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E. (Elif) Kılık

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Groep: Docenten & onderzoekers CW
Fotograaf: Popupartists

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
  • Profile

    I am a researcher pursuing a Ph.D. degree at the University of Antwerp, where I work within the Media, Movements, and Politics research group in the Department of Political Science. In addition to my research, I work as a junior lecturer at the University of Amsterdam, where I teach courses in the bachelor's program of Communication Science.

    Having a professional background in journalism, media research, and data science, I specialize in investigating the intersection of political communication, journalism, and methodologies such as Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Natural Language Processing (NLP) in my research projects. My research focus is primarily on examining news content diversity in terms of issues, voices, and viewpoints to understand their impact on democratic public discourse. Additionally, I conduct research for the Diversity Monitor, a yearly research project monitoring the diversity of actors in Dutch and Flemish TV and radio programs.

    Research expertise

    • News content analysis
    • Media diversity
    • Natural language processing
    • Deep learning

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  • Research

    Research methods

    • Content analysis
    • Natural language processing
    • Behavioral data analysis

    Current research methods

    • Diversity Monitor 2023 commissioned by NPO (in collaboration with University of Antwerp) – investigating actor diversity in Dutch TV and radio programs
    • Diversity Monitor 2023 commissioned by VRT (in collaboration with University of Antwerp) -  investigating actor diversity in Flemish TV and radio programs
    • PhD Research “Diversity of Dutch News in terms of Issues, Voices and Viewpoints”
  • Teaching


    • Methods of Communication Research Statistics
    • Political Communication
    • Internship Supervision
  • Publicaties


    • De Swert, K., Zhao, X., & Kılık, E. (in press). Quantitative content analysis. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Communication Edward Elgar Publishing.
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