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From April, De Goede Gesprekken, the podcast in which dean Marieke de Goede talks to people in and around the faculty, will also be programmed live. A 'goed gesprek' on location and accessible to visitors. This first edition is dedicated to the exhibition 'Cross-Pollinations: Art and the Petunia Collection' in VOX-POP, with FNWI dean Peter van Tienderen and FGw researchers Gaston Franssen and Kasia Lech joining to talk about cross-pollinations and interdisciplinarity between different branches of science. The talk will be in English and lunch will be provided.
Event details of Sign up for De Goede Gesprekken Live
6 April 2023
12:00 -13:00
BG 3

You can register for the first Goede Gesprekken Live below. In connection with catering, we would like to hear if you are joining us for lunch.

Cross-Pollinations: Art and the Petunia Collection

The first edition of De Goede Gesprekken Live: Cross-Pollinations and Interdisciplinarity in Science is part of the public programme of the exhibition Cross-Pollinations: Art and the Petunia Collection on view at VOX-POP from 30 March to 13 April. Based on artistic research, the exhibition explores the permeable boundaries between humanities and natural sciences, discourse and matter, and plant and human worlds. Cross-Pollinations is part of a collaboration between FGw and FNWI and includes a digital platform and a physical exhibition. The exhibition in VOX-POP can be visited on weekdays between 10:00 and 17:00.

BG 3

Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam