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Dr. J.M. (Marco) de Waard

Amsterdam University College
Amsterdam University College
Fotograaf: Jonas Briels

  • Science Park 113
  • Kamernummer: 3.21
  • Science Park 113
    1098 XG Amsterdam
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  • Profile


    Dr. Marco de Waard is Senior Lecturer in Literary Studies and Cultural Analysis at Amsterdam University College (AUC) and a Research Fellow at the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA). He has been at AUC since 2009, having previously taught literary studies at Utrecht University and English literature at the University of Amsterdam.

    Marco de Waard holds M.A. degrees in English and Comparative Literature (University of Amsterdam) and Nineteenth-Century Studies (University of Sheffield) and obtained his Ph.D. in Intellectual History from the European University Institute in Florence (EUI). While working towards his doctoral degree he spent a semester as visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley.

    At AUC he has served as Acting Head of Studies for the Humanities, as a member of the Board of Examiners, and as Faculty Development Coordinator. In 2010 he received the AUC Teacher of the Year Award.

  • Teaching

    Recent Courses

    HUM312: Rethinking Protest

    HUM361: History of Ideas

    HUM364: Cultural Memory Studies

    HUM203: Author in Context

    HUM161: Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory

  • Publicaties


    • de Waard, M. (2024). Contrary Virtuosos? Paradoxes of a Liminal Figure. Comparative Critical Studies, 21(2-3), 189-204. https://doi.org/10.3366/ccs.2024.0529 [details]
    • de Waard, M. (2024). Staging Division: Power, Violence, and Theatricality in The Baby of Mâcon. Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, 16(1), Article 2318816. https://doi.org/10.1080/20004214.2024.2318816 [details]
    • de Waard, M. (in press). Fictions of (Dis)Incorporation: José Saramago and the People’s Two Bodies. Parallax, 30(1).
    • de Waard, M., Boletsi, M., Farrant, M. W., & Nadkarni, D. (in press). Literature and Public World-Making: Introduction. Parallax, 30(1).



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