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Dr. E. (Elena) Izyumenko

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15514
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Izyumenko, E. (2024). Intellectual Property in the Age of the Environmental Crisis: How Trademarks and Copyright Challenge the Human Right to a Healthy Environment. IIC - International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 55(6), 864-900. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40319-024-01478-0 [details]
    • Izyumenko, E., Senftleben, M. R. F., Schutte, N., Smit, E. G., van Noort, G., & van Velzen, L. (2024). Online behavioural advertising, consumer empowerment and fair competition: Are the DSA transparency obligations the right answer? European Private Law eJournal.


    • Geiger, C., & Izyumenko, E. (2023). Designing a freedom of expression-compliant framework for moral rights in the EU: Challenges and proposals. In Y. Gendreau (Ed.), Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Moral Rights Edward Elgar Publishing.
    • Geiger, C., & Izyumenko, E. (2023). From internal to external balancing, and back? Copyright limitations and fundamental rights in the digital environment. In C. Saiz Garcia, & J. Lopez (Eds.), Digitalización, acceso a contenidos y propiedad intelectual Madrid, Dykinson.
    • Izyumenko, E. (2023). Freedom of expression as a rationale for IP protection. GRUR International, 72(9), 840–852. https://doi.org/10.1093/grurint/ikad071
    • Izyumenko, E. (2023). Ineffective investigation into making a book available for illegal download breaches copyright holder’s right to property, rules the European Court of Human Rights. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 18(4).
    • Izyumenko, E. (2023). Protection of intellectual property rights per Protocol No. 1 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ‒ Tokel v Turkey, Case note. GRUR International, 72(3), 317-324. https://doi.org/10.1093/grurint/ikac144


    • Izyumenko, E. (2022). Europe’s Human Rights Court rules for the first time on a breach of a copyright holder’s right to property in a private dispute. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 17(11).


    • Izyumenko, E. (2021). A freedom of expression right to register ‘immoral’ trademarks and trademarks contrary to public order. IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 52(7).


    • Geiger, C., & Izyumenko, E. (2020). Blocking orders: Assessing tensions with human rights. In G. Frosio (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Intermediary Liability Online OUP.
    • Geiger, C., & Izyumenko, E. (2020). Shaping intellectual property rights through human rights adjudication: The example of the European Court of Human Rights. Mitchell Hamline Law Review, 46(3).
    • Geiger, C., & Izyumenko, E. (2020). The constitutionalization of intellectual property law in the EU and the Funke Medien, Pelham and Spiegel Online decisions of the CJEU: Progress, but still some way to go! IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 51(3).
    • Geiger, C., Frosio, G., & Izyumenko, E. (2020). Intermediary liability and fundamental rights. In G. Frosio (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Intermediary Liability Online OUP.
    • Izyumenko, E. (2020). European Court of Human Rights rules that collateral website blocking violates freedom of expression. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 15(10).


    • Geiger, C., & Izyumenko, E. (2019). Freedom of expression as an external limitation to copyright law in the EU: The Advocate General of the CJEU shows the way. European Intellectual Property Review, 41(3).
    • Geiger, C., & Izyumenko, E. (2019). Towards a European ‘fair use’ grounded in freedom of expression. American University International Law Review, 35.


    • Geiger, C., & Izyumenko, E. (2018). Intellectual property before the European Court of Human Rights. In C. Geiger, C. A. Nard, & X. Seuba (Eds.), Intellectual Property and the Judiciary Edward Elgar Publishing.


    • Geiger, C., & Izyumenko, E. (2016). The role of human rights in copyright enforcement online: Elaborating a legal framework for website blocking. American University International Law Review, 32.
    • Izyumenko, E. (2016). The freedom of expression contours of copyright in the digital era: A European perspective. Journal of World Intellectual Property, 19(3-4).


    • Geiger, C., & Izyumenko, E. (2014). Copyright on the human rights’ trial: Redefining the boundaries of exclusivity through freedom of expression. IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law, 45(3).


    • Izyumenko, E. (2020). The freedom of expression perspectives on intellectual property in Europe. PhD Thesis, CEIPI, Strasbourg.


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