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H.L. (Hannah) Poon

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Capaciteitsgroep Media & Cultuur

  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
  • Postbus 94550
    1090 GN Amsterdam
Social media
  • About
  • PhD project
  • Conference presentations and guest speaking

    Conference presentations

    June 4-7, 2023. 'Archiving the Street: Theoretical and Methodological Implications of Collecting Multimedia Protest Artefacts.' (co-presentation). Eye International Conference 2023. Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

    May 8-10, 2023. '"Hong Kong’s Biggest Buycott Club": Activist mobile app in sustaining a social movement in abeyance.' Technology in Movement, Movement in Technology International conference. University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

    May 26-30, 2022. '"Hong Kongers Only": Identity and Dissensus in the Anti-ELAB Movement.' 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, One World, One Network?. Paris, France.

    May 26-30, 2022. 'Flows Like Water: The Aesthetics and Politics of Lennon Walls in Hong Kong’s Anti-ELAB Movement.' (poster presentation). 72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, One World, One Network?. Paris, France.

    October 22, 2021. 'Hong Kong's Yellow Economic Circle: Buycott/Boycott as a New Form of Multi-modal Resistance.' P(R)OTESTAS: International Workshop on the Politics and Aesthetics of Digital Authoritarianism and Protest. Global Digital Cultures, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    May 23-25, 2021. 'Staying on the Streets: Dilemmas of Activism in the COVID-19 Pandemic.' (co-presentation). Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) International Workshop. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    Guest speaking and moderation

    December 9, 2022. Panel speaker, OBA expo: Digital Shadows, Waag Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    November 23, 2022. Guest lecture speaker, Politics of the Contemporary, Master's in Comparative Literature, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  • Publicaties


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