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The digital society presents a variety of new challenges and opportunities. In her inaugural lecture, Professor Dr. Jessica Piotrowski underscores the power of collaborative efforts among researchers, educators, students, and stakeholders in navigating the challenges and opportunities of the digital society.
Event details of Found in Translation
18 April 2024

In her inaugural lecture titled "Found in Translation," Professor dr. Jessica Taylor Piotrowski – Chair, Communication in the Digital Society – reflects on her personal journey and professional insights navigating the digital society. Highlighting the critical role of translation, both literal and metaphorical, Piotrowski’s talk underscores the importance of collaborative efforts among researchers, educators, students, and stakeholders in shaping resilient digital societies.

Anchored in examples from her work on how youth develop in today’s digital world, Piotrowski’s talk reflects on the transformative power of education; the value and challenge in applying research to real-world questions; and the opportunities that can be found within interdisciplinary collaboration. Piotrowski's narrative offers a guiding framework and tangible strategies for educators, researchers, and practitioners to help achieve a more inclusive and resilient digital future.  

The lecture will be delivered in English and can be followed live here.  

Aula - Lutherse kerk

Singel 411
1012 WN Amsterdam