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Anna-Rose Shack, Jasmijn Leeuwenkamp and Heleen de Vries have received funding for their doctoral research at the UvA through the NWO programme PhDs in the Humanities. Financiers are the Programme Office Sustainable Humanities and the NWO domain Social Sciences and Humanities.

The accepted proposals:

Anna-Rose Shack

Research school: Amsterdam School for Historical Studies

Languages of Vulnerability in Early Modern Women's Poetry
Looking at how poetry articulates subjectivity in construction, this thesis is concerned with how early modern female poets represent and articulate vulnerable selfhood in lyric poetry. Situating itself in critical discussions on selfhood and gender in early modernity, this thesis reflects on patriarchal discourses of control that governed women and the female body. The research argues that for early modern female poets selfhood is not only complicated by tension between self-sufficiency and interpersonal relationships, but is contingent on vulnerability itself.

Supervisors: prof. dr. Carrol Clarkson and dr. Kristine Johanson

Jasmijn Leeuwenkamp

Research school: Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis

Human Rights and the Anthropocene; Thinking Through the Implications of the Critique of Anthropocentrism for Universal Rights
This project rethinks human rights from a non-anthropocentric perspective. It analyzes the implications of the critique of anthropocentrism by eco-philosophers such as Bruno Latour and Donna Haraway for the human rights framework. It focuses in particular on their understanding of human-nonhuman relations as ‘earthbounded’ and its implications for human-human relations. The aim is to reconceptualize the ethical and political foundations of human rights beyond anthropocentrism, without undermining the normative power of universal rights. The project involves case studies about Urgenda, the Embassy of the North Sea and the Dakota Access Pipeline, where questions of ecological and social justice are interconnected.

Supervisors: prof. dr. Yolande Jansen and prof. dr. Huub Dijstelbloem

Heleen de Vries 

Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication

Numerical development in Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) often have difficulties with counting and mathematics, but the cause of these problems is still unknown. This project aims to investigate how these numeracy deficits relate to DLD. First, we want to know if children with DLD can use linguistic rules in their number system. Two languages (Russian, Dutch) will be compared, as the transparency of the rule system could be of influence. Furthermore, we will investigate whether statistical learning can explain deficiencies in numeracy. Insight into numeracy development in DLD can contribute to better diagnosis and treatment of the disorder.

Supervisors: prof. dr. Judith Rispens, dr. Caitlin Meyer and dr. Alla Peeters-Podgaevskaja

PhDs in the Humanities

The grants are part of the NWO programme PhDs in the Humanities. The programme’s goal is to boost the influx and advancement of young Humanities talent. A total of 3.2 million euros was awarded in this funding round. The institution that submitted the application provides a matching contribution of at least 20% for each project that is awarded funding.