Kjos, H. E., & Nollkaemper, A. (2018). The Amsterdam International Law Clinic. In A. Alemanno, & L. Khadar (Eds.), Reinventing Legal Education: How clinical education is reforming the teaching and practice of law in Europe (pp. 309-321). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316678589.017[details]
Kjos, H. E. (2016). Domestic courts under scrutiny: the rule of law as a standard (of deference) in investor-state arbitration. In M. Kanetake, & A. Nollkaemper (Eds.), The Rule of Law at the national and international levels: contestations and deference (pp. 353-382). (Studies in international law; No. 56). Hart Publishing. http://www.hartpub.co.uk/BookDetails.aspx?ISBN=9781849466677[details]
Kjos, H. E. (2016). International Law through the National Prism: the Role of Domestic Law and Jurisprudence in Shaping International Investment Law. In A. Reinisch, M. E. Footer, & C. Binder (Eds.), International Law and...: boundaries of international law and bridges to other fields and disciplines: Vienna, 4-6 september 2014 (pp. 81-96). (Select proceedings of the European Society of International Law; Vol. 5). Hart Publishing. https://doi.org/10.5040/9781509908165.ch-005[details]
Kjos, H. E. (1999). EU Court Blocks Grey Market Goods by Providing for Regional Exhaustion of Trade Mark Rights. Loyola Forum of International Law, VI, 41.
Kjos, H. E. (1999). The Agreement on the European Economic Area. Loyola Forum of International Law, VI, 49.
Müller, A., & Kjos, H. E. (2017). Introduction. In A. Müller, & H. E. Kjos (Eds.), Judicial Dialogue and Human Rights (pp. liii-liv). (Studies on International Courts and Tribunals). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316780237.001[details]
Müller, A., & Kjos, H. E. (Eds.) (2017). Judicial Dialogue and Human Rights. (Studies on International Courts and Tribunals). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316780237[details]
Ripinsky, S., Rosert, D., Jansen Calamita, N., & Kjos, H. E. (2016). 2015 Decisions: An Overview. In S. Ripinsky, & D. Rosert (Eds.), Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Review of Developments in 2015 (pp. 11-37). (IIA issues note; No. 2). United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). http://investmentpolicyhub.unctad.org/Publications/Details/144[details]
Kjos, H. E. (2007). Counterclaims by Host States in Investment Dispute Arbitration "Without Privity". In P. Kahn, & T. W. Wälde (Eds.), Les aspects nouveaux du droit des investissements internationaux = New aspects of international investment law (Les livres de droit de l'Ácadémie = The law books of the Academy). Leiden: Nijhoff. [details]
Kjos, H. E. (2007). Counterclaims by Host States in Investment Treaty Arbitration. TDM, 4. [details]
Kjos, H. E. (2004). ICSID (Tokios Tokelés v.Ukraine: Decision on Jurisdiction of April 29, 2004). TDM, 2004(3). [details]
Kjos, H. E. (2003). A Ph.D. in International Law? ILSA Quarterly, 11(3), 8-10.
Kjos, H. E. (2007). Does the Administrative Tribunal for the International Labour Organization offer an Adequate Level of Protection for Staff Members of International Organizations?. Paper presented at Human Rights & International Legal Discourse-International Conference: Accountability for Human Rights Violations by International Organizations, .
Lidmaatschap / relevante positie
Kjos, H. (2015-). Advisory Board Member, Brill Research Perspectives in International Investment Law and Arbitration.
Kjos, H. (2013-2014). Young ICCA Advisory Member, International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA).
Kjos, Dr. . (08-04-2022). The Ukraine Crisis and International Law [Radio] 9jaRadioNL via mArt - Multikleurrijke Amsterdamse Radio en Televisie. The Ukraine Crisis and International Law. https://fb.watch/ck3vC9nfYC/
Kjos, H. E. (26-10-2011). Brievenbus-bv’s claimen voor 70 miljard [Radio] BNR Nieuwsradio (http://www.bnr.nl/), Amsterdam. Brievenbus-bv’s claimen voor 70 miljard.
Park, W. W. (editor), Kjos, H. E. (editor), Teitelbaum, R. (editor) & Walsh, T. W. (editor) (2015). Arbitration International (Journal).
Park, W. W. (editor), Kjos, H. E. (editor), Teitelbaum, R. (editor) & Walsh, T. W. (editor) (2014). Arbitration International (Journal).
Kjos, H. E. (editor) (2014). Hague Yearbook of International Law (Journal).
Park, W. W. (editor), Kjos, H. E. (editor), Teitelbaum, R. (editor) & Walsh, T. W. (editor) (2013). Arbitration International (Journal).
Lavranos, N. (editor), Kok, R. A. (editor), Kjos, H. E. (editor), Stikkelbroeck, F. E. M. (editor) & Vidmar, J. (editor) (2013). Hague Yearbook of International Law (Journal).
Kjos, H. (speaker) (12-5-2017). Who’s Afraid of Domestic Law? The Continuing Relevance of the Law of the Host State in Investment Arbitration, The Law Applicable to International Investment Disputes, Rome.
Kjos, H. (speaker) (28-2-2017). Jura novit arbiter? Ascertaining the Applicable Law in Investor-State Arbitration.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (30-6-2016). The Role and Design of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), United Nations International Student Conference of Amsterdam (UNISCA), Amsterdam.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (8-6-2016). Reinventing Legal Education: The Amsterdam International Law Clinic, Seminar: Reinventing Legal Education: How the clinical legal education is reforming the teaching and practice of law in Europe, Paris.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (27-11-2015). Engagement of Domestic Courts with International Investment Law, Conference, ILA Study Group on the Engagement of National Courts with International Law, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (18-9-2015). The Role of Arbitral Secretaries in International Arbitration: Scrutiny by Domestic Courts, ICDR Y&I, ICCA, Young ICCA and ICC YAF Conference on “The Practice of International Arbitration”, Paphos, Cyprus.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (26-3-2015). International Investment Agreements before Domestic Courts: Past and Future, ESIL Seminar: Direct Effect of International Investment Agreements in the EU?, Energy Charter Secretariat, Brussels, Belgium.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (16-11-2014). Arbitration of Financial and Investment Disputes, AIIC 8th Hague Legal Symposium: Arbitration, Leidschendam.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (23-10-2014). Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Mega-Regionals: Is the CETA a Forewarning, Promise or "As good as it gets" (if at all)?, Mega-Regionals and the Future of International Trade and Investment Law, Dresden.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (10-10-2014). From Domestic Court Rooms to International Law: The Role of Domestic Jurisprudence in Investor-State Arbitration, The Role of Domestic Courts in Shaping International Law, Amsterdam.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (18-9-2014). Key note address by Professor Zachary Douglas on The Future of Arbitration: an Intervention, Dutch Arbitration Day 2014, Amsterdam.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (5-9-2014). International Law Through the National Prism: The Role of Domestic Courts in Shaping International Investment Law, Conference of the European Society of International Law, Vienna.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (19-6-2014). Foreign Investment Law through the Lens of Subsidiarity: The Authority of Arbitration Tribunals to Apply Domestic Law, Workshop: Subsidiarity in Global Governance, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin.
Kjos, H. E. (speaker) (6-12-2013). Legal Risk Management and the Sustainable Development Debate: The Role of Domestic Law in Investor-state Arbitration, Workshop on ‘Legal Risk Management in International Economic Law’ (conducted as a part of the ACIL’s cooperation with Dresden University of Technology in the Global TranSAXion Research Project), Amsterdam.
Kjos, H. (speaker) (15-11-2013). Engagement of Domestic Courts with International Investment Law, Conference, ILA Study Group , London. http://www.ila-hq.org/index.php/study-groups
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (11-10-2013). The Role and Design of Investor-State Dispute Settlement in Balancing Sustainable Development and Investment Protection, International Investment Agreements: Balancing Sustainable Development and Investment Protection, Berlin.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (4-9-2013). Domestic Court Decisions Before Investor-State Tribunals: Evaluating National Rule of Law by International Rule of Law Criteria, 3rd International Conference on International Trade and Investment, Mauritius.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (25-5-2013). Knowing the Law: A Power or a Duty? The Role of Arbitrators and Counsel in Ascertaining the Applicable Law in Investor-State Arbitration, ESIL Research Forum 2013, Amsterdam.
Kjos, H. E. (speaker) (6-2-2013). Investor-State Arbitration, Leergang Arbitrage, Academie voor de Rechtspraktijk, Waardenburg.
Kjos, H. E. (speaker) (22-11-2012). The Legal Status and Effect of National Court Decisions before Investor-State Arbitration Tribunals: A Rule of Law Perspective, ACIL Luncheon, Faculty of Law, University of Amsterdam.
Kjos, H. E. (speaker) (14-12-2011). Investor-State Arbitration, Leergang Arbitrage, Academie voor de Rechtspraktijk, The Hague, the Netherlands.
Kjos, H. E. (invited speaker) (1-12-2011). Investor protection versus state sovereignty: what are the arguments?, Conference ‘Investment Arbitration – Protection for international investors under threat?’, Amsterdam (Linklaters).
Kjos, H. E. (speaker) (15-2-2011). Eureko B.V. v. The Slovak Republic: Award on Jurisdiction, Arbitrability and Suspension, October 26, 2010, ACIL Luncheon, University of Amsterdam.
Kjos, Dr. . (consultant) & Heller, K. (consultant) (1-6-2019). Demolishing the Future: Continued Property Destruction in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Resource Centre (consultancy).
Kjos, Dr. . (examiner) (28-2-2019). Kabir Duggal, Principles of Evidence in Investor-State Arbitration, Burden, Standards, Presumptions & Inferences (examination).
Kjos, H. (participant) (20-4-2017 - 21-4-2017). 6th Conference of the Postgraduate and Early Professionals/Academics Network of the Society of International Economic Law (PEPA/SIEL) 2017, Tilburg. I was invited to serve as discussant for three papers presented at this conference, which offered graduate students and early professionals/academics (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Nollkaemper, A. (organiser) & Kjos, H. E. (organiser) (10-10-2014). Conference on 'The Role of Domestic Courts in Shaping International Law', Amsterdam. The Role of Domestic Courts in Shaping International LawThis Conference concerned the potential impact of judicial dialogues on the application and (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...). http://acil.uva.nl/events/content/conferences/2014/10/the-role-of-domestic-courts-in-shaping-international-law.html
Kjos, Dr. . (consultant), Kleffner, J. K. (consultant) & de Vries, G. (consultant) (9-2007). The Case Concerning the Village of Rawagade, Böhler, Franken, Koppen, Wijngaarden Advocaten (consultancy). http://www.kukb.nl/new/files/Rawagede_AILC_FINAL_240907_print.pdf
Kjos, Dr. . (consultant), Schrauwen, A. (consultant) & Lavranos, N. (consultant) (4-6-2007). Application of European Community Law to (Staff Members of) the European Patent Organisation, Staff Union of the European Patent Office (consultancy). https://suepo.org/documents/42584/53721.pdf
Kjos, Dr. . (consultant), Donders, Y. (consultant) & de Wet, E. (consultant) (4-2007). The Judicial Independence of the International Labour Organization Administrative Tribunal: Potential for Reform, Staff Union of the European Patent Office (consultancy). https://www.suepo.org/documents/42586/53723.pdf
Kjos, H. E. (2010). The interplay between national and international law in investor-state arbitration. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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