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Dr. R. (Roberto) Filippello

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Dep. Mediastudies

  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
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  • Biography

    Dr. Roberto Filippello is Assistant Professor of Media and Culture and is affiliated with the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis as well as the Amsterdam Centre for Middle Eastern Studies. Prior to joining the University of Amsterdam he was a Killam Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of British Columbia and the recipient of a Marie Curie Global Fellowship (University of Melbourne). 

    Dr. Filippello works across the fields of Critical Fashion Studies, Queer Studies, and Middle Eastern Studies. Broadly speaking, his research investigates how fashion has been used across various historical contexts to shape spaces of political expression and community formation. He is interested in how fashion practices (such as design, photography, and film) can function as forms of critique that destabilize the colonial, capitalist, and heterosexual fantasies embedded in the Western imagination, and ultimately carve out alternative aesthetic imaginaries. He is currently at work on his first monograph, Dressed for Dissent: Decolonial Fashion and the Queer Struggle for Palestine/Israel (solicited by University of California Press).

    His research has been published in a wide range of journals, including Cultural Studies, Third Text, Criticism, Film QuarterlyAustralian Feminist Studies, ​​​​Fashion Theory, and International Journal of Fashion Studies. He is the co-editor of Fashion and Feeling: The Affective Politics of Dress (2023) and of a special issue of Critical Studies in Fashion & Beauty on transgender embodiment (2024). He is a regular reviewer for top-tier journals in gender and sexuality studies and media studies, and is a member of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (SCMS), the College Art Association (CAA), and the Middle East Studies Association (MESA).

    Graduate students researching fashion/textiles and politics, Israel-Palestine, Arab photography, and queer visual and material culture are encouraged to reach out.

  • Publicaties






    • Filippello, R. (2018). Aesthetics and Politics of the Fashion Image: A Queer Perspective. Aisthesis, 11(2), 75-85. https://doi.org/10.13128/Aisthesis-23331
    • Filippello, R. (2018). Less Than Zero: Impersonal Affect in Hedi Slimane’s Auteurial Style. Revista dObra[s]: Associação Brasileira de Estudos e Pesquisas em Moda , 11(24), 80-100.
    • Filippello, R. (2018). Thinking Fashion Photographs through Queer Affect Theory. International Journal of Fashion Studies, 5(1), 129–145. https://doi.org/10.1386/infs.5.1.129_1


    • Filippello, R. (2017). Reigning Men: Fashion in Menswear 1715-2015, Sharon Sadako Takeda, Kaye Durland Spilker, Clarissa Esguerra, Peter Mcneil and Tim Blanks. Critical Studies in Men's Fashion, 4(2), 208-211.


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