John Kleinen is an anthropologist and historian with a PhD from the University of Amsterdam (UvA). He is a retired associate professor at the UvA since April 2013. Kleinen taught anthropology and history of Southeast Asia, including Vietnam, and visual anthropology for BA and MA students.
He is still affiliated to the Department of Anthropology and the Amsterdam International School for Social Science Research (AISSR).
His current research interests include the history of Vietnam, the institutional dynamics of French colonial expansion, and theory and practice of visual anthropology.
He has received several research grants from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the Science Organisation for Global Development (WOTRO), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW) and the University of Amsterdam. Special research projects have been carried out for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Welfare and Culture, the Dutch Embassy in Hanoi and a number of NGO's in the Netherlands and in Vietnam.
He is the (co-)author or (co-)editor of a dozen of books, and published extensively in international journals such as Itinerario, Internationale Spectator, the IIAS Newsletter, the Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, the Journal of Asian Earth Sciences and TranS, Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, Cambridge.
Internationally, between 1994 and 1998 Kleinen was a visiting professor at the Universite Catholique de Louvain-La-Neuve in Belgium. He served as a dean of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) sponsored training course for social scientists at the Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences (VASS) (2001-2003). In 2004 he enjoyed a fellowship at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS). Kleinen was also member of the Administrative Board of the Ecole Française d'Extrême Orient (EFEO) (2004- 2007), the Steering Committee of the European Consortium for Asian Field Study (ECAF), on behalf of the University of Amsterdam (2007 - 2012) and member of the Scientific Council of French research institutions in Asia managed by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2004-2009).
In 2011 John Kleinen joined the EU-ASIA Centre in Brussels as senior advisor. Since 2004, Kleinen became member of the supervisory board of SpaarnestadPhoto/NationalArchives and is since 2019 chiaman of the board. In 2014 he joined the working committee Amsterdam-Hanoi to prepare a working visit to Hanoi and assisted the major of Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan, and his delegation in December of that year.
The topic of civil society became a leading theme in many studies about Vietnam. This time I opted for the effects on village society of the rapid urbanization of the periphery of Hanoi where land grabbing and private economic gains of outsiders are at loggerheads with local experiences and perceptions of state-village relationships. The results are presented in a smaller book entitled Vietnam: One-Party State and the Mimicry of Civil Society. Especially chapter 3 deals with the village that is presented in the documentary The Vanishing Village, a spin-off product of the research I undertook since the early nineties in Vietnam (see video-link upper-right corner).
The Vanishing Village is a short documentary, shot between 2012 and 2014 around the village of La Tinh that currently lies in the outskirts of greater Hanoi, the capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Because of the rapid urbanization it is probably a matter of time before the city will take over the village. Local villagers and embedded researchers tell what happened in the area when the encroachment of the city of Hanoi changed the rural life of many. How did they react? What did they feel? And what do they see as their future?
Around Hoan Kiem Lake and Beyond (Dzao quanh Ho Guom)
The book is the first comprehensive collection of pictures from the Vietnamese photographer Quang Phung (1932) after nearly 60 years working as a freelance photographer in Hanoi. Anthropologist John Kleinen wrote the introduction as an essay on Quang Phung and his work. Together with journalist Dao Mai Trang he edited the book. In 2013, Quang Phung received the prestigious Bui Xuan Phai price for his work, including the book that was produced in his honor.
Around Hoan Kiem Lake and Beyond - photos by Quang Phung; introduction written by John Kleinen. The whole book project is sponsored by the Prince Claus Fund Library, the Netherlands, through East West Foundation (112 pages, 23cm x 28cm, color printed). Hanoi: Cultural - Information Publishing House.
Contribution to Book
Towards a Maritime History of Vietnam: Seventeenth-century Vietnamese-Dutch confrontations.
In Volkert Gabrowsky (ed.), Southeast Asian Historiography: Unravelling The Myths. Essays in Honour of Barend Jan Terwiel, Bangkok: River Books, 2011 ( pp. 329).
2010, John Kleinen and Manon Osseweijer (eds.) Pirates, Ports, and Coasts in Asia: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Singapore: ISEAS.
2006. J.G.Mulder. Zijstraten van de geschiedenis.De wereld rond 1900 in stereofoto's. Amsterdam: de Verbeelding.
1999 - Facing the Future, Reviving the Past. A study of Social Change in a Northern Vietnamese Village . Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1999.
2007 - Doi Dien Tuong Lai Hoi Sinh Qua Khu. Nghien cuu bien doixa hoi o mot lang bac Viet Nam. Tap Chi Xua &Nay NXB DaNang (Vietnamese translation).
Leeuw en Draak. Vier Eeuwen Nederlands-Vietnamese betrekkingen. (eds. John Kleinen, Bert van der Zwan, Hans Moors en Ton van Zeeland). Boom Publishers: Amsterdam. 2007
Also in English and Vietnamese versions published by Boom Publishers, Amsterdam and The Gioi, Hanoi (2008).
Boekbespreking: Internationale Spectator, 62 (3), maart 2008.
2004 - Cambodja. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute, (in Dutch), Revised reprint of the 1989 edition, (with Tara Mar, MA).
Bespreking: De antropologen John Kleinen en Tara Mar "schetsen in dit boekje de geschiedenis van Cambodja van ± 1943 tot 2004. Ze besteden aandacht aan verschillende onderwerpen als het leven van alledag, religie, bevolkingsgroepen, taal en literatuur en natuur en milieu; hoofdmoot van het boek vormen de zeer onstuimige politieke en economische ontwikkelingen. Het boek is bedoeld voor iedereen die snel een indruk van Cambodja's contemporaine geschiedeniswenst. Gezien het bestek van dit boek is de hoeveelheid informatie indrukwekkend. Met goede illustraties (in zwart-wit en in kleur) en kaarten, twee pagina'sreisinformatie, literatuuropgave en kerncijfers. Uitklapbare kaartop de achterflap. Geen register.(Biblion recensie, Redactie)."
Contribution to:
2004a Vietnamese dorpen tussen traditie en moderniteit: een veelkleurig palet. 2004, pp. 247-260. In:
Miriam Lambrecht & Christian Schicklgruber - Vietnam. Kunst en culturen van de prehistorie tot op heden. Brussel, 2003. Groot formaat paperback. Met illustraties in kleur en z/w. 272 pag.
2004b Villages vietnamiens entre tradition et modernité: une palette multicolorée. I n M.Lambrecht und Christian Schicklgruber, Vietnam. L'art et cultures de préhistoire jusqu'au présent. Brussels en Antwerpen:Snoeck, 2004, pp. 247-260 .
Contribution to: 2004c Dörfer in Vietnam zwischen Tradition und Modernisierung . In M.Lambrecht und Christian Schicklgruber, Faszination Vietnam. Götter, Helden, Ahnen. Leoben und Antwerp, Snoeck, 2004, pp. 251-265.
1999 - Liber Amicorum. Mélanges offerts au Professeur Phan Huy Le . Hanoi : NXB Thanh Nien, CASA, IIAS, EFEO (edited together with Philippe Papin) (in English and French).
1993 - Vietnam. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute,Amsterdam, (in Dutch).
Bespreking: " In de landenreeks van het Tropeninstituut (Novib) schreef Kleinen, antropoloog aan de universiteit van Amsterdam, een informatieboekje, mede opbasis van eigen reis/verblijf. Na een inleiding en een hoofdstuk over de geschiedenis volgen hoofdstukken over Vietnam na 1975, de Vietnamese traditionele samenleving, de economie, feesten en rituelen, cultuur, minderheden. Veel aandacht voor cultuur ensamenleving, wat minder sterkineconomische gegevens, maar desondanks zeer informatief en afgewogen in beoordelingen en interpretaties. Als naslagwerkje, naast de Lonely Planet Vietnam Travel Survival Kit (1993), zeer nuttig, geschikt voor een breed publiek, bijv. scholieren (scripties!). Compact, niet journalistiek-gemakkelijk leesbaar, soms telegramstijl, maar toch helder en uiterst bruikbaar als documentatie. Foto's, literatuurverwijzing, kaartjes, feiten en cijfers.(Biblion recensie, Dr. B.J.S. Hoetjes.)"
1990 - Cambodja. Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute (in Dutch).
Cambodja´s geografische positie op het vasteland van Zuidoost-Azië is een belangrijke sleutel tot het begrijpen van wat zich in de 20e eeuw onder de Rode Khmer heeft afgespeeld. Het besef dat het land sinds de 14e eeuw als een trekharmonica is bespeeld door zijn buren, en later door de westerse mogendheden, heeft vele van de huidige Cambodjaanse politici parten gespeeld. Dit boek uit de Landenreeks beschrijft in ± 80 bladzijden de geschiedenis, politiek, samenleving, geografie, cultuur, natuur en milieu en, uiteraard, de mensen zelf. Sfeervolle verhalen over het dagelijks leven in de stad en op het platteland vullen zakelijke informatie aan. De auteur heeft er in de jaren tachtig lange tijd rondgereisd en een diepgaande studie van het Khmer Rouge regime gemaakt.
Théâtre et Empire. Le théâtre français en Indochine pendant la Belle Époque (1890-1914) par John Kleinen
(Theatre and Empire. The French Theatre in Indochina during the Belle Epoque (1890-1914), by John Kleinen)
Theatre was mainly a European affair serving the European colonial groups who lived in Haiphong and Hanoi around the turn of the century. The influence of theBelle Epoque (1890-1914) in Indochina is marked by light entertainment brought to the colony by ambulant theater groups coming from France. Meager facilities, low budgets and an ambivalent audience were responsible for an erratic policy of cultural politics in this regard. Newspapers and archival documents are used to substantiate the argument.
Dossier numérique 2014-4 : archives Indochine et expositions
Le dossier numérique 2014-4 vous permet de découvrir une présentation d'archives du théâtre français en Indochine, l'exposition en ligne consacrée aux archives Claude Bourrin, ainsi que le compte rendu richement illustré de l'exposition Shakespeare, l'étoffe du monde.