Lovink, G. (2012). Das halbwegs Soziale: Eine kritik der Vernetzungskultur. Transcript . [details]
Lovink, G. (2012). Ossessioni collettive: critica dei social media. Milano: EGEA. [details]
Lovink, G. (2012). Eine Welt jenseits von Facebook: alternative soziale Medien: die Forschungsagenda des Netzwerks Unlike Us. Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung, 2012(2), 51-61. http://ikkm-weimar.de/frontend/file.php?id=870&dl=1[details]
Lovink, G. (2011). Networks without a cause: a critique of social media. Cambridge: Polity Press. [details]
Lovink, G., & Rossiter, N. (2011). Urgent Aphorisms: Notes on Organised Networks for the Connected Multitudes. In M. Deuze (Ed.), Managing Media Work (pp. 279-290). Sage. http://nedrossiter.org/?p=136[details]
Fefer, M., & Lovink, G. (2007). Loose bonds: interview with Geert Lovink. In M. Feher (Ed.), Nongovernmental politics (pp. 299-303). New York, NY: Zone Books.
Lovink, G. (2007). Indifference of the networked presence: on time management of the self. In R. Hassan, & R. E. Purser (Eds.), 24/7: time and temporality in the network society (pp. 161-172). Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books.
Lovink, G. (2007). Nihilism and the news: blogging as a mental condition. In J. Seijdel (Ed.), The rise of the informal media: how search engines, weblogs and You-Tube change public opinion (pp. 36-45). (Open; No. 13). Rotterdam: NAi Uitgevers.
Lovink, G. (2007). The ABC of style production. In M. Gerritzen (Ed.), Style first (pp. 23-27). Birkhäuser. [details]
Lovink, G. W. (2006). Interview with Milton Mueller: trial and error in internet governance. In D. Dean, J. W. Anderson, & G. Lovink (Eds.), Reformatting politics: information technology and global civil society (pp. 205-219). New York: Routledge.
Lovink, G. W. (2006). Kunst der neuen Medien. Lettre International, 74, 60-66.
Lovink, G. W. (2006). Maschinen sprechen Deutsch. In K. Woznicki (Ed.), McDeutsch, Protokolle zur Globalisierung der deutschen Sprache (pp. 58-60). Berlin: Kadmos verlag.
Lovink, G. W. (2004). The Importance of Going Public. In S. Lehmann (Ed.), Absolutely Public (pp. 46-49). Melbourne: Images Publishing.
Lovink, G. (2012). Boor de passie aan! Theorie en onderwijs in het nieuwe-mediatijdperk. In H. Borgdorff, & P. Sonderen (Eds.), Denken in kunst: theorie en reflectie in het kunstonderwijs (pp. 68-73). (Leiden Publications). Leiden University Press. [details]
Gerritzen, M., Lovink, G., & Kampman, M. (2011). I read where I am: exploring new information cultures. Amsterdam: Valiz. [details]
Lovink, G. (2009). Die Gesellschaft der Suche: fragen oder googeln. In K. Becker, & F. Stalder (Eds.), Deep search: Politik des Suchens jenseits von Google (pp. 53-63). Studienverlag. [details]
Lovink, G. (2009). Society of the query: the Googlization of our lives. In K. Becker, & F. Stalder (Eds.), Deep search: the politics of search beyond Google (pp. 45-53). Studienverlag. [details]
Lovink, G. (2008). Zero comments: blogging and critical internet culture. New York, NY [etc.]: Routledge. [details]
Lovink, G. (2008). Blogging, l'impact nihiliste. In P. Mathias, F. Massit-Folléa, & G. Wormser (Eds.), L'internet entre savoirs, espaces publics et monopoles (pp. 17-37). (Sens public; No. 7/8). Sens Public. [details]
Lovink, G. (2007). Das ABC der Stilproduktion. In M. Gerritzen (Ed.), Style first (pp. 73-78). Birkhäuser. [details]
Lovink, G. (2007). L'ABC de la production de style. In M. Gerritzen (Ed.), Style first (pp. 125-130). Birkhäuser. [details]
Lovink, G. W. (2007). Bloggandet, den Nihilistiska impulsenin. Ord & Bild, 2.
Lovink, G. W. (2007). Wo sind sie, die Inseln der Vernunft im Cyberstrom. Auswege aus der programmierten Gesellschäft [Review of: J. Weizenbaum, G. Wendt (2006) Wo sind sie, die Inseln der Vernunft im Cyberstrom , Auswege aus der programmierten gesellschaft]. networkcultures, www.networkcultures.org. http://www.networkcultures.org/ geert/2007/08/22/weizenbaum-and-the-society-of- the- query
Lovink, G. W. (Accepted/In press). The Cultural Politics of Organized Networks. In C. Brickwood, & A. Wolfsberger (Eds.), Practice to Policy Virtueel Platform.
Lovink, G. W., & Rossiter, N. (Accepted/In press). Understanding Cartopolitics: The Logic of Networks, from Visualization to Organization, in: Networks, Cells and Silos. Melbourne: MUMA catalogue, Melbourne.
Lovink, G. (2010). Three Trends in Web 2.0. In G. Lovink, & M. Gerritzen (Eds.), Everyone is a designer in the age of social media (pp. 124-139). BIS Publishers. [details]
Lovink, G. (2003). Internet non e il paradiso: reti sociali e critica della cibercultura. Apogeo. [details]
Lovink, G. W. (2012). Poezie van de rafelranden: een ode aan de creatieve negativiteit. In X. Schutte (Ed.), God save the Queen: kunst, kraak, punk: 1977-1984: Centraal Museum Utrecht, 3 maart t/m 10 juni 2012 (pp. 27-31). (De Groene Amsterdammer. Bijlage; No. jg. 136, nr. 10). Amsterdam: De Groene Amsterdammer.
Lovink, G., & Leistert, O. (2012). Working Together, Getting Things Done: exchange between Geert Lovink and Oliver Leistert. In Herbst, Theorie zur Praxis: Steierischer Herbst catalogue (pp. 71-73). (Herbst, Theorie zur Praxis).. http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/geert/2012/10/03/steierischer-herbst/
Lovink, G. W. (01-09-2012). Digital Media & New Forms of Activism, interview with Michel Bauwens and Geert Lovink [Print]. Digital Media & New Forms of Activism, interview with Michel Bauwens and Geert Lovink.
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (18-12-2012). Lecture at the Media Department of Bochum University (D), Media Department, Bochum University (D).
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (6-12-2012). Lecture for staff members of Makarere Business School (MUBS), Makarere Business School (MUBS), Kampala, Uganda.
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (19-11-2012). Lecture at the municipal cultural centre CCCB, CCCB, Barcelona, Spain.
Lovink, G. W. (speaker) (12-11-2012). Cultural Studies Class for MA and PhD students, Cultural Studies, Goldsmith College, London (UK).
Lovink, G. W. (speaker) (6-11-2012). Workshop with PhD students and lecture, Department of Communication and Social Sciences, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (3-11-2012). Presentation at Master of Theatre, DasArts, Amsterdam.
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (18-10-2012). Masterclass at The New School, NY, The New School, NY, New York.
Lovink, G. W. (speaker) (5-10-2012). Discussie, Internazionale Festival, Ferrara, Italy.
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (12-9-2012). Presentatie van Unbound Book/Out of Ink project, Open Conferentie Nieuwe manieren van publiceren over kunst en cultuur, Rijksacademie Amsterdam.
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (12-7-2012). Lecture as part of the Computer als Medium Hyperkult XXI conference, Computer als Medium Hyperkult XXI conference, Lueneburg (D).
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (26-6-2012). Lecture as part of the Aesthetik und Philosophie medialer Praktiken series, Aesthetik und Philosophie medialer Praktiken series, Bauhaus University, Weimar.
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (16-6-2012). Lecture at the Municipal Public Library, Lecture at the Municipal Public Library, Bologna, Italy.
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (15-6-2012). Lecture at Communications Department, Bocconi University, Milano.
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (14-6-2012). Lecture at Meet the Media Guru, Meet the Media Guru, Mediateca Santa Teresa, Milano.
Lovink, G. W. (speaker) (13-6-2012). Launch of the Italian translation of Networks Without a Cause, Share Festival and EGEA Publishers at Circolo Dei Lettori, Turin, Italy.
Lovink, G. W. (speaker) (4-6-2012). Masterclass at European Graduate School, European Graduate School, Saas Fee, Switserland.
Lovink, G. W. (speaker) (24-5-2012). Workshop on the book Networks Without a Cause, Denkerei, Berlin.
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (18-5-2012). Introduction at Video Vortex 8, Video Vortex 8, Zagreb (Croatia).
Lovink, G. W. (invited speaker) (29-3-2012). Lecture at the Royal Institute of Arts, Royal Institute of Arts, Stockholm, Sweden.
Lovink, G. W. (speaker) (21-3-2012). Workshop on Kony 2012 and the politics and aesthetics of online video, This Is Not a Protest Song, University of Salzburg.
Lovink, G. W. (speaker) (9-3-2012). Opening remarks at Unlike Us #2 of INC, TrouwAmsterdam, Unlike Us #2, Amsterdam.
Bodó, B. (participant), Lovink, G. W. (participant), Nevejan, C. I. M. (participant) & de Jong, K. (participant) (23-5-2018). Flying Money, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Lovink, G. W. (organiser) (9-3-2012 - 10-3-2012). Congres Unlike Us #2, Amsterdam. Unlike Us #2 (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Lovink, G. W. (other) (2012). Lid van de Open University (UK) validatiecommissie van de MA HKU afd. Mediadesign, HKU, afd. Mediadesign (other).
Boomgaard, J. (participant) & Lovink, G. W. (participant) (2005). 'Urban Screens' Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Organisatie (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Goilo, J.-CME. (2024). Information actors beyond modernity and coloniality in times of climate change: A comparative design ethnography on the making of monitors for sustainable futures in Curaçao and Amsterdam, between 2019-2022. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
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