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Dr. H.J. (Hanco) Jürgens

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Fotograaf: Rebke Klokke

  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Postbus 1610
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Hanco Jürgens is a researcher, teacher and member of staff at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Amsterdam. He specializes in the history of the Eighteenth and the Twentieth Century. His fields of interests in Eighteenth Century history include: concepts of Enlightenment, religion, center and periphery, Europe and the non-European world, natural history, colonialism and anti-colonialism, mission, and the history of India. His Twentieth Century work focuses on concepts of modernity, democracy, and the welfare state, ideologies, political parties, questions of continuity and change, borders, and Europeanization.

    With a grant of the Montesquieu Institute he currently researches the influence of the European integration on the social, economic, constitutional and political relations in Germany and the Netherlands. He lectures on Germany and Europe and has published on a wide variety of subjects. His publications include studies of the concepts of the Enlightenment, the role of missionaries in the globalisation process, the history of the Dutch border, Habermas for historians, and the life and politics of Angela Merkel.

    In 2010 / 2011, he presented papers at the universities of Ghent, Berlin, Cologne, Halle /Saale, Amsterdam, Oxford, Warwick, and Florence.  


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    Selected list of publications

    'Soziale Marktwirtschaft, Modell Deutschland und Poldermodell, wirtschaftspolitische Leitbilder als Merkmale nationaler Identität und Europäisierung', Eurostudia, Transatlantic Journal for European Studies, 7:1-2 (2011), 105-118

    'How to study the history of change? The Enlightenment and the Sixties', in: De Achttiende Eeuw 43 (2011), 1, 88-113

    'Habermas for Historians, Four approaches to his work', Forschungsberichte aus dem Duitsland Insituut Amsterdam , 5 (2009), 158-170

    'Angela Merkel,Continuïteit en vertrouwen', in: Frits Boterman en Willem Melching, Het Wonder Bondsrepubliek in 20 portretten (Amsterdam 2009), 297-308.

    'Einleitung, "1968" als transnationale Kulturrevolution', together with Jacco Pekelder and Falk Bretschneider, in: Hanco Jürgens, Jacco Pekelder, Falk Bretschneider and Klaus Bachmann (ed.), Eine Welt zu gewinnen - Formen und Folgen der 68er Bewegung in Ost- und Westeuropa (Leipzig 2009), 7-19

    'Waar is Schills hoofd gebleven? Nederlands-Duitse culturele uitwisseling in de lange achttiende eeuw', together with Inger Leemans, De Achttiende Eeuw 1 (2008), 1-12

    'De rand van Nederland: grensvorming,-verlegging en -verandering in historisch perspectief', samen met Sandrino Smeets, in: Mark Eker, Henk van Houtum and Martine van Kampen (ed.), Grenslandschap, ontwerpend onderzoek naar het landschap in de invloedssfeer van de Nederlandse grens (2008), 48-57

    'Contesting Enlightenment Contested , Some Questions and Remarks for Jonathan Israel', De Achttiende Eeuw  1 (2007), 50-58 (see also Jonathan Israel, 'Replying to Hanco Jürgens', ibidem, 59-69).

    'De opstanding van de adel in de contemporaine geschiedschrijving', extended review of Ursula den Tex, Anna, baronesse Bentinck, 1902-1989, Een vrouw van stand, Nieuwste Tijd , 15, (2006), 75-79

    'On the Crossroads: Pietist, Orthodox and Enlightened Views on Mission in the Eighteenth Century', in: Andreas Gross, Y. Vincent Kumarados en Heike Liebau (red.), Halle and the Beginning of Protestant Christianity in India I (Halle 2006), 7-36

  • Books

    Books published by Hanco Jürgens


    De vleugels van de adelaar, Boom uitgevers Amsterdam 


    Na de val, Nederland na 1989, Uitgeverij Vantilt, 209 pagina’s


    Roeping India, Religie, Verlichting en koloniale expansie in Duitse zendingsberichten uit de achttiende eeuw (Nijmegen, 2014)


    Hanco Jürgens, Jacco Pekelder, Falk Bretschneider en Klaus Bachmann (red.), Eine Welt zu gewinnen – Formen und Folgen der 68er Bewegung in Ost- und Westeuropa (Leipzig 2009), 7-19


    Hanco Jürgens en Krijn Thijs (red.), Forschungsberichte aus dem Deutschland Institut Amsterdam 4 (2008), Themenheft Deutsche Neuanfänge nach 1945


    Hanco Jürgens en Inger Leemans (red.), Ger-manie. De culturele betrekkingen in de 18e eeuw, Themanummer De Achttiende Eeuw 20 (2008).


    Ontdekkers en on­derzoekers in de Oost, Britse reisver­halen gespiegeld, 1660-1830, Utrechtse Histori­sche Cahiers 2 (Utrecht 1994), ISBN 90-72131-25-8, 106 pagina’s

  • Publicaties


    • Jürgens, H., & Nijhuis, T. (2017). Voorwoord. In H. Jürgens, & T. Nijhuis (Eds.), De vleugels van de adelaar: Duitse kwesties in Europees perspectief (pp. 7-11). Amsterdam: Boom. [details]


    • Nijhuis, T., & Jürgens, H. (Eds.) (2017). De vleugels van de adelaar: Duitse kwesties in Europees perspectief. Amsterdam: Boom. [details]


    • Oudenampsen, M. (organiser), Mellink, B. (organiser), de Haan , I. (organiser), Jürgens, H. (organiser) & Woltring, N. (organiser) (27-6-2019 - 28-6-2019). Building the neoliberal welfare state, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Radke, H. (organiser) & Jürgens, H. (organiser) (22-2-2019). Routes of Communication between Africa and Europe, Amsterdam. How do people in Africa and Europe communicate with each other in the 21st century? What effects do mass media have on the interplay between local (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Morina, C. (participant), Jürgens, H. J. (participant), Brolsma, M. (participant), Grabowicz , G. (participant), van Gerven, T. W. J. (participant), Hirschfeld, B. S. (participant), Miedema, C. (participant), Wintle, M. J. (participant), Proshak, V. V. (participant), Noack, C. U. (participant), Colin, N. (participant) & Mykhalchuk, T. (organiser) (2-6-2017). Transcultural Mediations, Amsterdam. Graduiertenkolleg and symposium "Transcultural Mediations. European Heritage and Identity Discourses in the long 20th Century" organised by Duitsland (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...). http://aihr.uva.nl/content/events/symposia/201/06/transcultural-mediations-european- heritage-and-identity-discourses-in-the-long-20th-century.html
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