Otto Holman studied Political Science and International Relations at the University of Amsterdam, where he also obtained his PhD (in 1993). He is reader (UHD1) in International Relations and European Integration Studies in the Department of Political Science and member of the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), both at the University of Amsterdam. Previous appointments include: visiting lecturer at the University of Antwerpen (1988); Staff member of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (1994-95); visiting professor at the University of Lausanne (Fall terms, 2009 till present).
Otto Holman is the director of the Master Programmes Political Science since 2012. He was the director (2008-2013) of the MSc Programme European Union in a Global Order (see the links to the programme and the programme's flyer below) at the Graduate School of Social Sciences (GSSS). The GSSS is the successor of the International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (ISHSS). Holman was founder and director (1998-2008) of the MSc Programme in International Relations at the ISHSS.
Otto Holman was co-founder and co-editor of the RIPE series in Global Political Economy (Routledge, together with Marianne Marchand and Henk Overbeek, until 2004; for the current series and editors, see the link below); he is member of the International Editorial Board of this book series (since 2005). He was member of the editorial board of Acta Politica (2006-11) and co-founder and (until 2008) vice-chair of the Association for a Democratic Europe (see link to the website of the VDE).
Folia, Synthese, Europa Periodiek, De Volkskrant, Acta Politica, Comparative Sociology, Euforum, Europe-Asia Studies, Sociologische Gids, Executive Class, Grote Winkler Prins, De Groene Amsterdammer.
(Public, guest and/or key-note) lectures in Belgium, England, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Spain and Turkey. The Netherlands Institute of International Relations (Clingendael) (Instituut Defensie Leergangen, Rijkswijk).
Interviewee for Dutch, Australian, British, Irish, French, German and Belgian media. Topics include: ETA/Batasuna; European Council Sevilla; Spanish Presidency of the EU; Enlargement towards Central and Eastern Europe; Labour Migration from Central and Eastern Europe; European integration; enlargement EU; Spanish politics/elections; Madrid terrorist attack; Central and Eastern Europe; European Council Meetings; Iraq War; Free Movement of Persons and EU Enlargement; European Constitutional Treaty and Dutch referendum; Spanish Foreign Policy; Irish Referendum on Treaty of Lisbon; eurocrisis (and Southern Europe); EU foreign policy.
External reviewer NWO (area: European integration), Review of International Political Economy, European Journal for Political Research, International Review of Social History, Routledge, Pluto Press, Coutinho, Journal of European Integration, Oxford University Press, Central European University Press, Acta Politica, New Political Economy, Journal of World Economics / Revista de Economia Mundial, Zed Books, Europe-Asia Studies, Palgrave.
Peer reviewer of the European Science Foundation.
• Otto Holman, Peripheral Europe. The Dynamics of European
Integration in a Globalising World (forthcoming).
• Otto Holman et al., Euroimperialismus?
(Philipps-Universität Marburg: Forschungsgruppe Europäische
Integration), Studie Nr. 20, Marburg 2005, 173 p.
• Otto Holman, Neoliberale Restrukturiering,
transnationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und die Erweiterung der
EU nach Mittel- und Osteuropa , Arbeitspapier Nr. 19
(Marburg: Forschungsgruppe Europäische Gemeinschaften, December
1999) 54 p.
• Otto Holman, Henk Overbeek and Magnus Ryner (eds.),
Neoliberal Hegemony and the Political Economy of European
Restructuring (I) , special issue of International Journal
of Political Economy, Vol. 28, No. 1, Spring 1998, 99 p.
• Otto Holman, Henk Overbeek and Magnus Ryner (eds.),
Neoliberal Hegemony and the Political Economy of European
Restructuring (II) , special issue of International
Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 28, No. 2, Summer 1998, 123
• Otto Holman en Paul Kapteyn (eds.), Lomé. Over Europa en
de ontwikkelingslanden (Amsterdam: De Balie + Vereniging
Democratisch Europa), 40 blz.
• Otto Holman (ed.), Democratie, werkgelegenheid,
veiligheid, immigratie. Europese dilemma's aan het einde van de
twintigste eeuw (Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis), 1997, 136
• Nederland en Oost-Europa: theorie en praktijk (Den
Haag: Nederlands Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen
Clingendael), 1997, 64 p. (with B. Tromp, H.W. Hoen, P.A.G. van
Bergeijk en J.W. van der Meulen)
• Otto Holman, Integrating Southern Europe. EC Expansion
and the Transnationalization of Spain (London: Routledge),
1996, 258 p. (Abbreviated and partly rewritten version of my
1993 doctoral dissertation)
• Otto Holman, Transformatieprocessen in Midden- en
Oost-Europa: de Internationale Dimensie. Den Haag:
Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid, 1995, 149
• Otto Holman, A Short History of Spanish Banking ,
Amsterdam International Studies, working papers no. 40,
December 1995, 76 p.
• Several contributions (including chapters on Economic
factors + Central-Europe) to WRR, Stabiliteit en Veiligheid
in Europa. Het veranderende krachtenveld voor het buitenlands
beleid (Den Haag: WRR/SDU), 1995. (English translation:
Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy, Stability
and Security in Europe. The changing foreign policy arena, The
Hague: SDU, Reports to the Government, No. 48, 1995)
• Otto Holman, Integrating Southern Europe. EC-expansion
and the Transnationalization of Spain (dissertation),
Amsterdam, July 1993, 366 p.
• Otto Holman (ed.), European Unification in the 1990s.
Myth and Reality , special issue of International Journal
of Political Economy, Vol. 22, No. 1, Spring 1992.
• 'The Primacy of Domestic Politics: Neo-Liberal
Restructuring, EU's Crisis of Governability and Social
Imperialism', in: Andrew Gamble and David Lane (eds.),
European Union and World Politics: Consensus and
Division (Houndmills: Palgrave, 2009), pp. 177-94.
• 'Tweede termijn voor Zapatero. Consequenties voor Spaans
beleid', in: Internationale Spectator , Vol. 62, No.
6, June 2008, pp. 323-26.
• 'Transnational Governance and National Employment
Regulation: the Primacy of Competitiveness', in: Patricia
Kennett (ed.), Governance, Globalisation and Public
Policy (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008), pp. 56-76.
• 'Public-private partnerships and transnational governance in
the European Union: the case of the Lisbon strategy', in:
Jean-Cristophe Graz and Andreas Noelke (eds.),
Transnational Private Governance and its Limits
(London: Routledge, 2007), pp. 171-185.
• 'Internacionalização e democratização: Europa Meridional,
América Latina e a crise econômica mundial', in : Stephen Gill
(org.), Gramsci, Materialismo Histórico e Relações
Internacionais (Rio de Janeiro: Editora Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2007), pp. 309-339.
• 'Transnational Governance without Supranational Government:
the case of the European Employment Strategy', in:
Perspectives on European Politics and Society , Vol.
7, No. 1, May 2006, pp. 91-107.
• 'Painful Integration or Not So Splendid Isolation? Downsides
of European Integration in the Context of Romania's Double
Transformation', in: The Romanian Journal of Society and
Politics , Vol. 5, No. 1, May 2005, pp. 93-145 (with
Annette Freyberg).
• 'Empire Building in Europe. Asymmetrische Regulierung und
die Souveränität des Kapitals', in: Otto Holman et al.,
Euroimperialismus? Forschungsgruppe Europäische
Integration, Studie Nr. 20, Marburg 2005, pp. 23-44.
• 'Réglementation asymétrique et gouvernance
multidimensionnelle dans l'Union européenne', A Contrario.
Revue Interdisciplinaire de Sciences Sociales , 2004, Vol.
2, No. 2, pp. 34-57.
• 'Terugkeer naar Europa: veranderingen in het Spaans
buitenlands beleid onder Zapatero', Internationale
Spectator , 2004, Vol. 58, No. 6 (June), pp.
• 'De uitbreiding van de Europese Unie in historisch
perspectief', Justitiële Verkenningen , 2004, Vol. 30,
No. 6, pp. 25-35.
• 'Het nieuwe Europa van de PvdA', Socialisme en
Democratie , 2004, Vol. 61, No. 5/6, pp. 10-16.
• 'De uitbreiding van de Europese Unie: risicovoller dan we
denken', Civis Mundi , 2004, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp.
• 'Asymmetrical regulation and multidimensional governance in
the European Union', Review of International Political
Economy , 2004, Vol. 11, No. 4 (October), pp.
• 'Integrating peripheral Europe: the different roads to
'security and stability' in Southern and Central Europe',
Journal of International Relations and Development ,
2004, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 208-236.
• 'The New Populism. Transnational Governance and European
Integration', in: ASSR online Working Papers , 03/03,
November 2003, 36 p. ( ).
• 'Structure and Process in Transnational European Business',
in: Alan Cafruny and Magnus Ryner (eds.), A Ruined
Fortress? Neoliberal Hegemony and Transformation in Europe
(Lanham and Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003), pp. 71-94
(with Kees van der Pijl).
• 'Die Neue Europäische Peripherie. Ost- und Süderweiterung
der Europäischen Union im Vergleich', in: Prokla ,
Vol. 32, Nr. 3, September 2002, pp. 399-420.
• 'The Enlargement of the European Union towards Central and
Eastern Europe: the role of Supranational and Transnational
Actors', in: A. Bieler and A. Morton (eds.), Social Forces
in the Making of the New Europe. The restructuring of European
social relations in the Global Political Economy
(Houndmills and New York: Palgrave, 2001), pp. 161-184.
• 'Toetreding tot de EU als garantie op voorspoed? Een
vergelijking tussen het Iberisch schiereiland en
Midden-Europa', in: Internationale Spectator , Vol.
54, Nr. 9, September 2000, pp. 433-439.
• 'Transnationale Wirtschaft und Europäische Integration: Die
Rolle des European Roundtable of Industrialists', in: C.
Dörrenbächer and D. Plehwe (eds.), Grenzenlose Kontrolle?
Organisatorischer Wandel und politische Macht multinationales
Unternehmen (Berlin: Edition Sigma, 2000), pp.
• 'De toekomst van het Europese structuurbeleid', in: C.
Aarsen (red.), Sociaal Europa (Amsterdam: Instituut
voor Publiek en Politiek, 1999), pp. 74-97.
• 'Spanje', in: A. Pijpers (ed.), Nederlands zoekt het
tweegesprek. Neobilaterale accenten in de Europese
politiek (Den Haag: Clingendael, 1999), pp. 117-140.
• 'Inleiding', in: Otto Holman and Paul Kapteyn (eds.),
Lomé. Over Europa en de ontwikkelingslanden
(Amsterdam: De Balie + Vereniging Democratisch Europa), blz.
• 'Guest Editor's Introduction', in: O. Holman, H. Overbeek
and M. Ryner (eds.), Neoliberal Hegemony and the Political
Economy of European Restructuring (I), special issue of the
International Journal of Political Economy , Vol. 28,
No. 1, Spring 1998, pp. 3-11 (with Henk Overbeek and Magnus
Ryner; reprinted in Neoliberal Hegemony and the Political
Economy of European Restructuring, part II, IJPE, Vol. 28, No.
2, Summer 1998, pp. 3-11).
• 'Integrating Eastern Europe. EU Expansion and the Double
Transformation in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary', in:
O. Holman, H. Overbeek and M. Ryner (eds.), NeoliberalHegemony
and the Political Economy of European Restructuring (I),
special issue of the International Journal of Political
Economy , Vol. 28, No. 2, Summer 1998, pp. 12-43.
• 'Naar een Europees werkgelegenheidsbeleid? Europese
werkgevers en de rol van de European Round Table of
Industrialists', in: A. Gevers (ed.), Uit de Zevende.
Vijftig jaar Politieke en Sociaal-Culturele Wetenschappen aan
de Universiteit van Amsterdam (Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis,
1998), pp. 292-300.
• 'Portugal', in: H. Ramkema (ed.), 1997, Europa. Een
politiek handboek (Amsterdam: Instituut voor Publiek en
Politiek), pp. 198-203.
• 'Spanje', in: H. Ramkema (ed.), 1997, Europa. Een
politiek handboek (Amsterdam: Instituut voor Publiek en
Politiek), pp. 230-237.
• 'Inleiding', in: Otto Holman (ed.), Democratie,
werkgelegenheid, veiligheid, immigratie. Europese dilemma's aan
het einde van de twintigste eeuw (Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis,
1997), pp. 1-10.
• 'De verborgen agenda: de Intergouvernementele Conferentie
van 1996 en de oostwaartse uitbreiding van de Europese Unie',
in: Otto Holman (ed.), 1997, op. cit. , pp.
• 'Ter introductie', in: Otto Holman (ed.), 1997, op.
cit. , pp. 81-82.
• 'Ter afsluiting', in: O. Holman (ed.), 1997, op.
cit. , pp. 117-128 (met Hein Roelfsema).
• 'Stabiliteit en veiligheid in Midden- en Oost-Europa. Enige
aandachtspunten voor verder onderzoek', in: B. Tromp, O.
Holman, e.a., 1997, Nederland en Oost-Europa: theorie en
praktijk (Den Haag: Nederlands Instituut voor
Internationale Betrekkingen Clingendael), pp. 15-20.
• 'Bedrijfsleven en Europese eenwording: de rol van de
European Round Table of Industrialists', in: Internationale
Spectator , jrg. 50, no. 6, juni 1996, pp. 338-343.
• 'The case of the Netherlands', in: S. Perrakis (ed.),
The European Union after the Intergovernmental Conference
in 1996: the role and the position of the small and medium
member-states (Athens: Hellenic Centre for European
Studies/Livani Publishing Organization), 1996, pp.
• 'The Capitalist Class in the European Union', in: G.A.
Kourvetaris and A. Moschonas (eds.), The Impact of European
Integration. Political, Sociological, and Economic Changes
(Westport, Connecticut, London: Praeger), 1996, pp. 55-74 (with
Kees van der Pijl).
• 'Het naderende einde van het tijdperk-González. Spaanse
politiek en economie na Maastricht en voor de IGC', in:
Internationale Spectator , jrg. xlix, no. 12, december
1995, blz. 636-641.
• 'Architektura Europejska', in: Przeglad Zachodni ,
No. 2, 1994, pp. 49-69.
• 'Economische liberalisering en sociale cohesie. Spanje,
Portugal en Griekenland als volwaardige EG lidstaten?', in:
Europa Periodiek , jrg. 10, nr. 3, nov. 1993, pp.
• 'Transnationalism in Spain: the Paradoxes of Socialist Rule
in the 1980s', in: H. Overbeek (ed.), Restructuring
Hegemony in the Global Political Economy. The Rise of
Transnational Neo-Liberalism in the 1980s (London:
Routledge), 1993, pp 134-161.
• 'Internationalization and Democratization. Southern Europe,
Latin America and the World Economic Crisis', in: S. Gill
(ed.), Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International
Relations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 1993,
pp. 213-236.
• 'Restructuring the Ruling Class and European Unification',
in: Amsterdam International Studies , working paper
no. 28, December 1992, 28 p. (with Kees van der Pijl).
• 'Introduction. Transnational Class Strategy and the New
Europe', in: O. Holman (ed.), European Unification in the
1990s. Myth and Reality, special issue of International
Journal of Political Economy , Vol. 22, No. 1, Spring
1992, pp. 3-23.
• 'Internationalization and Democratization. Southern Europe,
Latin America and the World Economic Crisis', in:
Occasional Papers, Series D: Third World Studies no.
2, CEPS, Amsterdam 1990, 35 p.
• 'Democratic Transition in Brazil and Spain: Towards an
Integrated Approach', in: Amsterdam International Studies,
Working Paper nr. 12, Amsterdam 1990, 31 p. (with A.
• 'Authoritarian Breakdowns in Brazil and Spain: Societal
Invertebration versus Regional Integration', in: After the
Crisis. Political Regulations and the Capitalist Class ,
International Conference, Amsterdam 18-20 April 1990, Vol. I,
pp. 83-110 (with A. Fernandez).
• 'In Search of Hegemony: Socialist Government and the
Internationalization of Domestic Politics in Spain', in:
International Journal of Political Economy , vol. 19,
nr. 3, Fall 1989, pp. 76-101.
• 'Semiperipheral Fordism in Southern Europe', in:
Amsterdam International Studies , Reprint nr. 4, 1989,
45 p.
• 'In Search of Hegemony. Socialist Government and the
Internationalization of Domestic Politics in Spain', in:
After the Crisis. Current Research on Capital and Strategy
in the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences ,
University of Amsterdam, nr. 7, may 1989, 28 p.
• 'Opkomst en ondergang van het Spaanse oliemonopolie. De
Nederlandse betrokkenheid', in: Negotiation Magazine ,
vol. 2, nr. 3, sept. 1989, pp. 121-130 (with A.
• 'Het Spaanse voorzitterschap van de Europese
Gemeenschappen', in: Internationale Spectator , jrg.
43, nr. 10, okt. 1989, pp. 627-634.
• 'Clases Sociales, Crisis del Regimen Autoritario y
Transicion Democratica: los casos de Brasil y España en una
perspectiva comparativa', in: Afers Internacionals ,
no. 16, Dec. 1989, pp. 5-22 (with A. Fernandez).
• 'Semiperipheral Fordism in Southern Europe. The national and
international context of socialist-led governments in Spain,
Portugal and Greece, in historical perspective', in:
International Journal of Political Economy (special
issue on Politics and Economics in Southern Europe), vol. 17,
no. 4, Winter 1987-88, pp. 11-55.
• 'Immanuel Wallerstein en het einde van het kapitalisme:
politieke implikaties van de wereldsysteemtheorie', in:
Tijdschrift voor Politieke Ekonomie , jrg. 9, nr. 4,
juni 1986, pp. 8-28 (with H. Overbeek).
• 'Het gematigde socialisme in Spanje, Portugal en
Griekenland. Continuiteit of breuk met het verleden?' In:
Vlaams Marxistisch Tijdschrift , jrg. 20, nr. 2, mei
1986, pp. 6-26 (with R. Mascini).
• 'Recht zonder politiek gezag of politiek zonder
rechtsgrondslag. De Amerikaanse interventies in Iran, Grenada
en Nicaragua', in: Recht en Kritiek , jrg. 12, nr. 1,
1986, pp. 6-43.
• 'Schuldenkrisis en demokratie in Latijns-Amerika en de rol
van de Verenigde Staten', in: Vlaams Marxistisch
Tijdschrift , jrg. 19, maart 1985, pp. 39-59 (with H.
• 'Europese Monetaire Integratie. Struktuurpolitiek en
bezuinigingsbeleid in Frankrijk', in: Tijdschrift voor
Politieke Ekonomie , jrg. 6, nr. 4, juni 1983, pp. 57-84
(with K.Poot).
• 'De ekonomische en politieke integratie van Spanje in de
EEG. Internationale ekonomische afhankelijkheid en krisis van
het Franquisme', in: Cahiers voor Politieke en Sociale
Wetenschappen , jrg. 5, nr. 4, jan. 1983, pp. 50-69 (with
A. Schippers en J. Verbeek).
• 'De volkenrechtelijke implikaties van de militaire operatie
van de Verenigde Staten in Iran. Zelfverdediging volgens
artikel 51 van het Handvest der Verenigde Naties of
onrechtmatige daad?' In: Ars Aequi , jrg. 31, nr. 10,
okt. 1982, pp. 576-581.
• 'Op zoek naar de Europese Obama', Folia: Weekblad voor de
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Vol. 62, No. 11, 2008, p.
• 'Lisbon Agenda-setting, Structural Policy and the Role of
Urban Areas', paper for the workshop on Transformation of
Social Policy in and around Europe, Ankara, METU, 13-14 October
• 'Political Economy of Europe: Neo-liberal Hegemony and
Transnational Class Formation', Paper for the conference on
European Union and World Politics: Elite Consensus and
Division, Cambridge, 28/29 March 2008.
• 'De herijking van Europese Politiek', Synthese, Vol. 6, No.
3, May 2008, p. 7.
• Book review of Stephen White, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis
(eds.), Developments in Central and East European Politics
(Houndmills: Palgrave, 2007), in Acta Politica (2008) 43, pp.
• Book review of Alejandro Colás, Empire (Cambridge: Polity
Press, 2007), in Comparative Sociology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2007,
pp. 508-510.
• 'Diplomatiek Offensief of Achterhoedegevecht', Synthese,
Vol. 5, No. 5, Summer 2007, pp.16-17 (also published as column
- titled: 'Nederland herrijst! Over het Achterhoedegevecht van
de Regering Balkenende in Europa' - at the website of the
Vereniging Democratisch Europa, 12 June 2007,
• 'Van Zachte Macht en Gedroomde Heelmeesters', Synthese, Vol.
5, No. 4, May 2007, pp. 16-17.
• 'Met de Rug naar de Velden van Weleer', Synthese, Vol. 5,
No. 3, March 2007, pp. 16-17.
• 'Uitbreiding en Desintegratie: Twee zijden van dezelfde
munt?', Synthese, Vol. 5, No. 2, January 2007, pp. 16-17.
• 'Europa in de Verkiezingsretoriek. Over hoe de Nederlandse
partijen elkaar proberen voorbij te streven in
euroscepticisme', Synthese, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2006, p. 20.
• 'Socialising Structural Policy. Disembedding neoliberalism
and the transnational dimension of core-periphery relations in
the European Union', paper presented at the 4th Convention of
the Central and East European International Studies Association
(CEEISA), University of Tartu, Estonia, 25-27 June 2006, 21
• 'De dubbele standaard van het oude Europa', mailwisseling
met Hans Labohm in Synthese, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2006, pp.
• 'Big Bang Enlargement: a Bridge too Far', mailwisseling met
Charles Kupchan in Synthese, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2005-06, p.
• 'Public-Private Partnerships and Transnational Governance in
the European Union: the European Employment and Lisbon
Strategy', paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of
Workshops, Granada, 14-19 April 2005, 27 p.
• 'Public-Private Partnerships and Transnational Governance in
the European Union: the European Employment and Lisbon
Strategy', paper presented at the International Workshop on
Shifting Relations in Governance in the EU: Winners and Losers
of Informal Governance, Amsterdam School for Social Science
Research, 13-14 January 2005, 18 p.
• 'De uitbreiding van de Europese Unie: een brug te ver',
Euforum, Vol. 3, No.1, 2004, pp. 12-14.
• 'Failing Integration or Not So Splendid Isolation?
Transnational Capitalism and the Double Transfortmation in
Romania', paper presented at the Fifth Pan European
International relations Conference, The Hague, 9-11 September
2004, 30 p. (with Annette Freyberg).
• 'The New European Periphery. A Comparison of the Eastern and
Southern Enlargement of the European Union', paper presented at
the 2003 Conference of the Central and East European
International Studies Association, Budapest, June 23-26, 2003,
• 'Asymmetrical Regulation and Transnational Governance in the
European Union', paper presented at the Conference on Global
Regulation, University of Sussex, May29-31, 2003, 28 p.
• 'Het gebrek aan handelingsvermogen in internationale
crisissituaties', in: Ernst John Kaars Sijpesteijn and Jacek
Magala (eds.), Het Volk en Europa. Boek van Grieven (Amsterdam:
Vereniging Democratisch Europa, 2003), pp. 20-23 (met Paul
• 'Het grote taboe van de verkiezingen', in Euforum, Jrg. 2,
Nr. 1, March 2003, pp. 20-22 (with Arjo Klamer)
• Book review of J. Lagendijk and J.M. Wiersma,
Brussel-Warschau-Kiev. Op zoek naar de grenzen van de Europese
Unie, in: Euforum, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, May 2002, pp. 22-24.
• 'De Europese Raad van Göteborg en de Prodiaanse verspreking.
Of hoe de Europese leiders omgaan met directe democratie',
column in: @europa, Vol. 1, No. 7, 30 June 2001.
• Book review of R. Dwan (ed.), Building Security in Europe's
New Borderlands: Subregional Cooperation in the Wider Europe
(Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1999), in: Europe-Asia Studies,
Vol. 53, No. 2, 2001, pp. 362-365.
• 'The New Populism. Transnational Governance in the European
Union', paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the
British International Studies Association, Edinburgh, 17-19
December 2001, 30 p.
• 'Nice bedreigt stabiliteit kandidaatleden EU', in: De
Volkskrant, 13 December 2000.
• 'Europa na de euforie van Helsinki', in: de Volkskrant, 18
December 1999.
• Book review of M. Dauderstädt, A. Gerrits and G. Márkus,
Troubled Transition. Social Democracy in East Central Europe
(Amsterdam: Wiardi Beckman Stichting, 1999), in: Nieuwsbrief
(Alfred Mozer Stichting), Vol. 10, No. 2, July 1999,
• 'Neoliberal Restructuring, Transnational Business and the
Enlargement of the EU towards Central and Eastern Europe',
paper presented at the International Studies Association
40thAnnual Convention, 16-20 February 1999,Washington D.C., 37
• 'Neoliberal Restructuring, Transnational Business and the
Enlargement of the EU towards Central and Eastern Europe',
paper presented at the Workshop "Globalisierung und die
Reorganisation Multinationaler Unternehmen: Neue
Kontrollkonzepte und ihre soziale, politische und kulturelle
Tragfähigkeit", organised by Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für
Sozialforschung, Berlin, 4-5 December 1998, 30 p.
• Book review of T. Welchen, Het Italiaanse complex: Partijen
en bewegingen van 1970 tot 1990 (Bussum: Thoth, 1996), in:
Sociologische Gids, jrg. XLV, no. 2, maart/april 1998, blz.
• 'Paars II geslagen met Euro-blindheid', in: de Volkskrant,
22 July 1998 (with P. Kapteyn, A. Klamer and R.
• 'Comparing Southern and Eastern Europe. The impact of
EU-enlargement on stabilityand security in Poland, the Czech
Republic and Hungary', paper presented at the Third
Pan-European International Relations Conference and Joint
Meeting with the International Studies Association, Vienna,
Austria: 16-19 September 1998, 26 p.
• 'Het Duitse nationale voetbalelftal is niet toevallig wit',
in: de Volkskrant, 18 July 1998.
• 'The Political Economy of European Unemployment', position
paper of the workshopdirectors for the 1998 ECPR Joint Sessions
of Workshops, University of Warwick, 23-28 March 1998, 41 p.
(with Henk Overbeek).
• 'Oost-Europa is niet bij voorbaat beter af met EU', in: de
Volkskrant, 15 februari 1997.
• 'Integrating Eastern Europe. EU-Expansion and the double
transformation in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary',
paper presented at the 38th Annual Convention of the
International Studies Association, Toronto, 18-23 March 1997,
30 p.
• 'Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Bulgaria's double
transformation', in: Executive Class, No. 17, Feb./March 1996,
pp. 42-43.
• 'The eastern enlargement of Nato: Choosingthe Royal Way',
in: Executive Class,No. 16,Oct./Nov. 1995, pp. 36-37.
• 'The New Poland is coming of Age. Economic Recovery and
Post-Walesa Democracy', in: Executive Class, No. 15, Aug./Sept.
1995, pp. 36-39.
• 'Integrating Eastern Europe: a remote future? The European
Union's White Paper', in: Executive Class, No. 14, June/July
1995, pp. 26-27.
• 'An Islandof Stability in Central Europe. The Czech Republic
is moving ahead', in: Executive Class, No. 13, April/May 1995,
pp. 16-17.
• 'Global Perestroika and the Russian Federation: the long and
winding road to political and economic stabilisation', in:
Executive Class, No. 11, Dec./Jan. 1994/95, pp. 40-41.
• 'Global Perestroika and the Russian Federation: the long and
winding road to political and economic stabilisation', in:
Executive Class, No. 11, Dec./Jan. 1994/95, pp. 40-41.
• 'Poland's Great Transformation: economic shock therapy and
political backlash', in Executive Class, No. 10, Oct./Nov.
1994, pp. 32-34.
• 'In Search of Goulash Capitalism. Economic reform and
political reconciliation in post-communist Hungary', in
Executive Class, No. 9, Aug./Sept. 1994, pp. 44-45.
• 'The Czech Republic and the New Europe: Homegrown success
and foreign policy ambitions', in: Executive Class, No. 8,
June/July 1994, pp. 44-45.
• 'Transnational Class Strategy and the Relaunching of
European Integration: the Role of the European Round Table of
Industrialists', paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention
of the International Studies Association, Washington, D.C., 28
March - 1 April 1994 (with Bastiaan van Apeldoorn)(also
presented in the workshop Crisis in de Europese Unie?,
Politicologenetmaal, Soesterberg, 27 mei 1994), 29 p.
• 'Common Responsibility or External Threat? The European
Union, the PHARE Programme, and the East-West European
Partnership', in Executive Class, No. 7, April/May 1994, pp.
• 'Therevolution that never was. Political turmoiland economic
distress in post-communist Bulgaria', in: Executive Class, No.
6, Febr./March 1994, pp. 44-45.
• 'The Unfinished Revolution. Political and Economic
Transition in Romania', in: Executive Class, No. 5, Dec./Jan.
1993/1994, pp. 26-31.
• 'Reshaping Europe, Transnational Class Strategy and the New
European Architecture', paperfor the international conference
of the Delphi Forum (Rationalité instrumentale, replis
identitaires et exclusion), Delphi, 29-31 October 1992, 27
• 'De PVDA moet haar provincialisme overwinnen', in: De
Volkskrant, 9 maart 1992 (with Raoul Schildmeijer).
• 'Spanje: Bevolking, Bestuur en samenleving, Economie', Grote
Winkler Prins, 9e druk (1992).
• 'The Mediterranean countries and the European challenge: the
case of Spain', paper voor de Annual Meeting of the Hellenic
Foundation for Defense and Foreign Policy (titled: "The New
Architecture of Europe. Developments in East Europe, the Balkan
and the Mediterranean), Halki (Greece), 16-22 sept. 1990.
• 'Felipismo or the Failure of Neo-liberalism in Spain', Paper
for the Annual Conference of the British Political Studies
Association, University of Warwick, 4-6 April 1989, 19 p.
• 'Spaans socialisme gesteund door economische elite.
Verschuiving van PSOE naar politiek centrum', in: José Martí
Journaal, jrg. 2, nr. 8, december 1989, pp. 25-26.
• 'Spanje en de Europese Uitdaging', in: José Martí Journaal,
jrg. 2, nr. 6, zomer 1989, pp. 10-11.
• 'Un Estudio Comparativo sobre la Redemocratizacion de
America Latina y la Europa del Sur: los casos de Brasil y
España', Paper voor het 46 Congreso Internacional de
Americanistas, Amsterdam, 4-8 juli 1988, 32 p. (with A.
• 'Hoge schuld arme landen staat los van oliecrisis', in: de
Volkskrant, 2 december 1987 (with A. Fernandez).
• 'Arme landen staken zich soms om politieke redenen in de
schulden', in: de Volkskrant, 31 oktober1987 (with A.
• 'De Spaanse socialisten zijn tegen de Navo en vóór het
Atlantisch Bondgenootschap', in: De Groene Amsterdammer, 12
maart 1986, p. 7.
• 'The European Periphery: the combined process of
industrialization and 'social-democratization' in Spain, Greece
and Portugal', Contribution to the Workshop on
'SocialistGovernments in Southern Europe', E.C.P.R. Joint
Sessions, March 25-30, 1985, Barcelona, 37 p.
• 'Politieke konjunktuurbeweging en internationale ekonomische
afhankelijkheid', Paper voor de voorjaarskonferentie van de
Vereniging voor Politieke Ekonomie op 7 mei 1983, in:
VVPE-voorjaarsnota 1983, nr. 4, april 1983, 9 p.
• 'Ausarbeitung der Thesen zum Europäischen Währungssystem',
Paper voor de Interdisziplinäre Tagung des Arbeitskreises
Europäische Integration, Ludwigshafen, 15-17 dec. 1980, 17 p.
(with G. Junne).
• 'Op zoek naar de Europese Obama', Folia: Weekblad voor de
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Vol. 62, No. 11, 2008, p.
• 'Lisbon Agenda-setting, Structural Policy and the Role of
Urban Areas', paper for the workshop on Transformation of
Social Policy in and around Europe, Ankara, METU, 13-14 October
• 'Political Economy of Europe: Neo-liberal Hegemony and
Transnational Class Formation', Paper for the conference on
European Union and World Politics: Elite Consensus and
Division, Cambridge, 28/29 March 2008.
• 'De herijking van Europese Politiek', Synthese, Vol. 6, No.
3, May 2008, p. 7.
• Book review of Stephen White, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis
(eds.), Developments in Central and East European Politics
(Houndmills: Palgrave, 2007), in Acta Politica (2008) 43, pp.
• Book review of Alejandro Colás, Empire (Cambridge: Polity
Press, 2007), in Comparative Sociology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2007,
pp. 508-510.
• 'Diplomatiek Offensief of Achterhoedegevecht', Synthese,
Vol. 5, No. 5, Summer 2007, pp.16-17 (also published as column
- titled: 'Nederland herrijst! Over het Achterhoedegevecht van
de Regering Balkenende in Europa' - at the website of the
Vereniging Democratisch Europa, 12 June 2007,
• 'Van Zachte Macht en Gedroomde Heelmeesters', Synthese, Vol.
5, No. 4, May 2007, pp. 16-17.
• 'Met de Rug naar de Velden van Weleer', Synthese, Vol. 5,
No. 3, March 2007, pp. 16-17.
• 'Uitbreiding en Desintegratie: Twee zijden van dezelfde
munt?', Synthese, Vol. 5, No. 2, January 2007, pp. 16-17.
• 'Europa in de Verkiezingsretoriek. Over hoe de Nederlandse
partijen elkaar proberen voorbij te streven in
euroscepticisme', Synthese, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2006, p. 20.
• 'Socialising Structural Policy. Disembedding neoliberalism
and the transnational dimension of core-periphery relations in
the European Union', paper presented at the 4th Convention of
the Central and East European International Studies Association
(CEEISA), University of Tartu, Estonia, 25-27 June 2006, 21
• 'De dubbele standaard van het oude Europa', mailwisseling
met Hans Labohm in Synthese, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2006, pp.
• 'Big Bang Enlargement: a Bridge too Far', mailwisseling met
Charles Kupchan in Synthese, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2005-06, p.
• 'Public-Private Partnerships and Transnational Governance in
the European Union: the European Employment and Lisbon
Strategy', paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of
Workshops, Granada, 14-19 April 2005, 27 p.
• 'Public-Private Partnerships and Transnational Governance in
the European Union: the European Employment and Lisbon
Strategy', paper presented at the International Workshop on
Shifting Relations in Governance in the EU: Winners and Losers
of Informal Governance, Amsterdam School for Social Science
Research, 13-14 January 2005, 18 p.
• 'De uitbreiding van de Europese Unie: een brug te ver',
Euforum, Vol. 3, No.1, 2004, pp. 12-14.
• 'Failing Integration or Not So Splendid Isolation?
Transnational Capitalism and the Double Transfortmation in
Romania', paper presented at the Fifth Pan European
International relations Conference, The Hague, 9-11 September
2004, 30 p. (with Annette Freyberg).
• 'The New European Periphery. A Comparison of the Eastern and
Southern Enlargement of the European Union', paper presented at
the 2003 Conference of the Central and East European
International Studies Association, Budapest, June 23-26, 2003,
• 'Asymmetrical Regulation and Transnational Governance in the
European Union', paper presented at the Conference on Global
Regulation, University of Sussex, May29-31, 2003, 28 p.
• 'Het gebrek aan handelingsvermogen in internationale
crisissituaties', in: Ernst John Kaars Sijpesteijn and Jacek
Magala (eds.), Het Volk en Europa. Boek van Grieven (Amsterdam:
Vereniging Democratisch Europa, 2003), pp. 20-23 (met Paul
• 'Het grote taboe van de verkiezingen', in Euforum, Jrg. 2,
Nr. 1, March 2003, pp. 20-22 (with Arjo Klamer)
• Book review of J. Lagendijk and J.M. Wiersma,
Brussel-Warschau-Kiev. Op zoek naar de grenzen van de Europese
Unie, in: Euforum, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, May 2002, pp. 22-24.
• 'De Europese Raad van Göteborg en de Prodiaanse verspreking.
Of hoe de Europese leiders omgaan met directe democratie',
column in: @europa, Vol. 1, No. 7, 30 June 2001.
• Book review of R. Dwan (ed.), Building Security in Europe's
New Borderlands: Subregional Cooperation in the Wider Europe
(Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1999), in: Europe-Asia Studies,
Vol. 53, No. 2, 2001, pp. 362-365.
• 'The New Populism. Transnational Governance in the European
Union', paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the
British International Studies Association, Edinburgh, 17-19
December 2001, 30 p.
• 'Nice bedreigt stabiliteit kandidaatleden EU', in: De
Volkskrant, 13 December 2000.
• 'Europa na de euforie van Helsinki', in: de Volkskrant, 18
December 1999.
• Book review of M. Dauderstädt, A. Gerrits and G. Márkus,
Troubled Transition. Social Democracy in East Central Europe
(Amsterdam: Wiardi Beckman Stichting, 1999), in: Nieuwsbrief
(Alfred Mozer Stichting), Vol. 10, No. 2, July 1999,
• 'Neoliberal Restructuring, Transnational Business and the
Enlargement of the EU towards Central and Eastern Europe',
paper presented at the International Studies Association
40thAnnual Convention, 16-20 February 1999,Washington D.C., 37
• 'Neoliberal Restructuring, Transnational Business and the
Enlargement of the EU towards Central and Eastern Europe',
paper presented at the Workshop "Globalisierung und die
Reorganisation Multinationaler Unternehmen: Neue
Kontrollkonzepte und ihre soziale, politische und kulturelle
Tragfähigkeit", organised by Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für
Sozialforschung, Berlin, 4-5 December 1998, 30 p.
• Book review of T. Welchen, Het Italiaanse complex: Partijen
en bewegingen van 1970 tot 1990 (Bussum: Thoth, 1996), in:
Sociologische Gids, jrg. XLV, no. 2, maart/april 1998, blz.
• 'Paars II geslagen met Euro-blindheid', in: de Volkskrant,
22 July 1998 (with P. Kapteyn, A. Klamer and R.
• 'Comparing Southern and Eastern Europe. The impact of
EU-enlargement on stabilityand security in Poland, the Czech
Republic and Hungary', paper presented at the Third
Pan-European International Relations Conference and Joint
Meeting with the International Studies Association, Vienna,
Austria: 16-19 September 1998, 26 p.
• 'Het Duitse nationale voetbalelftal is niet toevallig wit',
in: de Volkskrant, 18 July 1998.
• 'The Political Economy of European Unemployment', position
paper of the workshopdirectors for the 1998 ECPR Joint Sessions
of Workshops, University of Warwick, 23-28 March 1998, 41 p.
(with Henk Overbeek).
• 'Oost-Europa is niet bij voorbaat beter af met EU', in: de
Volkskrant, 15 februari 1997.
• 'Integrating Eastern Europe. EU-Expansion and the double
transformation in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary',
paper presented at the 38th Annual Convention of the
International Studies Association, Toronto, 18-23 March 1997,
30 p.
• 'Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Bulgaria's double
transformation', in: Executive Class, No. 17, Feb./March 1996,
pp. 42-43.
• 'The eastern enlargement of Nato: Choosingthe Royal Way',
in: Executive Class,No. 16,Oct./Nov. 1995, pp. 36-37.
• 'The New Poland is coming of Age. Economic Recovery and
Post-Walesa Democracy', in: Executive Class, No. 15, Aug./Sept.
1995, pp. 36-39.
• 'Integrating Eastern Europe: a remote future? The European
Union's White Paper', in: Executive Class, No. 14, June/July
1995, pp. 26-27.
• 'An Islandof Stability in Central Europe. The Czech Republic
is moving ahead', in: Executive Class, No. 13, April/May 1995,
pp. 16-17.
• 'Global Perestroika and the Russian Federation: the long and
winding road to political and economic stabilisation', in:
Executive Class, No. 11, Dec./Jan. 1994/95, pp. 40-41.
• 'Global Perestroika and the Russian Federation: the long and
winding road to political and economic stabilisation', in:
Executive Class, No. 11, Dec./Jan. 1994/95, pp. 40-41.
• 'Poland's Great Transformation: economic shock therapy and
political backlash', in Executive Class, No. 10, Oct./Nov.
1994, pp. 32-34.
• 'In Search of Goulash Capitalism. Economic reform and
political reconciliation in post-communist Hungary', in
Executive Class, No. 9, Aug./Sept. 1994, pp. 44-45.
• 'The Czech Republic and the New Europe: Homegrown success
and foreign policy ambitions', in: Executive Class, No. 8,
June/July 1994, pp. 44-45.
• 'Transnational Class Strategy and the Relaunching of
European Integration: the Role of the European Round Table of
Industrialists', paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention
of the International Studies Association, Washington, D.C., 28
March - 1 April 1994 (with Bastiaan van Apeldoorn)(also
presented in the workshop Crisis in de Europese Unie?,
Politicologenetmaal, Soesterberg, 27 mei 1994), 29 p.
• 'Common Responsibility or External Threat? The European
Union, the PHARE Programme, and the East-West European
Partnership', in Executive Class, No. 7, April/May 1994, pp.
• 'Therevolution that never was. Political turmoiland economic
distress in post-communist Bulgaria', in: Executive Class, No.
6, Febr./March 1994, pp. 44-45.
• 'The Unfinished Revolution. Political and Economic
Transition in Romania', in: Executive Class, No. 5, Dec./Jan.
1993/1994, pp. 26-31.
• 'Reshaping Europe, Transnational Class Strategy and the New
European Architecture', paperfor the international conference
of the Delphi Forum (Rationalité instrumentale, replis
identitaires et exclusion), Delphi, 29-31 October 1992, 27
• 'De PVDA moet haar provincialisme overwinnen', in: De
Volkskrant, 9 maart 1992 (with Raoul Schildmeijer).
• 'Spanje: Bevolking, Bestuur en samenleving, Economie', Grote
Winkler Prins, 9e druk (1992).
• 'The Mediterranean countries and the European challenge: the
case of Spain', paper voor de Annual Meeting of the Hellenic
Foundation for Defense and Foreign Policy (titled: "The New
Architecture of Europe. Developments in East Europe, the Balkan
and the Mediterranean), Halki (Greece), 16-22 sept. 1990.
• 'Felipismo or the Failure of Neo-liberalism in Spain', Paper
for the Annual Conference of the British Political Studies
Association, University of Warwick, 4-6 April 1989, 19 p.
• 'Spaans socialisme gesteund door economische elite.
Verschuiving van PSOE naar politiek centrum', in: José Martí
Journaal, jrg. 2, nr. 8, december 1989, pp. 25-26.
• 'Spanje en de Europese Uitdaging', in: José Martí Journaal,
jrg. 2, nr. 6, zomer 1989, pp. 10-11.
• 'Un Estudio Comparativo sobre la Redemocratizacion de
America Latina y la Europa del Sur: los casos de Brasil y
España', Paper voor het 46 Congreso Internacional de
Americanistas, Amsterdam, 4-8 juli 1988, 32 p. (with A.
• 'Hoge schuld arme landen staat los van oliecrisis', in: de
Volkskrant, 2 december 1987 (with A. Fernandez).
• 'Arme landen staken zich soms om politieke redenen in de
schulden', in: de Volkskrant, 31 oktober1987 (with A.
• 'De Spaanse socialisten zijn tegen de Navo en vóór het
Atlantisch Bondgenootschap', in: De Groene Amsterdammer, 12
maart 1986, p. 7.
• 'The European Periphery: the combined process of
industrialization and 'social-democratization' in Spain, Greece
and Portugal', Contribution to the Workshop on
'SocialistGovernments in Southern Europe', E.C.P.R. Joint
Sessions, March 25-30, 1985, Barcelona, 37 p.
• 'Politieke konjunktuurbeweging en internationale ekonomische
afhankelijkheid', Paper voor de voorjaarskonferentie van de
Vereniging voor Politieke Ekonomie op 7 mei 1983, in:
VVPE-voorjaarsnota 1983, nr. 4, april 1983, 9 p.
• 'Ausarbeitung der Thesen zum Europäischen Währungssystem',
Paper voor de Interdisziplinäre Tagung des Arbeitskreises
Europäische Integration, Ludwigshafen, 15-17 dec. 1980, 17 p.
(with G. Junne).
• 'Op zoek naar de Europese Obama', Folia: Weekblad voor de
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Vol. 62, No. 11, 2008, p.
• 'Lisbon Agenda-setting, Structural Policy and the Role of
Urban Areas', paper for the workshop on Transformation of
Social Policy in and around Europe, Ankara, METU, 13-14 October
• 'Political Economy of Europe: Neo-liberal Hegemony and
Transnational Class Formation', Paper for the conference on
European Union and World Politics: Elite Consensus and
Division, Cambridge, 28/29 March 2008.
• 'De herijking van Europese Politiek', Synthese, Vol. 6, No.
3, May 2008, p. 7.
• Book review of Stephen White, Judy Batt and Paul G. Lewis
(eds.), Developments in Central and East European Politics
(Houndmills: Palgrave, 2007), in Acta Politica (2008) 43, pp.
• Book review of Alejandro Colás, Empire (Cambridge: Polity
Press, 2007), in Comparative Sociology, Vol. 6, No. 4, 2007,
pp. 508-510.
• 'Diplomatiek Offensief of Achterhoedegevecht', Synthese,
Vol. 5, No. 5, Summer 2007, pp.16-17 (also published as column
- titled: 'Nederland herrijst! Over het Achterhoedegevecht van
de Regering Balkenende in Europa' - at the website of the
Vereniging Democratisch Europa, 12 June 2007,
• 'Van Zachte Macht en Gedroomde Heelmeesters', Synthese, Vol.
5, No. 4, May 2007, pp. 16-17.
• 'Met de Rug naar de Velden van Weleer', Synthese, Vol. 5,
No. 3, March 2007, pp. 16-17.
• 'Uitbreiding en Desintegratie: Twee zijden van dezelfde
munt?', Synthese, Vol. 5, No. 2, January 2007, pp. 16-17.
• 'Europa in de Verkiezingsretoriek. Over hoe de Nederlandse
partijen elkaar proberen voorbij te streven in
euroscepticisme', Synthese, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2006, p. 20.
• 'Socialising Structural Policy. Disembedding neoliberalism
and the transnational dimension of core-periphery relations in
the European Union', paper presented at the 4th Convention of
the Central and East European International Studies Association
(CEEISA), University of Tartu, Estonia, 25-27 June 2006, 21
• 'De dubbele standaard van het oude Europa', mailwisseling
met Hans Labohm in Synthese, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2006, pp.
• 'Big Bang Enlargement: a Bridge too Far', mailwisseling met
Charles Kupchan in Synthese, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2005-06, p.
• 'Public-Private Partnerships and Transnational Governance in
the European Union: the European Employment and Lisbon
Strategy', paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions of
Workshops, Granada, 14-19 April 2005, 27 p.
• 'Public-Private Partnerships and Transnational Governance in
the European Union: the European Employment and Lisbon
Strategy', paper presented at the International Workshop on
Shifting Relations in Governance in the EU: Winners and Losers
of Informal Governance, Amsterdam School for Social Science
Research, 13-14 January 2005, 18 p.
• 'De uitbreiding van de Europese Unie: een brug te ver',
Euforum, Vol. 3, No.1, 2004, pp. 12-14.
• 'Failing Integration or Not So Splendid Isolation?
Transnational Capitalism and the Double Transfortmation in
Romania', paper presented at the Fifth Pan European
International relations Conference, The Hague, 9-11 September
2004, 30 p. (with Annette Freyberg).
• 'The New European Periphery. A Comparison of the Eastern and
Southern Enlargement of the European Union', paper presented at
the 2003 Conference of the Central and East European
International Studies Association, Budapest, June 23-26, 2003,
• 'Asymmetrical Regulation and Transnational Governance in the
European Union', paper presented at the Conference on Global
Regulation, University of Sussex, May29-31, 2003, 28 p.
• 'Het gebrek aan handelingsvermogen in internationale
crisissituaties', in: Ernst John Kaars Sijpesteijn and Jacek
Magala (eds.), Het Volk en Europa. Boek van Grieven (Amsterdam:
Vereniging Democratisch Europa, 2003), pp. 20-23 (met Paul
• 'Het grote taboe van de verkiezingen', in Euforum, Jrg. 2,
Nr. 1, March 2003, pp. 20-22 (with Arjo Klamer)
• Book review of J. Lagendijk and J.M. Wiersma,
Brussel-Warschau-Kiev. Op zoek naar de grenzen van de Europese
Unie, in: Euforum, Vol. 1, Nr. 2, May 2002, pp. 22-24.
• 'De Europese Raad van Göteborg en de Prodiaanse verspreking.
Of hoe de Europese leiders omgaan met directe democratie',
column in: @europa, Vol. 1, No. 7, 30 June 2001.
• Book review of R. Dwan (ed.), Building Security in Europe's
New Borderlands: Subregional Cooperation in the Wider Europe
(Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1999), in: Europe-Asia Studies,
Vol. 53, No. 2, 2001, pp. 362-365.
• 'The New Populism. Transnational Governance in the European
Union', paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the
British International Studies Association, Edinburgh, 17-19
December 2001, 30 p.
• 'Nice bedreigt stabiliteit kandidaatleden EU', in: De
Volkskrant, 13 December 2000.
• 'Europa na de euforie van Helsinki', in: de Volkskrant, 18
December 1999.
• Book review of M. Dauderstädt, A. Gerrits and G. Márkus,
Troubled Transition. Social Democracy in East Central Europe
(Amsterdam: Wiardi Beckman Stichting, 1999), in: Nieuwsbrief
(Alfred Mozer Stichting), Vol. 10, No. 2, July 1999,
• 'Neoliberal Restructuring, Transnational Business and the
Enlargement of the EU towards Central and Eastern Europe',
paper presented at the International Studies Association
40thAnnual Convention, 16-20 February 1999,Washington D.C., 37
• 'Neoliberal Restructuring, Transnational Business and the
Enlargement of the EU towards Central and Eastern Europe',
paper presented at the Workshop "Globalisierung und die
Reorganisation Multinationaler Unternehmen: Neue
Kontrollkonzepte und ihre soziale, politische und kulturelle
Tragfähigkeit", organised by Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für
Sozialforschung, Berlin, 4-5 December 1998, 30 p.
• Book review of T. Welchen, Het Italiaanse complex: Partijen
en bewegingen van 1970 tot 1990 (Bussum: Thoth, 1996), in:
Sociologische Gids, jrg. XLV, no. 2, maart/april 1998, blz.
• 'Paars II geslagen met Euro-blindheid', in: de Volkskrant,
22 July 1998 (with P. Kapteyn, A. Klamer and R.
• 'Comparing Southern and Eastern Europe. The impact of
EU-enlargement on stabilityand security in Poland, the Czech
Republic and Hungary', paper presented at the Third
Pan-European International Relations Conference and Joint
Meeting with the International Studies Association, Vienna,
Austria: 16-19 September 1998, 26 p.
• 'Het Duitse nationale voetbalelftal is niet toevallig wit',
in: de Volkskrant, 18 July 1998.
• 'The Political Economy of European Unemployment', position
paper of the workshopdirectors for the 1998 ECPR Joint Sessions
of Workshops, University of Warwick, 23-28 March 1998, 41 p.
(with Henk Overbeek).
• 'Oost-Europa is niet bij voorbaat beter af met EU', in: de
Volkskrant, 15 februari 1997.
• 'Integrating Eastern Europe. EU-Expansion and the double
transformation in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary',
paper presented at the 38th Annual Convention of the
International Studies Association, Toronto, 18-23 March 1997,
30 p.
• 'Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Bulgaria's double
transformation', in: Executive Class, No. 17, Feb./March 1996,
pp. 42-43.
• 'The eastern enlargement of Nato: Choosingthe Royal Way',
in: Executive Class,No. 16,Oct./Nov. 1995, pp. 36-37.
• 'The New Poland is coming of Age. Economic Recovery and
Post-Walesa Democracy', in: Executive Class, No. 15, Aug./Sept.
1995, pp. 36-39.
• 'Integrating Eastern Europe: a remote future? The European
Union's White Paper', in: Executive Class, No. 14, June/July
1995, pp. 26-27.
• 'An Islandof Stability in Central Europe. The Czech Republic
is moving ahead', in: Executive Class, No. 13, April/May 1995,
pp. 16-17.
• 'Global Perestroika and the Russian Federation: the long and
winding road to political and economic stabilisation', in:
Executive Class, No. 11, Dec./Jan. 1994/95, pp. 40-41.
• 'Global Perestroika and the Russian Federation: the long and
winding road to political and economic stabilisation', in:
Executive Class, No. 11, Dec./Jan. 1994/95, pp. 40-41.
• 'Poland's Great Transformation: economic shock therapy and
political backlash', in Executive Class, No. 10, Oct./Nov.
1994, pp. 32-34.
• 'In Search of Goulash Capitalism. Economic reform and
political reconciliation in post-communist Hungary', in
Executive Class, No. 9, Aug./Sept. 1994, pp. 44-45.
• 'The Czech Republic and the New Europe: Homegrown success
and foreign policy ambitions', in: Executive Class, No. 8,
June/July 1994, pp. 44-45.
• 'Transnational Class Strategy and the Relaunching of
European Integration: the Role of the European Round Table of
Industrialists', paper presented at the 35th Annual Convention
of the International Studies Association, Washington, D.C., 28
March - 1 April 1994 (with Bastiaan van Apeldoorn)(also
presented in the workshop Crisis in de Europese Unie?,
Politicologenetmaal, Soesterberg, 27 mei 1994), 29 p.
• 'Common Responsibility or External Threat? The European
Union, the PHARE Programme, and the East-West European
Partnership', in Executive Class, No. 7, April/May 1994, pp.
• 'Therevolution that never was. Political turmoiland economic
distress in post-communist Bulgaria', in: Executive Class, No.
6, Febr./March 1994, pp. 44-45.
• 'The Unfinished Revolution. Political and Economic
Transition in Romania', in: Executive Class, No. 5, Dec./Jan.
1993/1994, pp. 26-31.
• 'Reshaping Europe, Transnational Class Strategy and the New
European Architecture', paperfor the international conference
of the Delphi Forum (Rationalité instrumentale, replis
identitaires et exclusion), Delphi, 29-31 October 1992, 27
• 'De PVDA moet haar provincialisme overwinnen', in: De
Volkskrant, 9 maart 1992 (with Raoul Schildmeijer).
• 'Spanje: Bevolking, Bestuur en samenleving, Economie', Grote
Winkler Prins, 9e druk (1992).
• 'The Mediterranean countries and the European challenge: the
case of Spain', paper voor de Annual Meeting of the Hellenic
Foundation for Defense and Foreign Policy (titled: "The New
Architecture of Europe. Developments in East Europe, the Balkan
and the Mediterranean), Halki (Greece), 16-22 sept. 1990.
• 'Felipismo or the Failure of Neo-liberalism in Spain', Paper
for the Annual Conference of the British Political Studies
Association, University of Warwick, 4-6 April 1989, 19 p.
• 'Spaans socialisme gesteund door economische elite.
Verschuiving van PSOE naar politiek centrum', in: José Martí
Journaal, jrg. 2, nr. 8, december 1989, pp. 25-26.
• 'Spanje en de Europese Uitdaging', in: José Martí Journaal,
jrg. 2, nr. 6, zomer 1989, pp. 10-11.
• 'Un Estudio Comparativo sobre la Redemocratizacion de
America Latina y la Europa del Sur: los casos de Brasil y
España', Paper voor het 46 Congreso Internacional de
Americanistas, Amsterdam, 4-8 juli 1988, 32 p. (with A.
• 'Hoge schuld arme landen staat los van oliecrisis', in: de
Volkskrant, 2 december 1987 (with A. Fernandez).
• 'Arme landen staken zich soms om politieke redenen in de
schulden', in: de Volkskrant, 31 oktober1987 (with A.
• 'De Spaanse socialisten zijn tegen de Navo en vóór het
Atlantisch Bondgenootschap', in: De Groene Amsterdammer, 12
maart 1986, p. 7.
• 'The European Periphery: the combined process of
industrialization and 'social-democratization' in Spain, Greece
and Portugal', Contribution to the Workshop on
'SocialistGovernments in Southern Europe', E.C.P.R. Joint
Sessions, March 25-30, 1985, Barcelona, 37 p.
• 'Politieke konjunktuurbeweging en internationale ekonomische
afhankelijkheid', Paper voor de voorjaarskonferentie van de
Vereniging voor Politieke Ekonomie op 7 mei 1983, in:
VVPE-voorjaarsnota 1983, nr. 4, april 1983, 9 p.
• 'Ausarbeitung der Thesen zum Europäischen Währungssystem',
Paper voor de Interdisziplinäre Tagung des Arbeitskreises
Europäische Integration, Ludwigshafen, 15-17 dec. 1980, 17 p.
(with G. Junne).
Otto Holman's research interests include the role of transnational social forces in emerging patterns of European governance, peripheral capitalism and EU enlargement, and the regional impact of core-periphery relations in Europe. He is currently preparing a book on transformation processes in Central Europe and the European Union, and new patterns of core-periphery relations in an enlarged Union. A central theme of this book is the intersection of EU's external performance, on the one hand, and its internal, crisis driven governance structures, on the other. Future research will particularly look at the development of 'transnational governance without supranational government' in the European Union, the role of organised business in unfolding public-private partnerships and the patterns of democratic accountability related to it. In addition, research will be conducted on the role of non-state actors in the further development of EU's foreign relations. Of particular interest is the role of Europe's so-called strategic industrial sectors, notably energy and defense, in strengthening EU's security strategy and in promoting enhanced cooperation in the area of the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). It will be argued that this can be seen as a belated (and anticipatory) form of political spillover. Finally, his research is focused on the transformative power of the European Union vis-à-vis its immediate periphery, inter alia through the Copenhagen enlargement strategy and the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The international or external actorness of the European Union aims at strengthening democratic structures and capitalist development also in further away (i.e. non-European) regions and countries. Research will be conducted on the security component of this development policy (e.g. the securitisation of energy) and on the intersection of democracy promotion and economic development strategies with a special emphasis on the Meditterranean southern shore periphery of the European Union.
Otto Holman has published articles and book chapters in seven different languages (Dutch, English, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, French and German) and in nine different countries (though the bulk of his writing is in English; the Dutch university system discourages publications in languages other than English).
Teaching activities in 2010-11 include the International Relations core module at undergraduate level (1st year); European External Relations: a Theoretical Perspective (core module master programme European Union in a Global Order); and Research Project EU Enlargement and Neighbourhood. Holman was 2003 teacher of the year ( onderwijslieverdje ) at the Department of Political Science.
Since 1983, teaching areas include: