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During a symposium organised by the Van Gogh Museum on 21 June, the publication 'Van Gogh’s Sunflowers Illuminated. Art Meets Science' was presented. This publication contains the most significant results of an international study on the condition of the painting 'Sunflowers' led by Ella Hendriks, professor of Conservation and Restoration at the UvA.
Axel Rüger, Director of the Van Gogh Museum, announces in the museum’s conservation studio together with restorers Ella Hendriks and René Boitelle that Sunflowers will no longer travel due to its fragile condition (photo: Van Gogh Museum)

Various members of the research team shared their findings during the Sunflowers symposium. The study's goal was to use the latest scientific techniques to gather as much information as possible about the canvas, the ground, the paint layers, and the painting's previous restorations. The research was conducted from 2016 on and was led by Ella Hendriks, in collaboration with the universities of Antwerp, Perugia and Torun (Poland) and the Cultural Heritage Agency.

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