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Prof. dr. P.P.R.W. (Patricia) Pisters

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Dep. Mediastudies
Fotograaf: Milette Raats

  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
  • Kamernummer: 108
  • Postbus 94550
    1090 GN Amsterdam
  • Profile
  • Publicaties





    • Pisters, P. (2020). New Blood in Contemporary Cinema: Women Directors and the Poetics of Horror. Edinburgh University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2020). Carrie’s Sisters: New Blood in Contemporary Female Horror Cinema. In N. Chare, J. Hoorn, & A. Yue (Eds.), Re-reading the Monstrous-Feminine: Art, Film, Feminism and Psychoanalysis (pp. 121-137). (Routledge Advances in Film Studies). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780429469367-9 [details]





    • Pisters, P. (2016). Filming for the Future: The Work of Louis van Gasteren. (Framing Film). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2016). Cutting and Folding the Borgesian Map: Film as Complex Temporal Object in the Industrialization of Memory. In U. Ekman, J. D. Bolter, L. Díaz, M. Søndergaard, & M. Engberg (Eds.), Ubiquitous computing, complexity, and culture (pp. 324-335). Routledge. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2016). Memory is no longer what it used to be. In S. Groes (Ed.), Memory in the twenty-first century: New critical perspectives from the arts, humanities, and sciences (pp. 213-216). Palgrave. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2016). The Filmmaker as Metallurgist: Political Cinema and World Memory. Film-Philosophy, 20(1), 149-167. https://doi.org/10.3366/film.2016.0008 [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2015). Dexters Plastisches Gehirn: Empathie im Film durch Mentalisierung und Spiegelung. In B. Kracke, & M. Ries (Eds.), Expanded Senses: Neue Sinnlichkeit und Sinnesarbeit in der Spätmoderne (pp. 137-153). Transcript . [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2015). Image as Gesture: Notes on Aernout Mik's Communitas and the Modern Political Film. Journal for Cultural Research, 19(1), 69-81. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/14797585.2014.920186 [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2015). Neurothriller. In O. Sanders, & R. Winter (Eds.), Bewegungsbilder nach Deleuze (pp. 181-197). (Klagenfurter Beiträge zur visuellen Kultur; No. 4). Herbert von Halem Verlag. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2015). Temporal Explorations in Cosmic Consciousness: Intra-Agential Entanglements and the Neuro-Image. Cultural Studies Review, 21(2), 120-144. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.5130/csr.v21i2.4323 [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2014). A Metaphysical Star War? Celestial Consciousness in Contemporary Cinema. In S. Neef, H. Sussman, & D. Boschung (Eds.), Astroculture: figurations of cosmology in media and arts (pp. 181-194). (Morphomata; No. 17). Wilhelm Fink. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2014). Dexter’s Plastic Brain: Mentalizing and Mirroring in Cinematic Empathy. Cinéma & Cie, 14(22/23), 53-63. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2014). Heart of the Matter: Bodies without Organs and Biopolitics in Organ Transplant Film. Angelaki, 19(4), 23-36. https://doi.org/10.1080/0969725X.2014.984430 [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2014). The Neurothriller. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 12(2), 83-93. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1080/17400309.2014.878153 [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2014). Transplanting Life: Bios and Zoe in Images with Imagination. In B. Blaagaard, & I. van der Tuin (Eds.), The subject of Rosi Braidotti: politics and concepts (pp. 65-72). Bloomsbury Academic. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2013). Art as Circuit Breaker: Surveillance Screens and Powers of Affect. In B. Papenburg, & M. Zarzycka (Eds.), Carnal aesthetics: transgressive imagery and feminist politics (pp. 198-213). I.B. Tauris. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2013). The Chirping of a Little Bird: Some (Film) Theoretical Reflections. In K. Bijsterveld (Ed.), Soundscapes of the urban past: staged sound as mediated cultural heritage (pp. 117-125). (Sound studies; No. 5). Transcript-Verlag. [details]


    • Lysen, F., & Pisters, P. (2012). Introduction: The smooth and the striated. Deleuze Studies, 6(1), 1-5. https://doi.org/10.3366/dls.2012.0042 [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2012). The neuro-image: a Deleuzian film-philosophy of digital screen culture. (Cultural memory in the present). Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2012). Form, punch, caress: Johan van der Keuken's global Amsterdam. In M. de Waard (Ed.), Imagining global Amsterdam: history, culture, and geography in a world city (pp. 125-141). (Cities and cultures; No. 1). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2012). The Universe as Metacinema. In J. Jagodzinski (Ed.), Psychoanalyzing cinema: a productive encounter with Lacan, Deleuze, and Žižek (pp. 169-204). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137116949.0015 [details]



    • Pisters, P. (2010). Filming the times of Tangier: nostalgia, postcolonial agency, and preposterous history. In D. Iordanova, D. Martin-Jones, & B. Vidal (Eds.), Cinema at the periphery (pp. 175-189). (Contemporary approaches to film and television series). Wayne State University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2010). Logistics of perception 2.0: multiple screen aesthetics in Iraq War films. Film-Philosophy, 14(1), 232-252. http://www.film-philosophy.com/index.php/f-p/article/view/221/179 [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2010). Numbers and fractals: neuroaesthetics and the scientific subject. In P. Gaffney (Ed.), The force of the virtual: Deleuze, science, and philosophy (pp. 229-251). University of Minnesota Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2010). Violence and laughter: paradoxes of nomadic thought in postcolonial cinema. In S. Bignall, & P. Patton (Eds.), Deleuze and the postcolonial (pp. 201-219). (Deleuze connections). Edinburgh University Press. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2009). Homi K. Bhabha. In F. Colman (Ed.), Film, theory and philosophy: the key thinkers (pp. 296-307). Acumen. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2009). Illusionary perception and cinema: experimental thoughts on film theory and neuroscience. In M. Poster, & D. Savat (Eds.), Deleuze and new technology (pp. 224-240). (Deleuze connections). Edinburgh University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2009). Micropolitiek. In E. Romein, M. Schuilenburg, & S. van Tuinen (Eds.), Deleuze compendium (pp. 224-236). Boom. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2008). Delirium cinema or machines of the invisible? In I. Buchanan, & P. MacCormack (Eds.), Deleuze and the schizoanalysis of cinema (pp. 102-115). Continuum. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2008). Lili and Rachel: Hollywood, history and women in Fassbinder and Verhoeven. In J. Kooijman, P. Pisters, & W. Strauven (Eds.), Mind the screen: media concepts according to Thomas Elsaesser (pp. 177-187). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2008). Sınır kent: Tanca. In M. Öztürk (Ed.), Sinematografik kentler: mekânlar, hatıralar, arzular (pp. 380-397). (Sinema; No. 26). Agora Kitaplığı. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2007). Het scherm en de werkelijkheid : het 'tussen'-denken en de status van het beeld. In H. Oosterling, H. Slager, & R. van de Vall (Eds.), Intermediale reflecties: kruisbestuivingen en dwarsverbanden in de hedendaagse kunst (pp. 74-82). (DAF cahiers; No. 1). Rotterdam: Dutch Aesthetics Federation. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2007). La Ville- Frontiere. In L. Creton, & K. Feigelson (Eds.), Theoreme 10 < Ville cinematographiques : Cine - Lieux.> (pp. 191-197). Parijs: la sorbonne nouvelle. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2007). The Refusal of Reproduction : Paradoxes of Becoming - Woman in Transnational Moroccan Filmmaking. In K. Marciniak, A. Imre, & A. O'healy (Eds.), Transnational Feminism in Film and Media (pp. 71-92). NewYork: Palgrave Macmillan. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2006). Arresting the flux of images and sounds: free indirect discourse and the dialectics of political cinema. In I. Buchanan, & A. Parr (Eds.), Deleuze and the contemporary world (pp. 175-193). (Deleuze connections). Edinburgh University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2006). The Spiritual Dimension of the Brain as Screen: Zigzagging from Cosmos to Earth (and Back). In M. Punt, & R. Pepperel (Eds.), Screen Consciousness: Cinema, Mind and World (pp. 123-137). New York, Amsterdam: Rodopi. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2005). Micropolitics of the Migrant Family in Accented Cinema: Love and Creativity in Empire. In P. Pisters, & W. Staat (Eds.), Shooting the Family: Transnational Media and Intercultural Values (pp. 197-212). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Staat, W., & Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2005). Introduction. In Shooting the Family. Transnational Media and Intercultural Values (pp. 7-21). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2002). Lessen van Hitchcock. Een inleiding in mediatheorie. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2002). Quiet and Dark: Aesthetic and Conceptual Translation Degree Zero. In Translation and Transformation (pp. 202-212). Budapest: University of Budapest. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2001). Verlos ons van ons lijden, boekbespreking van Inez van der Spek [Review of: (1999) Eindeloze Lichamen]. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 4(2), 62-63. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). Barbie in the Digital Age [Review of: M. Rogers, J. Cassel (2000) Barbie Culture]. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 3(2), 279-283. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). Bedekt met Sterrenstof: Dromen zijn geen Bedrog. In I. Costera Meijer, & M. Reesink (Eds.), Reality Soap! Big Brother en de opkomst van het Multi-Media Concept (pp. 132-143). Meppel: Boom. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). Glamouria ja Glyseriinia: Vertostoyhteiskunnan ylijäämät ja tähteet. In T. Laine (Ed.), Lähikuva-Elokuva ja Digitaalisuus (pp. 54-68). (2). Turku. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). In het Spiegelpaleis van de Roem - Sterren en Mediapersoonlijkheden in de Mediacultuur. In T. Elsaesser, & P. Hesselberth (Eds.), Hollywood op Straat: Film en Televisie in de Hedendaagse Mediacultuur (pp. 195-212). Amsterdam: Vossius Pers. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). Molecular processes of Becoming: Filmic Images. Lier en Boog: Screen Based Arts, 15, 107-114. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). New Subjectivity in Cinema: The Vertigo of Strange Days. In W. van Reijen, & W. Weststeijn (Eds.), Subjectivity - Avant-Garde Critical Studies (pp. 283-314). Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi.
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). The War of Images: Appopriation and Fabulation of Missing People. In B. Roessler (Ed.), Privacies - ASCA Brief (pp. 69-81). Amsterdam: ASCA. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). Wonder en Wetenschap: Kloneren in de Filmische Verbeelding. In F. de Lange (Ed.), De Nieuwe Mens: Maakbaarheid van Lijf en Leven (pp. 103-115). Kampen: Gooi en Sticht. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1998). The fifth element and the fifth dimension of the affection-image. In A. Soderberg, & A. Koivunen (Eds.), Cinema Studies into Visual Theory? D-vision Yearbook vol.1 School of Art, Literature and Music (pp. 93-101). Turku: University of Turku/Norfa. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (1997). What's Love got to do with it? In T. Elsaesser, M. G. Bal, M. B. Pranger, H. de Vries, & W. Weststeijn (Eds.), Brief.Visions and Voices of Otherness (pp. 61-72). (ASCA Yearbook). Amsterdam: ASCA Press. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1996). Cyborg Alice; or, Becoming-Woman in an Audio-Visual World. Iris (Paris), 23, 147-164.


    • van den Oever, A., Kessler, F., Meers, P., Pisters, P., & Willemsen, S. (Eds.) (2016). Klassieke en moderne filmtheorie, 1928, 1945-1976. (Sleutelteksten film- en mediatheorie; Vol. 2). Nijmegen: In de Walvis. [details]


    • van den Oever, A., Kessler, F., Pisters, P., & Willemsen, S. (Eds.) (2015). De beginjaren van de film en de tijd van de avant-garde 1896-1931. (Sleutelteksten film- en mediatheorie; Vol. 1). Nijmegen: In de Walvis. [details]



    • Braidotti, R., & Pisters, P. (2012). Revisiting normativity with Deleuze. (Continuum studies in continental philosophy). London, New Delhi, New York & Sydney: Bloomsbury. [details]



    • Pisters, P. (2009). Logistics of perception 2.0: multiple screen aesthetics in Iraq War films. Regards, 11, 65-80. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2009). Une temporalité de Tanger: histoire, mémoire et le temps postcolonial dans l'archive audiovisuelle. In A. Kaddouri, & I. van der Poel (Eds.), Villes d'échange(s): Maghreb - Europe: actes de colloque, Amsterdam 2008 (pp. 101-110). Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Ben Msik. [details]


    • Kooijman, J., Pisters, P., & Strauven, W. (2008). Mind the screen: media concepts according to Thomas Elsaesser. Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Kooijman, J., Pisters, P., & Strauven, W. (2008). A looking glass for old and new screens. In J. Kooijman, P. Pisters, & W. Strauven (Eds.), Mind the screen: media concepts according to Thomas Elsaesser (pp. 9-15). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2008). Manifesto for a schizo-analysis of media culture. Masters of Media, 25-5-2008. http://mastersofmedia.hum.uva.nl/2008/05/25/manifesto-for-a-schizo-analysis-of-media-culture/ [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2008). Media en migratie: verbeelding van gemende gevoelens. In M. de Jong, M. Kommer, A. van Kooyk, M. Kristalijn, N. Spanjersberg, S. Zouridis, & R. Sluijs (Eds.), Denkwerk (pp. 111-117). (Cahier EAJ). Ministerie van Justitie. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2007). Lessen van Hitchcock: een inleiding in mediatheorie. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2007). Si Gak Moon Hwa Ui Matrix (The Matrix of Visual Culture). Seoul: Cheol- hak gwa hyun sil sa. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2005). Micropolitics of the Migrant Family in Accented Cinema: Love and Creativity in Empire. In P. P. R. W. Pisters, & W. Staat (Eds.), Shooting the Family: Transnational Media and Intercultural Values (pp. 197-212). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W., & Staat, W. (2005). Introduction. In P. P. R. W. Pisters, & W. Staat (Eds.), Shooting the Family: Transnational Media and Intercultural Values (pp. 7-21). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P., & Staat, W. (2005). Shooting the family: transnational media and intercultural values. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2004). 'Touched by a Cardboard Sword: Aesthtetic Creation and Non-Personal Subjectivity in Dancer in the Dark and Moulin Rouge. Faux Titre, 151-169. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2004). Madonna's girls in the mix: performance of femininity beyond the beautiful. In S. Fouz-Hernández, & F. Jarman-Ivens (Eds.), Madonna's drowned worlds : new approaches to her subcultural transformations (pp. 22-35). Aldershot: Ashgate. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2004). Migrantenfilm als performance van identiteit: 'In het huis van mijn vader' en 'Onmacht'. Cultuur en migratie in Nederland, 2, 189-202. [details]


    • Boerman, T., Pisters, P., & Segal, J. (2003). Beeldritsen: visuele cultuur en etnische diversiteit in Nederland. Amsterdam: De Balie. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2003). 'Wan pipel', zwarte tulpen en boeroes. In T. Boerman, P. P. R. W. Pisters, & J. Segal (Eds.), Beeldritsen: visuele cultuur en etnische diversiteit in Nederland. (pp. 28-39). Amsterdam: De Balie. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2003). The Matrix of Visual Culture: Working with Deleuze in Film Theory. Stanford: Stanford University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2003). The matrix of visual culture : working with Deleuze in film theory. Stanford, Cal.: Stanford University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2003). Material Aspects of Subjectivity in Cinema. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 1(1), 77-99. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2001). Micropolitics of Media Culture: Reading the Rhizomes of Deleuze and Guattari. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2001). Experimenting with the sensible [Review of: G. Deleuze. Pure immanence: essays on a life]. Leonardo Reviews.
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2001). Glamour and glycerine: surplus and residual of the network society. From 'Glamorama' to 'Fight club'. In P. P. R. W. Pisters (Ed.), Micropolitics of media culture: reading the rhizomes of Deleuze and Guattari. (pp. 125-141). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). Barbie in the Digital Age [Review of: J. Cassell, H. Jenkins. From Barbie to mortal kombat: gender and computer games.]. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 3, 279-283.
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). Honderd Hitchcocks [Review of: R. Allen, I. Gonzales (2000) Alfred Hitchcock Centenary Essays]. Skrien, (241), 60-60. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). Molecular processes of becoming in video art. In A. W. Balkema, & H. Slager (Eds.), Screen-based art (pp. 107-114). (Lier en Boog series; Vol. 15). Amsterdam: Rodopi. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). New subjectivity in cinema: the vertigo of Strange Days. Avant Garde Critical Studies, 12, 283-314. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1999). Book review [Review of: Y. Tasker. Working girls: gender and sexuality in popular cinema.]. Skrien, 230, 49.
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1999). The Possibilities of Immanence: Gilles Deleuze: A Symposium. Film-Philosophy, 3(14), 1-8. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1999). The possibilities of immanence. [Review of: M. Faetherstone. Gilles Deleuze: A Symposium; special issue of: Theory, Culture and Society]. Film-Philosophy, 3, 1-8.


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1998). De rebel. In J. Wienk (Ed.), De verbeelding : culturele en kunstzinnige vorming 1 (pp. 83-109). Houten: EPN, Educatieve Partners Nederland. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1998). De verloren onschuld van Alice: avonturen in het Wonderland van de twintigste eeuw. Lover : Tijdschrift over Feminisme, Cultuur en Wetenschap, 25(1), 20-22. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1998). From mouse to mouse: overcoming information. Enculturation, 2(1), 1-7. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1998). The fifth element and the fifth dimension of the affection-image. In A. Koivunen, & A. Soderberg (Eds.), Cinema studies into visual theory? (pp. 93-107). Turku: University of Turku Press. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). Cyborg Alice; or: becoming-woman in an audio-visual world. Iris (Paris), 23, 147-164. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1995). Donna Haraway's Cyborg Manifest. Metropolis M, tijdschrift over hedendaagse kunst, 16(1), 56-57. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1994). Violence, identity, self-determination and ghosts. Brief: ASCA yearbook, 57-59. [details]



    • Pisters, P. (2017). Baldwin's spiegel: I Am Not Your Negro: [Bespreking van: R. Peck (2016) I Am Not Your Negro]. De Filmkrant, 398, 6-8. http://www.filmkrant.nl/_titelindex_I/15386 [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2017). I'k heb mijn duivel aan de ziel verkocht': Poésia sin fin van Alejandro Jodorowsky [Bespreking van: A. Jodorowsky (2016) Poesia Sin Fin]. De Filmkrant, 394, 10-11. http://www.filmkrant.nl/_titelindex_P/14733 [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2017). Metallurgisch denken. In R. de Jong (Ed.), In Staat tot Natuur: Wijsgerig Festival Drift (pp. 10-19) [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2017). Vastlopen in Extreme Selfies: Het zelfbeeld van de selfie . De Filmkrant, 400, 24-25. https://filmkrant.nl/artikel/vastlopen-in-extreme-selfies/ [details]
    • van Dijk, N., Ergenzinger, K., & Pisters, P. (2017). Wandering Off: In Conversation with Kerstin Ergenzinger and Patricia Pisters. In N. van Dijk, K. Ergenzinger, C. Kassung, & S. Schweinger (Eds.), Navigating Noise (pp. 110-121). (Kunstwissenschaftliche Bibliothek; No. 54). Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2015). Facing Backwards: Images from the Future. In H. Folkerts, C. Lindner, & M. Schavemakers (Eds.), Facing Forward: Art and Theory from a Future Perspective (pp. 152-155). Amsterdam University Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. (2015). Oog voor vrijheid: Spinoza en Terstal in Amsterdam. In V. Mamadouh, & A. van Wageningen (Eds.), EU@Amsterdam: een stedelijke raad: essays over de Europese stad (pp. 309-316). AUP. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2014). Hersenen en beeldschermen: cinema, neuro-beeld en digitale cultuur (voor)bij Deleuze. Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij en Wetenschap, 54(2), 30-37. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (2012). Het neuro-beeld: confrontatie met de waanzin. Parmentier, 21(1), 31-38. [details]



    • Pisters, P. (2005). Opereren in de werkelijkheid: Politieke cinema en de vrije indirecte rede. (Oratiereeks). Vossiuspers UvA. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). Muziek-Worden: Lars von Triers Dancer in the Dark. Skrien, 32(9), 14-16. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (2000). Videoclipcultuur. In K. de Leeuw (Ed.), 1950-2000 JONG! (pp. 558-577). Zwolle: Waanders. [details]


    • Bosma, H. M., & Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1999). Madonna. De vele gezichten van een popster. Amsterdam: Prometeus. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W., & Bosma, H. M. (1999). De Vele Gezichten van een Popster. Amsterdam: Prometheus. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1998). De Rebel. In J. Wienk (Ed.), De Verbeelding - Culturele en Kunstzinnige Vorming (pp. 83-109). Houten: EPN. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1998). De verloren onschuld van Alice - Avonturen in het wonderland van de twintigste eeuw. Lover : Tijdschrift over Feminisme, Cultuur en Wetenschap, 25(1), 20-22. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). Cd-rom review "The Rebecca Project". Skrien, 214, 75-75. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). Cinema and Painting [Review of: Angela della Vacche (1997) Cinema and Painting]. In A. della Vacche (Ed.), Unknown University of Texas Press. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). De Onttroning van het Oog - Nieuwe Opvattingen over het Beeld. Skrien, 216, 56-57. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). Easy Rider [Review of: L. Hill (1997) BFI-Modern Classics]. Skrien, 215, 73-73. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). Fassbinders's Germany, History Identity Subject [Review of: Th. Elsaesser (1997) Fassbinder's Germany, History Identity Subject]. In T. Elsaesser (Ed.), Unknown Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). Het Plezier van Bedrog - Fake. Skrien, 212, 18-21. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). Machines met gevoel - De Installaties van Tony Brown. Skrien, 212, 46-47. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). Verliefd op Macht - Michael Collins. Skrien, 213, 30-31. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). Zij filmen de Boel - Gantenbein. Skrien, 217, 60-61. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1997). Zoete Wraak - The Long Kiss Goodnight. Skrien, 213, 28-28. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W., & Leopold, N. (1997). Interview with Eric Rohmer "Etnoloog van eigen land". Skrien, 214, 14-21. [details]


    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1996). Balanceren op de rand van de wet (Balancing on the edge of the law - strange days). Skrien, (207), 12-15. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1996). De Semiosis - De semiotiek van C.S. Peirce in verband gebracht met het verschijnsel film (Semiosis and Film). Skrien, (207), 74-74. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1996). Horror in het Rijksmuseum (Horror in the Rijksmuseum). Skrien, (208), 80-81. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1996). Liefde doet wonderen (The Miracle of Love _ Breaking the Waves). Skrien, (209), 10-13. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1996). Picasso kan niet tekenen (Picasso can't draw - edutainment on cd-rom). Skrien, (210), 78-79. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1996). Tempura of Stamppot? - Film en Nieuwe Media (Tempura or Stew - Film and New Media). Skrien, (206), 28-32. [details]
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (1996). Vrolijke wanhoop - Marguerite Duras (Happy Despair - Marguerite Duras). Skrien, (208), 60-61. [details]


    • Pisters, P. (editor) & Eugenie, R. (editor) (2020). NECSUS (Journal). https://necsus-ejms.org/portfolio/spring-2020_intelligence/
    • Pisters, P. (editor) (2020). Amsterdam University Press (Publisher).
    • Pisters, P. (editor) (2015). Bloomsbury Academic (Publisher).
    • Lysen, F. (editor) & Pisters, P. (editor) (2012). Deleuze Studies (Journal).
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (editor), Hagener, M. (editor), Pitassio, F. (editor), Kooijman, J. W. (editor), van den Oever, A. (editor), Ostrowska, D. (editor) & De Cuir, G. (editor) (2012). NECSUS (Journal).
    • Pisters, P. P. R. W. (editor) (1995). Skrien (Journal).
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