Benabbass, S., & Zwanenburg, M. (2024). The Interaction between the Obligation to Warn and other Rules of IHL. Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies, 15(1), 52–82 .[details]
NJB 2024 1794 - 75 jaar NAVO-verdrag klaar voor nieuwe uitdagingen(embargo until 16 March 2025)
Zwanenburg, M. (2024). The Use of OSINT for Military Operations Abroad under International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law. Chinese Journal of International Law, 23(3), 403–442.[details]
Zwanenburg, M. C. (2024). Toledo Polo/Spamje, met noot M. Zwanenburg. Nederlandse Jurisprudentie (NJ), 2024(14).
van de Put, S., & Zwanenburg, M. (2024). The 'Technology War' and International Law: A Legal Perspective on New Technologies Used in the Ukraine Conflict. In M. Rothman, L. Peperkamp, & S. Rietjens (Eds.), Reflections on the Russia-Ukraine War (pp. 397-413). Leiden University Press.[details]
Zwanenburg, M., & van de Put, S. (2023). The Use of Biometrics in Military Operations Abroad and the Right to Private Life. In P. B. M. J. Pijpers, M. Voskuijl, & R. J. M. Beeres (Eds.), Towards a Data-Driven Military: A multidisciplinary perspective (pp. 283-301). (NL ARMS : Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies; Vol. 2022). Leiden University Press.[details]
Cymutta, S., Zwanenburg, M., & Oling, P. (2022). Military Data and Information Sharing - A European Union Perspective. In T. Jančárková, G. Visky, & I. Winther (Eds.), 2022 14th International Conference on Cyber Conflict: Keep Moving (pp. 219-234). (CyCon). CCCDCOE.[details]
Zwanenburg, M. (2022). The role of military legal advisers in targeting: a perspective from the Netherlands. Revue de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre = The Military Law and Law of War Review, 60(1), 31-46.[details]
Zwanenburg, M. (2022). UN Peace Operations, International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law. In R. Kolb, G. Gaggioli, & P. Kilibarda (Eds.), Research Handbook on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law: Further Reflections and Perspectives (pp. 91-110). (Research Handbooks in Human Rights). Edward Elgar Publishing. Advance online publication.[details]
Zwanenburg, M. (2022). [Review of: A. Cohen, D. Zlotogorski (2021) Proportionality in International Humanitarian Law: Consequences, Precautions, and Procedures]. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 20(3), 1405-1409.[details]
Tan, F., & Zwanenburg, M. (2021). One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? <i>Georgia v Russia (II)</i>, European Court of Human Rights, Appl No 38263/08. Case note on: ECHR, 21/01/21, 38263/08, ECLI:CE:ECHR:2021:0121JUD003826308 (Georgia v Russia (II)). Melbourne Journal of International Law, 22(1), 136-155. [details]
Zwanenburg, M. (2021). Keeping Camouflage Out of the Classroom: The Safe Schools Declaration and the Guidelines for Protecting Schools and Universities from Military Use During Armed Conflict. Journal of Conflict and Security Law, 26(2), 255-288. Advance online publication.[details]
Zwanenburg, M. C. (2021). The Requirement of Effective Control in the Law of Occupation. In R. Bartels, J. C. van den Boogaard, P. A. L. Ducheine, E. Pouw, & J. Voetelink (Eds.), Military Operations and the Notion of Control Under International Law : Liber Amicorum Terry D. Gill (pp. 263-280). Asser Press. Advance online publication.[details]
Zwanenburg, M. C. (2021). The “External Element” of the Obligation to Ensure Respect for the Geneva Conventions: A Matter of Treaty Interpretation. International Law Studies (Naval War College), 97, 621 - 650.
Zwanenburg, M. C., & Bartels, R. J. (2021). Enkele opmerkingen naar aanleiding van het vonnis van de rechtbank Den Haag in de zaak van IS-propagandiste Yousra L: deelname aan een criminele organisatie en de interactie tussen het humanitair oorlogsrecht en het strafrecht. Nederlands tijdschrift voor strafrecht, 2(4), 239-246. Article 62.[details]
Gill, T. D., Fleck, D., Boothby, W. H., Vanheusden, A., Benatar, M., Jorritsma, R., Abbott, R. H., Andersen, J., Appelman, S., Baele, C., de Boer, T., Boeva, A., Breda, G., de Brouwer, A-M., Dembele, C., Ditrichová-Ochmannová, P., Ferraro, T., Heintschel von Heinegg, W., Klappe, B., ... Zwanenburg, M. (2017). Leuven Manual on the International Law Applicable to Peace Operations: prepared by an international Group of Experts at the invitation of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War. Cambridge University Press.[details]
Boddens Hosang , H., Zwanenburg, M., & Wijngaards, N. (2005). Humans, Agents and International Humanitarian Law: Dilemmas in Target Discrimination. In IAAIL Workshop Series: LEA 2005 (Vol. 5). Wolf Legal Publishers.
Zwanenburg, M. (2022). Het recht tijdens militaire operaties in het licht van technologische ontwikkelingen. [details]
Zwanenburg, M. (19-09-2024). Aanval op Hezbollah oorlogsmisdaad of geoorloofde sabotage-actie? [Print] NRC. Aanval op Hezbollah oorlogsmisdaad of geoorloofde sabotage-actie?.
Zwanenburg, M. (19-09-2024). De ontploffende piepers in Libanon vanuit het oorlogsrecht [Radio] Jong Juridisch podcast. De ontploffende piepers in Libanon vanuit het oorlogsrecht.
Zwanenburg, M. (13-06-2024). Vrijspraak oorlogsmisdaden in Afghanistan is ‘bitter’ voor slachtoffers van man uit Kerkrade [Web] de Limburger. Vrijspraak oorlogsmisdaden in Afghanistan is ‘bitter’ voor slachtoffers van man uit Kerkrade.
Zwanenburg, M. (01-04-2024). In gesprek met Marten Zwanenburg [Web] Novum magazine, tijdschrift van de juridische faculteit van de universiteit Leiden. in gesprek met Marten Zwanenburg.
Zwanenburg, M. (27-10-2023). Hoe ver gaat het recht van zelfverdediging voor een land? BNNVara Alledaagse Vragen. Hoe ver gaat het recht op zelfverdediging van een land?.
Zwanenburg, M. (26-05-2023). ‘Belgorod’ kan levering wapens aan Oekraine in gevaar brengen [Print] NRC. ‘Belgorod’ kan levering wapens aan Oekraine in gevaar brengen.
Zwanenburg, M. (04-04-2022). Kan Poetin worden vervolgd voor oorlogsmisdaden? [Print] De Limburger. Kan Poetin worden vervolgd voor oorlogsmisdaden?.
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker), Trampert, J. (speaker) & Voetelink, J. (speaker) (26-11-2024). HILAC lecture: the F-35 parts export case: international legal implications, HILAC lecture: the F-35 parts export case: international legal implications, the Hague.
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker) (22-11-2024). The obligation to ensure respect for IHL: the ins and outs of the obligation, 24th Bruges colloquium on International Humanitarian Law, Bruges.
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker) (13-9-2024). Ensuring compliance with the fourth Geneva Convention, 47th Round Table on current issues of IHL, San Remo.
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker) (11-9-2024). JDEAL and legal aspects of collection of evidence of war crimes, Event to celebrate 10th anniversary of the Joint Deployable Exploitation and Analysis Laboratory, organised by the European Defence Agency, Soesterberg.
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker) (27-6-2024). The protection of personal data in military operations, 7th military cross-border data protection workshop, The Hague.
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker) (25-4-2024). Preventing 'repeat mistakes' in war, Roundtable on preventing 'repeat mistakes' in war, the Hague.
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker) (14-3-2024). Ai in internationale betrekkingen en gewapende conflicten, Plantijn lezing Societeit Minerva: CTRL + Future: de impact van AI op de maatschappij, Leiden.
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker) (7-11-2023). The Personal Scope of Application of GC IV: The Issue of Unprivileged Belligerents, Lieber Workshop 2023: Civilian Protection in Armed Conflict: Select Issues, West Point.
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker) (9-10-2023). The law of occupation, EU Assistance Mission for Ukraine (EUAM).
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker) (16-5-2023). Targeting, onderscheidend optreden, proportionaliteit en bijzondere objecten, The Netherlands Ministry of Defence.
Zwanenburg, M. (speaker) (3-11-2022). Humanitair oorlogsrecht in Nederland: recente ontwikkelingen en actuele kwesties, Humanitair oorlogsrecht congres Nederlands Rode kruis, The Hague.
Zwanenburg, M. (participant) (6-11-2024 - 7-11-2024). Rules of engagement for military artificial intelligence, the Hague (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zwanenburg, M. (participant), Cymutta, S. (organiser) & van de Put, S. (organiser) (7-5-2024 - 8-5-2024). The law applicable to the use of biometrics by armed forces, Tallinn (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zwanenburg, M. (participant) (25-1-2024). book launch "The use of force and the international legal system", Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
Zwanenburg, M. (participant) & Pijpers, P. (organiser) (19-1-2024). Book launch Influence operations in cyberspace and the applicability of international law, Amsterdam. ACIL Book launch "Influence operations in cyberspace and the applicability of international law" (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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