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Z. (Zilin) Lin

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Political Communication & Journalism

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15791
    1001 NG Amsterdam
Social media
  • Publicaties


    • Boukes, M., Kuipers, G., Lin, Z., & Zannettou, S. (2024). The Faces and Forms of Pandemic Humor: Exploring Covid-19 Memes with Visual Machine Learning. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 4. https://doi.org/10.51685/jqd.2024.icwsm.6 [details]
    • Trilling, D., Dubèl, R., Kiddle, R., Kroon, A. C., Lin, Z., Simon, M., Vermeer, S., Welbers, K., & Boukes, M. (2024). What is Popular Gets More Popular? Exploring Over-Time Dynamics in Article Readership Using Real-World Log Data. Journalism Studies, 25(16), 2051–2071. https://doi.org/10.1080/1461670X.2024.2411334
    • Welbers, K., Loecherbach, F., Lin, Z., & Trilling, D. (2024). Anything you would like to share: Evaluating a data donation application in a survey and field study. Computational Communication Research, 6(2). https://doi.org/10.5117/CCR2024.2.5.WELB [details]


    • Lin, Z., Duncan, S., Trilling, D., Vermeer, S., Kiddle, R. T., & Welbers, K. (2023). Care to share? Investigating what drives news sharing with a customized news aggregator. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Enschede, Netherlands.
    • Trilling, D., Dubèl, R., Kroon, A., Lin, Z., Simon, M., Vermeer, S., Welbers, K., & Boukes, M. (2023). Over-time dynamics in article readership on Dutch newspaper websites. Abstract from Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap, Enschede, Netherlands.


    • Boukes, M., Lin, Z., & Kuipers, G. M. M. (2022). Who is Featured in Pandemic Humor? Exploring Covid-19 Jokes and Memes with Unsupervised Visual Machine Learning. Paper presented at Etmaal van de Communicatiewetenschap.
    • Lin, Z., Welbers, K., Vermeer, S., & Trilling, D. (2022). Beyond discrete genres: Mapping news items onto a multidimensional framework of genre cues. Paper presented at the 72nd annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), 26-30 May 2022, Paris, France.
    • Lin, Z., Welbers, K., Vermeer, S., & Trilling, D. (2022). Genre cues in a continuum: A multi-dimensional framework for organizing news text. Paper presented at International and Interdisciplinary Conference on the Quantitative and Computational Analysis of Textual Data (COMPTEXT), Dublin, Ireland.
    • Lin, Z., Welbers, K., Vermeer, S., & Trilling, D. (2022). Who is watching what? Exploring news consumption on YouTube through data donation. Paper presented at European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhuus, Denmark.
    • Trilling, D., Kroon, A. C., Lin, Z., Simon, M., Vermeer, S., Welbers, K., & Boukes, M. (2022). Over-time dynamics in article readership: An analysis of log-data from regional newspaper websites. Paper presented at European Communication Conference (ECREA), Aarhuus, Denmark.
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