Dialogue Generation. In K. Jokinen, M. Stede, D. DeVault, & A. Louis (Eds.), 18th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue: proceedings of the conference : 15-17 August 2017, Saarbrücken, Germany : SIGDIAL 2017 (pp. 284-288). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/W17-5534 [details]
    • Dankers, V., Bilgin, A., & Fernández, R. (2017). Modelling Word Associations and Interactiveness for Describer Agents in Word-Guessing Games: A Case Study for the Location Taboo Game. In B. Verheij, & M. Wiering (Eds.), BNAIC 2017: Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Preproceedings of the 29th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, November 8–9, 2017 in Groningen, The Netherlands (pp. 408-409). (BNAIC; Vol. 29). University of Groningen. http://bnaic2017.ai.rug.nl/preproceedings.pdf [details]
    • Dankers, V., Bilgin, A., & Fernández, R. (2017). Modelling Word Associations with Word Embeddings for a Guesser Agent in the Taboo City Challenge Competition. In Proceedings of the ESSENCE Taboo Challenge Competition: An IJCAI Workshop. Melbourne, 21 August 2017 : IJCAI-17, Melbourne (pp. 8-16). ESSENCE. https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/r.fernandezrovira/papers/2017/dankers-etal-essence2017.pdf [details]
    • Dankers, V., Bilgin, A., & Fernández, R. (2017). Modelling the Generation and Retrieval of Word Associations with Word Embeddings: A Case Study for a Guesser Agent in the Location Taboo Game. In B. Verheij, & M. Wiering (Eds.), BNAIC 2017: Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Preproceedings of the 29th Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, November 8–9, 2017 in Groningen, The Netherlands (pp. 401-402). (BNAIC; Vol. 29). University of Groningen. http://bnaic2017.ai.rug.nl/preproceedings.pdf [details]
    • Del Tredici, M., & Fernández, R. (2017). Semantic Variation in Online Communities of Practice. In C. Gardent, & C. Retoré (Eds.), Proceedings of IWCS 2017: 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics, Montpellier 19-22 September 2017 (Vol. 1). ACL. http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W17-6804 [details]


    • Abramova, E., & Fernández, R. (2016). Questioning Arbitrariness in Language: a Data-Driven Study of Conventional Iconicity. In K. Knight, A. Nenkova, & O. Rambow (Eds.), NAACL HLT 2016 : The 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Proceedings of the Conference : June 12-17, 2016, San Diego, California, USA (pp. 343-352). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/N16-1038 [details]
    • Hiller, S., & Fernández, R. (2016). A Data-driven Investigation of Corrective Feedback on Subject Omission Errors in First Language Acquisition. In S. Riezler, & Y. Goldberg (Eds.), CoNLL 2016 : The 20th SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL): proceedings of the conference : Augustu 11-12, 2016, Berlin, Germany (pp. 105-114). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/K16-1011 [details]
    • Lazaridou, A., Chrupała, G., Fernández, R., & Baroni, M. (2016). Multimodal Semantic Learning from Child-Directed Input. In K. Knight, A. Nenkova, & O. Rambow (Eds.), NAACL HLT 2016 : The 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Proceedings of the Conference : June 12-17, 2016, San Diego, California, USA (pp. 387-392). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/N16-1043 [details]
    • Noble, B., & Fernández, R. (2016). Semantic Approximation And Its Effect On The Development Of Lexical Conventions. In S. G. Roberts, C. Cuskley, L. McCrohon, L. Barceló-Coblijn, O. Feher, & T. Verhoef (Eds.), The evolution of language: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference (EVOLANG11) Evolang. http://evolang.org/neworleans/pdf/EVOLANG_11_paper_35.pdf [details]
    • Paperno, D., Kruszewski, G., Lazaridou, A., Pham, Q. N., Bernardi, R., Pezzelle, S., Baroni, M., Boleda, G., & Fernández, R. (2016). The LAMBADA dataset: Word prediction requiring a broad discourse context. In K. Erk, & N. A. Smith (Eds.), The 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : ACL 2016: proceedings of the conference : August 7-12, 2016, Berlin Germany (Vol. 1, pp. 1525-1534). Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/P16-1144 [details]
    • Schlöder, J. J., Breitholtz, E., & Fernández, R. (2016). Why? In J. Hunter, M. Simons, & M. Stone (Eds.), SEMDIAL 2016 : JerSem: Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue : New Brunswick, NJ, 16-18 July 2016 (pp. 5-14). (Proceedings SemDial; Vol. 2016). Rutgers University. https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/r.fernandezrovira/papers/2016/why-semdial2016.pdf [details]
    • Van Eecke, P., & Fernández, R. (2016). On the Influence of Gender on Interruptions in Multiparty Dialogue. Interspeech, 17, 2070-2074. https://doi.org/10.21437/Interspeech.2016-951 [details]
    • Zarrieß, S., Hough, J., Kennington, C., Manuvinakurike, R., DeVault, D., Fernández, R., & Schlangen, D. (2016). PentoRef: A Corpus of Spoken References in Task-oriented Dialogues. In N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, T. Declerck, S. Goggi, M. Grobelnik, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, H. Mazo, A. Moreno, J. Odijk, & S. Piperidis (Eds.), LREC 2016 : Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation: May 23-28, 2016, Grand Hotel Bernardin Conference Center, Portorož, Slovenia (pp. 125-131). European Language Resources Association (ELRA). http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2016/summaries/563.html [details]
    • van der Pol, E., Gieske, S., & Fernández, R. (2016). Linguistic Style Accommodation in Disagreements. In *SEM 2016: The Fifth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics: proceedings of the conference : August 11-12 2016, Berlin, Germany (pp. 120-124). The *SEM 2016 Organizing Committee. https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/r.fernandezrovira/papers/2016/vanderPolGieskeFernandez-starsem2016.pdf [details]


    • Bernardi, R., Boleda, G., Fernández, R., & Paperno, D. (2015). Distributional Semantics in Use. In M. Roth, A. Louis, B. Webber, & T. Baldwin (Eds.), EMNLP : Workshop on Linking Models of Lexical, Sentential and Discourse-level Semantics (LSDSem): workshop proceedings : 18 September 2015, Lisbon, Portugal (pp. 95-101). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://doi.org/10.18653/v1/W15-2712 [details]
    • Noble, B., & Fernández, R. (2015). Centre Stage: How Social Network Position Shapes Linguistic Coordination. In T. O'Donnell, & M. van Schijndel (Eds.), NAACL HLT 2015 : The Sixth Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL): proceedings of the workshop : June 4, 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA (pp. 29-38). The Association for Computational Linguistics. http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W15-1104.pdf [details]
    • Schlöder, J. J., & Fernández, R. (2015). Clarifying Intentions in Dialogue: A Corpus Study. In M. Purver, M. Sadrzadeh, & M. Stone (Eds.), IWCS 2015 : Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics: 15-17 April, 2015, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK (pp. 46-51). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W15-0106/ [details]
    • Schlöder, J. J., & Fernández, R. (2015). Pragmatic Rejection. In M. Purver, M. Sadrzadeh, & M. Stone (Eds.), IWCS 2015 : Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics: 15-17 April, 2015, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK (pp. 250-260). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W15-0129/ [details]


    • Fernandez Rovira, R., & Grimm, R. (2014). Quantifying Categorical and Conceptual Convergence in Child-Adult Dialogue. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 463-468)
    • Fernández, R., & Larsson, S. (2014). Vagueness and Learning: a Type-Theoretic Approach. In Proceedings of the Third Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics: *SEM 2014 : Dublin, Ireland, August 23-24 2014 (pp. 151-159). ACL. http://aclweb.org/anthology/S/S14/S14-1019.pdf [details]
    • Ginzburg, J., Fernández, R., & Schlangen, D. (2014). Disfluencies as Intra-Utterance Dialogue Moves. Semantics and Pragmatics, 7, Article 9. https://doi.org/10.3765/sp.7.9 [details]
    • Kruger, J., Endriss, U., Fernández, R., & Qing, C. (2014). Axiomatic Analysis of Aggregation Methods for Collective Annotation. In A. Lomuscio, P. Scerri, A. Bazzan, & M. Huhns (Eds.), AAMAS '14: proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems: May 5-9, 2014, Paris, France (pp. 1185-1192). International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2617437 [details]
    • Qing, C., Endriss, U., Fernández, R., & Kruger, J. (2014). Empirical Analysis of Aggregation Methods for Collective Annotation. In J. Tsujii, & J. Hajic (Eds.), COLING 2014: the 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: proceedings of COLING 2014 : technical papers: August 23-29, 2014, Dublin, Ireland (pp. 1533-1542). Association for Computational Linguistics. http://aclweb.org/anthology/C/C14/C14-1145.pdf [details]
    • Schlöder, J. J., & Fernández, R. (2014). The Role of Polarity in Inferring Acceptance and Rejection in Dialogue. In K. Georgila, M. Stone, H. Hastie, & A. Nenkova (Eds.), SIGDIAL 2014 : 15th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue: proceedings of the conference : 18-20 June 2014, Philadelphia, PA, USA (pp. 151-160). Association for Computational Linguistics. http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W/W14/W14-4321.pdf [details]


    • Abramova, E., Fernández, R., & Sangati, F. (2013). Automatic Labeling of Phonesthemic Senses. In M. Knauff, M. Pauen, N. Sebanz, & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Cooperative Minds: Social Interaction and Group Dynamics: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society : Berlin, Germany, July 31-August 3, 2013 (pp. 1696-1701). Cognitive Science Society. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/8h07505p [details]
    • Barr, D., van Deemter, K., & Fernandez Rovira, R. (2013). Generation of Quantified Referring Expressions: Evidence from Experimental Data. In Proceedings of ENLG 2013, The 14th European Workshop on Natural Language Generation (pp. 157-161). Sofia, Bulgaria.
    • Endriss, U., & Fernández, R. (2013). Collective Annotation of Linguistic Resources: Basic Principles and a Formal Model. In P. Fung, & M. Poesio (Eds.), ACL 2013 : 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: proceedings of the conference : August 4-9, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria (Vol. 1, pp. 539-549). Association for Computational Linguistics. http://aclweb.org/anthology/P13-1053 [details]
    • Ginzburg, J., Fernandez Rovira, R., & Schlangen, D. (2013). Self-Addressed Questions in Disfluencies. In R. Eklund (Ed.), Proceedings of DiSS 2013: The 6th Workshop on Disfluency in Spontaneous Speech (Vol. 54, pp. 33-36). (1). Stockholm, Sweden.


    • Baumgaertner, B., Fernández, R., & Stone, M. (2012). Towards a Flexible Semantics: Colour Terms in Collaborative Reference Tasks. In E. Agirre, J. Bos, & M. Diab (Eds.), SEM 2012: the First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, Volume 1 : Proceedings of the Main Conference and Shared Task (pp. 80-84). Association for Computational Linguistics. http://aclweb.org/anthology//S/S12/S12-1013.pdf?CFID=318130540&CFTOKEN=46341090 [details]
    • Ginzburg, J., Fernández, R., & Schlangen, D. (2012). On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dysfluency. In M. Aloni, V. Kimmelman, F. Roelofsen, G. W. Sassoon, K. Schultz, & M. Westera (Eds.), Logic, Language and Meaning: 18th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 19-21 2011: revised selected papers (pp. 321-330). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 7218), (FoLLI Publications on Logic, Language and Information). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-31482-7_33 [details]


    • Crespo, I., & Fernández, R. (2011). Expressing Taste in Dialogue. In R. Artstein, M. Core, D. DeVault, K. Georgila, E. Kaiser, & A. Stent (Eds.), SemDial 2011 (Los Angelogue): Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue : September 21-23, 2011, Los Angeles, California (pp. 84-93). (Proceedings SemDial; Vol. 2011). Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California. [details]
    • Fernández, R., Larsson, S., Cooper, R., Ginzburg, J., & Schlangen, D. (2011). Reciprocal Learning via Dialogue Interaction: Challenges and Prospects. In J. Beal, & W. Bradley Knox (Eds.), IJCAI 2011 Workshop on Agents Learning Interactively from Human Teachers (ALIHT): July 16-17, 2011, Barcelona, Spain: accepted papers University of Texas at Austin. http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~bradknox/IJCAI-ALIHT11-papers/aliht2011_submission_15.pdf [details]
    • Kunert, R., Fernández, R., & Zuidema, W. (2011). Adaptation in Child Directed Speech: Evidence from Corpora. In R. Artstein, M. Core, D. DeVault, K. Georgila, E. Kaiser, & A. Stent (Eds.), SemDial 2011 (Los Angelogue): Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue : September 21-23, 2011, Los Angeles, California (pp. 112-119). (Proceedings SemDial; Vol. 2011). Institute for Creative Technologies, University of Southern California. [details]


    • Fernández, R. (2010). Early interpretation by implicature in definite referential descriptions. In P. Łupkowski, & M. Purver (Eds.), Aspects of Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue: SemDial 2010, 14th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue (pp. 111-118). Polish Society for Cognitive Science. http://events.illc.uva.nl/semdial/proceedings/semdial2010_pozdial_proceedings.pdf [details]
    • Tur, G., Stolcke, A., Voss, L., Peters, S., Hakkani-Tür, D., Dowding, J., Favre, B., Fernández, R., Frampton, M., Frandsen, M., Frederickson, C., Graciarena, M., Kintzing, D., Leveque, K., Mason, S., Niekrasz, J., Purver, M., Riedhammer, K., Shriberg, E., ... Yang, F. (2010). The CALO Meeting Assistant system. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 18(6), 1601-1611. https://doi.org/10.1109/TASL.2009.2038810 [details]


    • Fernández, R. (2009). Salience and feature variability in definite descriptions with positive-form vague adjectives. In Proceedings of the Workshop on the Production of Referring Expressions (PRE-CogSci 2009): Bridging the gap between computational and empirical approaches to reference Cognitive Science Society. http://pre2009.uvt.nl/pdf/fernandez.pdf [details]
    • Frampton, M., Fernández, R., Ehlen, P., Christoudias, M., Darrell, T., & Peters, S. (2009). Who is "you"? Combining linguistic and gaze features to resolve second-person references in dialogue. In A. Lascarides, C. Gardent, & J. Nivre (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2009: 30 March-3 April 2009, Megaron Athens International Conference Centre, Athens, Greece (pp. 273-281). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). https://doi.org/10.3115/1609067.1609097 [details]
    • Purver, M., Fernández, R., Frampton, M., & Peters, S. (2009). Cascaded lexicalised classifiers for second-person reference resolution. In P. Healey, R. Pieraccini, D. Byron, S. Young, & M. Purver (Eds.), Proceedings of the SIGDIAL 2009 Conference, the 10th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue: 11-12 September 2009, London, UK (pp. 306-309). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1708376.1708420 [details]


    • Giulianelli, M., Sinclair, A., & Fernández, R. (2022). Construction Repetition Reduces Information Rate in Dialogue. In Y. He, H. Ji, S. Li, Y. Liu, & C-H. Chang (Eds.), The 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: proceedings of the conference : AACL-IJCNLP 2022 : November 20-23, 2022 (Vol. 1, pp. 665-682). The Association for Computational Linguistics. https://aclanthology.org/2022.aacl-main.51 [details]



    • Fernández, R., Katagiri, Y., Komatani, K., Lemon, O., & Nakano, M. (2010). Proceedings of the Sigdial 2010 conference : the 11th annual meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue: 24-24 September 2010, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Association for Computational Linguistics. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1944506 [details]
    • Ginzburg, J., & Fernández, R. (2010). Computational models of dialogue. In A. Clark, C. Fox, & S. Lappin (Eds.), The handbook of computational linguistics and natural language processing (pp. 429-481). (Blackwell handbooks in linguistics). Wiley-Blackwell. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781444324044.ch16 [details]
    • van Cranenburgh, A., Sassoon, G. W., & Fernández, R. (2010). Invented antonyms: Esperanto as a semantic lab. In Y. N. Falk (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th Annual Meeting of the Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics (IATL 26) Bar-Ilan University. http://linguistics.huji.ac.il/IATL/26/vanCranenburghSassoonFernandez.pdf [details]


    • van der Goot, M. J., Dolinšek, S., Jansen, L., Sinclair, A. J., Fernandez Rovira, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2023). Adapting the language of conversational systems to different age groups: An experimental study. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Enschede.


    • Takmaz, E., Pezzelle, S., & Fernandez Rovira, R. (2022). Time Alignment between Gaze and Speech in Image Descriptions: Exploring Theories of Linearization. Abstract from 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. https://escholarship.org/uc/item/83w56904


    • Jansen, L., Sinclair, A. J., van der Goot, M. J., Fernandez Rovira, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2021). Detecting age-related linguistic patterns in dialogue: Toward adaptive conversa-tional systems. Paper presented at CLIC-it 2021: Eighth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics , Milan, Italy.
    • van der Goot, M. J., Georgiou, M., Dolinšek, Š., Jansen, L., Sinclair, A. J., Fernández, R., & Pezzelle, S. (2021). Exploring the potential of adapting conversational systems to different age groups: A pilot study. Paper presented at Conversations 2021. https://conversations2021.files.wordpress.com/2021/11/conversations_2021_positionpaper_20_vandergoot-1.pdf



    • Crespo, M. I., & Fernandez Rovira, R. (2012). Disagreement, meaning and affect. Paper presented at Workshop on Dialogue with Contextualism. Université Paris-Diderot. Paris, France., .

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (2016). Best Paper Award.
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (2015). Best Student Paper Award.
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (2014). NWO VIDI grant.


    • Fernández, R. (editor) (2017-2019). Computational Linguistics (Journal). https://www.mitpressjournals.org/loi/coli
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (member of editorial board) (2017-). Computational Linguistics (Journal).
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (programme committee member) (2016). Conference of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Event), Berlin.
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (programme committee member) (2016). Coling 2016 (Event), Osaka.
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (programme committee member) (2016). Interspeech (Event), San Francisco.
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (programme committee chair) (2016). 17th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue (SIGDIAL 2016) (Event), Los Angeles.
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (programme committee member) (2016). Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (Event).


    • Fernández, R. (speaker) (21-6-2023). Common Ground and Audience Design in Referential Games, International Conference on Computational Semantics, Nancy. https://ultv.univ-lorraine.fr/playlist/1405-colloque-iwcs-2023/?p=2
    • Fernández, R. (speaker) (19-2-2021). Individual and Social Processes in Image Description Generation, Cornell University. https://vod.video.cornell.edu/media/2.19.21+AI+Seminar+LMSS-++Raquel+Fernández%2C+University+of+Amsterdam/1_nq9tincg
    • Fernández, R. (speaker) (9-2-2021). Individual and social processes in image description generation, Paris Artificial Intelligence Research Institute.
    • Fernández, R. (keynote speaker) (27-11-2020). Interaction-driven linguistic conventions, Swedish Language Technology Conference.
    • Fernández, R. (keynote speaker) (2019). Analysing Language in Use with Vector Representations, Vector Semantics for Dialogue and Discourse.
    • Fernández, R. (keynote speaker) (2019). Visually grounded dialogue models: past, present, and future, The 6th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics.
    • Fernández, R. (invited speaker) (2019). Learning representations via visually grounded dialogue, Apple.
    • Fernández, R. (keynote speaker) (2019). Representations shaped by dialogue interaction, 4th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP.
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (keynote speaker) (2017). Acquiring Language through Interaction, Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL) , Valencia.
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (keynote speaker) (2017). Only You: Towards Partner-Specific Dialogue, Facebook Faculty Summit, New York City.
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (keynote speaker) (10-12-2016). Coordination and Learning in Human Dialogue, Let's Discuss: Learning Methods for Dialogue (NIPS Conference), Barcelona.
    • Fernandez Rovira, R. (keynote speaker) (9-12-2016). Human-like dialogue: Key challenges for AI, Workshop on Machine Intelligence (NIPS Conference), Barcelona.


    • Jumelet, J. (2024). Finding structure in language models. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • Takmaz, E. K. (2024). Visual and linguistic processes in deep neural networks: A cognitive perspective. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Giulianelli, M. (2023). Neural models of language use: Studies of language comprehension and production in context. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]


    • Del Tredici, M. (2020). Linguistic variation in online communities: A computational perspective. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. [details]


    • Schlöder, J. J. (2018). Assertion and rejection. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]








    • Paperno, D., Kruszewski, G., Lazaridou, A., Pham, Q., Bernardi, R. B., Pezzelle, S., Baroni, M., Boleda, G. & Fernández, R. (2016). The LAMBADA dataset. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2630551
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