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Prof. dr. E.E.O. (Edo) Roos Lindgreen

Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Sectie Accounting
Fotograaf: I. Oostveen

  • Plantage Muidergracht 12
  • Kamernummer: M0.14
  • Postbus 15953
    1001 NL Amsterdam
  • Publicaties


    • Roos Lindgreen, E. (2018). Privacy from an economic perspective. In B. van der Sloot, & A. de Groot (Eds.), The Handbook of Privacy Studies: An Interdisciplinary Introduction (pp. 181-208). Amsterdam University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctvcmxpmp.10 [details]


    • Kooper, M. N., Maes, R., & Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (2011). On the governance of information: introducing a new concept of governance to support the management of information. International Journal of Information Management, 31(3), 195-200. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2010.05.009 [details]


    • Leenaars, J. J. A., & Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (2003). Komt te voet, gaat te paard ¿ over e-business en assurance. In P. Wallage, & R. Dassen (Eds.), Control and Assurance (pp. 433-448). Amsterdam: Reed Business Information. [details]


    • Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (2002). Komt te voet, gaat te paard. In Control & Assurance Reed Elsevier. [details]


    • Vaassen, E. H. J., & Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (2000). informatiecontrole en e-business. Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfsadministratie, 104, 407-412. [details]



    • Fijneman, R., Ho, K. H., Roos Lindgreen, E., & Veltman, P. (2008). IT auditing. The Hague: Academic Service. [details]


    • Fijneman, R. J. A., Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O., & Ho, K. H. (2006). IT-auditing en de praktijk. Den Haag: Academic Service.


    • van den Assem, R., & Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (2003). Keert de wal het schip? Finance & Control, 3(june), 18-21. [details]


    • Overbeek, P. L., & Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (2002). Informatiebeveiliging: wat mag u er van verwachten? Tijdschrift Management & Informatie, 10(1), 50-56. [details]
    • Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O., & Overbeek, P. L. (2002). Is er een accountant in de zaal? Compact, 4. [details]
    • van den Assem, R., & Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (2002). Keert de wal het schip? Tijdschrift Management & Informatie, 10(6), 4-8. [details]


    • Buren, A., Barnhoorn, W., Shahim, A., & Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (1999). Information security at Top Level. In J. H. P. Eloff (Ed.), Proceedings IFIP TC11 WG11.1/wg11.2, Seventh Annual Working Conference on Information Security Management and Small Systems Security (pp. 75-89). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. [details]




    • Leenaars, J. J. A., & Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (2005). Back to the future: Limpergs gedachtegoed in andere tijden. MAB, 79(4), 155-161.
    • Overbeek, P. L., Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O., & Spruit, M. E. M. (2005). Informatiebeveiliging onder controle (2e Editie). Amsterdam: Pearson Education, Financial Times / Prentice Hall.
    • Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O. (2005). COBIT ¿ opkomst, ondergang en opleving van een raamwerk voor informatiebeheersing. MAB, 79(5), 206-211.
    • Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O., Fijneman, R. J. A., & Veltman, P. (2005). Grondslagen IT-Auditing. Den Haag: Academic Service.


    • Roos Lindgreen, E. E. O., Overbeek, P. L., & de Wolf, R. (2003). De accountant en de kruipruimte ¿ hoe relevant is informatiebeveiliging voor de accountantscontrole? MAB, 78(1). [details]


    • Roos Lindgreen, E. (2002). Over informatietechnologie, accountancy en informatiebeveiliging. (Oratiereeks). Vossiuspers UvA. [details]

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Roos Lindgreen, E. (2018). Member of the Jury, Amsterdam Science and Innovation Award, Amsterdam.
    • Roos Lindgreen, E. (2018). Member, NL2025, NL2025.


    • Roos Lindgreen, E. (20-09-2018). Monthly expert opinion on startup pitches in BNR Zakendoen [Radio] BNR. BNR Zaken Startup Pitches.


    • Roos Lindgreen, E. (editor) (2018). MAB : Maandblad voor accountancy en bedrijfseconomie (Journal).


    • Roos Lindgreen, E. (speaker) (1-4-2018). Data science for auditors and finance professionals, NBA.


    • Roessler, B. (organiser), Roos Lindgreen, E. (organiser), van Eijk, N. A. N. M. (organiser) & van der Sloot, B. (organiser) (5-10-2018 - 8-10-2018). Amsterdam Privacy Conference 2018, Amsterdam. APC2018 member of organizing committee (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Bhattacharya, I. (2023). Advancing the power of machine learning in financial decision-making: Anomaly detection, fraud identification, and earnings forecasting. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • de Boer, M. (2023). Trustworthy AI and accountability: yes, but how? What the EU AI Act’s approach to AI accountability can learn from the science of algorithm audit. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
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