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A. (Anh) Nguyen

Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Kamernummer: 5.15
  • Postbus 15514
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Nguyen, A. (2021). International Aerospace Disputes As "Justiciable" Proxies for (Geo)Political Disputes. TDM, 18(5).


    • Nguyen, A. (2023). Questioning the EU Anti-Coercion Instrument – Conflating the Curtailment of ‘Strategic Autonomy’ with the Erosion of Sovereignty?. Web publication or website, EJIL: Talk!.
    • Nguyen, A. (2023). The Discomfort of Extraterritoriality: US Semiconductor Export Controls and why their Chokehold on Dutch Photolithography Machines Matter. Web publication or website, EJIL: Talk!.
    • Nguyen, A. (2023). The G7’s Fear of Economic Coercion through Weaponised Interdependence – Geopolitical Competition Cloaked in International Law?. Web publication or website, EJIL: Talk!.


    • Nguyen, A. (speaker) (1-11-2024). Export controls as innovation marketing? Sociotechnical imaginaries in the ringfencing of quantum technologies, Narratives, Frontier Technology, and the Law, Maastricht.
    • Nguyen, A. (speaker), Mittal, A. (speaker) & Zeybek, B. (speaker) (4-9-2024). How we learned to stop worrying (about the law) and love quantum technologies – A legal meditation entangled by qubits, Gikii 2024, London.
    • Nguyen, A. (speaker) (12-8-2024). Trouble by Design? – Weaponized Interdependence as Economic Coercion under International Law, Helsinki Geoeconomics Week, Helsinki.
    • Nguyen, A. (speaker) (6-5-2024). Export Controls as Technological Ringfencing – Legal Dynamics in EU Governance over Critical and Emerging Technologies Supply Chains, PhD Workshop Series: Peace, Justice and Europe in the Age of Geopolitics – The Legal Implications of the EU's Geopolitical Awakening, The Hague.
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