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Prof. dr. M.T. (Tuna) Tasan-Kok

Prof. Dr.
Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen
Programmagroep: Urban Planning
Fotograaf: David Wills

  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 127
  • Kamernummer: C4.13
  • Postbus 15629
    1001 NC Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Prof.Dr. Tuna Tasan-Kok (www.tunatasankok.eu)


    I am Professor of Urban Governance and Planning at the UvA Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Research Group Leader of the Urban Planning Group at Department of Geography, Planning, and International Development Studies at UvA. I chair UGoveRN (Urban Governance Research Network), which is a research platform I founded within the framework of the Urban Planning Group at UvA. I am also the Chair of IJURR Foundation, which provides scholarships to Ph.D. researchers with the surplus generated by the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

    I am an urban social geographer and planner. I graduated from the Department of City and Regional Planning at Dokuz Eylul University of Izmir cum laude. I completed a M.Sc. in Regional Planning at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey 1996. Being awarded by Turkish, Polish, and Hungarian scientific funds, I worked as a research fellow at the Polish and Hungarian Academy of Sciences until 2000. I received a PhD in Social Geography on the topic of 'Budapest, Istanbul, and Warsaw: Institutional and Spatial Change' from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, under the supervision of Prof.Dr. Jan van Weesep in 2004. During my PhD, I was awarded a FURS (Foundation for Urban and Regional Research) Grant and a SYLFF (The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund) Grant. Subsequently, I took up researcher and lectureship positions at the Universities of Leuven (2005-2007), TU Delft, OTB Research for the Built Environment (2007-2015), and University College Roosevelt (2011-2014), before taking up my current position in the Department of Human Geography, Urban Planning and International Development at the UvA in September 2015.

  • Research


    My research focuses on regulation of urban development and change from different angles, on themes of urban governance, property-led urban development dynamics, and spatial organisation through social relations. I'm specifically interested in involvement of diverse actors and regulation of their interests in specific projects, processes and developments in cities. I have initiated, coordinated, and implemented several internationally and locally funded research projects and have attracted significant research funding including a prestigious multi-million EU grant (FP7 project DIVERCITIES), for which she was one of the scientific co-coordinators. My current research funding is approaching €8 million, of which more than € 1.8 million is directly generated for the academic organisations I worked for. I am currently the scientific coordinator of a ORA (Open Research Area for the Social Sciences) funded research project (WHIG), which is on residential investment landscapes and the governance and regulation of housing productionAs a consortium lead by Prof.Dr. Mike Raco (UCL) with the contribution of myself and Prof.Dr.Patrick Le Gales (Sciences Po, Paris) we will explore the complex governance landscapes created by property investment markets in Amsterdam, London and Paris for the next 3 years. Recently I completed a jointly  funded (NWO-ESRC-FAPESP) research project (PARCOUR) as the scientific co-coordinator. PARCOUR (Public Accountability to Residents in Contractual Urban Redevelopment) focuses on the extent to which, and how, governance forms, associated with the use of contractual approaches in regeneration projects dealing with previously developed land, impact on inequalities and the implications for sustainable urban development. We argue that public accountability may decline where regulatory arrangements involve the private sector as a facilitator of the regeneration of previously developed urban land. This may undermine the authority of public agencies and residents’ interests and thus affect sustainable urban development negatively. DIVERCITIES (Governing Urban Diversity: Creating social cohesion, social mobility and economic performance in today’s hyperdiversified cities) project, which is funded by European Commission in 2013 (see: http://www.urbandivercities.eu/) is examining the relationships between urban policy and diversity in European cities. The principal aim of this project is to provide evidence for the range of social and socio- outcomes that may emerge from greater urban diversity, particularly its positive aspects, and to document and highlight the significant role that urban policy and local governance arrangements can play in developing and stimulating those positive outcomes. My research within DIVERCITIES project focuses on the case of Toronto. Other recent project, Sustainable Land Use Policies for Resilient Cities (SUPER-CITIES), financed by Urban-Net (European funds, national NICIS organisation) has examined the adaptive governance system in the Netherlands, Sweden, Turkey and Portugal.

  • Teaching

    Designed, taught and coordinated courses

    University of Amsterdam (UvA)

    2022-                   Contemporary Urban Transformations (pervious Advanced Urban Studies), M.Sc. course (12 ECTS), taught in Research

                                  Master URban Studies program

    2019-2022            Building the City, BA Course (12 ECTS), taught in Urban Planning BA Program

    2016-                      Contemporary Approaches in Property-led Planning, M.Sc. course (6 ECTS), taught in Master of Urban and Regional      

                                    Planning Program

    2016-Sept.-            Introduction to Urban Planning (Inleiding in de Plannologie), BA course (12 ECTS), taught in Urban Planning BA Program



    Regulation, Actors and Instruments of Urban Planning (Regelgeving, Actoren en Instrumenten van Stedelijke Planning), BA Course (12ECTS), taught in BA in Social Geography and Planning (Sociale Geografie en Planologie).



    Contemporary Approaches in Property-Led Urban Planning (Replaced the course ‘Urban Planning and Real Estate’), Master Course (6 ECTS), taught in MSc in Urban and Regional Planning Programme, Graduate school of Social Sciences.


    Utrecht University, University College Roosevelt




    The Political Economy and Governance of Cities (BA course for 300 level)

    Urban Geography: Urbanization and Cities of the Advanced Economies (BA course for 200 level)



    Introduction to Human Geography (BA course in 100 level)



    Designed, developed and implemented the Human Geography Track in Social Sciences Department of Utrecht University, University College Roosevelt.



    Introduction to Urban Studies (BA course for 100, 200 and 300 level), Utrecht University, University College Roosevelt.



    Origins of urbanism and the process of urbanization (CRP 105-Must course for first year BA students), Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.



    Planning Studio VII (CRP 405-Must course for fourth year BA students), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey


    Invited guest lectures




    Invited guest lecturer University College Roosevelt (UCR), Human-Rights City: A Geographers Perspective in SSC 332 Human Rights Cities: An Undergraduate Research Seminar.



    Invited guest lecturer University College Utrecht (UCU), Understanding the entrepreneurial city: Dynamics and challenges of property-led urban development.


    Since 2013-April

    Invited guest professor for EMSDP (European Master of Spatial Development and Planning) master program (Catholic University of Leuven) on Property-led urban development



    Invited guest lecturer, University of Utrecht, Department of Social Geography and Planning, Istanbul: A world city with strong local resources and dynamics



    Invited guest professor, TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urbanism (Complex Cities Studio), on Resilience thinking and new planning approaches



    Invited guest professor, TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urbanism (Complex Cities Studio), on Sustainability and Resilience



    DIVERCITIES Masterclass (with Ayda Eraydin) on Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning, Istanbul, Turkey



    Invited guest professor, TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urbanism (Complex Cities Studio), on Resilience thinking and new planning approaches



    Invited guest lecturer, TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urbanism (Complex Cities Studio), on Resilience thinking and new planning approaches (repeats each semester)



    Invited guest lecturer, University College Utrecht (UCU), Understanding the entrepreneurial city: Dynamics and challenges of property-led urban development



    Invited guest professor, for EMSDP master program (Catholic University of Leuven) on Property-led urban development



    Invited guest professor for EMSDP master program (Catholic University of Leuven) on Property-led urban development (repeats each semester), Leuven, Belgium



    Invited guest lecturer at University College Utrecht lecture (SSC 241 Urban Studies) organized by Jan van Weesep - Role of property market actors in city marketing and urban development, The Netherlands



    Invited guest lecturer at University College Utrecht lecture (SSC 241 Urban Studies) organized by Jan van Weesep - Role of property market actors in city marketing and urban development



    Invited guest lecturer at University College Utrecht lecture (SSC 241 Urban Studies) organized by Jan van Weesep - Role of property market actors in urban development



    Invited guest lecturer at World Cities and Urban Systems lecture organized by Brian Douchet (Utrecht University, Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht, Faculty of Geosciences)-Istanbul: A global city with local resources



    Invited guest professor at IP-Intensive Programme of European Spatial Planning Network hosted by the Bicocca University in Milan



    Invited guest lecturer at World Cities and Urban Systems lecture organized by Ronald van Kempen (Utrecht University, Urban and Regional Research Centre Utrecht, Faculty of Geosciences)- Istanbul: A global city with local resources



    Invited guest lecturer at Strategic Planning Masters Course (organized by Louis Albrechts) -Property development and planning



    Invited key note speaker at Izmir City Congress (organized by the Association of Architects and Urban Planners)



    Invited guest lecturer at Strategic Planning Masters Course (organized by Louis Albrechts) -Property development and planning


    Supervision of students


    Promoted PhD students



    Co-supervision of Aleksandra Djurasovic (Haven Universiteit, Hamburg) Supervisor: Prof.Dr. Joerg Knieling, Topic: From a planning doctrine towards development strategy approach: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Ongoing PhD students


    Co-promoter of Maarten Desmet (TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment) Promoter: Willem Korthals Altes, Topic: Gross National Happiness for Urban Planning

    2014- Co-promoter of Igor Pessoa (TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment) Promoter: Willem Korthals Altes, Topic: Creating urban resilience: the development of coping mechanisms for Brazilian fragmented metropolitan systems

    Co-supervision of Donya Ahmadi (TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment) Supervisor: Willem Korthals Altes, Topic: Planning for Hyper-diversity

    Co-supervision of Ceren Sezer (TU Delft, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment) Supervisor: Vincent Nadin, Topic: A Spatial Analysis of the Role of Visibility in Recognition of Cultural Minorities


    PhD daily advisor of 5 PhD students within the SP2SP project at KULeuven (3 promoted)


    MSc/MA thesis supervision and second readership


    Supervisor of Aurelien Reynolds for MSc Thesis ‘How is Public Interest Communicated in Place Branding? Zuidas and De Hallen, Big city projects in Amsterdam


    Supervisor of Arik Day for MSc Thesis ‘Social Innovation and  ‘Community Governance’ in the Neoliberal City: Critical Success Factors?’


    Supervisor of Solange Williams for MSc Thesis ‘The Flexible Planner: Adaption & Transition of Urban Planners in Practice


    Supervisor of Joris van den Boom for MSc Thesis ‘Changing Face of Self-Build City’


    Supervisor of Lola Dirkx for MSc Thesis ‘Temporary Spaces


    Second Reader for 5 MSc thesis





    Supervisor of Eva Gaaf for MSc Thesis ‘Governance of Flood resiliency in urban area development: The influence of institutional landscape on the performance of policy instruments in stimulating collaborative action by urban actors in flood resilient development, a comparative study of Rotterdam and New York City

    Supervisor of 2 Master students at Department of City and Regional Planning, Ankara, Turkey

    BA thesis supervision


    Supervisor of 1 Honors Thesis and 2 IRPs (Independent Research Project-BA thesis) students at University College Roosevelt, University of Utrecht

    Guest students

    2015-January to June

    Supervision of Guest PhD Student Yasin Bektas (TUBITAK Scholar) (Does social-mix policy create social interaction among neighbors? The Kolenkitbuurt case, Amsterdam)


    Supervision of post-doc (TUBITAK Scholar) Dr. Esin Ozdemir (How does the Planning Institution Accommodate Citizens’ Disagreement with Urban Policies and Practices in Different Contexts: The Case of the Netherlands and Turkey)


    Supervision of post-doc (TUBITAK Scholar) Dr. Mehmet Penpecioglu (From public-oriented collaborative scholarship to market-dominated instrumental practice? Investigating the Engagement of Planning Education and Practice)

  • Publicaties








    • Eraydin, A., & Taşan-Kok, T. (2018). Instituting Resilience in Making of the Istanbul Metropolis. In W. Salet (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Institutions and Planning in Action (pp. 347-363). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315111230-23 [details]
    • Korthals Altes, W. K., & Taşan-Kok, T. (2018). A New Role for Young Planners in the Netherlands: Still a Planner's Paradise? In T. Taşan-Kok, & M. Oranje (Eds.), From Student to Urban Planner: Young Practitioners’ Reflections on Contemporary Ethical Challenges (pp. 241-255). (The RTPI Library Series). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315726854-17 [details]
    • Taşan-Kok, T., & Oranje, M. (2018). Editors’ Reflections and Conclusions. In T. Taşan-Kok, & M. Oranje (Eds.), From Student to Urban Planner: Young Practitioners’ Reflections on Contemporary Ethical Challenges (pp. 296-311). (The RTPI Library Series). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315726854-21 [details]
    • Taşan-Kok, T., & Oranje, M. (2018). Why It Is Important to Give Voice to Young Practitioners. In T. Taşan-Kok, & M. Oranje (Eds.), From Student to Urban Planner: Young Practitioners’ Reflections on Contemporary Ethical Challenges (pp. 1-11). (The RTPI Library Series). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315726854-1 [details]
    • Taşan-Kok, T., & Penpecioğlu, M. (2018). Confronted and Disappointed? Struggle of Turkish Planners against Authoritarian State-Regulated Urban Development. In T. Taşan-Kok, & M. Oranje (Eds.), From Student to Urban Planner: Young Practitioners’ Reflections on Contemporary Ethical Challenges (pp. 107-125). (The RTPI Library Series). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315726854-8 [details]
    • Taşan-Kok, T., Babalık-Sutcliffe, E., van Huyssteen, E., & Oranje, M. (2018). Mismatch Between Planning Education and Practice: Contemporary Educational Challenges and Conflicts Confronting Young Planners. In T. Taşan-Kok, & M. Oranje (Eds.), From Student to Urban Planner: Young Practitioners’ Reflections on Contemporary Ethical Challenges (pp. 15-32). (The RTPI Library Series). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315726854-2 [details]
    • Özogul, S., & Tasan-Kok, T. (2018). Exploring Transformative Place-Making within the Comprehensive Spatial Governance of Toronto. disP - The Planning Review, 54(4), 59-73. https://doi.org/10.1080/02513625.2018.1562798 [details]


    • Moreno Pessoa , I., Tasan-Kok, T., & Korthals Altes, W. (2016). Brazilian urban porosity: Treat or threat? Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Urban Design and Planning, 169(2), 47-55. https://doi.org/10.1680/udap.15.00009 [details]
    • Penpecioğlu, M., & Taşan-Kok, T. (2016). Alienated and politicized? Young planners’ confrontation with entrepreneurial and authoritarian state intervention in urban development in Turkey. European Planning Studies, 24(6), 1037-1055. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2015.1135233 [details]
    • Penpecioğlu, M., & Taşan-Kok, T. (2016). Corrigendum: Alienated and politicized? Young planners’ confrontation with entrepreneurial and authoritarian state intervention in urban development in Turkey. European Planning Studies, 24(6), c1. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2016.1176766
    • Raco, M., & Tasan-Kok, T. (2016). Competitiveness, Cohesion, and the Credit Crunch: Reflections on the Sustainability of Urban Policy. In Between the Social and the Spatial: Exploring the Multiple Dimensions of Poverty and Social Exclusion (pp. 183-195). Taylor and Francis Inc.. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315569147-19
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (2016). “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”: giving voice to planning practitioners. Planning Theory & Practice, 17(4), 621-625. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649357.2016.1225711 [details]
    • Tasan-Kok, T., & Bertolini, L. (2016). Comparing reflections of practitioners on the challenges of contemporary planning practice. Planning Theory & Practice, 17(4), 648-651. https://doi.org/10.1080/14649357.2016.1225711 [details]
    • Taşan-Kok, T. (2016). Changing dynamics of residential segregation in Istanbul. In Residential Segregation in Comparative Perspective: Making Sense of Contextual Diversity (pp. 237-255). Taylor and Francis Inc..


    • Stead, D., de Vries, J., & Tasan-Kok, T. (2015). Planning Cultures and Histories: Influences on the Evolution of Planning Systems and Spatial Development Patterns. European Planning Studies, 23(11), 2127-2132. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2015.1016402 [details]
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (2015). Analysing Path Dependence to Understand Divergence: Investigating Hybrid Neo-liberal Urban Transformation Processes in Turkey. European Planning Studies, 23(11), 2184-2209. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654313.2015.1018458


    • Eraydin, A., & Taşan-Kok, T. (2014). State Response to Contemporary Urban Movements in Turkey: A Critical Overview of State Entrepreneurialism and Authoritarian Interventions. Antipode, 46(1), 110-129. https://doi.org/10.1111/anti.12042


    • Eraydin, A., & Taşan-Kok, T. (2013). Introduction: Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning. In Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning (pp. 1-16). (GeoJournal Library; Vol. 106). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-5476-8_1
    • Stead, D., & Taşan-Kok, T. (2013). Urban Resilience, Climate Change and Land-Use Planning in Rotterdam. In Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning (pp. 211-227). (GeoJournal Library; Vol. 106). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-5476-8_13
    • Stead, D., Lu, P., & Taşan-Kok, T. (2013). Conceptual Overview of Resilience: History and Context. In Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning (pp. 39-51). (GeoJournal Library; Vol. 106). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-5476-8_3
    • Tasan-Kok, T., Groetelaers, D. A., Haffner, M. E. A., van der Heijden, H. M. H., & Korthals Altes, W. K. (2013). Fournir du foncier à prix faible pour la construction de logements sociaux: Ne pas respecter la réglementation communautaire sur l'aide de l'Etat. Regional Studies, 47(4), 628-642. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2011.581654


    • Raco, M., & Tasan-Kok, T. (2012). Competitiveness, cohesion, and the credit crunch: Reflections on the sustainability of urban policy. In Between the Social and the Spatial: Exploring the Multiple Dimensions of Poverty and Social Exclusion (pp. 183-196). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
    • Tasan-Kok, M. T. (2012). Changing dynamics of residential segregation in Istanbul. In Residential Segregation in Comparative Perspective: Making Sense of Contextual Diversity (pp. 237-255). Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
    • Tasan-Kok, T., & Baeten, G. (Eds.) (2012). Contradictions of Neoliberal Planning: Cities, Policies, and Politics.
    • Taşan-Kok, T. (2012). Introduction: Contradictions of Neoliberal Urban Plannin. In Contradictions of Neoliberal Planning: Cities, Policies, and Politics (pp. 1-19). (GeoJournal Library; Vol. 102). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-8924-3_1
    • Taşan-Kok, T., & Baeten, G. (2012). Preface. GeoJournal Library, 102, vii-viii.
    • Taşan-Kok, T., & Korthals Altes, W. (2012). Transnational Neoliberalisation and the Role of Supranational Trade Agreements in Local Urban Policy Implementation: The Case of the European Union. In Contradictions of Neoliberal Planning: Cities, Policies, and Politics (pp. 79-97). (GeoJournal Library; Vol. 102). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-8924-3_5


    • Taşan-Kok, T., & Sungu-Eryilmaz, Y. (2011). Exploring innovative instruments for socially sustainable waterfront regeneration in Antwerp and Rotterdam. In G. Desfor, J. Laidley, Q. Stevens, & D. Schubert (Eds.), Transforming Urban Waterfronts: Fixity and Flow (pp. 257-273). (Routledge Advances in Geography; Vol. 3). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203841297, https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203841297


    • Eraydin, A., Tasan-Kok, M. T., & Vranken, J. (2010). Diversity matters: Immigrant entrepreneurship and contribution of different forms of social integration in economic performance of cities. European Planning Studies, 18(4), 521-543. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654311003593556
    • Korthals Altes, W. K., & Taşan-Kok, T. (2010). The impact of european public contract law on networks of governance: A relational approach. European Planning Studies, 18(6), 971-988. https://doi.org/10.1080/09654311003701522
    • Taşan-Kok, T. (2010). Entrepreneurial governance: Challenges of large-scale property-led urban regeneration projects. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 101(2), 126-149. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9663.2009.00521.x



    • Tasan-Kok, T. (2008). Changing interpretations of 'flexibility' in the planning literature: From opportunism to creativity? International Planning Studies, 13(3), 183-195. https://doi.org/10.1080/13563470802521382
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (2008). The role of local spatial and institutional dynamics in the globalisation and neoliberalization of Istanbul. In V. Mamadouh, S. Jong, F. Thissen, J. Schee, & M. Meeteren (Eds.), Dutch windows on the Mediterranean: Dutch geography 2004-2008 (pp. 44-50). (Nederlandse Geografische Studies; No. 376). Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (KNAG).
    • Vranken, J., & Tasan-Kok, M. T. (2008). From Survival to Competition? The Socio-Spatial Evolution of Turkish Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Antwerp. In Cities between Competitiveness and Cohesion: Discourses, Realities and Implementation (pp. 151-168). (GeoJournal Library; Vol. 93). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4020-8241-2_9



    • Tasan-Kok, M. T. (2006). Institutional and spatial change. In The Urban Mosaic of Post-Socialist Europe: Space, Institutions and Policy (pp. 51-70). (Contributions to Economics). Physica-Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/3-7908-1727-9_3


    • Taşan-Kok, T., & Oranje, M. (2018). Preface. In T. Taşan-Kok, & M. Oranje (Eds.), From Student to Urban Planner: Young Practitioners' Reflections on Contemporary Ethical Challenges (pp. xxvii-xxviii). (The RTPI Library Series). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315726854
    • Taşan-Kok, T., & Oranje, M. (Eds.) (2018). From Student to Urban Planner: Young Practitioners’ Reflections on Contemporary Ethical Challenges. (The RTPI Library Series). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315726854 [details]



    • Eraydin, A., & Taşan-Kok, T. (2013). Preface and acknowledgements. In Resilience Thinking in Urban Planning (pp. v-vi). (GeoJournal Library; Vol. 106). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-5476-8


    • Tasan-Kok, M. T. (2019). Dynamic environments of urban governance. University of Amsterdam.



    Prijs / subsidie

    • Hordijk, M. & Tasan-Kok, T. (2020). Behaviour and Transitions: 'Stepping Out: Accelerating deep transdisciplinary and interprofessional learning for innovative actions, interventions and strategies of deep sustainable transitions in port area development’.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (2019). honorary professor at UCL Bartlett School of Planning.

    Lidmaatschap / relevante positie

    • Tasan-Kok, T. (2022). Chair, IJURR Foundation.
    • Tasan-Kok, T., Ozogul, S. & Legarza, A. (2021). Chair, Urban Governance Research Network.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (2018). Trustee, International of Urban and Regional Research Foundation.


    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2022). Cities : The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2022). European Journal of Spatial Development (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2022). European Journal of Spatial Development (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2022). International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor in chief) (2021-2026). European Journal of Spatial Development (Journal). https://journals.polito.it/index.php/EJSD
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2021). European Journal of Spatial Development (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2021). International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2021). Journal of Planning Literature (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2020). Journal of Planning Literature (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2020). European Urban and Regional Studies (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2019). Cities : The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2017-2020). European Urban and Regional Studies (Journal).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (editor) (2016). European Urban and Regional Studies (Journal).


    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (6-11-2024). The Power of Property Market Intelligence Channels in Urban Governance Networks, ETH Zürich.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (keynote speaker) (10-7-2024). The Chaotic Blueprint: Fragmented Governance Landscape of the ‘European City', AESOP Congress 2024 Paris, Paris. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cnmG4hILRY&t=2353s
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (3-11-2022). Practicing Critical Scholarship: Rethinking affordability through relational regional governance, (London School of Economics).
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (27-10-2022). Rethinking property-led planning through spatial governance landscapes, University College London (UCL). https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/planning/events/2022/oct/public-lecture-rethinking-property-led-planning-through-spatial-governance
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (invited speaker) (3-12-2021). (Mis)matches between Urban Policies and Real Estate Industry Activities, (Mis)matches between Urban Policies and Real Estate Industry Activities.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (9-11-2021). Understanding the dynamic actor landscapes in the entrepreneurial city, World Planning Day, Istanbul.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (10-2021). Healing the city through transformative governance, European Feltrinelli Camp.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (7-9-2021). Lost in fragmentation? Governance challenges of post-Covid Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam, University College, London, UK.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (5-7-2021). Understanding the dynamic actor landscapes in the entrepreneurial city, SSAS SYMPOSIUM (Sapienza Universita Di Roma), Rome.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (2021). RSA Training for Early Career Scholars, Regional Science Association.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (2021). Understanding residential property production through governance architectures, International Housing Studies.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (2021). Fragmented Governance Architecture of Contemporary Urban Development, IRS International Lecture, Berlin.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (24-5-2019). Dynamic Landscapes of Governance.
    • Tasan-Kok, T. (speaker) (24-5-2019). Dynamic landscapes of governance.


    • Tasan-Kok, T. (participant) (2021). WHIG online Seminar. Reading market shifts through multidimensional property investor landscapes (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Lin, Y.-T. (2023). Planning with the chaos of everyday life: Exploring the governance regimes of mixed-use public spaces, taking urban street markets as a case study. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    • Ranalli, F. (2023). Towards a sense of community: Belonging, participation, and spaces of encounter in Dutch urban fringes. [Thesis, externally prepared, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]
    This list of publications is extracted from the UvA-Current Research Information System. Questions? Ask the library or the Pure staff of your faculty / institute. Log in to Pure to edit your publications. Log in to Personal Page Publication Selection tool to manage the visibility of your publications on this list.
  • Nevenwerkzaamheden
    • UCL Bartlett School of Planning
      Honorary Professorship
    • European Urban and Regional Studies
      Journal Editor
      Trustee at IJURR Foundation