I have been working in Brussels as senior European affairs officer for almost twenty years now. Regional policy has been one of my main duties since beginning. Because of my work, I got familiar with the literature surrounding some of the most prominent theories on local and regional development which, in most cases, seemed ill-equipped to account for the complexity of the challenges at stake. Thus, I decided to turn into a greater commitment as researcher what I had been learning and working for such a long time. Earlier, I graduated in law with a dissertation on European administrative law. Most of my postgraduate education is in European and public policy. I was: Lecturer of public European policies at the University of Chieti (1993/1997); Teacher of public law and governance for ‘Formez PA’ of Naples (1996/1997); Teacher of public policy and social security for the ‘Centesimus Annus - Pro Pontifice Foundation’ of Rome (2003/2007). I published articles, including an essay on: ‘Federalism, administrative decentralization and social security’ (PQM n. II/2002).
'Low Growth' regions': The case of Abruzzo' | I look at the development challenges faced by what are referred to as the 'Low Growth' regions of the EU with the GPN framework.