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The Dutch consortium ‘Advanced Nano-electrochemistry Institute Of the Netherlands (ANION)’ has been awarded Gravitation funding of 23.6 million euros by the Dutch Research Council NWO. The van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) at the University of Amsterdam is one of the partners in this consortium, which is led by Leiden University. ANION will focus on research into electrochemical processes that are crucial to the energy transition.
Artist’s impression of an electrochemical interface at the nanoscale. ANION brings together advanced tools from various chemistry and physics disciplines to arrive at a deep microscopic understanding of electrochemical interfaces. Image: Leiden University.

The large-scale energy transition of our society requires efficient electrochemical processes for generating, converting, and storing sustainable energy. Developing and improving such processes demands in-depth knowledge of electrochemical phenomena at the smallest scale. ANION will conduct a multidisciplinary, fundamental research program where chemists and physicists cooperate to obtain this knowledge. This will lay the foundation for new efficient electrochemical technologies designed to dramatically reduce humanity's carbon footprint.

Contributing HIMS expertise

At the Van ’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, multiple researchers will contribute their expertise to the ANION fundamental research. Formal ANION partner is Prof. Peter Bolhuis of Computational Chemistry who will perform research in Multiscale Modelling and Simulation. Other contributions are made by Prof. Evert Jan Meijer (Molecular Simulations, in particular electrochemical reactivity), Bernd Ensing (Multiscale simulation and AI for Sustainable Molecules & Materials),  Dr Amanda Garcia (Electrocatalysis and Electro-organic Synthesis), and Sander Woutersen (Physical Chemistry and IR spectroscopy). In addition, Dr Emilia Olsson (Institute of Physics) will contribute with her research into Condensed Matter Theory. The planned research is connected with the current research efforts in AMCEL, the Amsterdam Centre for Electrochemistry.

The ANION consortium consists of Prof. Marc Koper (Leiden University, coordinator) Prof. Petra de Jongh (Utrecht University), Prof. Moniek Tromp (University of Groningen), Prof. Huib Bakker (AMOLF), Prof. Serge Lemay (University of Twente) and Prof. Peter Bolhuis (University of Amsterdam). The gravitation project will run for the coming ten years. Read more about the project: The energy transition under the nanoscope: Gravitation funding for ANION project.

About the Gravitation programme

The Gravitation programme is financed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). The Dutch Research Council (NWO) selects the research groups on behalf of the OCW. The funding allows researchers to conduct 10 years of high-level university research and to collaborate on an interdisciplinary basis. One of the pillars of the programme is cooperation across disciplines and universities. The scientists jointly set up excellent scientific research programmes.

In total the seven consortia will receive Gravitation grants amounting to more than 160 million euros. 

See also