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Professor Rajamani Krishna of the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences features in the 2018 list of the world’s 'Most Influential Scientific Minds' compiled by Clarivate Analytics. Krishna is the only Dutch researcher in the chemistry category of the authoritative listing.
Rajamani Krishna. Image: HIMS.

The citation based listing contains scientists whose research has had significant global impact within their respective fields of study. It contains 4,058 researchers, identified by their fellow researchers, in the sciences and social sciences. A total of 261 researchers worldwide are listed in the chemistry category. New in the 2018 listing are another 2,020 Highly Cited Researchers identified as having exceptional performance across several fields.

Improving processes with molecular insights

Throughout his career, Rajamani Krishna has focused on improving technologies related to reaction and separation by means of investigating physico-chemical phenomena at the molecular and microscopic levels. His research interests range from molecular modelling and bubble and particle dynamics to reactor scale up and process synthesis.

Krishna has developed crucial unifying concepts in multicomponent diffusion and multiphase hydrodynamics that have provided many improvements in technologies concerning distillation, recovery of oil from shale, fluidized catalytic cracking, catalytic reforming, hydroprocessing, and hydrocracking. A major achievement has been the development of design and scale up procedures for Fischer-Tropsch slurry reactors. In recent years Rajamani Krishna has contributed to many research projects in the field of metal-organic framework (MOF) separations. Just a few weeks ago papers appeared in Science and Nature Materials describing MOF research to which he contributed.

Articles, patents and prizes

Krishna has published two text books of which one has been translated into Chinese, more than 500 peer-reviewed journal articles, and holds several patents. According to the latest statistics on Google scholar, his publications have been cited more than 39,000 times, with an h-index of 105. 

Krishna has received several awards for his scientific contributions, including the Akzo Nobel Science Award in 1997, and the prestigious ENI award in 2013 for his research theme Improving Process Technologies with Molecular Insights.