Nikolic, M., di Plinio, S., Sauter, D. A., Keysers, C. M., & Gazzola, V. (2024). The Blushing Brain: Neural Substrates of Cheek Temperature Increase in Response to Self-Observation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 291, Article 20240958.
Fornari, L., Ioumpa, K., Nostro, A. D., Evans, N. J., De Angelis, L., Speer, S. P. H., Paracampo, R., Gallo, S., Spezio, M., Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2023). Neuro-computational mechanisms and individual biases in action-outcome learning under moral conflict. Nature Communications, 14, Article 1218.[details]
Packheiser, J., Soyman, E., Paradiso, E., Michon, F., Ramaaker, E., Sahin, N., Muralidharan, S., Wöhr, M., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2023). Audible pain squeaks can mediate emotional contagion across pre-exposed rats with a potential effect of auto-conditioning. Communications biology, 6, Article 1085.[details]
Speer, S. P. H., Keysers, C., Campdepadrós Barrios, J., Teurlings, C. J. S., Smidts, A., Boksem, M. A. S., Wager, T. D., & Gazzola, V. (2023). A multivariate brain signature for reward. NeuroImage, 271, Article 119990.[details]
Caspar, E. A., Ioumpa, K., Arnaldo, I., Di Angelis, L., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2022). Commanding or Being a Simple Intermediary: How Does It Affect Moral Behavior and Related Brain Mechanisms? eNeuro, 9(5). Advance online publication.[details]
Cerliani, L., Bhandari, R., De Angelis, L., van der Zwaag, W., Bazin, P-L., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2022). Predictive coding during action observation - A depth-resolved intersubject functional correlation study at 7T. Cortex, 148, 121-138. Advance online publication.[details]
Keysers, C., Knapska, E., Moita, M. A., & Gazzola, V. (2022). Emotional contagion and prosocial behavior in rodents. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26(8), 688-706. Advance online publication.[details]
Soyman, E., Bruls, R., Ioumpa, K., Müller-Pinzler, L., Gallo, S., Qin, C., van Straaten, E. C. W., Self, M. W., Peters, J. C., Possel, J. K., Onuki, Y., Baayen, J. C., Idema, S., Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2022). Intracranial human recordings reveal association between neural activity and perceived intensity for the pain of others in the insula. eLife, 11, Article e75197.[details]
Paradiso, E., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2021). Neural mechanisms necessary for empathy-related phenomena across species. Current opinion in neurobiology, 68, 107-115. Advance online publication.[details]
Bhandari, R., Kirilina, E., Caan, M., Suttrup, J., De Sanctis, T., De Angelis, L., Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2020). Does higher sampling rate (multiband + SENSE) improve group statistics - An example from social neuroscience block design at 3T. NeuroImage, 213, Article 116731. Advance online publication.[details]
Borja Jimenez, K. C., Abdelgabar, A. R., De Angelis, L., McKay, L. S., Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2020). Changes in brain activity following the voluntary control of empathy. NeuroImage, 216, Article 116529. Advance online publication.[details]
Gallo, S., Baaijen Thijs, J., Suttrup, J., Fernandes-Henriques, C., Paracampo, R., Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2020). Bayesian statistics show a lack of change in excitability following bi-hemispheric HD-TDCS over the primary somatosensory cortices. Brain Stimulation, 13(3), 640-642.[details]
Han, Y., Sichterman, B., Carrillo, M., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2020). Similar levels of emotional contagion in male and female rats. Scientific Reports, 10, Article 2763.[details]
Hernandez-Lallement, J., Attah, A. T., Soyman, E., Pinhal, C. M., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2020). Harm to Others Acts as a Negative Reinforcer in Rats. Current Biology, 30(6), 949-961, e1-e7.[details]
Abdelgabar, A. R., Suttrup, J., Broersen, R., Bhandari, R., Picard, S., Keysers, C., De Zeeuw, C. I., & Gazzola, V. (2019). Action perception recruits the cerebellum and is impaired in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia. Brain, 142(12), 3791-3805. Advance online publication.[details]
Carrillo, M., Han, Y., Migliorati, F., Liu, M., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2019). Correction to: Emotional Mirror Neurons in the Rat's Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Current Biology, 29(12), 2104.
Carrillo, M., Han, Y., Migliorati, F., Liu, M., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2019). Emotional Mirror Neurons in the Rat's Anterior Cingulate Cortex. Current Biology, 29(8), 1301-1312.e6.[details]
Han, Y., Bruls, R., Soyman, E., Thomas, R. M., Pentaraki, V., Jelinek, N., Heinemans, M., Bassez, I., Verschooren, S., Pruis, I., Van Lierde, T., Carrillo, N., Gazzola, V., Carrillo, M., & Keysers, C. (2019). Bidirectional cingulate-dependent danger information transfer across rats. PLoS Biology, 17(12), Article e3000524.[details]
Keysers, C., Gazzola, V., Han, Y. & Maria, C. (2019). Bidirectional cingulate-dependent danger information transfer across rats. Mendeley Data.
Kompier, N. F., Keysers, C., Gazzola, V., Lucassen, P. J., & Krugers, H. J. (2019). Early Life Adversity and Adult Social Behavior: Focus on Arginine Vasopressin and Oxytocin as Potential Mediators. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 13, Article 143.[details]
Müller-Pinzler, L., Czekalla, N., Mayer, A. V., Stolz, D. S., Gazzola, V., Keysers, C., Paulus, F. M., & Krach, S. (2019). Negativity-bias in forming beliefs about own abilities. Scientific Reports, 9, Article 14416.[details]
Nastase, S. A., Gazzola, V., Hasson, U., & Keysers, C. (2019). Measuring shared responses across subjects using intersubject correlation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14(6), 667-685.[details]
Gallo, S., Paracampo, R., Müller-Pinzler, L., Severo, M. C., Blömer, L., Fernandes-Henriques, C., Henschel, A., Lammes, B. K., Maskaljunas, T., Suttrup, J., Avenanti, A., Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2018). The causal role of the somatosensory cortex in prosocial behaviour. eLife, 7, Article e32740.[details]
Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2018). Neural Correlates of Empathy in Humans, and the Need for Animal Models. In K. Z. Meyza, & E. Knapska (Eds.), Neuronal Correlates of Empathy: From Rodent to Human (pp. 37-52). Academic Press.[details]
Keysers, C., Paracampo, R., & Gazzola, V. (2018). What neuromodulation and lesion studies tell us about the function of the mirror neuron system and embodied cognition. Current Opinion in Psychology, 24, 35-40.[details]
Thomas, R. M., De Sanctis, T., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2018). Where and how our brain represents the temporal structure of observed action. NeuroImage, 183, 677-697. Advance online publication.[details]
Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2017). A Plea for Cross-species Social Neuroscience. In M. Wöhr, & S. Krach (Eds.), Social Behavior from Rodents to Humans: Neural Foundations and Clinical Implications (pp. 179-191). (Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences; Vol. 30). Springer. Advance online publication.[details]
Valchev, N., Tidoni, E., Hamilton, A. F. D. C., Gazzola, V., & Avenanti, A. (2017). Primary somatosensory cortex necessary for the perception of weight from other people's action: A continuous theta-burst TMS experiment. NeuroImage, 152, 195-206.[details]
Broersen, R., Onuki, Y., Abdelgabar, A. R., Owens, C. B., Picard, S., Willems, J., Boele, H-J., Gazzola, V., Van der Werf, Y. D., & De Zeeuw, C. I. (2016). Impaired Spatio-Temporal Predictive Motor Timing Associated with Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6. PLoS ONE, 11(8), Article e0162042.[details]
Etzel, J. A., Valchev, N., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. M. (2016). Is Brain Activity during Action Observation Modulated by the Perceived Fairness of the Actor? PLoS ONE, 11(1), Article e0145350.[details]
Valchev, N., Gazzola, V., Avenanti, A., & Keysers, C. (2016). Primary somatosensory contribution to action observation brain activity—combining fMRI and cTBS. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(8), 1205-1217.[details]
Zaki, J., Wager, T. D., Singer, T., Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2016). The Anatomy of Suffering: Understanding the Relationship between Nociceptive and Empathic Pain. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 20(4), 249-259.[details]
Borgomaneri, S., Gazzola, V., & Avenanti, A. (2015). Transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals two functionally distinct stages of motor cortex involvement during perception of emotional body language. Brain Structure and Function, 220(5), 2765-2781.[details]
Borgomaneri, S., Vitale, F., Gazzola, V., & Avenanti, A. (2015). Seeing fearful body language rapidly freezes the observer's motor cortex. Cortex, 65, 232-245.[details]
Carrillo, M., Migliorati, F., Bruls, R., Han, Y., Heinemans, M., Pruis, I., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2015). Repeated Witnessing of Conspecifics in Pain: Effects on Emotional Contagion. PLoS ONE, 10(9), Article e0136979.[details]
Krach, S., Kamp-Becker, I., Einhäuser, W., Sommer, J., Frässle, S., Jansen, A., Rademacher, L., Müller-Pinzler, L., Gazzola, V., & Paulus, F. M. (2015). Evidence from pupillometry and fMRI indicates reduced neural response during vicarious social pain but not physical pain in autism. Human Brain Mapping, 36(11), 4730-4744.[details]
Müller-Pinzler, L., Gazzola, V., Keysers, C., Sommer, J., Jansen, A., Frässle, S., Einhäuser, W., Paulus, F. M., & Krach, S. (2015). Neural pathways of embarrassment and their modulation by social anxiety. NeuroImage, 119, 252-261. Advance online publication.[details]
Paulus, F. M., Müller-Pinzler, L., Jansen, A., Gazzola, V., & Krach, S. (2015). Mentalizing and the Role of the Posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus in Sharing Others' Embarrassment. Cerebral Cortex, 25(8), 2065-2075. Advance online publication.[details]
Valchev, N., Zijdewind, I., Keysers, C., Gazzola, V., Avenanti, A., & Maurits, N. M. (2015). Weight dependent modulation of motor resonance induced by weight estimation during observation of partially occluded lifting actions. Neuropsychologia, 66, 237-245. Advance online publication.[details]
Valchev, N., Ćurčić-Blake, B., Renken, R. J., Avenanti, A., Keysers, C., Gazzola, V., & Maurits, N. M. (2015). cTBS delivered to the left somatosensory cortex changes its functional connectivity during rest. NeuroImage, 114, 386-397. Advance online publication.[details]
Cui, F., Arnstein, D., Thomas, R. M., Maurits, N. M., Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2014). Functional magnetic resonance imaging connectivity analyses reveal efference-copy to primary somatosensory area, BA2. PLoS ONE, 9(1), Article e84367.
Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2014). Dissociating the ability and propensity for empathy. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18(4), 163-166.
Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2014). Hebbian learning and predictive mirror neurons for actions, sensations and emotions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, 369(1644), Article 20130175.
Keysers, C., Meffert, H., & Gazzola, V. (2014). Reply: Spontaneous versus deliberate vicarious representations: different routes to empathy in psychopathy and autism. Brain, 137(4), Article e273.
Keysers, C., Perrett, D. I., & Gazzola, V. (2014). Hebbian Learning is about contingency, not contiguity, and explains the emergence of predictive mirror neurons. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37(2), 205-206.
Meffert, H., Gazzola, V., den Boer, J. A., Bartels, A. A. J., & Keysers, C. (2013). Reduced spontaneous but relatively normal deliberate vicarious representations in psychopathy. Brain, 136(8), 2550-2562. Advance online publication.
Monfardini, E., Gazzola, V., Boussaoud, D., Brovelli, A., Keysers, C., & Wicker, B. (2013). Vicarious neural processing of outcomes during observational learning. PLoS ONE, 8(9), Article e73879.
Cerliani, L., Thomas, R. M., Jbabdi, S., Siero, J. C. W., Nanetti, L., Crippa, A., Gazzola, V., D'Arceuil, H., & Keysers, C. (2012). Probabilistic tractography recovers a rostrocaudal trajectory of connectivity variability in the human insular cortex. Human Brain Mapping, 33, 2005-2034.
Gazzola, V., Spezio, M. L., Etzel, J. A., Cstelli, F., Adolphs, R., & Keysers, C. (2012). Primary somatosensory cortex discriminates affective significance in social touch. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(25), E1657-E1666.
Arnstein, D., Cui, F., Keysers, C., Maurits, N. M., & Gazzola, V. (2011). μ-Suppression during action observation and execution correlates with BOLD in dorsal premotor, inferior parietal and SI cortices. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(40), 14243-14249.
Atsak, P., Orre, M., Bakker, P., Cerliani, L., Roozendaal, B., Gazzola, V., Moita, M., & Keysers, C. (2011). Experience modulates vicarious freezing in rats: a model for empathy. PLoS ONE, 6(7), Article e21855.
Quadvlieg, S., Etzel, J. A., Gazzola, V., Keysers, C., Schubert, T. W., Waiter, G. D., & Macrae, C. N. (2011). Puddles, parties, and professors: linking word categorization to neural patterns of visuospatial coding. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23(10), 2636-2649.
Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2010). Social neuroscience: mirror neurons recorded in humans. Current Biology, 20(8), R353-R354.
Keysers, C., Kaas, J. H., & Gazzola, V. (2010). Somatosensation in social perception. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 11, 417-428.
Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2009). Expanding the mirror: vicarious activity for actions, emotions and sensations. Current opinion in neurobiology, 19, 666-671.
Schippers, M. B., Gazzola, V., Goebel, R., & Keysers, C. (2009). Playing charades in the fMRI: Are mirror and/or mentalizing areas involved in gestural communication? PLoS ONE, 4(8), Article e6801.
Etzel, J. A., Gazzola, V., & Keysers, C. (2008). Testing simulation theory with cross-modal multivariate classification of fMRI data. PLoS ONE, 3(11), Article e3690.
Gazzola, V., Rizzolatti, G., Wicker, B., & Keysers, C. (2007). The anthropomorphic brain: The mirror neuron system responds to human and robotic actions. NeuroImage, 35(4), 1674-1684.
Gazzola, V., van der Worp, H., Mulder, T., Wicker, B., Rizzolatti, G., & Keysers, C. (2007). Aplasics Born without Hands Mirror the Goal of Hand Actions with Their Feet. Current Biology, 17(14), 1235-1240.
Gazzola, V., Aziz-Zadeh, L., & Keysers, C. (2006). Empathy and the Somatotopic Auditory Mirror System in Humans. Current Biology, 16(18), 1824-1829.
Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2006). Towards a unifying neural theory of social cognition. Progress in Brain Research, 156, 379-401. Article 21.
Gallo, S., Lammes, B., Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2015). Individual respond to stimulation does matter: Combining bi-hemispheric hd tdcs and sep in empathy for pain. Brain Stimulation, 8(2), 351. Article 146.[details]
Keysers, C., & Gazzola, V. (2016). From Vicarious Actions to Moral Behavior. In D. Evers, M. Fuller, A. Runehov, & K-W. Sæther (Eds.), Issues in Science and Theology: Do Emotions Shape the World? (pp. 99-118). (Issues in Science and Religion: Publications of the European Society for the Study of Science and Theology; Vol. 3). Springer.[details]
Prijs / subsidie
Keysers, C. & Gazzola, V. (2022). Gravity Grant: Growing Up Together in Society (GUTS).
Keysers, C. & Gazzola, V. (2022). NWO ENW open competition XL grant “Brain-wide dynamics for socially-mediated memory acquisition”.
Suttrup, J. (2017). Neural correlates of action perception. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Keysers, C., Gazzola, V., Han, Y. & Maria, C. (2019). Bidirectional cingulate-dependent danger information transfer across rats. Mendeley Data.
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