I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. I work on the philosophy of mathematics, formal and philosophical logic, philosophy of language and metaphysics.
Bussière, L., Incurvati, L., Sbardolini, G., & Schlöder, J. (2024). Nevermind: On Retraction as a Speech Act. In D. Zeman, & M. Hîncu (Eds.), Retraction Matters: New Developments in the Philosophy of Language (pp. 139-160). (Synthese Library; Vol. 488). Springer.
Bussière-Caraes, L., Incurvati, L., Sbardolini, G., & Schloeder, J. J. (2024). Non-assertoric speech acts: Introduction to the topical collection. Synthese, 204(5), Article 150.
Incurvati, L., & Sbardolini, G. (2024). The Evolution of Denial. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 75(1), 177–208. https://doi.org/10.1086/715140[details]
Incurvati, L. (in press). Iteration and Dependence Again. In C. Antos, N. Barton, & G. Venturi (Eds.), Palgrave Companion to the Philosophy of Set Theory Palgrave Macmillan.
Incurvati, L. (in press). Three Kinds of Logical Expressivism. In F. Ferrari, E. Brendel, M. Carrara, O. Hjortland, G. Sagi, G. Sher, & F. Steinberger (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Logic Oxford University Press.
Incurvati, L., & Schlöder, J. J. (2022). Meta-Inferences and Supervaluationism. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 51(6), 1549–1582. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10992-021-09618-4[details]
Florio, S., & Incurvati, L. (2021). Overgeneration in the Higher Infinite. In G. Sagi, & J. Woods (Eds.), The Semantic Conception of Logic: Essays on Consequence, Invariance, and Meaning (pp. 142-159). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108524919.008[details]
Aloni, M. (Guest ed.), Berto, F. (Guest ed.), Incurvati, L. (Guest ed.), & Roelofsen, F. (Guest ed.) (2018). Semantics and Philosophy. Topoi, 37(3), 355-433. https://link.springer.com/journal/11245/37/3
Aloni, M., Berto, F., Incurvati, L., & Roelofsen, F. (2018). Introduction: Semantics and Philosophy. Topoi, 37(3), 355-356. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11245-017-9505-5[details]
Incurvati, L. (2018). [Review of: J. Turner (2016) The Facts in Logical Space : a Tractarian ontology]. Analysis, 78(2), 367-371. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1093/analys/anx096[details]
Incurvati, L. (2011). Interpreting Natural Deduction: Reply to Sundholm. In E. Grosholz, P. Graziani, & C. Cellucci (Eds.), Logic and Knowledge (pp. 62-65). Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishers.
Incurvati, L. (2007). On Some Consequences of the Definitional Unprovability of Hume's Principle. In P. Joray (Ed.), Contemporary Perspectives on Logicism and the Foundations of Mathematics (pp. 131-146). (Travaux de Logique; No. 18). CDRS, Universite de Neuchatel.
Incurvati, L. (member of editorial board) (2024-2027). Review of Symbolic Logic (Journal).
Incurvati, L. (member of editorial board) (2023-). Journal for the Philosophy of Mathematics (Journal).
Aloni, M. (editor), Berto, F. (editor), Incurvati, L. (editor) & Roelofsen, F. (editor) (2015-2016). Topoi (Journal).
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (4-10-2024). Inferential expressivism and modality, The Logic or Language Society and The Society for Mathematical and Foundational Studies, Columbus.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (4-10-2024). Conceptual engineering and conceptual genealogy: sets vs properties, PoSet-G: Philosophy of Set Theory Group Seminar, Oslo.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (9-2024). Inferential expressivism: foundations and modality, Thought, Reason, Logic: Celebrating Three New Books, Canadian Society for Epistemology 2024 Annual Meeting, GRIN Conference & Book Launch Party, Montreal.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (20-6-2024). Reasoning with attitude, Philosophy Colloquium, Salzburg.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (11-4-2024). Three kinds of logical expressivism, Proofs, Rules, Meaning, St Andrews.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (2024). Reasoning with attitude, Theoretical Philosophy Colloquium, Utrecht.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (11-2023). Reasoning with attitude, Expressivism Workshop, Hong Kong.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (9-2023). Three kinds of logical expressivism, 2nd EuPHILO Conference, Bonn.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (8-6-2023). Representation and meaning, Representation Seminar, Bologna.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (7-6-2023). Inferential expressivism, Representation, Reality and Truth, Bologna.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (7-2022). Inferential expressivism about probability, Rhineland Expressivism Workshop, Bonn.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (13-6-2022). On logical and scientific strength, Oxford Philosophy of Mathematics Seminar, Oxford.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (6-2022). Engineering the concept of set and engineering the concept of objectified property, Engineering the Concept of Collection, Oslo.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (19-5-2022). Inferential expressivism, Varieties of Philosophical Expressivism, Mannheim.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (5-2022). Inferential expressivism: foundations, EXPRESS Conference on Expressivist Approaches to Meaning, Amsterdam.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (1-2022). Inferential deflationism, von Weizsäcker Colloquium, Tubingen.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) & Schlöder, J. (speaker) (1-2022). Inferential expressivism and the negation problem, The Philosophy of Hybrid Representations Seminar, Barcelona.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (8-2021). Inferential deflationism, Classical and Non-Classical Approaches to Paradoxes.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (6-2021). Prëcis of Conceptions of Set and the Foundations of Mathematics, Seminar on Philosophical Logic, Munich.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (5-2021). Iteration, dependence and structuralism, Set theory seminar in Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (3-2021). What's so special about the philosophy of set theory?, Seminar on the Philosophy of Set Theory.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (11-2020). Inferential deflationism, London Group for Formal Philosophy, London.
Ferrari, F. (speaker) & Incurvati, L. (speaker) (10-2020). The Varieties of agnosticism, BoBoPa.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (9-2020). Précis of Conceptions of Set and the Foundations of Mathematics, Seminar on Logic and the Philosophy of Mathematics.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (6-2020). Meta-inferences and supervaluationism, Logic Colloquium, Munich.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (2-2020). The stratified conception: sets and objectified properties, Propositions, Properties, Sets, and Other Abstract Objects, Amsterdam.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (11-2019). Imperatives and deontic modality, Higher Seminar in Theoretical Philosophy, Uppsala.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) & Sbardolini, G. (speaker) (11-2019). The rejection game, OZSW Conference, Amsterdam.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) & Schlöder, J. (invited speaker) (9-2019). Epistemic contradictions under quantification: a proof-theoretic perspective, Semantics and Philosophy in Europe, Warsaw.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) & Schlöder, J. (invited speaker) (9-2019). Inferential expressivism and the negation problem, Madison Metaethics Workshop, Madison.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) & Schlöder, J. (speaker) (6-2019). Meta-ethical inferential expressivism, Workshop on Bilateral Approaches to Meaning, Amsterdam.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (1-2019). Weak assertion, New York Philosophy of Language Workshop, New York.
Sbardolini, G. (speaker) & Incurvati, L. (speaker) (2019). The rejection game, OZSW Conference, Amsterdam.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (10-2018). Overgeneration in the higher infinite, Disagreement within Philosophy, Bonn.
Incurvati, L. (keynote speaker) (4-2018). Iteration and dependence again, Foundations of Mathematics: Modern Views, Munich.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (4-2018). Inferential expressivism, Formal Models of Context, Amsterdam.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (2-2018). Overgeneration in the higher infinite, The Semantic Conception of Logic, Munich.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (4-2017). Metalogic and the Overgeneration Argument, The Continuum in the Foundations of Mathematics and Physics, Amsterdam.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (3-2017). Metalogic and the Overgeneration Argument, Kurt Gödel Research Centre.
Incurvati, L. (speaker) (2-2017). Iteration and Dependence Again, Metaphysical and Mathematical Explanation: New Perspectives, Paris.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (1-2017). Iteration and dependence again, Metaphysical and Mathematical Explanation: New Perspectives, Paris.
Incurvati, L. (keynote speaker) (5-2016). Metalogic and the Overgeneration Argument, Second International Conference of the Italian Network for the Philosophy of Mathematics, Chieti.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (1-2016). Metalogic and the Overgeneration Argument, The Metaphysical 'Because' and the Foundations of Mathematics, Hamburg.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (11-2015). Conceptions of set and the platonism/nominalism debate, Reconciling Platonism and Nominalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics, Paris.
Florio, S. (invited speaker) & Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (6-2015). Metalogic and the Overgeneration Argument, The Logic and Metaphysics of Predication, Oslo.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (5-2015). On the Concept of Finitism, Logic Colloquium (Grolog), Groningen.
Incurvati, L. (invited speaker) (5-2015). Conceptions of Set, Logic Group Seminar, Hamburg.
Incurvati, L. (organiser), Bussière, L. (organiser), Sbardolini, G. (organiser) & Schlöder, J. (organiser) (5-2022). EXPRESS Conference on Expressivist Approaches to Meaning, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Incurvati, L. (member of programme committee) (2022). 23rd Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Incurvati, L. (organiser) (6-2021). Truth, Proof and Communication. Joint workshop with Paris concluding the semester's series of seminars joint between the EXPRESS Seminar in Amsterdam and the PHILMATH Seminar in (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Bussière, L. (organiser), Incurvati, L. (organiser), Sbardolini, G. (organiser) & Schlöder, J. (organiser) (1-2021). Non-Assertoric Speech Acts. Workshop on Non-Assertoric Speech Acts as part of the EXPRESS project (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Incurvati, L. (member of programme committee) (12-2019). 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Incurvati, L. (member of programme committee) (11-2019). OZSW Conference, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Incurvati, L. (member of programme committee) (9-2019). Semantics and Philosophy in Europe, Warsaw (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Incurvati, L. (organiser), Bussière, L. (organiser), Sbardolini, G. (organiser) & Schlöder, J. (organiser) (20-6-2019 - 22-6-2019). Workshop on Bilateral Approaches to Meaning, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...). https://inferentialexpressivism.com/workshop/
Incurvati, L. (visiting researcher) (7-1-2019 - 1-2-2019). New York University (visiting an external institution).
Incurvati, L. (member of programme committee) (12-2018). Cantor Meets Robinson, Campinas (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Incurvati, L. (participant) (4-2018). Panel discussion on foundations of mathematics (other).
Roelofsen, F. (participant), Cremers, A. M. E. (participant), van Gessel, T. (participant) & Incurvati, L. (participant) (20-12-2017 - 22-12-2017). 21st Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Wontner, N. J. H. (2023). Views from a peak: Generalisations and descriptive set theory. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Bellomo, A. (2022). Sums, numbers and infinity: Collections in Bolzano's mathematics and philosophy. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. Institute for Logic, Language and Computation. [details]
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