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In view of the corona crisis, the 14 Dutch universities have opted to lower the standard for the binding study advice (BSA) this academic year by 10-15%. For the UvA, this means that students who started their study in the academic year 2020 - 2021 and who have achieved 6 ECs fewer than the BSA standard will still be admitted to the next academic year. Broadly speaking, first-year students need to complete one major subject less in order to continue.
Photo: Ilsoo van Dijk

In addition, it remains possible for universities to further adjust the rules of the BSA at programme level if necessary. For example, if a study programme is really unable to provide (practical) subjects. The pre-existing regulations also offer the possibility of making exceptions for individual students who have run into difficulties, and this will naturally continue to be the case.

All universities keep data on the progress of students in their programmes. This data show that there have been very few study delays in the past year. The universities therefore consider it important not to scrap the entire BSA. But it is also the case that student welfare is under considerable pressure, and that will not be improved by the extension of the lockdown announced earlier this week.

That is why the universities have decided to lower the BSA under these special circumstances. In addition, we will continue to do our utmost to help students with the problems they are now experiencing as a result of the corona measures.