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Dr. T. (Tuychi) Rashidov

Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
Europese studies

  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Postbus 1619
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Rashidov, T., Balázs Göransson, M., & Davlat, N. (2024). Soviet-Afghan War Veterans as Violent Specialists in Tajikistan, 1990-2. Slavic Military Studies, 1.
    • Rashidov, T., Torno, S., & Lemon, E. (2024). Values Education, the Family, and Youth in Tajikistan: Building Docile Subjects. Problems of Post-Communism.


    • Rashidov, T., Rashidova, U., Mullojonov, P., & Lemon, E. (2023). Academic Diplomacy: The Educational Aspects of Chinese and Russian Soft Power in Tajikistan. Nationalities Papers.
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