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Dr. T.M. (Tim) Schoenmakers PhD

Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Clinical Psychology

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 129
  • Postbus 15933
    1001 NK Amsterdam
  • Research profile

    My main research interest is in the role of body awareness in emotional processing. This is both in the context of transdiagnostic psychological treatment as well as mindfulness. Most of my research projects are applied, although they often involve the study of working mechanisms of interventions and psychological constructs.

    A selection of current projects: 

    • Effectiveness and working mechanisms of acceptance-based, body-focused treatment for problematic grief (Prolonged Grief Disorder). (PhD student starts in 2024)
    • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Sleep Restriction Therapy for Insomnia. (PhD student: Mathilde Looman)
    • Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction training (MBSR) on emotional processing and body awareness.
    • The relationships between emotional processing, body awareness, and emotional disorders (Depression & Social Anxiety).

    Up to 2017, my main research topic concerned addiction. In 2009, I obtained my PhD in Experimental Psychopathology, publishing the first clinical RCT on Cognitive Bias Modification in addiction. From 2008 to 2017 I worked as a research manager in institutes for applied scientific research (IVO and Nivel). There, I supervised research projects on addictions (e.g., treatment, early interventions, etiology, epidemiology) and on the organization of local health care.

    I have supervised 3 PhD projects on video game addiction, an online smoking intervention, and on relapse in alcohol addiction.

  • Publicaties



    • Szeto, E. H., Schoenmakers, T. M., van de Mheen, D., Snelleman, M., & Waters, A. J. (2019). Associations Between Dispositional Mindfulness, Craving, and Drinking in Alcohol-Dependent Patients: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 33(5), 431-441. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/adb0000473 [details]



    • Bommelé, J., Schoenmakers, T. M., Kleinjan, M., Peters, G-J. Y., Dijkstra, A., & van de Mheen, D. (2017). Targeting hardcore smokers: The effects of an online tailored intervention, based on motivational interviewing techniques. British Journal of Health Psychology, 22(3), 644-660. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjhp.12256
    • van Rooij, A. J., Schoenmakers, T. M., & van de Mheen, D. (2017). Clinical validation of the C-VAT 2.0 assessment tool for gaming disorder: A sensitivity analysis of the proposed DSM-5 criteria and the clinical characteristics of young patients with 'video game addiction'. Addictive Behaviors, 64, 269-274. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.10.018


    • Bommelé, J., Nagelhout, G. E., Kleinjan, M., Schoenmakers, T. M., Willemsen, M. C., & van de Mheen, D. (2016). Prevalence of hardcore smoking in the Netherlands between 2001 and 2012: a test of the hardening hypothesis. BMC Public Health, 16, 754. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-016-3434-x
    • de Goeij, M. C. M., Jacobs, M. A. M., van Nierop, P., van der Veeken-Vlassak, I. A. G., van de Mheen, D., Schoenmakers, T. M., Harting, J., & Kunst, A. E. (2016). Impact of Cross-Sectoral Alcohol Policy on Youth Alcohol Consumption. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77(4), 596-605. https://doi.org/10.15288/jsad.2016.77.596


    • Bommelé, J., Kleinjan, M., Schoenmakers, T. M., Burk, W. J., van den Eijnden, R., & van de Mheen, D. (2015). Identifying Subgroups among Hardcore Smokers: a Latent Profile Approach. PLoS ONE, 10(7), Article e0133570. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0133570
    • Christiansen, P., Schoenmakers, T. M., & Field, M. (2015). Less than meets the eye: reappraising the clinical relevance of attentional bias in addiction. Addictive Behaviors, 44, 43-50. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.10.005
    • Luijten, M., Meerkerk, G-J., Franken, I. H. A., van de Wetering, B. J. M., & Schoenmakers, T. M. (2015). An fMRI study of cognitive control in problem gamers. Psychiatry Research, 231(3), 262-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pscychresns.2015.01.004
    • Snelleman, M., Schoenmakers, T. M., & van de Mheen, D. (2015). Attentional Bias and Approach/Avoidance Tendencies Do Not Predict Relapse or Time to Relapse in Alcohol Dependency. Alcoholism - Clinical and Experimental Research, 39(9), 1734-9. https://doi.org/10.1111/acer.12817
    • de Goeij, M. C. M., Suhrcke, M., Toffolutti, V., van de Mheen, D., Schoenmakers, T. M., & Kunst, A. E. (2015). How economic crises affect alcohol consumption and alcohol-related health problems: a realist systematic review. Social Science & Medicine, 131, 131-46. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.02.025


    • Bommelé, J., Schoenmakers, T. M., Kleinjan, M., van Straaten, B., Wits, E., Snelleman, M., & van de Mheen, D. (2014). Perceived pros and cons of smoking and quitting in hard-core smokers: a focus group study. BMC Public Health, 14, 175. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-14-175
    • Snelleman, M., Schoenmakers, T. M., & van de Mheen, D. (2014). The relationship between perceived stress and cue sensitivity for alcohol. Addictive Behaviors, 39(12), 1884-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2014.07.024
    • Tsitsika, A. K., Tzavela, E. C., Janikian, M., Ólafsson, K., Iordache, A., Schoenmakers, T. M., Tzavara, C., & Richardson, C. (2014). Online social networking in adolescence: patterns of use in six European countries and links with psychosocial functioning. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(1), 141-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2013.11.010
    • Tsitsika, A., Janikian, M., Schoenmakers, T. M., Tzavela, E. C., Ólafsson, K., Wójcik, S., Macarie, G. F., Tzavara, C., The EU NET ADB Consortium, & Richardson, C. (2014). Internet addictive behavior in adolescence: a cross-sectional study in seven European countries. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(8), 528-35. https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2013.0382
    • Van Rooij, A. J., Kuss, D. J., Griffiths, M. D., Shorter, G. W., Schoenmakers, M. T., & Van de Mheen, D. (2014). The (co-)occurrence of problematic video gaming, substance use, and psychosocial problems in adolescents. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 3(3), 157-65. https://doi.org/10.1556/JBA.3.2014.013


    • van Rooij, A. J., Schoenmakers, T. M., van den Eijnden, R. J. J. M., Vermulst, A. A., & van de Mheen, D. (2012). Video game addiction test: validity and psychometric characteristics. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(9), 507-11. https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2012.0007


    • Pieters, S., Van Der Vorst, H., Burk, W. J., Schoenmakers, T. M., Van Den Wildenberg, E., Smeets, H. J., Lambrichs, E., Field, M., Engels, R. C. M. E., & Wiers, R. W. (2011). The effect of the OPRM1 and DRD4 polymorphisms on the relation between attentional bias and alcohol use in adolescence and young adulthood. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 1(4), 591-599. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2011.07.008 [details]
    • Van Rooij, A. J., Schoenmakers, T. M., Vermulst, A. A., Van den Eijnden, R. J. J. M., & Van de Mheen, D. (2011). Online video game addiction: identification of addicted adolescent gamers. Addiction, 106(1), 205-12. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1360-0443.2010.03104.x


    • Schoenmakers, T. M., & Wiers, R. W. (2010). Craving and attentional bias respond differently to alcohol priming: a field study in the pub. European Addiction Research, 16(1), 9-16. https://doi.org/10.1159/000253859 [details]


    • Field, M., Duka, T., Tyler, E., & Schoenmakers, T. (2009). Attentional bias modification in tobacco smokers. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 11(7), 812-22. https://doi.org/10.1093/ntr/ntp067


    • Field, M., Schoenmakers, T., & Wiers, R. W. (2008). Cognitive processes in alcohol binges: A review and research agenda. Current Drug Abuse Reviews, 1(3), 263-279. https://doi.org/10.2174/1874473710801030263 [details]
    • Houben, K., Schoenmakers, T., Thush, C., & Wiers, R. W. (2008). Impliciete cognitie en verslaving: theoretische inzichten en praktische toepassingen. Gedragstherapie, 41(2), 169-182. [details]
    • Schoenmakers, T., Wiers, R. W., & Field, M. (2008). Effects of a low dose of alcohol on cognitive biases and craving in heavy drinkers. Psychopharmacology, 197(1), 169-178. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-007-1023-5


    • Schoenmakers, T., Wiers, R. W., Jones, B. T., Bruce, G., & Jansen, A. T. M. (2007). Attentional re-training decreases attentional bias in heavy drinkers without generalization. Addiction, 102(3), 399-405. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1360-0443.2006.01718.x


    • Wiers, R. W., Cox, W. M., Field, M., Fadardi, J. S., Palfai, T. P., Schoenmakers, T., & Stacy, A. W. (2006). The search for new ways to change implicit alcohol-related cognitions in heavy drinkers. Alcoholism - Clinical and Experimental Research, 30(2), 320-31. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1530-0277.2006.00037.x


    • Schoenmakers, T. M. (2022). Statistical Report of the Dutch EPS-25: basic metrics.


    • Vaughan, C. L., Waters, A. J., van de Mheen, D., & Schoenmakers, T. (2019). Assessment of cognition using EMA in alcohol-dependent outpatients attempting to maintain abstinence. Alcoholism - Clinical and Experimental Research, 43(S1), 333A. Article 297. https://doi.org/10.1111/acer.14060 [details]


    • van Emmerik, A. A. P., Keijzer, R., & Schoenmakers, T. M. (2020). Integrating mindfulness into a routine schedule: the role of mobile-health mindfulness applications. In J. Uribarri, & J. A. Vassalotti (Eds.), Nutrition, Fitness and Mindfulness: An Evidenced-Based Guide for Clinicians (pp. 217-222). (Nutrition and Health). Humana Press. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-30892-6_15 [details]


    • van Emmerik, A. A. P., Keijzer, R., & Schoenmakers, T. (2019). Mindfulness Apps as a Tool to Maintain Practice and Gains from Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction [MBSR] Courses: A Randomized Controlled Trial.


    • Schoenmakers, T., van de Mheen, D., Snelleman, M., Szeto, E. H., Franken, I. H. A., Waters, A. J. & Hendriks, V. M. (2020). Data for: Drinking, temptation, motivation and affect among alcohol-dependent outpatients trying to maintain abstinence: An Ecological Momentary Assessment study. Mendeley Data. https://doi.org/10.17632/x4dwgtnmny.1
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