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Dr. K. (Koen) Vermeylen

Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Sectie Macro & International Economics
Fotograaf: FEB

  • Roetersstraat 11
  • Kamernummer: 3.73
  • Postbus 15867
    1001 NJ Amsterdam
  • Profile


    Assistant Professor 

    Short Bio

    Koen Vermeylen did his undergraduate studies at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, and holds a M.Sc. in Economics from LSE and a Ph.D. in Economics from MIT.
    Prior work experience includes a summer internship at the World Bank and research at the Economic and Social Institute at the Free University Amsterdam, where he was engaged in a project for the Federal Reserve.


  • Teaching

    Teaching activities

    • Macroeconomics
    • Money and Banking
    • Economic Methodology

    FYI (from my first-year macro courses)

    • Macroeconomic Statistics: Tables and Graphs (Slides)
    • The Great Recession (Slides)


  • Research

    Research interests

    • Macroeconomics and International Economics
    • Environmental Economics and Ecological Economics
    • History of Economic Thought and Methodology

    Recent research

    • How Unfounded Microfoundations Pollute our Thinking and Possibly also the World (PaperSlides)
    • Decreasing Returns to Capital, the Willingness to Pay and the Willingness to Accept Compensation, and the Limits of Cost-Benefit Analysis (PaperSlides)
    • The Interest Rate and Capital Durability, and the Importance of Methodological Pluralism (joint with Roder van Arkel, Paper)
  • Publicaties



    • Vermeylen, K. (2006). Heterogeneous Agents and Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Employment Shocks in a Linearized Dynamic General Equilibrium Model. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 38(3), 837-846. https://doi.org/10.1353/mcb.2006.0048 [details]


    • Beetsma, R. M. W. J., & Vermeylen, K. (2005). Clustering, Optimal Currency Areas, and Macroeconomic Policy. In S. Brakman, & J. H. Garretsen (Eds.), Location and Competition Londen: Routledge.
    • Vermeylen, K. (2005). Job Insecurity, Reallocation and Technological Innovation in a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. Topics in Macroeconomics, 5(1).


    • Beetsma, R. M. W. J., & Vermeylen, K. (2003). Clustering optimale valutagebieden en macro-economisch beleid. In S. Brakman, & J. H. Garretsen (Eds.), Locatie en concurrentie (Preadviezen van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staathuishoudkunde; No. 2003). [s.l.]: KVS. [details]


    • Vermeylen, K. (2001). A Supply and Demand Analysis of a Real Business Cycle Model. Mimeo. [details]
    • Vermeylen, K. (2001). The Effect of Job Destruction and Creation on Uncertainty, Aggregate Consumption and the Business Cycle. In Mimeo, revised version [details]


    • Vermeylen, K. (2013). Non-marginal cost-benefit analysis and the tyranny of discounting. (Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper; No. TI 2013-203/VI). Tinbergen Institute. http://papers.tinbergen.nl/13203.pdf [details]
    • Vermeylen, K. (2013). The consumption discount rate for the distant future (if we do not die out). (Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper; No. TI 2013-201/VI). Tinbergen Institute. http://papers.tinbergen.nl/13201.pdf [details]
    • Vermeylen, K. (2013). The methodology of modern macroeconomics and the descriptive approach to discounting: a thougt experiment. (Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper; No. TI 2013-200/VI). Tinbergen Institute. http://papers.tinbergen.nl/13200.pdf [details]
    • van Arkel, R., & Vermeylen, K. (2013). The interest rate and capital durability, and the importance of methodological pluralism. (Tinbergen Institute Discussion paper; No. TI 2013-202/VI). Tinbergen Institute. http://papers.tinbergen.nl/13202.pdf [details]


    • Vermeylen, K. (2012). Decreasing returns to capital, the willingness to pay and the willingness to accept compensation, and the limits of cost-benefit analysis. University of Amsterdam. http://www1.fee.uva.nl/toe/content/people/content/vermeylen/WTPWTA.pdf [details]
    • Vermeylen, K., & van Arkel, R. (2012). The interest rate and capital durability, and the importance of methodological pluralism. Amsterdam: University of Amsterdam.


    • Vermeylen, K. (2011). How unfounded microfoundations pollute our thinking and possibility also the world. Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]


    • Vermeylen, K. (2010). Discounting the distant future: Why uncertain growth rates matter and uncertain interest rates don't. Universiteit van Amsterdam.
    • Vermeylen, K. (2010). How unfounded microfoundations pollute our thinking and possibly also the world. Universiteit van Amsterdam.


    • Vermeylen, K. (2009). A pertubation of the stochastic growth model with a first-order effect of precautionary saving. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.
    • Vermeylen, K., & van Arkel, R. (2009). Capital durability and the interest rate in a multiple equilibria model. Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.


    • Vermeylen, K. (2008). A perturbation of the stochastic growth model with a first-order effect of precautionary saving. Afdeling Algemene Economie.


    • Vermeylen, K. (2006). The Stochastic Growth and Reallocation Model: A Linearization around a Full Insurance Balanced Growth Path. (Mimeo). Amsterdam: Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.


    • Beetsma, R., & Vermeylen, K. (2002). The effect of monetary unification on public debt and its real return. (CEPR Discussion Paper; No. 3491). Centre for Economic Policy Research. http://www.cepr.org/pubs/dps/DP3491.asp
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