Cultural heritage: policy, theory and intellectual history
Italian nineteenth- and twentieth-century history
Cultural identity and politics in the Mediterranean area
European cooperation between North and South
Italian Fascism and European history of the interwar period
Since August 2016 programme coordinator of the dual MA Heritage and Memory Studies (including coordination of the mandatory 30 EC internships).
Since August 2011 teaching as Assistant Professor for both the BA Cultuurwetenschappen (designer and lecturer of the course 'Internationaal cultuurbeleid') and the MA Kunst, Cultuur en Politiek (thesis supervision), as well as for the dual MA Heritage and Memory Studies (core courses 'Who Owns the Past?' and 'Current Issues: Excursion Abroad').
Practical course 'Erfgoedpraktijk', guiding students putting heritage theory into practice in a project for the historical gardens of Beeckestijn, dual MA Erfgoedstudies, University of Amsterdam (Spring/Summer 2011).
Seminar 'Kunstwerelden: Theorie en Beroepspraktijk' on sociology of the arts, BA Cultuurwetenschappen, University of Amsterdam (2010-2011).
Lectures on 'Culture and the Makeability of Society', MA Cultuurwetenschappen, University of Amsterdam (2010-2011).
van Kessel, T. (2021). Cultural Affiliation and Identity Constructs Under the British Mandate for Palestine. In K. Sanchez Summerer, & S. Zananiri (Eds.), European Cultural Diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine, 1918–1948: Between Contention and Connection (pp. 431-438). Palgrave Macmillan.[details]
van Kessel, T. (2019). The Dante Alighieri Society in Warsaw. From aristocratic sociability to Fascism’s intellectual showcasing (1924-1934). Incontri: Rivista europea di studi italiani, 34(1), 83-96.[details]
Ronnes, H., & van Kessel, T. (2016). Heritage (Erfgoed) in the Dutch Press: A history of changing meanings in an international context. Contributions to the History of Concepts, 11(2), 1-23.[details]
Frederiks, J., & van Kessel, T. (2020). Cultuur en duurzame ontwikkeling dicht bij de grond: Europese Culturele Hoofdstad Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018. Boekman, 32(125), 16-19. [details]
van Kessel, T. (2013). Publiek of privaat? That is the question. Boekman, 25(96), 48-49, 51-55. [details]
van Kessel, T. M. C., Meijer-van Mensch, L., & Kistemaker, R. (2012). General Introduction. In L. Meijer-van Mensch, R. Kistemaker, & T. van Kessel (Eds.), City Museums on the Move : A dialogue between professionals from African countries, the Netherlands and Belgium (pp. 6-9). Amsterdam Museum and Reinwardt Academie.
Lidmaatschap / relevante positie
van Kessel, T. (2022-2026). Member of the Committee for the European Heritage Label, Dutch National Council for Culture and the Arts (Raad voor Cultuur) .
van Kessel, T. (speaker) (12-1-2024). Owning the Past: Shadows of War Revisited, Dealing with Ghosts of the Past. On the Limits of Understanding the Legacy of Modern Violence and War Symposium to honour the retirement of prof. dr. Rob van der Laarse, Amsterdam.
van Kessel, T. (speaker) (12-6-2019). Heritage: changing perceptions and policy, Jewish Heritage Seminar - University of Amsterdam in cooperation with Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe , Amsterdam.
van der Laarse, R. (organiser), Burgers, G.-J. (organiser), de Cesari, C. (participant), Saloul, I. (participant), van Kessel, T. (participant), Ronnes, H. (participant), Kolen, J. (participant), Vroege, B. (participant), Kortholt, B. (participant), van Pelt, R. (participant), Mazzucchelli, F. (participant), Dziuban, Z. (participant), Sturdy Colls, C. (participant), Baillie, B. (participant) & Mulder, D. (participant) (12-1-2024). Dealing with ghosts of the past, Amsterdam. Dealing with Ghosts of the Past. On the Limits of Understanding the Legacy of Modern Violence and War.Symposium to honour the retirement of prof. dr. (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
van Kessel, T. (participant) (28-6-2023 - 30-6-2023). Borders of Belonging, Thurnau. Discussant for the Panel Forgotten and Remembered Borders (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
van Kessel, T. M. C. (2011). Cultural promotion and imperialism: the Dante Alighieri Society and the British Council contesting the Mediterranean in the 1930s. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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