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A warm welcome to all new students, the perfect start to your time at the UvA and to your studies, getting to know the city and each other. These are the goals of Intreeweek at the UvA. The Intreeweek Board, comprising seven students, has managed to create a great programme, despite the limitations caused by the corona measures. Intreeweek starts on Monday, 24 August.

Every Intreeweek requires a huge amount of organisation, with preparations beginning a year in advance. The Intreeweek Board had been planning for almost eight months when it became clear that the corona measures would probably mean that an ‘ordinary’ Intreeweek could not go ahead.

‘A huge downer,’ says Wouter Christiaansen, chairman of the Board. ‘We suddenly had to switch to a completely new assignment: an online Intreeweek. But how do you create the best digital Intreeweek for prospective students, regardless of whether they are in Amsterdam or not?’

‘The students of the Board have succeeded in creating an excellent programme in a very short time,’ says Helena van der Steege of Student Services, who assists the Board each year in their preparations. ‘I am incredibly proud of them and admire their enthusiasm, resilience and creativity. It is certain to be great alternative Intreeweek!’

What’s on the programme?

The programme can be found on the ‘Introduction online platform’. First-year students can take part in: tours of the UvA campuses, virtual tours of Amsterdam museums, masterclasses and workshops by Dutch celebrities and UvA alumni, workshops by CREA and USC, and an escape room. In addition to a full online programme, there will also be small-scale physical events in the city. In small groups, students can participate in bicycle tours, a museum visit, a cabaret evening in the theatre, and a classical concert in the Concertgebouw. Many of these activities will also be livestreamed for students who cannot come to Amsterdam.

As happens every year, participants will be divided into groups with two supervisors per group (senior students from the same educational programme as the group members). Where possible, these supervisors will continue to play a mentor or buddy role for the freshmen after the start of the academic year. As with previous years, the faculty programme introductions will also be given a place within Intreeweek.