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Dr. S. (Sadaf) Mokarram Dorri PhD

Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Sectie Marketing

  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Sadaf Mokarram Dorri is Assistant Professor at Amsterdam Business school. Sadaf did her Ph.D. in Business Administration and Management with a major in Marketing at Bocconi University in Milan. During her Ph.D., she spent a year as a visiting scholar at the KU Leuven University in Belgium where she was affiliated with the BEE (Behavioral Economics and Engineering) Group. She also holds an MSc degree in Marketing Management, an MBA degree, and a BSc degree in Business Administration and Management. Her research interests include investigating consumer judgment and decision-making, self-control and eating behavior, diversity and inclusion, and sustainable consumption to ultimately help increase consumers' and societal well-being.   

  • Teaching


  • Publicaties


    • Bombaij, N. JF., & Mokarram-Dorri, S. (2024). Does posting about diversity and inclusion (D&I) improve engagement in social media? Antecedents and impact of D&I communication decisions. Journal of Interactive Marketing. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1177/10949968241239285


    • Sarial-Abi, G., Ulqinku, A., & Mokarram Dorri, S. (2021). Living with restrictions: The duration of restrictions influences construal levels. Psychology & Marketing, 38(12), 2271-2285. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.21562 [details]


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