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Dr. R.D. (Robert) Kavanagh

Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Anton Pannekoek Institute of Astronomy

  • Science Park 904
  • Postbus 94249
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Fitzmaurice, E., Stefánsson, G., Kavanagh, R. D., Mahadevan, S., Cañas, C. I., Winn, J. N., Robertson, P., Ninan, J. P., Albrecht, S., Callingham, J. R., Cochran, W. D., Delamer, M., Ford, E. B., Kanodia, S., Lin, A. S. J., Marcussen, M. L., Pope, B. J. S., Ramsey, L. W., Roy, A., ... Wright, J. T. (2024). Astrometry and Precise Radial Velocities Yield a Complete Orbital Solution for the Nearby Eccentric Brown Dwarf LHS 1610 b. Astronomical Journal, 168(3), Article 140. https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/ad57be


    • Callingham, J. R., Shimwell, T. W., Vedantham, H. K., Bassa, C. G., O'Sullivan, S. P., Yiu, T. W. H., Bloot, S., Best, P. N., Hardcastle, M. J., Haverkorn, M., Kavanagh, R. D., Lamy, L., Pope, B. J. S., Röttgering, H. J. A., Schwarz, D. J., Tasse, C., van Weeren, R. J., White, G. J., Zarka, P., ... Zheng, J. (2023). V-LoTSS: The circularly polarised LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 670, Article A124. https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202245567 [details]
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  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • ASTRON
      Postdoctoral researcher