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Dr. R.J. (Robin) Pistorius

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Pol: Docenten Politicologie
Fotograaf: Robin Doomernik

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
    1018 WV Amsterdam
  • Profile

    For over 30 years Robin Pistorius has assisted taught students and assisted policymakers and researchers in solving sustainability questions regarding agriculture, biotechnology, biodiversity, water and climate change. This work stems from his conviction that the world is on the brink of a new, and necessarily sustainable era. 

    Robin Pistorius studied economic and social history at the University of Amsterdam, followed up by a doctorate programme at the department of Political Science (International Relations). In 1989 he was one of the initiators and editors of the Biotechnology and Development Monitor (published in more than 100 countries) and in 1999 defended his PhD-thesis on The Exploitation of Plant Genetic Resources: Political Strategies in Crop Development (CAB International, London and New York 1999). 

    Throughout his career Pistorius concentrated on the socio-economic implications of high-tech developments and associated regulatory issues in particular in the field of agriculture and sustainable development - notably the use and conservation of biological diversity and intellectual property rights. For his research he was awarded the Vavilov-Frankel Fellowship by the International Plant Genetic Research Institute (IPGRI, Rome 1994), on the occasion of which he wrote Scientists, Plants and Politics: A history of the plant genetic resources movement (IPGRI, Rome 1997). 

    In 2003, Pistorius established his own consultancy bureau: Facts of Life. Many Dutch and European agricultural and environmental organizations (profit and non-profit, universities and EU Commission) have made use of his expertise.

    Since 2011 Pistorius has taught courses on BA and MA level at the Department of Political Science and Future Planet Studies of the University of Amsterdam on a regular basis. Subject matter covered is sustainability, transition thinking, agriculture and environmental issues. In 2016 he was appointed senior lecturer.

    Research expertise

    • Stainability
    • Transition thinking
    • Agriculture and environmental issues
  • Teaching

    •    Green Governance (12 EC)
    •    Political Economy of Transnational Food Chains (6 EC)
    •    Governing transitions for global sustainable development (9 EC)
    •    Power and ideology in global environmental decision making (30 EC)

  • Publicaties


    • Pistorius, R. J., & van Wijk, J. C. A. C. (2000). On-farm conservation: a matter of global concern or local survival? In C. Almekinders, & W. de Boef (Eds.), Encouraging Biodiversity (pp. 308-311) https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20001814017
    • Pistorius, R. J., Röling, N., & Visser, B. (2000). Making agrobiodiversity work: reporting on an on-line stakeholder dialogue (OSD) in the Netherlands. NJAS Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 48(3), 319-340. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1573-5214(00)80021-4


    • Pistorius, R. J. (1997). Scientists, Plants and Politics: A History of the Plant Genetic Resources Movement. Rome: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute. [details]


    • Butler, B., Louwaars, N., Pistorius, R. J., & van Wijk, J. C. A. C. (1996). Policy Issues in Intellectual Property Protection in Plant Breeding: Towards an Alternative System. UvA.


    • Pistorius, R. J. (1995). Forum Shopping: Issue Linkages in the Genetic Resources issue. In P. A. Kurian, R. V. Bartlett, & M. Malik (Eds.), International Organizations and Environmental Policy (pp. 209-222). London: Greenwood Press. [details]




    • Pistorius, R. J. (2008). De Aardappel: Knolgewas van Wereldformaat [in Dutch]: Brochure for CGN, Wageningen, The Netherlands. http://edepot.wur.nl/2523



    • Kleef, R., & Pistorius, R. J. (2002). It takes a community, Strategy framework and architecture for a SNV community of practice, and related internet tools. Publication for SNV, The Hague, The Netherlands. SNV.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (2002). Personal networking for conservation. An educational package for WWF conservation management. Publication for AideEnvironment, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    • Pistorius, R. J. (2001). WWF Follow up Personal Networking for Conservation: Publication for WWF Zeist, The Netherlands.
    • Romijn, B., & Pistorius, R. J. (2001). Kennis en Kennissen, Raamwerk kennisbeheer en leren voor de Sector Ecologie [in Dutch]: Publication for AidEnvironment, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


    • Pistorius, R. J. (1997). Novo Nordisk's Environmental Accountability. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, 33, 16-19. [details]


    • Pistorius, R. J. (1994). Negros revised: The impact of sugar substitution by HFCS in perspective. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, 1994(21), 14-15. http://www.biotech-monitor.nl/2108.htm





    • Smith, E., Daly, E., Rayment, M., & Pistorius, R. J. (2012). UK Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol: Assessment of the Affected Sectors: Final report to DEFRA. London, UK. DEFRA.


    • Visser, B., Loffler, H., & Pistorius, R. J. (2009). Second National Report on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture the Netherlands: Publication for the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, The Hague. Centre for genetic Resources The Netherlands (CGN).


    • Bindraban, P. S., & Pistorius, R. J. (2008). Bio-fuels and food security: Dialogue among stakeholders on dilemmas about biomass for food and/or fuel. Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR). http://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/fulltext/22433
    • Pistorius, R. J. (2008). In Good Company: An inventory of Water Operators Partnerships (WOPs) between Dutch water operators and their counterparts in developing countries: Report for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.


    • Visser, B., Pistorius, R. J., van Raalte, R., Eaton, D., & Louwaars, N. (2005). Options for non-monetary benefit-sharing: an inventory: Report prepared for The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rome. Wageningen University. http://edepot.wur.nl/32947


    • Wakker, E., Pistorius, R. J., & Richert, W. (2004). Bedrijvigheid en bossenbeleid: Kwalitatieve evaluatie van marktconforme beleidsinitiatieven die tot doel hebben duurzaam bosbeheer te bevorderen. Both Ends.


    • Pistorius, R. J., & Kleef, R. (2003). Towards a virtual knowledge platform on wetlands management issues. Scenarios, options, requirements and recommendations. RIZA.
    • Pistorius, R. J., Harkes, I., Dros, J. M., & Heijdendael, R. (2003). Bonuspunten voor biodiversiteit: Verslag van het publieke beraad over detailhandel met aanbevelingen voor CBD - CoP 6 [in Dutch].


    • Kleef, R., & Pistorius, R. J. (2002). CHM+: the CBD Clearing House Mechanism as a capacity building tool. Publication for Expertise Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, The Hague, The Netherlands. https://www.cbd.int/doc/publications/chm-plus-en.pdf


    • Romijn, B., Kleef, R., Kriesch, M., Pistorius, R. J., van der Valk, F., Hansen, M., ... Warner, J. (2001). Confluence to international Waters: knowledge, learning and networks: Report to the World Bank, Netherlands Water Partnership Program. World Bank.


    • Pistorius, R. J., & Butler, B. (1996). How Farmers' Rights Can be Used to Adapt Plant Breeders' Rights. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, 28, 7-11. [details]


    • Pistorius, R. J. (1995). Biodiversity Issues: Within FAO or CoP? Biotechnology and Development Monitor, 24, 20-22. [details]
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1995). Will Material Transfer Agreement open Pandora's box? Biotechnology and Development Monitor, 23, 20-22. [details]


    • Pistorius, R. J. (1993). Causes and Consequences of the Philippine Sugar Crisis of the Mid-1980s: A case study on the impact of sugar substitution through High Fructose Corn Syrup. Report prepared for the Directorate General International Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DGIS. The Hague, the Netherlands. DGIS.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1993). Biodiversity Prospecting: Commercializing Genetic Resources for Export: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. . Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (15). http://www.sidalc.net/cgi-bin/wxis.exe/?IsisScript=oet.xis&method=post&formato=2&cantidad=1&expresion=mfn=009205
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1993). National Interests Versus Global Imperatives at Nairobi Conference on Biological Diversity: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (14, 17).
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1993). New Biotech Activities in China. China-E.C. Biotechnology Centre News, 6-7.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1993). RAFI After 15 Years: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (17), 22.


    • Commandeur, P., & Pistorius, R. J. (1992). Commercial biotechnology gets shape in South East Asia: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (12), 11-12.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1992). Biotechnology in Cameroon, Nigeria, Gabon and Ghana: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (10), 6-10.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1992). Het Wereldmilieufonds. Economisch-Statistische Berichten, (10-6-1992), 573 - 575.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1992). The Global Environment Facility: a key fund for biodiversity preservation? Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (11), 21 - 22.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1992). Was the US' refusal to Sigh the Biodiversity Convention Necessary? Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (12), 8-9.


    • Pistorius, R. J. (1991). International Trade and Sustainable Development: Report for the Dutch Association for a New International Development Policy (NIO) . NIO.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1991). Biotechnology Policy and Research in China: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (5), 11-15.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1991). Biotechnology in Kenya and Ethiopia: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, 13-15.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1991). FAO: Global Action on Plant Genetic Resources and Biotechnology: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (9), 3-6.
    • Pistorius, R. J., & Roscam-Abbing, M. (1991). Interview with Charles Cooper: Director of INTECH, UNU's latest initiative: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (8), 21-22.


    • Bijman, J., & Pistorius, R. J. (1990). Biotechnology in four South American countries. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, 13-18.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1990). "Shattering": [Review of: C. Fowler, P. Mooney (1990) Shattering : food, politics, and the loss of genetic diversity]. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, 5, 24.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1990). Biotechnology and South-East Asia: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (2), 13-18.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1990). Biotechnology in India: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (3), 10-14.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1990). Coffee and Biotechnology: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (2), 20-23.
    • Pistorius, R. J. (1990). The Gene Hunters: [Review of: C. Juma (1989) The gene hunters : Biotechnology and the scramble for seeds]. Project Appraisal, 45-47.


    • Pistorius, R. J., & Smits, P. (1989). SADCC and Biotechnology: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (1), 5-11.
    • Pistorius, R. J., & Verschuur, G. (1989). Biotechnological Developments and Cassava: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (1), 11-14.
    • Pistorius, R. J., Smits, P., & Verschuur, G. (1989). Biotechnology in Central America and the Caribbean: Publication for the Directorate General for International Cooperation, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Biotechnology and Development Monitor, (2), 12-18.


    • Pistorius, R. J. (1992). Forum Shopping: Issue-linkages in the Control on Plant Genetic Resources.. Paper presented at Conference "Convention on Biological Diversity: National Interests and Global Imperatives", Nairobi, Kenya.


    • Pistorius, R. J. (1991). Tactical Issue-linkages in the Control on Plant Genetic Resources. Paper presented at the Conference on the Study of Regimes in International Relations, State of the Art and Perspectives, Tübingen .


    • Visser, B., Oldenbroek, K., & Pistorius, R. J. (2011). The Centre for Genetic Resources, The Netherlands. Moving from the first 25 years into the future. Brochure for Centre for Genetic Resources (CGN), Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR), Wageningen. Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen, WUR.


    • Pistorius, R. J., Hiemstra, S. J., & Hoving, A. H. (2007). De kip. Van orakelhoen tot produktiekip: een historisch perspectief [in Dutch]: Brochure for CGN, Wageningen. Centre for genetic Resources The Netherlands (CGN).
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    • Facts of life
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