Romani, T., Tranquilli, S., Roessingh, P., Menken, S. B. J., Mundry, R., Konarzewski, M., & Hicks, T. C. (2023). Factors affecting nest height and ground nesting behaviour in Eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of the northern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Folia primatologica, 94(4-6), 173-206.
Hosseini, S. A., Goldansaz, S. H., Groot, A. T., Menken, S. B. J., Van Der Wielen, F., Wissel, C., Vercammen, J., De Rijke, E., & Roessingh, P. (2021). Identification of bioactive plant volatiles for the carob moth by means of GC-EAD and GC-orbitrap MS. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(18), Article 8603.[details]
Dukik, K., de Hoog, G. S., Stielow, J. B., Freeke, J., van den Ende, B. G., Vicente, V. A., Menken, S. B. J., & Ahmed, S. A. (2020). Molecular and Phenotypic Characterization of Nannizzia (Arthrodermataceae). Mycopathologia, 185(1), 9-35.
Hicks, T. C., Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., Menken, S. B. J., Hart, J., Roessingh, P., Ewango, C., & Mundry, R. (2020). The Relationship Between Tool Use and Prey Availability in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. International Journal of Primatology, 41(6), 936–959.[details]
Liu, J., Chafi, R., Legarrea, S., Alba, J. M., Meijer, T., Menken, S. B. J., & Kant, M. R. (2020). Spider Mites Cause More Damage to Tomato in the Dark When Induced Defenses Are Lower. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 46(7), 631-641.[details]
Liu, J., Legarrea, S., Alba, J. M., Dong, L., Chafi, R., Menken, S. B. J., & Kant, M. R. (2020). Juvenile Spider Mites Induce Salicylate Defenses, but Not Jasmonate Defenses, Unlike Adults. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, Article 980.[details]
Gao, Y., Zhan, P., Hagen, F., Menken, S. B. J., Sun, J., Rezaei-Matehkolaei, A., & de Hoog, S. (2019). Molecular epidemiology and in vitro antifungal susceptibility of Trichophyton schoenleinii, agent of tinea capitis favosa. Mycoses, 62(5), 466-474.
Hicks, T. C., Kuehl, H. S., Boesch, C., Dieguez, P., Ayimisin, A. E., Fernandez, R. M., Zungawa, D. B., Kambere, M., Swinkels, J., Menken, S. B. J., Hart, J., Mundry, R., & Roessingh, P. (2019). Bili-Uere: A Chimpanzee Behavioural Realm in Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. Folia primatologica, 90(1), 3-64.[details]
Hicks, T. C., Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., Dieguez, P., Ayimisin, A., Fernandez, R., Zungawa, D., Kambere, M., Swinkels, J., Hart, J., Mundry, R., Roessingh, P. & Menken, S. B. J. (2019). Supplementary Material for: Bili-Uéré: A Chimpanzee Behavioural Realm in Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. Karger Publishers.
Hicks, T. C., Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., Dieguez, P., Ayimisin, A., Fernandez, R., Zungawa, D., Kambere, M., Swinkels, J., Hart, J., Mundry, R., Roessingh, P. & Menken, S. B. J. (2019). Supplementary Material for: Bili-Uéré: A Chimpanzee Behavioural Realm in Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. Karger Publishers.
Hora, K. H., Marec, F., Roessingh, P., & Menken, S. B. J. (2019). Limited intrinsic postzygotic reproductive isolation despite chromosomal rearrangements between closely related sympatric species of small ermine moths (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 128(1), 44-58.[details]
Moreno, L. F., Ahmed, A. A. O., Brankovics, B., Cuomo, C. A., Menken, S. B. J., Taj-Aldeen, S. J., Faidah, H., Stielow, J. B., Teixeira, M. D. M., Prenafeta-Boldú, F. X., Vicente, V. A., & de Hoog, S. (2018). Genomic understanding of an infectious brain disease from the desert. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 8(3), 909-922.
Zhan, P., Dukik, K., Li, D., Sun, J., Stielow, J. B., Gerrits van den Ende, B., Brankovics, B., Menken, S. B. J., Mei, H., Bao, W., Lv, G., Liu, W., & de Hoog, G. S. (2018). Phylogeny of dermatophytes with genomic character evaluation of clinically distinct Trichophyton rubrum and T. violaceum. Studies in Mycology, 89, 153-175.
Burridge, A. K., Hörnlein, C., Janssen, A. W., Hughes, M., Bush, S. L., Marlétaz, F., Gasca, R., Pierrot-Bults, A. C., Michel, E., Todd, J. A., Young, J. R., Osborn, K. J., Menken, S. B. J., & Peijnenburg, K. T. C. A. (2017). Time-calibrated molecular phylogeny of pteropods. PLoS ONE, 12(6), Article e0177325.[details]
Todd, J. A., Michel, E., Menken, S. B. J., Burridge, A. K., Bush, S. L., Janssen, A. W., Gasca, R., Pierrot Bults, A., Marlétaz, F., Hörnlein, C., Peijnenburg, K. T. C. A., Hughes, M., Osborn, K. J., Young, J. R. & Marlétaz, F. (2018). Data from: Time-calibrated molecular phylogeny of pteropods. DRYAD.
Hosseini, S. A., Goldansaz, S. H., Fotoukkiaii, S. M., Menken, S. B. J., & Groot, A. T. (2017). Seasonal pattern of infestation by the carob moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae in pomegranate cultivars. Crop Protection, 102, 19-24.[details]
Hosseini, S. A., Goldansaz, S. H., Menken, S. B. J., van Wijk, M., Roessingh, P., & Groot, A. T. (2017). Field Attraction of Carob Moth to Host Plants and Conspecific Females. Journal of Economic Entomology, 110(5), 2076-2083.[details]
Staudacher, H., Kaltenpoth, M., Breeuwer, J. A. J., Menken, S. B. J., Heckel, D. G., & Groot, A. T. (2016). Variability of bacterial communities in the moth Heliothis virescens indicates transient association with the host. PLoS ONE, 11(5), Article e0154514.[details]
Ahmed, S. A., Khan, Z., Wang, X., Moussa, T. A. A., Al-Zahrani, H. S., Almaghrabi, O. A., Sutton, D. A., Ahmad, S., Groenewald, J. Z., Alastruey-Izquierdo, A., van Diepeningen, A., Menken, S. B. J., Najafzadeh, M. J., Crous, P. W., Cornely, O., Hamprecht, A., Vehreschild, M. J. G. T., Kindo, A. J., & de Hoog, G. S. (2015). Chaetomium-like fungi causing opportunistic infections in humans: a possible role for extremotolerance. Fungal Diversity, 76(1), 11-26. Advance online publication.[details]
Doorenweerd, C., van Nieukerken, E. J., & Menken, S. B. J. (2015). A global phylogeny of leafmining Ectoedemia moths (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae): host plant family shifts and allopatry as drivers of speciation. PLoS ONE, 10(3), Article e0119586.[details]
Grosman, A. H., Molina-Rugama, A. J., Mendes-Dias, R., Sabelis, M. W., Menken, S. B. J., Pallini, A., & Janssen, A. (2015). No adaptation of a herbivore to a novel host but loss of adaptation to its native host. Scientific Reports, 5, Article 16211.[details]
Hardus, M. E., Lameira, A. R., Wich, S. A., de Vries, H., Wahyudi, R., Shumaker, R. W., & Menken, S. B. J. (2015). Effect of repeated exposures and sociality on novel food acceptance and consumption by orangutans. Primates, 56(1), 21-27.[details]
Lameira, A. R., Hardus, M. E., Bartlett, A. M., Shumaker, R. W., Wich, S. A., & Menken, S. B. J. (2015). Speech-like rhythm in a voiced and voiceless orangutan call. PLoS ONE.[details]
Samerpitak, K., Duarte, A. P. M., Attili-Angelis, D., Pagnocca, F. C., Heinrichs, G., Rijs, A. J. M. M., Alfjorden, A., Gerrits van den Ende, A. H. G., Menken, S. B. J., & de Hoog, G. S. (2015). A new species of the oligotrophic genus Ochroconis (Sympoventuriaceae). Mycological Progress, 14(2), Article 6.[details]
Samerpitak, K., Gerrits van den Ende, A. H. G., Menken, S. B. J., & de Hoog, G. S. (2015). Three new species of the genus Ochroconis. Mycopathologia, 180(1), 7-17.[details]
Staudacher, H., Menken, S. B. J., & Groot, A. T. (2015). Effects of immune challenge on the oviposition strategy of a noctuid moth. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28(8), 1568-1577.[details]
Ahmed, S. A., van de Sande, W. W. J., Stevens, D. A., Fahal, A., van Diepeningen, A. D., Menken, S. B. J., & de Hoog, G. S. (2014). Revision of agents of black-grain eumycetoma in the order Pleosporales. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 33, 141-154.[details]
Hicks, T. C., Tranquilli, S., Kuehl, H., Campbell, G., Swinkels, J., Darby, L., Boesch, C., Hart, J., & Menken, S. (2014). Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence: Discovery of a large, continuous population of Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii in the Central Uele Region of Northern DRC. Biological Conservation, 171, 107-133.[details]
Hardus, M. E., de Vries, H., Dellatore, D. F., Lameira, A. R., Menken, S. B. J., & Wich, S. A. (2013). Socioecological correlates of inter-individual variation in orangutan diets at Ketambe, Sumatra. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 67(3), 429-437. Advance online publication.[details]
Hicks, T. C., Roessingh, P., & Menken, S. B. J. (2013). Impact of humans on long-distance communication behaviour of eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Northern Democratic Republic of the Congo. Folia primatologica, 84(3-5), 135-156.[details]
Nagelkerke, C. J., & Menken, S. B. J. (2013). Coexistence of Habitat Specialists and Generalists in Metapopulation Models of Multiple-Habitat Landscapes. Acta Biotheoretica, 61(4), 467-480. Advance online publication.[details]
Parker, K., Roessingh, P., & Menken, S. B. J. (2013). Do female life span and fecundity of small ermine moth increase with multiple mating and adult nutrition? Journal of Insect Behavior, 26(3), 416-427. Advance online publication.[details]
Hicks, T. C., Roessingh, P., & Menken, S. B. J. (2012). Reactions of Bili-Uele chimpanzees to humans in relation to their distance from roads and villages. American Journal of Primatology, 74(8), 721-733. Advance online publication.[details]
Bakker, A. C., Campos Louçã, J., Roessingh, P., & Menken, S. B. J. (2011). The cost of mating: influences of life history traits and mating strategies on lifespan in two closely related Yponomeuta species. International Journal of Zoology, 2011, Article 658908.[details]
Najafzadeh, M. J., Sun, J., Vicente, V. A., Klaassen, C. H. W., Bonifaz, A., Gerrits van den Ende, A. H. G., Menken, S. B. J., & de Hoog, G. S. (2011). Molecular Epidemiology of Fonsecaea Species. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 17(3), 464-469.[details]
Sudhadham, M., Gerrits van den Ende, A. H. G., Sihanonth, P., Sivichai, S., Chaiyarat, R., Menken, S. B. J., van Belkum, A., & de Hoog, G. S. (2011). Elucidation of distribution patterns and possible infection routes of the neurotropic black yeast Exophiala dermatitidis using AFLP. Fungal Biology, 115(10), 1051-1065.[details]
Hicks, T. C., Darby, L., Hart, J., Swinkels, J., January, N., & Menken, S. (2010). Trade in orphans and bushmeat threatens one of the Democratic Republic of the Congo's most important populations of eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii). African Primates (Print), 7(1), 1-18.[details]
Menken, S. B. J., Boomsma, J. J., & van Nieukerken, E. J. (2010). Large-scale evolutionary patterns of host plant associations in the Lepidoptera. Evolution, 64(4), 1098-1119.[details]
Sudhadham, M., de Hoog, G. S., Menken, S. B. J., Gerrits van den Ende, A. H. G., & Sihanonth, P. (2010). Rapid screening for genotypes as possible markers of virulence in the neurotropic black yeast Exophiala dermatitidis using PCR-RFLP. Journal of microbiological methods, 80(2), 138-142.[details]
Turner, H., Lieshout, N., van Ginkel, W. E., & Menken, S. B. J. (2010). Molecular phylogeny of the small ermine moth genus Yponomeuta (Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae) in the Palaearctic. PLoS ONE, 5(3), e9933.[details]
Xavier, J. R., van Soest, R. W. M., Breeuwer, J. A. J., Martins, A. M. F., & Menken, S. B. J. (2010). Phylogeography, genetic diversity and structure of the poecilosclerid sponge Phorbas fictitius at oceanic islands. Contributions to Zoology, 79(3), 119-129.[details]
Cleary, D. F. R., Genner, M. J., Koh, L. P., Boyle, T. J. B., Setyawati, T., de Jong, R., & Menken, S. B. J. (2009). Butterfly species and traits associated with selectively logged forest in Borneo. Basic and Applied Ecology, 10(3), 237-245.[details]
Lammertink, M., Prawiradilaga, D. M., Setiorini, U., Zaw Naing, T., Duckworth, J. W., & Menken, S. B. J. (2009). Global population decline of the Great Slaty Woodpecker (Mulleripicus pulverulentus). Biological Conservation, 142(1), 166-179.[details]
Bakker, A. C., Roessingh, P., & Menken, S. B. J. (2008). Sympatric speciation in Yponomeuta: No evidence for host plant fidelity. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 128(1), 240-247.[details]
Bakker, A. C., van Ginkel, W. E., Roessingh, P., & Menken, S. B. J. (2008). Differences in mating strategies in two closely related small ermine moth species (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae). European Journal of Entomology, 105(2), 219-226.[details]
Marijnissen, S. A. E., Michel, E., Kamermans, M., Olaya-Bosch, K., Kars, M., Cleary, D. F. R., van Loon, E. E., Rachello Dolmen, P. G., & Menken, S. B. J. (2008). Ecological correlates of species differences in the Lake Tanganyika crab radiation. Hydrobiologia, 615(1), 81-94.[details]
Parker, K., Roessingh, P., & Menken, S. B. J. (2008). Effects of multiple mating and adult nutrition on longevity and fecundity in two Yponomeuta species. Proceedings of the Netherlands Entomological Society Meeting, 19, 115-120.[details]
Ros, V. I. D., Breeuwer, J. A. J., & Menken, S. B. J. (2008). Origins of asexuality in Bryobia mites (Acari: Tetranychidae). BMC Evolutionary Biology, 8, Article 153.[details]
Sudhadham, M., Prakitsin, S., Sivichai, S., Chaiyarat, R., Dorrestein, G. M., Menken, S. B. J., & de Hoog, G. S. (2008). The neurotropic black yeast Exophiala dermatitidis has a possible origin in the tropical rain forest. Studies in Mycology, 61, 145-155.[details]
Parker, K., Roessingh, P., & Menken, S. B. J. (2024). Correction to: Do Female Life Span and Fecundity of Small Ermine Moth Increase with Multiple Mating and Adult Nutrition?(J Insect Behav., (2013), 26, (416–427), 10.1007/s10905-012-9360-6). Journal of Insect Behavior, 37(2), 179.
Hicks, T. C., Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., Menken, S. B. J., Hart, J., Roessingh, P., Ewango, C., & Mundry, R. (2021). Correction to: The Relationship Between Tool Use and Prey Availability in Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) of Northern Democratic Republic of Congo (International Journal of Primatology, (2020), 41, 6, (936-959), 10.1007/s10764-020-00149-4). International Journal of Primatology, 42(6), 987-988.
Burridge, A. K. (2017). Marine biogeography and evolution: Diversity patterns of planktonic gastropods and amphipods. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Hosseini, S. A. (2017). Chemical ecology of moths: Role of semiochemicals in host location by Ectomyelois ceratoniae and mate guarding by Heliothis virescens. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
Villacís Pérez, E., Menken, S., Van Leeuwen, T. & Breeuwer, H. (29-9-2021). Reproductive performance of female two-spotted spider mites on different host plants. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
Hicks, T. C., Kühl, H. S., Boesch, C., Dieguez, P., Ayimisin, A., Fernandez, R., Zungawa, D., Kambere, M., Swinkels, J., Hart, J., Mundry, R., Roessingh, P. & Menken, S. B. J. (2019). Supplementary Material for: Bili-Uéré: A Chimpanzee Behavioural Realm in Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. Karger Publishers.
Todd, J. A., Michel, E., Menken, S. B. J., Burridge, A. K., Bush, S. L., Janssen, A. W., Gasca, R., Pierrot Bults, A., Marlétaz, F., Hörnlein, C., Peijnenburg, K. T. C. A., Hughes, M., Osborn, K. J., Young, J. R. & Marlétaz, F. (2018). Data from: Time-calibrated molecular phylogeny of pteropods. DRYAD.
Cleary, D. F. R., Boyle, T. J. B., Anggraeni, C. D., Menken, S. B. J., Setyawati, T. & Van Loon, E. . (2016). Appendix B. A table of the abundance of all bird species recorded per sample site.. Wiley.
Cleary, D. F. R., Boyle, T. J. B., Anggraeni, C. D., Menken, S. B. J., Setyawati, T. & Van Loon, E. . (2016). Appendix D. A table of values for each habitat/vegetation structure variable per subplot.. Wiley.
Cleary, D. F. R., Boyle, T. J. B., Anggraeni, C. D., Menken, S. B. J., Setyawati, T. & Van Loon, E. . (2016). Appendix F. Results of one-way ANOVAs testing for differences in (a) short sapling density, (b) tall sapling density, (c) volume of dead wood state 3, (d) volume of dead wood state 5, (e) canopy cover, and (f) canopy height among unlogged forest, older logged forest, and recently logged forest.. Wiley.
Cleary, D. F. R., Boyle, T. J. B., Anggraeni, C. D., Menken, S. B. J., Setyawati, T. & Van Loon, E. . (2016). Appendix E. Estimates of bird species richness per area, using sample-based rarefaction, and species richness estimators (the incidence-based coverage estimator [ICE] and the Chao2 estimator) in addition to the numbers of uniques and duplicates.. Wiley.
Cleary, D., Boyle, T. J. B., Anggraeni, C. D., Menken, S. B. J., Setyawati, T. & Van Loon, E. . (2016). Supplement 1. Three input files and an r script.. Wiley.
Cleary, D. F. R., Boyle, T. J. B., Anggraeni, C. D., Menken, S. B. J., Setyawati, T. & Van Loon, E. . (2016). Appendix C. A detailed description of the habitat/vegetation variables measured during the study.. Wiley.
Cleary, D. F. R., Boyle, T. J. B., Anggraeni, C. D., Menken, S. B. J., Setyawati, T. & Van Loon, E. . (2016). Appendix A. A summary of site characteristics in the three forest types/landscapes.. Wiley.
Cleary, D. F. R., Boyle, T. J. B., Anggraeni, C. D., Menken, S. B. J., Setyawati, T. & Van Loon, E. . (2016). Appendix G. Results of a principal component analysis on bird compositional data using the Hellinger distance.. Wiley.
Cleary, D. F. R., Boyle, T. J. B., Anggraeni, C. D., Menken, S. B. J., Setyawati, T. & Van Loon, E. . (2016). Appendix H. Results of one-way ANOVAs testing for differences in the abundance of bird guilds among unlogged forest, older logged forest, and recently logged forest.. Wiley.
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