My research interests are centered on the role headquarters (HQs) play in multinational organizations and on how they interact with their subunits. In particular, I investigate how current trends around HQ dispersion, disaggregation, and digitalization impact HQs’ functions, location choices, and coordination mechanisms.
Dissertation Title
Headquarters on the Move: The Phenomenon of MNC Headquarters Relocating across Borders
International Ties
Ross School of Business (University of Michigan), Ann Arbor, USA: Visiting Scholar (Fall 2019)
Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU), Vienna, Austria: Research and Teaching Associate (09/2016-08/2021)
Prizes and Honours
Award "Danubius Young Scientist Award 2022" granted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research in cooperation with the Institute for Danube Region and Central Europe
Award "Stephan Koren-Prize 2022" for an outstanding dissertation that has contributed to the excellent research reputation of WU Vienna (Austria)
Award “Best Paper in International Corporate Governance Award”, Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2022
Finalist for "IM Division D'Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Dissertation Award", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2022
Nomination for "William H. Newman Award", Academy of Management Annual Conference, 2022
Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal, Academy of International Business Annual Conference, 2021
Nomination for “SMS Best Conference PhD Paper Prize”, Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, 2020
Best Reviewer Award 2021 & 2022, Academy of International Business Annual Conference
Best Reviewer Award IM Division 2018, 2021, 2022, & 2023, Academy of Management Annual Conference
Organization of research seminar series in the area of International Business at UvA (since 2023)
Co-Chair of the International Management (IM) Doctoral Student Committee of Academy of Management (AOM) (2019-2021)
International conferences
Session chair at iBEGIN conference 2023
Session chair at 2021, 2022, & 2023 Annual Conference of AOM
Session chair at 2021 & 2022 Annual Conference of AIB
Referee activities
Ad hoc reviewer for international journals: Journal of International Management & International Business Review
Reviewer for international conferences: Academy of Management (IM and STR divisions); Academy of International Business; European International Business Academy; Strategic Management Society
Participation in academic networks
PhD Program “Nordic Research School of International Business” (NORD-IB)
Nell, P. C., Foss, N. J., Klein, P. G., & Schmitt, J. (2021). Avoiding digitalization traps: Tools for top managers. Business Horizons, 64(2), 163-169.
Schmitt, J., Decreton, B., & Nell, P. C. (2019). How corporate headquarters add value in the digital age. Journal of Organization Design, 8, 1-10. Article 9.
Valentino, A., Schmitt, J., Koch, B., & Nell, P. C. (2019). Leaving home: An institutional perspective on intermediary HQ relocations. Journal of World Business, 54(4), 273-284.
Schmitt, J. (2022). Serving Two Masters: Conflicts of Interest in Intermediary HQ Relocation Decisions? Academy of Management proceedings, 2022(1), Article 11933.
Schmitt, J. (2022). The Traveling Headquarters: The New Phenomenon of Temporary Headquarters Relocations. Academy of Management proceedings, 2022, Article 11939.
Nell, P. C., Schmitt, J., & Decreton, B. (2019). How does digitalization affect headquarters and what does it mean for CEE-focused headquarters in Austria? In M. F. Berger, & A. Schuh (Eds.), What is Central and Eastern Europe's role in Europe (pp. 52-56). NEUSICHT Think Tank.
Fabrizi, C., & Schmitt, J. (2024). Grenzüberschreitende Aspekte der Unternehmenszentralen in Österreich: Österreich als Investitionsziel und -quelle. In Österreich und seine Headquarters Economy: Ist Österreich ein attraktiver Standort für Unternehmenszentralen? (pp. 117-133). Springer Gabler.
Fabrizi, C., Sehner, M., & Schmitt, J. (2024). Unternehmenszentralen in Österreich: Ein Überblick und Wien im internationalen Vergleich. In Österreich und seine Headquarters Economy: Ist Österreich ein attraktiver Standort für Unternehmenszentralen? (pp. 97-115). Springer Gabler.
Nell, P. C., & Schmitt, J. (2024). Warum ein Fokus auf Unternehmenszentralen? Hintergrund und Motivation zum Buch. In Österreich und seine Headquarters Economy: Ist Österreich ein attraktiver Standort für Unternehmenszentralen? (pp. 3-9). Springer Gabler.
Nell, P. C., & Schmitt, J. (2024). Zusammenfassung und Ausblick. In Österreich und seine Headquarters Economy: Ist Österreich ein attraktiver Standort für Unternehmenszentralen? (pp. 177-188). Springer Gabler.
Schmitt, J. (2024). Standortentscheidungen von Unternehmenszentralen: Zusammenfassung der wissenschaftlichen Literatur. In Österreich und seine Headquarters Economy: Ist Österreich ein attraktiver Standort für Unternehmenszentralen? (pp. 11-27). Springer Gabler.
Schmitt, J. (2024). Veränderungen in der Population österreichischer Unternehmenszentralen im Zeitablauf: Länderübergreifende Verlagerungen von Unternehmenszentralen von und nach Österreich. In Österreich und seine Headquarters Economy: Ist Österreich ein attraktiver Standort für Unternehmenszentralen? (pp. 135-153). Springer Gabler.
Schmitt, J., & Nell, P. C. (2024). Österreich und seine Headquarters Economy: Ist Österreich ein attraktiver Standort für Unternehmenszentralen? Springer Gabler.
Schmitt, J., Ilieva, A.-M., & Nell, P. C. (2024). Headquarters Landscape in Austria: Vienna Headquarters: Study Report 2024. Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Sehner, M., Nell, P. C., & Schmitt, J. (2024). Vienna as an Important Location for Corporate Headquarters? A Benchmarking Study. Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Sehner, M., Schmitt, J., Cerar, J., Markus, J. J., & Nell, P. C. (2024). Die Digitalisierung und ihr Effekt auf Unternehmenszentralen in Österreich: Österreichs Standortattraktivität und das Design von Unternehmenszentralen in der digitalen Zukunft. In Österreich und seine Headquarters Economy: Ist Österreich ein attraktiver Standort für Unternehmenszentralen? (pp. 155-175). Springer Gabler.
Schmitt, J., Fabrizi, C., & Nell, P. C. (2022). Headquarters Landscape in Austria: An Overview: study report 2022. Vienna University of Economics and Business.[details]
Schmitt, J., Fabrizi, C., & Nell, P. C. (2022). Headquarters Landscape in Austria: International HQs: Study report 2022. Vienna University of Economics and Business.[details]
Schmitt, J., Fabrizi, C., & Nell, P. C. (2022). Headquarters Landscape in Austria: Vienna HQs: Study Report 2022. Vienna University of Economics and Business.[details]
Schmitt, J., & Nell, P. C. (2020). Corporate Headquarters in the DACH region: A Benchmarking Study of Vienna, Zurich, and Munich. Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Nell, P. C., Schmitt, J., & Gellner, N. (2019). Danish headquarters in the digital age: A study of the opportunities, challenges, and changes that digitalization presents to headquarters in Denmark. Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Nell, P. C., Schmitt, J., & Hauska, L. (2019). Austria's competitiveness in times of digitalization: Still a prime location for HQs? Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Nell, P. C., Schmitt, J., Preveden, V., & Hauska, L. (2019). Headquarters of the future: The Impact of digitalization on Headquarters structures and value added. Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Nell, P. C., & Schmitt, J. (2018). Geographic Relocations of Headquarters to and from Austria. Vienna University of Economics and Business.
Schmitt, J. (2022). Serving Two Masters: Conflicts of Interest in Intermediary HQ Relocation Decisions?. Paper presented at AIB Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, United States.
Schmitt, J. (2022). The CEO Effect in HQ Relocation Decisions. Paper presented at AIB Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, United States.
Schmitt, J. (2022). The Traveling Headquarters: The New Phenomenon of Temporary Headquarters Relocations. Paper presented at 48th EIBA Annual Conference 2022, Oslo, Norway.
Prijs / subsidie
Schmitt, J. (2023). AOM Best Reviewer Award for the International Management (IM) Division.
Schmitt, J. (2022). Nomination for Best Reviewer Award.
Schmitt, J. (2022). Danubius Young Scientist Award 2022.
Schmitt, J. (2022). Stephan Koren Prize 2022.
Schmitt, J. (2022). AOM Best Reviewer Award for the International Management (IM) Division.
Schmitt, J. (2022). Finalist for the IM Division D’Amore-McKim School of Business, Northeastern University Dissertation Award.
Schmitt, J. (2022). Best Paper in International Corporate Governance.
Schmitt, J. (2022). Nomination for the 2022 William H. Newman Award.
Schmitt, J. (2022). AIB Best Reviewer Award.
Schmitt, J. (2022). Nomination for the 2022 AIB Insights Award for Actionable Insights.
Schmitt, J. (2021). AOM Best Reviewer Award for the International Management (IM) Division.
Schmitt, J. (2021). AIB Best Reviewer Award.
Schmitt, J. (2021). AIB Award for Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal.
Schmitt, J., Fabrizi, C. & Nell, P. C. (19-05-2022). 390 international headquarters - Austria more popular than ever before as a business location [Web] Die Presse, Salzburger Nachrichten, Boerse Express, & Österreichisches Volksblatt. 390 international headquarters - Austria more popular than ever before as a business location.
Schmitt, J. (participant) (12-12-2024). Journal of International Business (JIBS) Paper Development Workshop, Helsinki (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (12-12-2024 - 14-12-2024). 50th EIBA Annual Conference 2024, Helsinki (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (26-9-2024 - 27-9-2024). Young IB Scholars Workshop by International Business Review (IBR) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (2-7-2024 - 6-7-2024). AIB Annual Conference, Seoul (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (2-7-2024). Academy of International Business (AIB) Junior Faculty Consortium, Seoul (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (15-12-2023 - 17-12-2023). 49th EIBA Annual Conference 2023, Lisbon (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (4-8-2023 - 8-8-2023). 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (17-4-2023 - 18-4-2023). iBEGIN Workshop 2023, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (8-12-2022 - 10-12-2022). 48th EIBA Annual Conference 2022, Oslo (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (5-8-2022 - 9-8-2022). 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (5-7-2022 - 9-7-2022). AIB Annual Conference, Miami (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (participant) (12-5-2022). Academy of Management Discoveries (AMD) Paper Development Workshop, Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
Schmitt, J. (2021). Headquarters on the Move: The Phenomenon of Multinational Corporations’ Headquarters Relocating across Borders. [Thesis, fully external, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)].
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