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Update 5.10 pm: Online exams will take place tomorrow. The login system is working properly again, so the expectation is that students will be able to log in to TestVision as normal tomorrow.

The problem with the login system appears to have been a one-time issue, the exact cause of which we have not been able to determine at this time. There is no suggestion that a capacity problem or overload was the cause. The authorisation system began working properly again around 1.30 pm this afternoon and it is expected that it will continue to work normally even when running at high capacity. It has therefore been decided - in the interest of the students - that the exams can take place tomorrow. It goes without saying that the systems will be closely monitored from 8.00 am onwards tomorrow.

Previous reporting:

Due to a login malfunction, a number of UvA applications and services, including Canvas, Zoom, SAP, SIS and the employee sites, have not been accessible since this morning. Unfortunately, all online exams using TestVision that were scheduled to be held today had to be cancelled. A decision about tomorrow’s exams will be made at the end of this afternoon.

The problem is occurring during the authorisation process (CAS), which checks whether the person logging in actually is that person. ICTS immediately began investigating the cause of the malfunction and is working hard to resolve it. Although the cause has not yet been ascertained, logging in to a number of applications – including Canvas - seems to be possible once again. This does not yet apply to the digital testing area.

The UvA finds this situation extremely unfortunate; thousands of students have not been able to take their exams and will now have to catch up at a later date. The various study programmes affected will try to inform students about when this will be possible as soon as they can.

As soon as more information becomes available, an update to this post will follow. Students will also receive a direct message from their study programme or the Teaching Logistics Office.