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Dr. C. (Carolina) Ivanescu

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen

  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Postbus 1622
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Ivanescu, C. (2024). Tibetan collective identity and religious heritage. Manuscript submitted for publication. In I. Saloul, & B. Baillie (Eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Cultural Heritage and Conflict Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Ivanescu, C., & Groskamp, N. (in press). Making a home, keeping God close: the homemaker’s spiritual decisions as reflected in contemporary evangelical blogs. Journal of Religion, Media and Digital Culture.



    • Ivanescu, C., & Groskamp, N. (2022). Birds of Prey, Birds of Wisdom: Relating to Non-Humans in Contemporary Western-Based Shamanism. Religions, 13(12), Article 1214. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel13121214 [details]
    • Ivanescu, C., & Groskamp, N. (2022). Birds of Prey, Birds of Wisdom: Relating to Non-Humans in Contemporary Western-Based Shamanism. Religions, 13(12).


    • Ivanescu, C., & Berentzen, S. (2020). Becoming a Shaman: Narratives of Apprenticeship and Initiation in Contemporary Shamanism. Religions, 11(7), Article 362. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel11070362 [details]
    • Ivanescu, C., & Berentzen, S. (2020). Becoming a Shaman: Narratives of Apprenticeship and Initiation in Contemporary Shamanism. Religions, 11(7).





    • Ivanescu, C. (2007). Essays on Jaina Art. South Asia Research, 27.
    • Ivanescu, C. (2007). Lyn H. Lofland: A városi élet felfogása. A chicagói hagyomány. In Városantropológiai vázlatok és változatok MTA Politikai Tudományok Intézete.


    • Ivanescu, C. (2006). A tibeti buddhizmus kutatásáról. In Így kutatunk mi…’ antropológia terepmunka módszereihez IV Szimbiózis.


    • Ivanescu, C. (2020). Tibetan self-immolation between religious practice and political statement. In M. Barbato, C. Montgomery, & R. Nadadur Kannan (Eds.), Critical religion reader (pp. 50-55). Studio Dreamshare Press. [details]


    • Ivanescu, C. (2018). Cosmos, gods and madmen: frameworks in the anthropologies of medicine. Social Anthropology, 26(4), 587-588.
    • Ivanescu, C. (2018). [Review of: L. Berzano, O.P. Riis (2012) Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion, Volume 3: New Methods in the Sociology of Religion]. Comparative Sociology, 17(5), 679-681. https://doi.org/10.1163/15691330-12341477 [details]


    • Ivanescu, C. (2017). Divine rulers in a secular state. Social Anthropology, 25(4).



    • Ivanescu, C. (2015). Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe in Past and Present Times. Comparative Sociology, 14(5).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2015). Lijiang stories. Social Anthropology, 23(1).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2015). Mediating and remediating death. Social Anthropology, 23(3).


    • Ivanescu, C. (2014). Beyond conversion and syncretism: indigenous encounters with missionary Christianity, 1800–2000. Social Anthropology, 22(1).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2014). Mediating the global. Expatria’s forms and consequences in Kathmandu. Social Anthropology, 22(4).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2014). Secularism, assimilation and the crisis of multiculturalism. Social Anthropology, 22(3).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2014). The future as a cultural fact. Social Anthropology, 22(2).
    • Ivanescu, C. (Author). (2014). Contextualizing yoga: modern practices in a western world. Web publication or website https://criticalreligion.org/author/caro5/
    • Ivanescu, C. (Author). (2014). Spirit worship, Tibetan Buddhism and the West. Web publication or website https://criticalreligion.org/2014/10/20/spirit-worship-tibetan-buddhism-and-the-west/


    • Ivanescu, C. (2013). Global Migration, Ethnicity and Britishness. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(1).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2013). Localizing Islam in Europe: Turkish Islamic Communities in Germany and the Netherlands. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 36(1).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2013). Sustaining faith traditions. Race, ethnicity, and religion among the Latino and Asian American second generation. Social Anthropology, 21(3).
    • Ivanescu, C. (Author). (2013). Tibetan self-immolation between religious practice and political statement. Web publication or website https://criticalreligion.org/2013/05/20/tibetan-self-immolation-between-religious-practice-and-political-statement/
    • Ivanescu, C., & Suvarierol, S. (2013). Country Case-Study on the Impacts of Restrictions and Entitlements on the Integration of Family Migrants: Working Paper on Qualitative Evidence. The Netherlands.
    • Ivanescu, C., & Suvarierol, S. (2013). Mapping the Conditions of Stay and Rationale for Entitlements and Restrictions in the Netherlands. IMPACIM working paper.
    • Ivanescu, C., & Suvarierol, S. (2013). Transnational Report: Mapping the Conditions of Stay and the Rationale for Entitlements and Restrictions for Family Migrants. https://www.compas.ox.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/PR-2013-IMPACIM_Mapping_Transnational.pdf
    • Ivanescu, C., Entzinger, H., Suvarierol, S., & Scholten, P. (2013). The Impacts of Restrictions and Entitlements on the Integration of Family Migrants: National Report. The Netherlands.


    • Ivanescu, C. (2012). Beyond Dutch borders. Social Anthropology, 20(1).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2012). Postsecular cities. Social Anthropology, 20(3).


    • Ivanescu, C. (2011). Citizenship, Identity And The Politics Of Multiculturalism: The Rise Of Muslim Consciousness. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34(2).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2011). Class, contention and a world in motion. Social Anthropology, 19(3).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2011). Religion, Class Coalitions, and Welfare States. Comparative Sociology, 10(4).


    • Ivanescu, C. (2010). Can Islam be French? Pluralism and pragmatism in a secularist state. Social Anthropology, 19(1).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2010). Churches and charity in the immigrant city: religion, immigration, and civic engagement in Miami. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33(10).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2010). Muslims in western politics. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 33(5).
    • Ivanescu, C. (2010). Peripheral visions: publics, power, and performance in Yemen. Social Anthropology, 18(1).


    • Ivanescu, C. (2008). The Tibetan government-in-exile: politics at large. IIAS Newsletter .


    • Ivanescu, C. (2006). Khmer identity: a religious perspective. IIAS Newsletter, 40.


    • Ivanescu, C. (2016). [Review of: M. Eggert, L. Hölscher (2013) Religion and Secularity: Transformations and Transfers of Religious Discourses in Europe and Asia]. Comparative Sociology, 15(1), 144-145. https://doi.org/10.1163/15691330-12341380


    • Ivanescu, C. (2023). Buddhism and AI: intelligence versus wisdom.



    • Ivanescu, C. (speaker) (6-6-2024). What is a real shaman? Are you a real shaman?, The Internatonal Society for Academic Research on Shamanism (ISARS) Conference, Rome.
    • Ivanescu, C. (speaker) (5-3-2024). Enlightening Education: Exploring the Intersection of AI and Buddhist Principles, 2024 Fo Guang Shan University Presidents Forum, Chiayi.


    • Bekkenkamp, J. (participant), Ivanescu, C. (participant) & klaver, m. (participant) (23-6-2018 - 24-6-2018). heilige plekken wandeling, amsterdam. heilige plekken wandeling (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Ivanescu, C. (2023). Interactive map religion in Amsterdam. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
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