Busch, V., Steenkamer, I., van Nassau, F., van Opdorp, P., van Houtum, L., Verhoeff, A., & Twisk, J. (2024). The Effects of the Jump-In Whole-School Intervention on the Weight Development of Children in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Journal of School Health, 94(1), 37-46. https://doi.org/10.1111/josh.13363[details]
Concincion, S., Dedding, C., Verhoeff, A., & Houtum, L. V. (2024). Building space for children's voices: The added value of participatory and creative approaches for child-centred integrated obesity care. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 79, e223–e231. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2024.10.025[details]
Concincion, S., van Houtum, L., Verhoeff, A., & Dedding, C. (2024). Bored, afraid, alone: What can we learn from children with paediatric obesity about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for future pandemics, care practices and policies? Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 77, 162-171. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedn.2024.03.025[details]
Concincion, S., van Houtum, L., van de Vorst, B., Verhoeff, A., & Dedding, C. (2024). Obesity care for youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges youth healthcare nurses experienced in providing obesity care in the Netherlands. Nursing and Health Sciences, 26(1), Article e13084. https://doi.org/10.1111/nhs.13084[details]
Campman, S. L., van Rossem, G., Boyd, A., Coyer, L., Schinkel, J., Agyemang, C., Galenkamp, H., Koopman, A. D. M., Leenstra, T., Schim van der Loeff, M., Moll van Charante, E. P., van den Born, B.-JH., Lok, A., Verhoeff, A., Zwinderman, A. H., Jurriaans, S., Stronks, K., & Prins, M. (2023). Intent to vaccinate against SARS-CoV-2 and its determinants across six ethnic groups living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands: A cross-sectional analysis of the HELIUS study. Vaccine, 41(12), 2035-2045. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.02.030[details]
Concincion, S., van Houtum, L., van de Vorst, B., Verhoeff, A., & Dedding, C. (2023). How are children and young people engaged in research on paediatric obesity and which issues do they report? A scoping review. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family studies, 14(3), 50–72. https://doi.org/10.18357/ijcyfs143202321634[details]
Haring, L. V., Hall, J. T., Janssen, A., Johannes, J. M., Verhoeff, A. P., & Ujcic-Voortman, J. K. (2023). Developing a digital informed consent app: opportunities and challenges of a new format to inform and obtain consent in public health research. BMC Medical Ethics, 24, Article 97. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12910-023-00974-1[details]
Rauwerdink-Nijland, E., van den Dries, L., Metz, J., Verhoeff, A., & Wolf, J. (2023). Lessons from the Field: Caregivers supporting marginalized people receiving social service support from street outreach workers. Family Relations, 72(4), 1790-1805. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12744[details]
Tsang, V. M. W., Verlinden, E., Brilleslijper-Kater, S. N., van Duin, E. M., Twisk, J. W. R., Verhoeff, A. P., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2023). A Longitudinal Study in Worrisome Sexual Behavior Following Sexual Abuse in Infancy or Early Childhood: The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 16(3), 1053-1063. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-023-00539-9[details]
Wittenberg, Y., de Boer, A. H., de Klerk, M. M. Y., Verhoeff, A. P., & Kwekkeboom, R. (2023). How to understand diversity in citizens’ care attitudes: an exploratory study in the Netherlands. Ageing and Society, 43(5), 1164-1183. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0144686X21001082[details]
van de Kop, J. H., Busch, V., Nauta, J., Den Uil, A. R., Toussaint, H. M., Dierx, J. A. J., Verhoeff, A. P., & Janssen, M. (2023). Evaluation of a participatory physical activity promotion intervention in Dutch adolescents: the SALVO study: A parallel group randomised trial. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 23(7), 1818-1828. Article 222. https://doi.org/10.7752/jpes.2023.07222[details]
Arts, J., Gubbels, J., Verhoeff, A. P., Chinapaw, M. J. M., Lettink, A., & Altenburg, T. M. (2022). A systematic review of proxy-report questionnaires assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior and/or sleep in young children (aged 0–5 years). International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19, Article 18. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-022-01251-x[details]
Lettink, A., Gubbels, J. S., Arts, J., Verhoeff, A., Altenburg, T. M. & Chinapaw, Mai. J. M. (2022). Additional file 2 of A systematic review of proxy-report questionnaires assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior and/or sleep in young children (aged 0–5 years). figshare Academic Research System. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.19174042.v1
Chinapaw, Mai. J. M., Gubbels, J. S., Verhoeff, A., Lettink, A., Arts, J. & Altenburg, T. M. (2022). Additional file 1 of A systematic review of proxy-report questionnaires assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior and/or sleep in young children (aged 0–5 years). figshare Academic Research System. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.19174039.v1
Gubbels, J. S., Lettink, A., Arts, J., Chinapaw, Mai. J. M., Altenburg, T. M. & Verhoeff, A. (2022). A systematic review of proxy-report questionnaires assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior and/or sleep in young children (aged 0–5 years). figshare Academic Research System. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5842846.v1
Coyer, L., Boyd, A., Schinkel, J., Agyemang, C., Galenkamp, H., Koopman, A. D. M., Leenstra, T., Moll van Charante, E. P., van den Born, B-JH., Lok, A., Verhoeff, A., Zwinderman, A. H., Jurriaans, S., van Vught, L. A., Stronks, K., & Prins, M. (2022). SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence and correlates of six ethnic groups living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands: a population-based cross-sectional study, June–October 2020. BMJ Open, 12(1), Article e052752. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052752[details]
Coyer, L., Boyd, A., Schinkel, J., Agyemang, C., Galenkamp, H., Koopman, A. D. M., Leenstra, T., van Duijnhoven, Y. T. H. P., Moll van Charante, E. P., van den Born, B-JH., Lok, A., Verhoeff, A., Zwinderman, A. H., Jurriaans, S., Stronks, K., & Prins, M. (2022). Differences in SARS-CoV-2 infections during the first and second wave of SARS-CoV-2 between six ethnic groups in Amsterdam, the Netherlands: A population-based longitudinal serological study. Lancet Regional Health Europe, 13, Article 100284. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100284[details]
Luna Pinzon, A., Stronks, K., Dijkstra, C., Renders, C., Altenburg, T., den Hertog, K., Kremers, S. P. J., Chinapaw, M. J. M., Verhoeff, A. P., & Waterlander, W. (2022). The ENCOMPASS framework: a practical guide for the evaluation of public health programmes in complex adaptive systems. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19, Article 33. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-022-01267-3[details]
Segeren, M., Lauriks, S., Kikkert, M., Heering, J., Lommerse, N., van Husen, G., & Verhoeff, A. (2022). Deinstitutionalization from the perspective of community-dwelling adults with a severe mental illness in Amsterdam: a cohort study protocol. BMC Public Health, 22, Article 950. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-13291-w[details]
van Duin, E. M., Verlinden, E., Tsang, V. M. W., Verhoeff, A. P., Brilleslijper-Kater, S. N., Voskes, Y., Widdershoven, G. A. M., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2022). A sexual abuse case series of infants and toddlers by a professional caregiver: A qualitative analysis of parents' experiences during the initial crisis period post-discovery. Child Abuse & Neglect, 125, Article 105460. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105460[details]
Sawyer, A., den Hertog, K., Verhoeff, A. P., Busch, V., & Stronks, K. (2021). Developing the logic framework underpinning a whole-systems approach to childhood overweight and obesity prevention: Amsterdam Healthy Weight Approach. Obesity Science and Practice, 7(5), 591-605. https://doi.org/10.1002/osp4.505[details]
Tsang, V. M. W., Verlinden, E., van Duin, E. M., Twisk, J. W. R., Brilleslijper-Kater, S. N., Gigengack, M. R., Verhoeff, A. P., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2021). The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case: What Scars did it Leave? Long-Term Course of Psychological Problems for Children Who have been Sexually Abused at a Very Young Age, and their Parents. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 52, 891–902 . Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10578-020-01067-5[details]
van de Kop, H., Toussaint, H., Janssen, M., Busch, V., & Verhoeff, A. (2021). Improving Physical Activity Levels in Prevocational Students by Student Participation: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Research Protocols, 10(7), Article e28273. https://doi.org/10.2196/28273[details]
Baron, R., Taye, M., Besseling-van der Vaart, I., Ujcic-Voortman, J. K., Szajewska, H., Seidell, J. C., & Verhoeff, A. (2020). The relationship of prenatal antibiotic exposure and infant antibiotic administration with childhood allergies: a systematic review. BMC Pediatrics, 20, Article 312. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12887-020-02042-8[details]
Rashid, V., Streppel, M. T., Engberink, M. F., Weijs, P. J. M., Nicolaou, M., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2020). Weight development between age 5 and 10 years and its associations with dietary patterns at age 5 in the ABCD cohort. BMC Public Health, 20, Article 427. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-08559-y[details]
Rashid, V., Weijs, P. J. M., Engberink, M. F., Verhoeff, A. P., & Nicolaou, M. (2020). Beyond maternal education: Socio-economic inequalities in children’s diet in the ABCD cohort. PLoS ONE, 15(10), Article e0240423. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240423[details]
Stronks, K., Şekercan, A., Snijder, M., Lok, A., Verhoeff, A. P., Kunst, A. E., & Galenkamp, H. (2020). Higher prevalence of depressed mood in immigrants’ offspring reflects their social conditions in the host country: The HELIUS study. PLoS ONE, 15(6), Article e0234006. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0234006[details]
Waterlander, W. E., Pinzon, A. L., Verhoeff, A., den Hertog, K., Altenburg, T., Dijkstra, C., Halberstadt, J., Hermans, R., Renders, C., Seidell, J., Singh, A., Anselma, M., Busch, V., Emke, H., van dan Eynde, E., van Houtum, L., Nusselder, W. J., Overman, M., van de Vlasakker, S., ... Stronks, K. (2020). A System Dynamics and Participatory Action Research Approach to Promote Healthy Living and a Healthy Weight among 10–14-Year-Old Adolescents in Amsterdam: The LIKE Programme. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(14), Article 4928. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17144928[details]
Flinterman, F., Lauriks, S., de Wit, M., Cremer, S., Fassaert, T., Verhoeff, A., & Manshanden, J. (2019). Mijn Positieve Gezondheid en de Zelfredzaamheid-Matrix. TSG Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen, 97(7-8), 160–164. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-019-00242-x[details]
Sijpkens, M. K., van Voorst, S. F., de Jong-Potjer, L. C., Denktaş, S., Verhoeff, A. P., Bertens, L. C. M., Rosman, A. N., & Steegers, E. A. P. (2019). The effect of a preconception care outreach strategy: the Healthy Pregnancy 4 All study. BMC Health Services Research, 19, Article 60. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-3882-y[details]
Vrolijk-Bosschaart, T. F., Brilleslijper-Kater, S. N., Verlinden, E., Widdershoven, G. A. M., Teeuw, A. H., Voskes, Y., van Duin, E. M., Verhoeff, A. P., de Leeuw, M., Roskam, M. J., Benninga, M. A., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2019). A Descriptive Mixed-Methods Analysis of Sexual Behavior and Knowledge in Very Young Children Assessed for Sexual Abuse: The ASAC Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, Article 2716. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02716[details]
Wittenberg, Y., de Boer, A., Plaisier, I., Verhoeff, A., & Kwekkeboom, R. (2019). Informal caregivers’ judgements on sharing care with home care professionals from an intersectional perspective: the influence of personal and situational characteristics. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 33(4), 1006-1016. https://doi.org/10.1111/scs.12699[details]
van de Kop, J. H., van Kernebeek, W. G., Otten, R. H. J., Toussaint, H. M., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2019). School-Based Physical Activity Interventions in Prevocational Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65(2), 185-194. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.02.022[details]
Rashid, V., Engberink, M. F., van Eijsden, M., Nicolaou, M., Dekker, L. H., Verhoeff, A. P., & Weijs, P. J. M. (2018). Ethnicity and socioeconomic status are related to dietary patterns at age 5 in the Amsterdam born children and their development (ABCD) cohort. BMC Public Health, 18, Article 115. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-017-5014-0[details]
Wittenberg, Y., Kwekkeboom, R., Staaks, J., Verhoeff, A., & de Boer, A. (2018). Informal caregivers’ views on the division of responsibilities between themselves and professionals: A scoping review. Health & Social Care in the Community, 26(4), e460-e473. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/hsc.12529[details]
van Duin, E. M., Verlinden, E., Vrolijk-Bosschaart, T. F., Diehle, J., Verhoeff, A. P., Brilleslijper-Kater, S. N., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2018). Sexual abuse in very young children: a psychological assessment in the Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case study. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 9, Article 1503524. https://doi.org/10.1080/20008198.2018.1503524[details]
Veerman, C. A. C. D., Vuuren, C. L. V., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2017). Hangen gamen en sociale-mediagebruik samen met schoolverzuim? TSG Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen, 95(4), 169-179. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-017-0049-2[details]
Vrolijk-Bosschaart, T. F., Brilleslijper-Kater, S. N., Widdershoven, G. A. M., Teeuw, A. H., Verlinden, E., Voskes, Y., van Duin, E. M., Verhoeff, A. P., de Leeuw, M., Roskam, M. J., Benninga, M. A., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2017). Psychosocial symptoms in very young children assessed for sexual abuse: A qualitative analysis from the ASAC study. Child Abuse & Neglect, 73, 8-23. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.09.001[details]
Vrolijk-Bosschaart, T. F., Brilleslijper-Kater, S. N., Widdershoven, G. A., Teeuw, A. H., Verlinden, E., Voskes, Y., van Duin, E. M., Verhoeff, A. P., Benninga, M. A., & Lindauer, R. J. L. (2017). Physical symptoms in very young children assessed for sexual abuse: a mixed method analysis from the ASAC study. European Journal of Pediatrics, 176, 1365-1374. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00431-017-2996-7[details]
Dijkshoorn, H., Ujcic-Voortman, J. K., Uitenbroek, D. G., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2016). Lagere prevalentie van overgewicht en obesitas onder volwassenen in Amsterdam: Ligt de verklaring in demografische en sociaaleconomische factoren? TSG Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen, 94(6), 227-233. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-016-0081-7[details]
Dijkstra, C., Halberstadt, J., Seidell, J., & Verhoeff, A. (2015). ProefGroen: gezond eten kan ook lekker en duurzaam zijn. In V. Mamadouh, & A. van Wageningen (Eds.), EU@Amsterdam: een stedelijke raad: essays over de Europese stad (pp. 233-240). AUP. [details]
Hartman, M. A., Nierkens, V., Cremer, S. W., Verhoeff, A., & Stronks, K. (2015). Is channel segmentation necessary to reach a multiethnic population with weight-related health promotion? An analysis of use and perception of communication channels. Ethnicity & Health, 20(2), 194-208. https://doi.org/10.1080/13557858.2014.907388[details]
Heideman, W. H., de Wit, M., Middelkoop, B. J. C., Nierkens, V., Stronks, K., Verhoeff, A. P., & Snoek, F. J. (2015). Diabetes risk reduction in overweight first degree relatives of type 2 diabetes patients: Effects of a low-intensive lifestyle education program (DiAlert) A randomized controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling, 98(4), 476-483. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2014.12.008[details]
Dijkshoorn, H., Nicolaou, M., Ujcic-Voortman, J. K., Schouten, G. M., Bouwman-Notenboom, A. J., Berns, M. P. H., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2014). Overweight and obesity in young Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese migrants of the second generation in the Netherlands. Public Health Nutrition, 17(9), 2037-2044. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980013002322[details]
Lindauer, R. J. L., Brilleslijper-Kater, S. N., Diehle, J., Verlinden, E., Teeuw, A. H., Middeldorp, C. M., Tuinebreijer, W., Bosschaart, T. F., van Duin, E., & Verhoeff, A. (2014). The Amsterdam Sexual Abuse Case (ASAC)-study in day care centers: longitudinal effects of sexual abuse on infants and very young children and their parents, and the consequences of the persistence of abusive images on the internet. BMC Psychiatry, 14, Article 295. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-014-0295-7[details]
Schier, A. C., Peen, J., de Wit, M. A. S., van Ameijden, E. J. C., Erdem, Ö., Verhoeff, A. P., Dekker, J. J. M., & Beekman, A. T. F. (2014). Ethnic density is not associated with psychological distress in Turkish-Dutch, Moroccan-Dutch and Surinamese-Dutch ethnic minorities in the Netherlands. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 49(10), 1557-1567. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-014-0852-x[details]
Vuuren, C. L., Reijneveld, S. A., van der Wal, M. F., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2014). Neighbourhood socioeconomic deprivation characteristics in child (0-18) health studies: a review. Health & Place, 29, 34-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2014.05.010[details]
van den Broeke, J., Plochg, T., Schreurs, H., Quak, S., Egberts, M., van der Vorst, E., Verhoeff, A. P., & Stronks, K. (2014). Wat is de werkwijze van zorg- en welzijnsorganisaties in Utrecht en Amsterdam om de hoge zorgconsumptie in achterstandswijken te verlagen? Verslag van een actiebegeleidend onderzoek. TSG Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen, 92(1), 41-51. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12508-014-0016-0[details]
Hartman, M., Nierkens, V., Cremer, S. W., Stronks, K., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2013). A process evaluation: Does recruitment for an exercise program through ethnically specific channels and key figures contribute to its reach and receptivity in ethnic minority mothers? BMC Public Health, 13, Article 768. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-13-768[details]
Schrier, A. C., de Wit, M. A. S., Krol, A., Fassaert, T. J. L., Verhoeff, A. P., Kupka, R. W., Dekker, J., & Beekman, A. T. F. (2013). Similar Associations Between Personality Dimensions and Anxiety or Depressive Disorders in a Population Study of Turkish-Dutch, Moroccan-Dutch, and Native Dutch Subjects. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 201(5), 421-428. https://doi.org/10.1097/NMD.0b013e31828e110d[details]
van Rooij, F. B., ten Haaf, J., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2013). Temporary restraining orders in the Netherlands: a qualitative examination of perpetrator and victim views. Journal of Family Violence, 28(5), 503-514. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-013-9520-2[details]
Ujcic-Voortman, J. K., Bos, G., Baan, C. A., Uitenbroek, D. G., Verhoeff, A. P., & Seidell, J. C. (2011). Ethnic differences in total and HDL cholesterol among Turkish, Moroccan and Dutch ethnic groups living in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. BMC Public Health, 10, Article 740. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-10-740[details]
Fassaert, T., Nielen, M., Verheij, R., Verhoeff, A., Dekker, J., Beekman, A., & de Wit, M. (2010). Quality of care for anxiety and depression in different ethnic groups by family practitioners in urban areas in the Netherlands. General Hospital Psychiatry, 32(4), 368-376. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2010.04.010[details]
Fassaert, T., Peen, J., van Straten, A., de Wit, M., Schrier, A., Heijnen, H., Cuijpers, P., Verhoeff, A., Beekman, A., & Dekker, J. (2010). Ethnic differences and similarities in outpatient treatment for depression in the Netherlands. Psychiatric Services, 61(7), 690-697. https://doi.org/10.1176/ps.2010.61.7.690[details]
Schrier, A. C., de Wit, M. A. S., Rijmen, F., Tuinebreijer, W. C., Verhoeff, A. P., Kupka, R. W., Dekker, J., & Beekman, A. T. F. (2010). Similarity in depressive symptom profile in a population-based study of migrants in the Netherlands. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 45(10), 941-951. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-009-0135-0[details]
Verhoeff, A. P., & Coutinho, R. A. (2010). Immigrant health in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. In D. Vlahov, J. I. Boufford, C. Pearson, & L. Norris (Eds.), Urban health: global perspectives (pp. 59-68). (Public health/vulnerable populations). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. [details]
Fassaert, T., Hesselink, A. E., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2009). Acculturation and use of health care services by Turkish and Moroccan migrants: a cross-sectional population-based study. BMC Public Health, 9(332). https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-9-332[details]
Fassaert, T., de Wit, M. A. S., Tuinebreijer, W. C., Verhoeff, A. P., Beekman, A. J. T. F., & Dekker, J. (2009). Perceived need for mental health care among non-western labour migrants. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 44(3), 208-216. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-008-0418-x[details]
Hesselink, A. E., Verhoeff, A. P., & Stronks, K. (2009). Ethnic health care advisors: A good strategy to improve the access to health care and social welfare services for ethnic minorities? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 34(5), 419-425. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10900-009-9171-7[details]
Ujcic-Voortman, J. K., Schram, M. T., Jacobs-van der Bruggen, M. A., Verhoeff, A. P., & Baan, C. A. (2009). Diabetes prevalence and risk factors among ethnic minorities. European Journal of Public Health, 19(5), 511-515. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckp096[details]
Ujcic-Voortman, J. K., de Wit, M. A. S., Uitenbroek, D. G., Tuinebreijer, W. C., Viet, L., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2009). Lichamelijk onderzoek en diagnostische interviews geïntegreerd in een algemene gezondheidsenquête onder de Amsterdamse multiculturele populatie: de Amsterdamse Gezondheidsmonitor 2004/2005. TSG Tijdschrift voor Gezondheidswetenschappen, 87(8), 351-359. http://vb23.bsl.nl/frontend/index.asp?custom_product_id=1388-7491[details]
Middelkoop, B. J. C., Richardus, J. H., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2016). Uitvoering en organisatie van de bedrijfsgezondheidszorg. In J. P. Mackenbach, & K. Stronks (Eds.), Volksgezondheid en gezondheidszorg (8e ed., pp. 219-242). Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-368-1320-4_6[details]
Vuuren, C. L., van der Wal, M. F., & Verhoeff, A. P. (2015). Extreme obesitas onder basisschoolkinderen: prevalentie en sociaal-emotionele problemen. JGZ: tijdschrift voor jeugdgezondheidszorg, 47(1), 10-15. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12452-015-0004-z[details]
Verhoeff, A. (2010). Zorgen om gezondheid in de grote stad: ontwikkelingen en aanpak. In J. P. Mackenbach (Ed.), Trends in volksgezondheid en gezondheidszorg: liber amicorum voor prof.dr. Paul van der Maas (pp. 65-81). Elsevier Gezondheidszorg. [details]
Verhoeff, A. P., & den Hertog, K. E. (2018). Amsterdam en de strijd tegenovergewicht: de verbinding tussen beleid, praktijk en wetenschap. In L. Gunning-Schepers (Ed.), Heel de Mens: Een leven lang zorgdilemma's (pp. 75-85). Amsterdam: AUP. [details]
Verhoeff, A. P. (2008-2009). Member Scientific Committee, International Urban Health Conference.
Lettink, A., Gubbels, J. S., Arts, J., Verhoeff, A., Altenburg, T. M. & Chinapaw, Mai. J. M. (2022). Additional file 2 of A systematic review of proxy-report questionnaires assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior and/or sleep in young children (aged 0–5 years). figshare Academic Research System. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.19174042.v1
Gubbels, J. S., Lettink, A., Arts, J., Chinapaw, Mai. J. M., Altenburg, T. M. & Verhoeff, A. (2022). A systematic review of proxy-report questionnaires assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior and/or sleep in young children (aged 0–5 years). figshare Academic Research System. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.5842846.v1
Chinapaw, Mai. J. M., Gubbels, J. S., Verhoeff, A., Lettink, A., Arts, J. & Altenburg, T. M. (2022). Additional file 1 of A systematic review of proxy-report questionnaires assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior and/or sleep in young children (aged 0–5 years). figshare Academic Research System. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.19174039.v1
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