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A.F. (Andrew) Torres

Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics

  • Science Park 904
  • Peer-reviewed publications
    • Torres AF, Wangensteen OS, Renema W, Meyer CP, Fontanilla IKC, Todd JA (2024) Global species hotspots and COI barcoding cold spots of marine Gastropoda. Biodiversity and Conservation. doi: 10.1007/s10531-024-02896-9
    • Torres AF, Valino DAM, Ravago-Gotanco R (2021) Zooxanthellae Diversity and Coral-Symbiont Associations in the Philippine Archipelago: Specificity and Adaptability Across Thermal Gradients. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:731023. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.731023
    • Tañedo MCS, Villanueva RD, Torres AF, Ravago-Gotanco R, San Diego-McGlone ML (2021) Individual and Interactive Effects of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Adult Favites colemani. Frontiers in Marine Science 8:704487. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.704487
    • Torres AF, Forsman ZH, Ravago-Gotanco R (2020) Shifts in coral clonality along a gradient of disturbance: insights on reproduction and dispersal of Pocillopora acuta. Marine Biology 167: 161. doi: 10.1007/s00227-020-03777-9
    • Torres AF, Ravago-Gotanco R (2018) Rarity of the “common” coral Pocillopora damicornis in the western Philippine archipelago. Coral Reefs 37(4): 1209-1216. doi: 10.1007/s00338-018-1729-3
    • Fontanilla IKC, Torres AF, Cañasa JAD, Yap SL, Ong PS (2014) State of animal DNA barcoding in the Philippines: A review of COI sequencing of Philippine native fauna. Philippine Science Letters 7(1):104-137.
    • Luczon AU, Torres AF, Quilang JP, Ong PS, Fontanilla IKC (2013) DNA Barcoding of birds in the University of the Philippines Diliman campus, with emphasis on striated grassbirds Megalurus palustris. Philippine Journal of Science 142(1):1-11.
  • Recent conference presentations
    • Torres AF, Renema W, Todd JA, Wangensteen OS (2023) A novel DNA metabarcoding marker for characterizing gastropod diversity in marine environments. Presented at: ASLO 2023 Aquatic Sciences Meeting; June 2023; Palma, Spain.
    • Torres AF, Wangensteen OS, Renema W, Meyer CP, Todd JA (2022) Global hotspots (and coldspots) of marine gastropod diversity and DNA barcode availability. Presented at: World Congress of Malacology; August 2022; Munich, Germany. doi: 10.23788/SPX-Suppl30B
    • Torres AF, Rondolo IB, Ravago-Gotanco R (2022) Clonality, genetic structure, and connectivity of the scleractinian Pocillopora acuta across multiple spatial scales in the Philippine archipelago. Presented at: 14th/15th International Coral Reef Symposium; July 2021/2022; Bremen, Germany.
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