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Dr. R.A. (Rosanne) Rutten

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Moving Matters: People, Goods, Power and Ideas
Expertisegebied: Philippines, rural popular mobilization, guerrilla politics, counterinsurgency at the community level, artisans and entrepreneurs in commercialized crafts, women workers in plantation, agriculture, social movements and collective action, land rights
Fotograaf: Barak Kalir

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
  • Postbus 15509
    1001 NA Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    Researcher, Anthropology and Sociology of Non-Western Societies, afffiliated to the Moving Matters research programme group.

    Regional interests: Southeast Asia, particularly the Philippines, where my research spans more than four decades (1977 till the present).

    In 2011-2015, I was involved in the NWO-WOTRO research programme: ‘(Trans)national Land Investments in Indonesia and the Philippines: Contested Access to Farm Land and Cash Crops’  as a program coordinator, together with Gerben Nooteboom.

  • Publicaties


    • Rutten, R. (2019). Revolutionary Specialists, Strongmen and the State in a Philippine Province, 1990s-2001. In V. Grabowsky, & F. Rettig (Eds.), Armies and Societies in Southeast Asia (pp. 357-414). Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books. [details]








    • Rutten, R. A. (2008). Introduction: cadres in action, cadres in context. In R. A. Rutten (Ed.), Brokering a revolution: cadres in a Philippine insurgency (pp. 1-34). (Governance and political change). Ateneo de Manila University Press. [details]
    • Rutten, R. A. (2008). Regional dynamics: rise and decline of the CPP-NPA in Negros Occidental. In R. A. Rutten (Ed.), Brokering a revolution: cadres in a Philippine insurgency (pp. 280-347). Ateneo de Manila University Press. [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (2007). Losing face in Philippine labor confrontations: How shame may inhibit worker activism. In L. Joseph, & e.a. (Eds.), New Perspectives in Political Ethnography (pp. 37-59). Springer.


    • Rutten, R. A. (2006). Shame and Worker Activism: Emotional Dynamics in Face-to-Face Encounters. Qualitative Sociology, 29(3), 353-372. [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (2005). "Belastingheffing Guerrilla-Stijl.". In F. Hüsken, & H. de Jonge (Eds.), Schemerzones en Schaduwzijden: Opstellen over Ambiguïteit in Samenlevingen (pp. 150-155). Nijmegen: Roelants. [details]
    • Rutten, R. A. (2005). Brokering a Revolution: Relational Dynamics of a Philippine Insurgency. Quezon City (Philippines): Ateneo de Manila University Press. [details]


    • Baud, J. M., & Rutten, R. A. (2004). Introduction. International Review of Social History, 49(S12), 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020859004001610 [details]
    • Rutten, R. A. (2004). Popular Intellectuals and Social Movements: Framing Protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Rutten, R. A., & Baud, J. M. (2004). Concluding Remarks: Framing Protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In R. Rutten, & J. M. Baud (Eds.), Popular Intellectuals and Social Movements: Framing Protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Rutten, R. A., & Baud, J. M. (2004). Introduction. In J. M. Baud, & R. Rutten (Eds.), Popular Intellectuals and Social Movements: Framing Protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (2002). High-Cost Activism and the Worker Household: Interests, Commitment, and the Costs of Revolutionary Activism in a Philippine Plantation Region. In J. Kok (Ed.), Rebellious Families: Household Strategies and Collective Action in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books. [details]


    • Rutten, R. (2001). Revolutionary Specialists, Strongmen, and the State: Post-Movement Careers of CPP-NPA Cadres in a Philippine Province, 1990s-2001. South East Asia Research, 9(3), 319-361. https://doi.org/10.5367/000000001101297423 [details]
    • Rutten, R. A. (2001). "Villagers into National Revolutionaries? Shifting 'Communities' in a Period of Revolutionary Mobilization in the Philippines,". Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, 157(3). [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (2000). Changing Sides in Revolutionary Times: The Career of a Lower-Class CPP-NPA Leader in Negros Occidental. In A. W. McCoy (Ed.), Lives at the Margin: Biography of Filipinos Obscure, Ordinary and Heroic. (pp. 423-467). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. [details]
    • Rutten, R. A. (2000). High-Cost Activism and the Worker Household: Interests, Commitment, and the Costs of Revolutionary Activism in a Philippine Plantation Region. Theory and Society, 29, 215-252. https://doi.org/10.1023/A:1007032519735 [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (1996). Popular Support for the Revolutionary Movement CPP-NPA: Experiences in a Hacienda in Negros Occidental, 1978-1995. In P. N. Abinales (Ed.), The Revolution Falters: The Left in Philippine Politics After 1986 (pp. 110-153). Ithaca: Cornell University. [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (1995). Courting the Workers' Vote in a Hacienda Region: Rhetoric and Response in the 1992 Philippine Elections. Pilipinas: A journal of Philippine Studies, 22, 1-34. [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (1991). Class and Kin: Conflicting Loyalties on a Philippine Hacienda. In F. Hüsken, & J. Kemp (Eds.), Cognation and Social Organization in Southeast Asia (pp. 183-192). Leiden: KITLV Press.
    • Rutten, R. A. (1991). Interpreting Credit Relations: Do Philippine Artisans Enjoy Credit or Suffer Indebtedness? The Netherlands' Journal of Social Sciences, 27(2), 108-117.


    • Rutten, R. A. (1990). Artisans and Entrepreneurs in the Rural Philippines: Making a Living and Gaining Wealth in Two Commercialized Crafts. (CASA Monographs; No. 2). Amsterdam: VU-University Press.


    • Rutten, R. A. (1982). Women Workers of Hacienda Milagros : Wage Labor and Household Subsistence on a Philippine Sugarcane Plantation. (Publikatieserie Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië; No. 30). Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum.


    • Bakker, L. G. H., Nooteboom, G., & Rutten, R. A. (Eds.) (2010). Asian Journal of Social Science (vol. 38, issue 2). Asian Journal of Social Science, 38(2).


    • Rutten, R. (2008). Brokering a revolution: cadres in a Philippine insurgency. (Governance and political change). Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press. [details]


    • Baud, J. M., & Rutten, R. A. (2004). Popular Intellectuals and Social Movements: Framing Protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Baud, J. M., & Rutten, R. A. (2004). Popular intellectuals and social movements: Framing protest in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Rutten, R. A. (2004). Een Archeologie van Verboden Zaken. In R. Rutten, & L. Schenk-Sandbergen (Eds.), Andere Verhalen over Azië en Onderzoek (pp. 79-82). Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (1998). High-Cost Activism and the Worker Household: Revolutionary Activism among Philippine Plantation Workers. Working Papers Series on Asian Labour, (5).



    • Rutten, R. (2013). Mid-term progress report '(Trans)national land investments in Indonesia and the Philippines: contested control of farm land and cash crops'. (WOTRO integrated programmes). s.n. [details]



    • Rutten, R. A. (2007). Indrukken vanuit kamer 206. In H. Schenk (Ed.), Over Loes/About Loes. liber Amicorum ter gelegenheid van het afscheid van Loes Schenk- Sandbergen aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (pp. 73-74). Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis.


    • Rutten, R., & Schenk-Sandbergen, L. (2004). Andere verhalen over Azië en onderzoek: aangeboden aan Ot van den Muijzenberg bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar sociologie en moderne geschiedenis van niet-westerse samenlevingen, in het bijzonder van Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië, aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis. [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (1996). Philippine Studies in Europe. ILCAA Newsletter, 88(november), 11-14. [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (1995). Filippijnen. De Wereld in 1995. [details]


    • Rutten, R. A. (2017). Beyond Clientelism in the Philippines: Experimenting with Other State-Citizen Relations from a Clientelist Core. Paper submitted to the European Southeast Asian Studies Conference (EUROSEAS), Oxford, UK, August 2017.

    Prijs / subsidie

    • Rutten, R. & Nooteboom, G. (2011). NWO-WOTRO research grant for the research programme Gulf-Sate Concessions in Indonesia and the Philippines: Contested Control of Agricultural Land and Food Crops.


    • Rutten, R. A. (editor) (2014). Philippine Studies (Journal).
    • Rutten, R. A. (editor) (2010-2011). Qualitative Sociology (Journal).
    • Rutten, R. A. (editor) (2010-2011). Philippine Studies (Journal).
    • Rutten, R. A. (editor) (2010-2011). Journal of Peasant Studies (Journal).
    • Rutten, R. A. (editor) (2009). Qualitative Sociology (Journal).
    • Rutten, R. A. (editor) (2009). Philippine Studies (Journal).
    • Rutten, R. A. (editor) (2009). Journal of Peasant Studies (Journal).
    • Rutten, R. A. (editor) (2009). Southeast Asian Studies Series of the University of Wisconsin (Journal).
    • Rutten, R. A. (editor) (2007). Qualitative Sociology (Journal).
    • Rutten, R. A. (editor) (2007). Southeast Asian Studies Series of the University of Wisconsin (Journal).



    • Rutten, R. A. (organiser) (3-10-2013). Organiser, Post-Fieldwork Seminar, Research on Large-Scale Land Deals, VU University, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rutten, R. A. (participant), Nooteboom, G. (participant) & Evers, S. (participant) (21-2-2012). Co-organizer Workshop "Analytical Tools to Research Foreign Large-Scale Land Acquisitions" (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Rutten, R. A. (participant), Nooteboom, G. (participant) & Evers, S. (participant) (16-9-2011). Launch of the NWO-WOTRO research programmes which we are (co-)directing.. Co-organizer Launch Workshop Research Programmes UvA/VU: "Transnational Land Acquisitions in Africa and Southeast Asia" (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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